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    TwinStar team

Regarding the announcement


New Member
Oct 25, 2016
I dont unterstand the Kronos announcement ..They say that a merge is difficult since the servers are sitting at different points in the vanilla timeline but instead of trying to get k2 closer to k1 so that a merge would be possible they speed up the naxxramas release on K1 which makes it even more difficult to merge in the future ( and a merge will probably be needed after nost/elysium opens).

Why not just freeze the content on K1, release AQ on K2 and then merge?

This is literally the only way to save Kronos.
I dont unterstand the Kronos announcement ..They say that a merge is difficult since the servers are sitting at different points in the vanilla timeline but instead of trying to get k2 closer to k1 so that a merge would be possible they speed up the naxxramas release on K1 which makes it even more difficult to merge in the future ( and a merge will probably be needed after nost/elysium opens).

Why not just freeze the content on K1, release AQ on K2 and then merge?

This is literally the only way to save Kronos.

Then I think you didn't understand the announcement at all. They are actually speeding the content on KII, and <<preparing>> the content for KI, so a merge is possible. They actually took my suggestion :wink:
Ok. Let's say a miracle happens and The War Effort on K2 takes...4 months. But wait, isn't K1 supposed to be getting Naxx around that time? What are they going to do? Merge and then release AQ AND Naxx at the same time on one server?? K2 players would want time to farm AQ for a while also before any kind of merge. The timelines are completely incompatible unless they're prepared to skip The War Effort; which they're not prepared to do. On the other hand they can freeze the timeline on K1 for 6 months but really, who is going to stick around for that?

Yesterdays non-announcements are the final nail in the coffin. It looks to me like they've given up on K1. Maybe that's fair enough. Business is business. If you've got 3000 players on one server and 300 on the other the bigger ones needs come first. I'm glad to know this now though rather than sticking around in the hopes that something changes.
Maybe they are adding the Blizzlike auto completion to the war effort so its max 2 months? I'm praying they are because that would be a decent solution. Either way we need to have people running the census daily for the week leading up to Elynosts release so we have accurate evidence on the impact to Kronos.
I'm guessing their top admins instituted a policy of removing population #s to reduce risk from blizzard takedowns and such. Not a terrible idea, but I echo your frustration since pop going down, staying even, going up would be something I'd love to know
You don't need any population counter tool to taste the situation; for instance my relatively new born guild is already raid logging, while most of them are having fun on some other TBC server. Also the guild leaders are having an hard time finding new people to fill the 40 men raids.

Even though I have to say at certain times PvP is getting enjoyable with two or more WSGs running at the same time.
It looks to me like they've given up on K1. Maybe that's fair enough. Business is business. If you've got 3000 players on one server and 300 on the other the bigger ones needs come first.

It is absolutely fine for me. But in this case please allow me to transfer my character from K1 to K2.
I don't want to be condemned to play on the 'desert' or abandon my character. I don't have much time to play due to real life, I already invested my time on my current warrior and I would like to continue game playing my current char.
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