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    TwinStar team

[PvP] K1 vs K2


New Member
Apr 27, 2016
Hello Everyone,

My main question here is: How is the PvP situation comparing the two servers K1 vs K2?

I am quite new to the Twinstar scene and I lvled a char to 60 on K1 [HORDE Side]. I mainly focus on PvP in WoW, but what I see on K1 is quite sad. Endless WSG grinds with no signs of actual PvP; no AB; only very little AV; World PvP?

Is the situation different on K2? Is it worth leveling a new char just for better PvP.

OR Is there a PvP focused guild on K1 that would prove me wrong about the PvP situation?

Any information is welcome.
I traded a char on K2 for that reason and tried some PUG games the last days.

What I found is:

- situation is even worse - game were most of the time <8 horde pug vs. 10 ally premade
- ally premades finished games in 6-8 min every time and camped the GY
- atleast on K1 the premades on ally side had some respect with waiting for the 10 min and not farming GY

- only positiv might be: you won't get crushed by full T2 equiped PVE heroes

So, if you're planning on puging on K2 as well, don't even bother.
People say K1 is dead, but there is definitely enough WPvP if you know where to find it. Searing Gorge/BRM + Silithus offers a lot of it. I've done 0 BGs this week.

People say K1 is dead, but there is definitely enough WPvP if you know where to find it. Searing Gorge/BRM + Silithus offers a lot of it. I've done 0 BGs this week.


Exactly! Yesterday i was in silithus with a friend and scored almost 50 kills within 1,5 hours.
People say K1 is dead, but there is definitely enough WPvP if you know where to find it. Searing Gorge/BRM + Silithus offers a lot of it. I've done 0 BGs this week.


I guess it helps to have a clan or something to support the WPvP, my usual experience here was just me getting wrecked by geared up parties.
I will try this more, but I still dislike the situation with BGs -> NO Rep -> No rewards (weapons).

What is the usual traffic of ppl in peak and off-peak hours?
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