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    TwinStar team

Rogue or warrior for pvp


New Member
Apr 20, 2016
Hello guys,im new to vanilla and im rly hyped to get lvl 60 but im not rly sure what class should i play,i heard taht rogues and warriors are both really good for pvp ,but the question is which one is better .

Ty in advance
But now honestly , if u are new to vanilla go rogue since i doubt that u will join many prems so dont expect heals on ur back . Warrior is weakest 1vs1 class in vanilla , to balance that atleast somehow u need to be rly geared and super tryhard guy . Rogue is more simple due of 12312151 rogue pvp videos that u can check and make an idea of how it work and is less RNG dependable .
Rogue better ? sure
Rogue has a higher skillcap and is more a "play maker" than war but they're equally fun to play. It doesn't matter which one is better, pick the one that fits your playstyle the most. Like others said before, Wars requires backup to be at its full potential while rogues can pretty much get out of most situations alone. Don't rely on others to choose your class, only you know what's the best for your playstyle but that's just my 2 cent.
None is better then the other. All classes have their use.

Warrior is way easier to play though. If you got some experience the prevalent opinion that warriors are weak in 1v1 will turn out to be nothing more then nonsense. 1v1s that matter are hardly ever fights in open field were most classes wipe the floor with you.
Rogue takes a little more skill the play effectively. And by that I don't mean stunlocking shit geared holypriests to death. Its something like ninja capping AB/AV flags or soloing flag carriers.

Both classes are extremely fun to play so it all comes down to preference again. What is it that you want to do or like to be able to do.

- physical slow
- instant burst
- MS
- high stamina

- CC
- controlled burst
- strong debuffs
- stealth
If youre really skilled or experienced, the one you can get the most out of is the rogue. If not, go warrior.
Planning on rolling ally or horde?

I believe playing warrior on ally side is a lot more chilled having pallies spamming dispell / freedom on u.
Sure windfury is fun, but u can't windfury unless you're on your target.
If u'r a geared warri, holy pallies will follow your ass and do what they do.
Most shamans are ego in bgs and go enhancer or shit and won't even heal you and the amount of priests is very limited (atm atleast), most go shadow as well and will ignore u while u'r standing in novas ._.
I'm rly happy if I get a dispell once in bgs, and damn there are so many mages on ally side, getting cc'ed literally 24/7; nova-sheep-nova-CoC slow-nova-sheep-nova-shatter-dead.

Also depends on how u will be playing PvP, rather solo or group oriented. Rogue is the master of assassinations and ganks, which can be a lot of fun, but u'r mostly cooldown reliant as well. Warri doesnt have a lot of cooldowns and will dish out dmg as long as they are on the target.

That's just what I've experienced.

TL:DR I hate mages much - qq about novas.
The choice is simple and has nothing to do with skill.

Do you enjoy BG PvP and do you have friends? Cool, go Warrior.
Are you a lone wolf and do you prefer world Pvp? Rogue's your thing.

I regret not going Warrior, as I like BGs, where Rogues are pretty sad and mostly just used for defense/random cap stuff.
Im more of a lone wolf but as people have said its all about the skillcap i know rogues have probably the highest skillcap and im like not the most experienced player i used to play warrior in woltk server 3.3.5 and i remember crushing them but then again i had like full wrath gear and shadowmourne which is like the best gear,and if its that gear depented i wont be crushing again for sure,since i have like 0 vanilla wow experience .Even tho warr is easier to play, i guess rogue is the right class to go ?The only reason im reaching at to you guys is because i know that lvling in vanilla is rly grindy and i dont want to lvl smth to max and then hate myself for this.im pretty hardcore player and it will kill my motivation if i get lvl 60 and i made the wrong choice
warriors are a lot more gear dependent than rogues unless you're an incredible player


Planning on rolling ally or horde?

I believe playing warrior on ally side is a lot more chilled having pallies spamming dispell / freedom on u.
Sure windfury is fun, but u can't windfury unless you're on your target.
If u'r a geared warri, holy pallies will follow your ass and do what they do.
Most shamans are ego in bgs and go enhancer or shit and won't even heal you and the amount of priests is very limited (atm atleast), most go shadow as well and will ignore u while u'r standing in novas ._.
I'm rly happy if I get a dispell once in bgs, and damn there are so many mages on ally side, getting cc'ed literally 24/7; nova-sheep-nova-CoC slow-nova-sheep-nova-shatter-dead.

Also depends on how u will be playing PvP, rather solo or group oriented. Rogue is the master of assassinations and ganks, which can be a lot of fun, but u'r mostly cooldown reliant as well. Warri doesnt have a lot of cooldowns and will dish out dmg as long as they are on the target.

That's just what I've experienced.

TL:DR I hate mages much - qq about novas.

Im going for horde
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Im more of a lone wolf but as people have said its all about the skillcap i know rogues have probably the highest skillcap and im like not the most experienced player i used to play warrior in woltk server 3.3.5 and i remember crushing them but then again i had like full wrath gear and shadowmourne which is like the best gear,and if its that gear depented i wont be crushing again for sure,since i have like 0 vanilla wow experience .Even tho warr is easier to play, i guess rogue is the right class to go ?The only reason im reaching at to you guys is because i know that lvling in vanilla is rly grindy and i dont want to lvl smth to max and then hate myself for this.im pretty hardcore player and it will kill my motivation if i get lvl 60 and i made the wrong choice

Stop using pop expressions like skillcap. It makes you look incredibly clueless. There is also little or no need for even talking about skill here unless you plan is to enter a duel tournament. In vanilla, PvP is dirty and simple.

As you can see in Wedding's video or from Nyht's duel with Crackadia, a Warrior's 'skillcap' is just as high as any other class'. The difference between classes is not 'skillcap', but rather amount of CC options, ability to escape CC and how reliant the class is on gear.

Warriors have few hard CC options (think fear, blind, sap, poly), are easily kited, novaed and thus must be able to both take pain and dish it out. It helps a lot to have plate and the ability to equip a shield when facing physical DPS classes, but in general Warriors survive by having tons of health and most importantly by being healed and dispelled.

A Rogue on the other hand has tons of CC, are almost impossible to kite or keep in place and can therefore work as more of a glass cannon and way more independently.

Thus it is not a question of skillcap, but rather, as has been said earlier, how willing you are to A) play grouped and B) work at gearing your class.

If you want to just fool around on your own, a Rogue is a brilliant choice, as they can pick their fights, control when and where to fight and best of all, when they don't want to fight simply through core class mechanics.

A Warrior can't pick his or her battlefield and are thus 'weaker' in that regard, but on the other hand, a supported, well-geared Warrior is easily the most frightening class in this iteration of the game.
warriors are a lot more gear dependent than rogues unless you're an incredible player


Have to say that warrior video that u linked is complete garbage^^ If u remove from there bad timed reflects on alrdy flying spells(bug) aoe reflects(bug) reck vs shit palas and other penix abuse u can enjoy only mortal spam =)
Have to say that warrior video that u linked is complete garbage^^ If u remove from there bad timed reflects on alrdy flying spells(bug) aoe reflects(bug) reck vs shit palas and other penix abuse u can enjoy only mortal spam =)
The reflects were perfectly timed and intentionally done as you were able to reflect mid air spells.

I have 150d played as vanilla mage and Wedding has been the only one who has been capable of actually outplaying me in a duel as a warrior (obviously not winning series due class advantage).

More than happy to duel you and judge your gameplay.
The reflects were perfectly timed and intentionally done as you were able to reflect mid air spells.

I have 150d played as vanilla mage and Wedding has been the only one who has been capable of actually outplaying me in a duel as a warrior (obviously not winning series due class advantage).

More than happy to duel you and judge your gameplay.

Bring back Feenix reflector mechanics. Will never happen :(

If this is the real guy from feenix: RIP Worstwarrior. And @lolwtf: release the last 3 parts already. soon tm :>
Escape artist is so easy to counter , becouse u alwais have cone of cold rdy if u used nova. And reflectors are so easy to fake , since is rly obvious when u will use them and i dont even mention that u cant reflect aoe with good working reflect ^^ But i guess u all missed my point anyway =) I said that video is garbage becouse in every fight u can see shitton of bugs and thigs that work wrong,and is pretty bad example for a guy who will play warrior on KRONOS. There is huge difference in having to prepop reflect before spellcast end and use it while spell is flying or on aoe spell. And i know who is him Sushi , since i played on horde and on ali on that server . Other question if he know who i am.
- physical slow
- instant burst
- MS
- high stamina

- CC
- controlled burst
- strong debuffs
- stealth

Would add "prone to CC" to warri, and "cooldown reliant" to rogue.

And to Wurstwarriar - yes I know, I wouldn't ever expect u 2 win against a good mage. Still as a gnome u have the best shot against our hated nemesis since u have an additional pseudo trinket.

To the video, he's a good player (plays other classes at top lvl too no?) but the video doesn't showcase a lot of it, plays against a lot of newbies too. I guess it's part of a vanilla vid but yea, I kinda stopped when he charged a warlock that started reacting after 3 seconds of backpaddling.
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With current state of frostbite (average 4 procs per duel without DMR alwais 5 sec lasting) +warrior amount of shouts/charges/cepts that every class resist , things are pretty fucked up ye=) Should go maximum tryhard alwais. But im never hiding , so if he want to duel me /wisp.
I watched the duels against Nuxxy. In the ~6-7 minute series, there are two reflected novas and one midair spell which could've as well been a predicted reflect right before the cast went off. He also cloaks a poly just as the effect lands which probably wouldn't work here (I haven't tested). Meanwhile, he shows a lot of clever play with snares and various different trinkets, and does some nice predicts.

In my opinion this is far from being a "bad example" to any new warriors, compared to the average vanilla warrior who'll equip damage proc trinkets and only faceroll in berserker stance without any clue about defensive play.
dis change of discussion in topic
but oke

yo worst

idk maybe ur just too overrating yourself or want some special behavior or just retarded
was you ever watching yourself from a side?

you lost to Snute 2:1, not that worthy mage, at second tournament. just right at your first round fight, when you got no luck with some mdps class duel like u was in tourney before (naked aeonix druid, retri paladin spasi and dps geared maredasan, bitch pls).
you lost to Yolam on the first tournament 2:0, when he had dogshit gear and handed in hakkar's heart for trinket 10 mins before tournament (is it worth to mention that he raped you at duel series after tourney? hmm don't think so, u better know)
you are always facing melee enemies in full t2+sulfuras to make some resillence. maybe there is some thing in it, but its still shit move imo. its like dueling melees at tbc/wotlk at full prot gear/prot spec and still think ur god
ofc your opinion about weddingz gameplay is really important
no one cares about ur shit opinion bru lol
but plis, it was some fan made video by wed showing tryhard playing. its not even actual (I cant remember was it recorded at 2011 or 1986 not sure). u saw his rvm mvm montages? u saw what hes doing at duels, his reactions? why he have no mvw montages? because he gonna rape all da shit vs any warrior he gonna face as mage. iol mentioned this already:
due class advantage
I'm pretty sure hes playing warri at same level like he do as mage, but in vanilla warri haven't that much duel potential how mage have.
you aren't shit player tho, its even good that you helped perp to find an opponent for a round fight when someone wasn't attended, maybe you have some special selfish temper

tl;dr: enjoy being fucked by iol, hope someone will give toon to wed once to show you what real mage performance is
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