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    TwinStar team

Premade ques


New Member
Apr 28, 2016
The frequency in which solo que players get stuck against premades is a little absurd. I've bg'd all week and 90% of the time I paired against the same ally premade over and over again. Not only does a fresh 60 have a huge gear disadvantage, but the bg system is supposed to pair based on group que which it doesn't seem it is doing to me.
A system like this would destroy pvp, and promote wintrading. Just like it did on nostalrius when they had this system in place.

Fact of the matter is that premades do have longer queuetimes already.
It's basically destroyed anyways, unless you go premade vs premade. It is not PVP. It's just a premade farming udnergeared pugs. If that's what you consider pvp, guess the definition is broad and open to interpretation.
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but the bg system is supposed to pair based on group que

To my knowleage there was never such a system in vanilla, burden of proof is on you since you are making the claims there was.

The way i remember it was it moved from the current system to 5 man max queue in TBC or Wrat. These are the two BIG changes to how the queue system worked in retail.

The premades already have longer queues since they NEED a new bg to open to be able to get a queue pop.

The system you are proposing was tried by the Nostalrius crew. It only led to wintrading and empty games, aka it's a bad system.

I don't understand how you could make it to 60 and be suprised that this is how ranking works in vanilla. The game is 15 years old it shouldn't come as a suprise..
This thread is cancer and needs to be purged soon.

There never was a mechanic in vanilla which paired premades against premades specifically.

Astoryofus might be a dick about it, but at least he's right. OP can't claim at least that much.

As he said, go educate yourself.

In this case: Just because premades end(ed) up playing a bunch of games against premades from time to time - to claim there is a mechanic which promotes this is wrong.
I see where you are coming from OP and really understand your irritation.
Premades are fun and premades ruin fun. Both equally imo.

System won't change and players won't change. The only thing you can do is suck it up and try to get a stable and solid group/friends to PvP with. Good luck.
Do not blame the queue system, blame the trash Horde "premades" that dodge us because they are shit at 11 yr old game

If they didn't dodge, both factions puggers would spend less time getting stomped.
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