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    TwinStar team

Prevent Kronos Downfall


Oct 20, 2014
Disclaimer: Please only use this thread for giving feedback/suggestions in order to save Kronos from becoming a lag fest.
No bashing of Nostalrius players or useless offtopic discussions.

With Nostalrius getting shut down, we need to make sure Kronos does not get doomed by the same fate and prevent it from becoming a lag fest.

I'd like to use this thread for giving suggestions in order to prevent that from happening and give the community a chance to ask questions to the developers concerning this issue.


- Instantly lock the account creation for Kronos once we get a certain peak of population, until we are sure who many players Kronos can actually handle (not in theory but in reality this time). I rather have a solid population of 3k than a lagfest...

- Give the community new ways to donate in order to provide for new hardware (Give them information about the new setup / make it more transparent)

- Prevent the 'Invasion of Chinese'. No racism intended lol?. But we all know what happend on Nost with all the bots and afk players in BG's

- Be careful when it comes to recruiting new GM's / Developers...


- How is the legal status for Kronos having the sever located in Sweden and the twinstar team in CZ? Could we get doomed aswell?

- If you would introduce a queue system on the login server, is it possible to give the people with certain stats (playtime, account creation date etc.) a advantage over new players?

- How many players can Kronos handle with the current setup?

- Are there any plans from the developers concerning this issue so far?
The nostalrius news came last night, and u can bet ur ass there wont be any announcement before there's been a kronos staff meeting. So don't think nothing is being discussed behind the scenes just cous we dont see Chero spraypainting the forums with info about what this means for Kronos in the long term. I am sure this topic will grab a few pages quite soon with people all hyped up, so my message is: take it easy.

Secondly, you can also rest assured that if there are any, however miniscule loopholes in the laws that may, possibly, arguable, cause kronos to be in a pickle - then you won't ever hear about them from any representative from kronos. So it makes no sense to even ask the question, although i understand the concern.
so my message is: take it easy.

Sometimes you just have to act fast to prevent further damage...Kronos been to rough times.
We finally built up a decent population and I guess noone wants to lose their experience by having to play with lag.

Of course there won't be 12k players coming over, but it will still be a lot.
Naice J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of nosters entering Kronos until our server's representatives can figure out what's going on.

Not trying to be comic, by the way (well, maybe a bit) - I am dead serious. Letting everyone from Nost join, even at 1x rate leveling without any events, will threaten this server in several ways with very little upside for us. Not good!
no xp events
donations for new hardware
5k realm cap
doubble-checking the laws and shit to make sure we don't suffer from same fate.

That's pretty much it...
cap is not the way to go unless you have several realms. I wont wait 2 hours in que just to miss my scheduled raid nights. In that case just let 60 players have priority over levelers.

And yes, i do not want overpop either, kek.
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These are hard times and im afraid Twinstar team have to make decisions that will decide the future of this server. I would suggest

- Cap Kronos pop to 3-3.5k(or the limit we can handle, we will have an idea about this soon i guess)
- Make a PvE realm
- Take steps to prevent 1 person logging 50 spy/summon alts and preventing others from playing
- Recruit GMs/Devs from Nost that had a good reputation. Think its time for vanilla community to stick together
- Take note of industrial gold/rank selling in Nost, dont let it happen in Kronos.
- Prepare for any possible lawsuits against us. (by having backups on another country?)

Thats pretty much all i can think of. Please decide for the best of the server and community. Kind regards.
Isn't it ironic how some time ago it was a discussion about "how to prevent Kronos to die from lack of players" which suddendly turned into "how to prevent Kronos to die through massive afflux of players" ? :p
Akka you're both right and wrong.
The population is not bad now tho and it would be even better with 1000 more on each side but not more then that, but tbh I dont think that many will start instantly here now unless there will be a 'refugee hype' but we'll probably get more and more players by time so kronos can prepare even tho it already can t ake 1-2k players per side as we saw a year ago.
So I wouldnt worry about that i'm just worried about more goldsellers, exploiters, powervlvlers for irl money industry incoming.
I think another realm should be created and at certain population reached login to first realm should be blocked for new accounts like Twinstar did it in WotLK times when they split realm.
I think another realm should be created and at certain population reached login to first realm should be blocked for new accounts like Twinstar did it in WotLK times when they split realm.
Dude.. chill.
Let them test how much the realm can take before lag, I guess at 2,5k per side maximum.
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If connections behind proxy are prohibited, is there a way to ban players doing so?
not letting people from nost play here is the dumbest idea I've ever read. Just add another PvE server you can't play this game with a low population...the higher the better...If nost would of relocated their host it wouldn't of died.
A hard cap on accounts/login is a great idea. Many players have invested a lot of time into Kronos, making sure that we had a solid core of players. Long waits in server q, low 60s pop and generally poor quality of nosters is going to scare off all the original players.

We were dedicated to this server when it was small, show us some favor now, please.

Revoke accounts created in the last 24-48 hours. Put a cap on account creation at 15-20 acc/day until this surge wears off?

The decisions that devs/gms make about this server right now will determine what Kronos will become in a big way.

Good luck Kronos team! This isn't an easy decision, but it is a vital one.
I'm sure the staff is currently racking their brain on how to handle the sudden influx of new people. Rather than funneling thousands of people onto Kronos, I think one solution might be - and this only if resources allow it - is to open a second vanilla server.

The existing population on Kronos after the 7x event was already nearing "healthy", I would say. It could use some more, but not thousands more. Nos proved that while having a high population is nice, overpopulation is not. Even ignoring the lag that comes with it, having 10k people simply does not create a healthy play environment. Incessant ganking to the point of the unplayable, a ruined economy and every farming spot overfarmed to hell. It's not a scenario I wish to see repeated on Kronos.

Going by the sheer amount of players nos had, and a complete lack of any other real alternatives other than Kronos right now as far as 1.12.1 servers are concerned, I do not think a 2nd server would end up a ghost town. Fresh servers are always attractive and there are currently many people looking for a new home. A second server can provide that and I feel like, if Twinstar doesn't, someone else will (especially with Nos releasing their code). But even if some else does, the bridging period between now and then can be enough to turn Kronos into Hell.
Re: Prevent Blizzard from shutting down Kronos

Not to good I guess. The guy(s) behind piratebay is in swedish prison atm.
Re: Prevent Blizzard from shutting down Kronos

I hope Chero and the other awesome devs have some kind of back-up plan, like relocating to Finland or another safe place, if Sweden ends up not being safe. I'd definitely donate to help a relocation effort if it came to that, to protect the server. We can't let the vanilla community be eradicated...
Re: Prevent Blizzard from shutting down Kronos

I doubt Blizz have any power in Russia as well. Afaik, Rebirth is there now. But yup, Finland is closer.
Re: Prevent Blizzard from shutting down Kronos

It'd be great if a relocation to a country safe from Blizzard was made and could be funded by the playerbase here, I would personally donate hundreds of Euros if it came to that in order to save Kronos. I'm just finding my place here and I don't want this place to be destroyed (I was never on Nost, but I fear that Sweden may not be safe based on reading about The Pirate Bay...)
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