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    TwinStar team

Set fire to the rain !

I'm gonna end up wrecking my finger typing it again and again and again, but my problem is not about the EXISTENCE of weather, which (as I've said repeatedly) I actually like, but its INSANE FREQUENCY (which is completely not Blizzlike).
There is a wide gap between "no weather" and literally "weather more than half the time". Having weather changing adds to the immersion that's true. Having constantly rain and storms and snow, though, because actually anti-immersive when it reaches a certain treshold, and this treshold is widely passed in Kronos.

The interview you post was posted sooner, just so you know, and precisely to prove that the amount of weather on Kronos is ridiculous. Direct quote from this interview :

They have a chance of occurring in just 11 of the game’s 40-plus realms and will crop up with a frequency that has been designed to err on the side of too little.

One thing can be said for absolutely sure : "erring on the side of too little" is certainly not what happens here.

I'm not even opposed to having a higher frequency than retail, with weather happening twice as often, even four times as often - but even going DOWN to "four times as often as retail" (which is a pretty huge difference already) would require to divide by FIVE TIMES the amount we get today.

It's all about the amount. A bit more weather is fine. TWENTY FUCKING TIMES MORE is not.
I could see how it would be annoying if it was way too often and/or for too long.
I've been trying to pay more attention to the weather the past few days, but it just doesn't seem that often to me.

Are we talking about any specific zones?
Where is link to the bug list, so we can vote it up?
It's here. The title incorrectly speak of only "forests", but it should concern all the zones with weather.
I've also added the link in the first post, just in case...
I could see how it would be annoying if it was way too often and/or for too long.
It is. If you read through the thread, you'll see the statistical checks I've done, and there is a rough uptime of around 50 % of weather effects in all zones measured. That's just insane. Each zone has by itself about the same amount of weather effects in one day than the sum of all the zones in a retail server during the same time.
I've been trying to pay more attention to the weather the past few days, but it just doesn't seem that often to me.

Are we talking about any specific zones?
All zones which can include weather effects. Some don't have weather because they didn't in retail (Westfall, Searing Gorge, Burning Steppes, Felwood...), at least one doesn't have weather while it should (Ashenvale).
I honestly don't see how it's possible to not notice that the weather is so common.
It not even rare to pass through several zones with weather in all of them (one of the trip I did rather often some weeks ago was going from IF to Gadgetzan, and it was annoyingly frequent to have rain in Wetlands followed by rain in Theramore followed by sandstorm in Tanaris).
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Noticed the very frequent, out-of-place rains in Desolace(my testing grounds^^) during open beta, got busy and quit soon after, forgot about it...and now, back lvling, observe this everywhere. Not quite gamebreaking, as vexing the mood...
Well, weather always exists. So it's precipitation. And the rate at which it occurs.

My toons are just into Silverpine and Barrens now. Mulgore and Tirisfal Glades (especially) were rain like 1/3 of the time. Sometimes I dig it, other times not. Sometimes I really notice (because it never stops), and then sometimes I think back and realize it never rained all the time I was playing.

So i am not sure what is going on with the algorithm for the rate of precipitation in zones, but it's odd.
According to the bug tracker, they tweaked the weather frequency. So it's now time to check and see how often it happens !

When I've the time again, I'm going to do another hourly-checks-for-a-day thing, but for now I don't have a lot of free time, so I'm afraid it must wait :-/
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