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    TwinStar team

Silithyst Geysers nerf


Aug 13, 2014
For those of you who don't know yet, Silithyst Geysers were brutally nerfed. They now spawn randomly in the whole zone, there seems to be much lower number active at a time and the respawn time was tripled. That makes getting the Silithyst buff before raid for more than just a few individuals close to impossible.

My question to staff of Kronos is - Why this change happened?
In my opinion there was nothing wrong with the Geysers before, even PvP to get the Silithyst from the opposite fraction was quite frequent.

And secondly, why was this change done in stealth?
I think when regarding custom changes like these, people deserve the chance to voice their opinions beforehand.
They changed it last Thursday.

Like many unannounced changes in past months, the motive behind this is transparent. They are attempting to increase difficulty by reducing damage output in steady ways. There is no other articulate and logical reason to do so otherwise. If they telegraph changes with announcements or bug reports, the playerbase revolts (See 6hr Ony head) where as if they do it invisibly, top end players notice immediately but the majority of the playerbase is kept in the dark (The stealth armor buff to bosses awhile back) https://vanilla-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?object=181598

Personally I think most people just want to play vanilla WOW in the closest form possible, but increasingly we are playing the subjective vision of someone else. Personally, I'd take the 50g respec cost and all the nuance over someone's idea.
huh? I see geysers all the time I go to Silithus and haven't noticed any change.
If you just run around during morning or afternoon then yes, it is not hard to see some Geysers. But if you get close to the raiding hours it is extremely rare to find any.
I would propose a system where EVERY external buff that lasts less than 1 hour would get wiped from a character upon entering a raid dungeon.

This way you still can use the 2-hour buffs (boss heads, DM tribune) and inside the instance buff with class abilities and consumables as normal, but we would get rid of all the 30-60 minute buffs that are just icing on the cake anyway and cause an extreme amount of extra work and logistics for marginal gain. And if NOBODY has them, nobody has to feel left out without them.

These marginal buffs can then still be used in (local) 5 man dungeons, pvp and outdoors world play, just as they were designed for.

Flask obviously would be allowed everywhere and need to be protected from any unwanted wiping (for example, if you do BWL and then in the 2nd hour do another raid instance your flask should be preserved of course.)
I would propose a system where EVERY external buff that lasts less than 1 hour would get wiped from a character upon entering a raid dungeon.

'...cause an extreme amount of extra work and logistics for marginal gain'

I'm sorry but this idea sounds extremly terrible. I understand that you and probably 80% of the active raiders are fine with using the 'basic list' of consumables alongside with the DM buffs from time to time but why taking it away from players who loves to push their dps/performance? Because it's unfair? - no, it isn't. Because it takes extreme amount of extra work and you are(or others) are too lazy to do the same? Probably yes.

For me it feels like some people are afraid or jealous that it's not possible for them to top the meters vs others and they're trying to force their way of playing ("remove additional buffs, nerf evertyhing we don't need (or the other faction use) and maybe we'll have a chance''). It's vanilla - tryharding and knowing things helps. If you want to be the best you have to spend more time preparing than just showing up for DM:N buffs. Biggest upgrade would be changing your mindsets but it requires lots of work and for some it's a lost cause.

I agree with Fei. This feels more and more like a server where changes are made not based on facts but on certain PoV. If you want to ruin the fun for the 'tryhards' you are going in the right direction. Maybe after several more 'fixes' everyone who loves to put his time and effort into preparation for the raids, will stop and all the medicore players (sorry if I offend anyone) will have a chance to prove their 'skills'.
Lately it feels as if Kronos is going in the same direction that retail wow went with catering towards more softcore players. To me, that takes away a big portion of the fun that comes from playing WoW.

Retail had it's problems but striving to keep the server as blizzlike as possible must be the way to move forward. Making changes based upon personal feelings and personal preferences is not. Also, if you do decide to make changes similar to this for some reason, informing the playerbase about it is a good idea instead of having us notice it ourselfs.
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Kronos' priorities are skewed

We're rotting AQ40 loot, we're so overgeared for when Naxx comes that they will probably buff armor values on Naxx NPC's and pass it off as their original values.

Kronos admin's don't see it in the bigger picture, we are doing good damage because we are making the most of every utility in the game's arsenal.

You are far from your original matra of "Blizzlike Experience" at this point, this is a fun server
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"World 2nd, US first. No world-buff consumable cheese."
- http://www.risen-guild.com/naxxramas.html

I understand your point that you do not like the change, but how u complain is so ridiculous and conflictive. One the one hand you say that you are already over geared for naxx and it should be buffed and on the other hand you complain that it is harder to get a 30(!!!!) minutes 5% damage buff. So what do you want? Content to be buffed so only ppl who have access to full world buffs being able to clear it? I think it is more like "A change has been made that affects my personal play style and now I am going to cry like a baby forever.". You can facepalm my posts as often as you want, it only proves I am right. There are also bugs that are bad for MY personal play style and I also sometimes complain, but at some point you should know when to stop complaining because it is just annoying. And especially you should not call this a fun server just because you are so pissed. Grow up.
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Before this change, there could be up to 8 silithyst geysers up at once. Has it been increased with the new amount of spawn points? If not then it's a stupid change because it will just support cross faction "griefing". When it happens. a lot of people will start complain and the devs will change it. Synced, Onslaught and Vanguard. It's time to start crying!
Please change it back!

"World 2nd, US first. No world-buff consumable cheese."
- http://www.risen-guild.com/naxxramas.html

I understand your point that you do not like the change, but how u complain is so ridiculous and conflictive. One the one hand you say that you are already over geared for naxx and it should be buffed and on the other hand you complain that it is harder to get a 30(!!!!) minutes 5% damage buff. So what do you want? Content to be buffed so only ppl who have access to full world buffs being able to clear it? I think it is more like "A change has been made that affects my personal play style and now I am going to cry like a baby forever.". You can facepalm my posts as often as you want, it only proves I am right. There are also bugs that are bad for MY personal play style and I also sometimes complain, but at some point you should know when to stop complaining because it is just annoying. And especially you should not call this a fun server just because you are so pissed. Grow up.
With what bawa said I don't agree so don't put his words to others mouths. Anyway, you seem to miss the whole point. That is making unblizzlike changes to stuff that doesn't need any in the first place. Custom changes should have strong reasoning behind them and so far we haven't gotten any reason from the staff at all. So stop acting so adulty.

Also 30 minutes is quite a lot, in BWL I have it till Firemaw, in AQ40 till Huhu. Nice damage boost if you were willing to put in some extra work. Now it is just a griefing-fest.
Yet no sources in the bug report have shown what the true blizzlike behaviour is. So how do you know if it is a blizzlike or non-blizzlike change or not? Imo you are just mad that you lost a *1.05 damage modifier. What is the outcome of this change? Soon only the most hardcore players will get this buff and the majority will compete at the same level of world buffs. How bad! Truly a horrifying change (/sarcasm).

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if you need sand just ask fei or armazor, i'm sure they still has some up their vaginas from when they ranked

or whatever lovecraftian horror fei has down there
Yet no sources in the bug report have shown what the true blizzlike behaviour is. So how do you know if it is a blizzlike or non-blizzlike change or not? Imo you are just mad that you lost a *1.05 damage modifier. What is the outcome of this change? Soon only the most hardcore players will get this buff and the majority will compete at the same level of world buffs. How bad! Truly a horrifying change (/sarcasm).

I don't think you're relevant here.
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