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Paladin SotC skill/talent, is it worth using? What spec for PvP?


New Member
Apr 22, 2016

I have a dilemma about SotC skill and Improved SotC talent. (seal of the crusader). It is recomended to put Improved SotC 3/3 BUT we will put into SoComm (command) too. So what's the point wasting 3 talent points into SotC when using SoComm?

People says because Paladin should START with SotC -> Judgement of SotC -> SoComm ->...

SotC gives AP bonus and attack speed but only when we use it. But we will use SoComm so it's useless. Improved SotC talent increases this AP bonus and holy dmg from its Judgements. But is it really worth? That's how I see this:

You have been attacked, opponent started hitting you, use CC etc. And you instead of starting hitting him hard with SoComm and its Judgement, stun him and beat him you have to first:

1. Activate SotC (time, mana cost)
2. Cast Judgement of SotC (time, mana cost, Judgement cd)
3. Activate SoComm
4. Wait for Judgement cd
5. Only now you can finally deal any dmg to your rival, after losing your own mana, hp and time for doing the thing with SotC what will give you only a bit more holy dmg. You could probably make more in that time with SoComm and its Judgement.

So is it really worth? Wasting 3 talent points, mana and time in the first stage of battle? Letting your rival attack or CC you when you are trying to get SotC judgement effect? I can't see any reason to spent talents into it or even use SotC. I think rushing with SoComm from the beginning, Judgement, HoJ etc. is better option. You don't lose mana and time, you deal dmg from the beginning.

I'm not saying I'm right but it's just my way of looking and I can't really find any good reason for using SotC. If you know any, please tell me :)

It also depends of what skills are working or are bugged, it's different on different servers. I heard that Ret tree is most bugged and even Holy can do more or at least close dmg + heal hard. So what specs with what talents are viable? In PvP ofc. I'd like to experiment with some hybrids but dunno what skills/talents are bugged and what not.

Say what you think about it and sorry for my english, hope you understand :)
Yeah, I don't think IMP SotC is worth it for pvp. None of the fights should be long enough to justify it
SotC is currently bugged. Basically if you have ANY buff that boosts your damage, your damage drops below your unbuffed damage when SotC fades (reseal SotC or proc Vengeance or buff Blessing of Might on yourself¨fixes it). That in itself is a reason to not use it at all.

Other than that, I agree with you, the 3/3 is completely useless and I don't see any reason to pick up that talent, I always take Parry.

I heard that Ret tree is most bugged and even Holy can do more or at least close dmg + heal hard. So what specs with what talents are viable? In PvP ofc. I'd like to experiment with some hybrids but dunno what skills/talents are bugged and what not.

The guy who told you that was wrong.
The only other bug I know about is that Vengeance doesn't proc from select weapon procs and non-class damaging abilities, but it works fine with trinkets like Darkmoon Card: Maelstrom or Fiery Weapon enchant, so this bug probably won't even have any effect on you.

Here's a default "WSG spec" that works pretty well. Some people prefer to put more points into Holy for Consecration, but the Guardian's Favor talent is amazing for PvP.

Here's my current build, which is very useful if you want to do kinda everything, but not switch talents.

More than the talents, your playstyle will be affected by your gear and gameplay. I recommend getting a healthy amount of mana, around 4k. Soulforge set for starters delivers quite well, spell damage boosts both dmg and healing, and you'll get decent stats. Getting pure attack power gear might give you stronger blows, but in the end it won't really work that well. Learn to alternate between Seal of Command rank 1 and 5 to conserve mana and get friendly with Blessing of Sacrifice.
Thanks for the reply.
So I will skip SotC and use SoComm only. But I don't get what you mean with using SoComm Rank 1 and Rank 5. Hm.. the only reason I come up is against low hp targets and weaker opponents? When we almost won the fight but we have to refresh our SoComm to finish the job?

About the specs you linked. Are they better than reckoning bomb or shockadin I heard about? I really wonder what are all viable specs in PvP except Holy ofc. Is Prot playable? I remember it from Wotlk probably when warrior prot and paladin prot were very hard to beat and had nice dmg.

This WSG build looks good but I don't get the Spiritual Focus 4/5. I very rarely heal myself during fights because usually in 90% cases I get CC or interrupt and in addition Holy Light costs much mana and its casting time is long so if I have enemy on me, I heal only in bubble.
And your current spec, do you use it in PvP? How it works without IBoM/BoK, Holy Shock/Repentance or Guardian's Favor?
Seal of Command rank 1 has identical damage as rank 5. Using higher ranks brings 0 bonus damage to your Seal damage. Judgement's damage is so low that it's not worth using until you have decent spell damage gear, at which point you also have over 5k mana and you can use r5 at will. Plus, the only times you really want to judge r5 is during a stun to get the juicy 1k+ crits, so you Seal r5->judge->reSeal r1 when needed and only use r1 to conserve mana.

Reckoning bomb requires you to get crit. Good vs. pets, rogues and warriors, but Polymorph, Fear, Seduction, Psychic Scream, Blind, Wyvern Sting, Scatter Shot and some other non-stun abilities will remove your Reckoning.
Holy Shock has 30 seconds cooldown, deals low damage and costs more mana when compared to Seal of Command r5 -> judgement. "Shockadin" is a TBC spec.

Why are you asking if Prot is playable if you already know about reckoning bomb? Reckoning is a Prot talent.
I recommend that you forget everything you remember about WotLK.

A Paladin who does not heal others (or even himself for that matter) should never enter a battleground. Period.
Go and watch some vanilla PvP right now. See how often paladin heals himself in 1v1 fights.

My currect spec works pretty well in PvP. IBoM is a PvE talent, BoK is in the WSG spec, Holy Shock is shit, Repentance is for flagrunning and stopping a runner and Guardian's Favor is heavily missed.
Welcome to the duel grounds at the gates of Ironforge.
One on one encounters on a totally level playing field are rare in this game, but when they happen, ask yourself: how do I win?

A druid has, effectively, 2 methods of defeating a paladin. They can either be feral or restoration build. Balance druids exist, and you’ll probably have to fight one some day, but this is an extremely mana inefficient playstyle, so it should be possible to just heal through their damage then defeat them once they are out of mana without much effort. A feral build druid will try to ambush you and kill you before you can save yourself. This is just shy of impossible. A cat form druid has minimal defense and deals very little damage against a plate wearing class. The real threat is a restoration built druid, and the only serious threat to the paladin is if he makes a mana-consumptive mistake. A restoration druid will attempt to outlast the paladin by using bear form and healing, waiting until the paladin goes out of mana. Against a druid, it’s wise to increase your mana regen as high as you can by using Blessing of Wisdom and placing Judgment of Wisdom on the druid, then just slowly wear down on it. Don’t use any major, mana-consumptive finishing moves on the druid until the druid’s mana has been fully drained via heals or you are certain you can finish him off before he reacts. Always cleanse off the Moonfire debuff, since it deals more damage then the instant portion of the spell, and do the same for any Entangling Roots or Insect Swarms. Stay melee with the druid at all times and you’ll out survive it and win. Use your most efficient spells possible to keep your health high enough that they can’t combo you to death.

Against an equally geared rogue, a paladin usually has nothing to fear.. Consecrate (Rank 1) and Retribution Aura are both highly effective, particularly against dagger rogues. Sit through the stunlock sequence and fire off hammer of justice. Take this opportunity to heal once (if your health deficit is low enough) and proceed to beat down on the rogue. The rogue can and will run from you, and will likely restealth, so be prepared to activate consecrate again at any time. [If you look at the builds I posted earlier, nearly all of them contained the spell Consecration. It is an intrinsic part of the paladin class, along with Spiritual Focus.] The rogue should crumble after the first or second hammer of justice, just remember to spam rank 1 Consecrate and to keep the rogue in combat as often as possible. It will restealth, but the moment it does you can take the opportunity to heal to as full as possible, using Flash of Light to conserve mana. If you find yourself in need of a heal while getting attacked, you may be in trouble. All it takes is one kick while you’re healing to totally disable you for more then enough time to finish you off. You can use Divine Shield or Blessing of Protection to heal, if this is the case, but remember that the spell Blind can hit you and disable you through Blessing of Protection. Stoneform helps a lot here, if you’re a dwarf.

This is a rough fight. Defeating a priest, particularly a shadow priest, as a paladin is an extremely difficult task, and as such there is no certain strategy for coming out on top. Instead, I will tell you what to expect during the course of the fight.
1) Periodic Dispel Magics on you. Your combat system (a Seal and a Blessing) will go away completely at the touch of a key to the priest, so if you have Seal of Command, use rank 1 (which is cheap) and open with Blessing of Wisdom on, but don’t go overboard about resealing it.
2) Mana burn. The priest will burn your mana away, leaving you helpless. Once your mana is gone, the fight is basically over, they can damn-near wand you to death.
3) Lots of dots and debuffs. Particularly against a shadow priest, you can expect to get hit by Shadow Word: Pain and Shadow Weaving constantly, and when you cleanse yourself it’s not certain to hit the more powerful debuff, Shadow Word: Pain and instead remove Shadow Weaving.
4) Fear. Once an opportunity, the priest is going to fear you and start beating down on you (after healing to full).
A few strategies for dealing with this fight are: Shadow Resistance Aura, self-mana burning (spending most of, if not all, of your own mana as damage/healing BEFORE the priest manages to drain it all), Seal of Justice to interrupt casting, a prayer to the gods, and a good warrior buddy ambushing the priest out of no where. I have yet to defeat a competent 60 priest in a duel.

You wear plate, you are unshakeable (due to Blessing of Freedom and Cleanse), so the hunter won’t deal unduly huge sums of damage do you and won’t be able to keep you at a range for long. Get in melee range, keep Viper Sting cleansed or purified, and run straight for the guy. You’ll hit his traps, but this is almost inevitable. You can bubble out of a trap if you feel it necessary, but for the most part it isn’t. Once you’re melee, do your best to stay there. Consecrate when you see him feign death and he might not drop out of combat and retrap you. Really good hunters can stay at a range from you for a considerable amount of time, and possibly even defeat you by staying far away, but it’s a hard fight for them.

Although the shaman does have purge, it isn’t nearly as difficult a fight as a priest. The shaman’s mana pool tends to be much smaller, its regen smaller still, and the price of purge and all of the Shaman’s other spells are quite high, so you can safely reseal and maybe even rebless knowing that he’s going to go out of mana before you do. In fact, this is the best way to win, wait for his mana to drain away completely then beat him down. Shaman are the least efficient class in the game, mana wise, while paladins are the most mana efficient, and they are helpless without their mana. Kill the totems with either a melee hit or a rank one Seal’s Judgment. Killing them all never hurts. Remember that, if you try to heal, the shaman will more often than not use Earth Shock on you and interrupt you. You can try to fake them out by starting a heal and immediately canceling, and if you get hit by Frost Shock or (lol) Flame Shock you have a window of 6 seconds to heal uninterrupted. It frightens me how many times a shaman has cast Flame or Frost Shock on me. Earth Shock’s spell lockdown timer is very short, so for each time he successfully interrupts you, you should be able to pull off one large heal.

Warriors are one of the easier classes for a paladin to kill. We want to stay melee, so hamstring is meaningless to us. We wear plate, reducing the damage the warrior deals by 40%-60%, and our damage is largely holy, which ignores armor. The fight against a warrior is slow and steady. Heal high (so that you never risk getting executed or combo’d) and be prepared to bubble if your health gets too low and Mortal Strike is on you, ruining your heals. Remember that the warrior has Pummel and Shield Bash to interrupt your casting, so be very careful about healing when melee. The interrupt costs rage, so if you see their rage bar is empty, go for it.

If you can survive their opening burst damage sequence of a mage, you can beat the mage. Just keep your health high and flying with Flash of Light and watch amusedly as their mana bar empties out on you. Counterspell is a threat to you, but if they don’t hit you with it as you cast, you can just bubble out of it. If you get spell locked, the fight is over, because the mage will have 10 solid seconds to do whatever he wants to you. The longer this fight takes, the more likely you are to win. Once the mage runs out of mana, the fight is over, but it’s not going to be easy for you.

Do not fight another paladin if you are in a Battleground queue, it will take too long.
But if you have to, the winner is the paladin who’s mana lasts longer. Seal of Wisdom, Blessing of Wisdom, efficient heals and efficient damage, just be careful not to be wasteful. I don’t want to even think about these fights, I’ve seen them take 15 or more mintues.

The second hardest fight for a paladin. Between Fear and Seduce, the warlock will get free reign over beating on you when it wants to, and if it has a Felhunter out you can expect to lose your blessings and get spell locked every time you try to cast. Similar to a priest, there is no very reliable method for downing a warlock, but if you can treat them as a mage and heal through the damage you can come out on top. If it starts relying on Life Tap to get mana back, you can kill it without resistance, but getting the fight to this point is very difficult. Expect to be feared often enough to make you want to throw your mouse through the wall. Cleanse the dots and keep melee with him if you can, and if you see s Succubus or Imp, you should cast Exorcise on it and finish it off with melee, as it will remove reasonable amount of the warlock’s fighting power

- - - Updated - - -

Master of Group PvP: Why do they want you?
A paladin is hugely powerful in group PvP due to its unpredictability and ability to combat heal. Remember that your presence in the group should be increasing everyone’s survivability, and not just your own. Your heals are slow, but powerful, and your Blessings are cheap and powerful. Save Blessing of Protection for a teammate and remember that a rogue or mage is going to deal more damage then you can, so keep them alive to increase your group’s overall DPS. When a paladin charges an enemy player, it’s difficult to predict what will happen. Is he going to dump a Reckoning bomb? Will he get a double-crit Seal of Command proc? Is his whack going to deal negligible damage? It’s never certain, but it is very disruptive. Heal until you get Horde agro then fight until they forget about you or you die and you’ll be a group PvP giant. If you can heal and melee at the same time, all the better.

Remember that the spell Blessing of Sacrifice actually deals damage to you, so any kind of crowd-control spell that breaks when you take damage will break when you take blessing of sacrifice damage. This is a hugely powerful pvp tool… it can effectively make you immune to seduce, sheep, sap, gouge, scattershot, hunter traps, intimidating shout cower, repentance (when the expansion comes out), blind, and any other kind of incapacitate. It also increases your ability to break out of spells like Fear and various roots.

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Ok I know what you mean now. I still forget this is vanilla not tbc/wotlk ;d Paladin here is like a support not killer warrior like in wotlk. I wonder if I'll get used to it. Maybe I should have pick warrior instead. The spellpower thing etc. is foreign and strange to me. I always played full dmg or dmg/survivability and had mana only for dealing dmg and healing myself in bubble. After 2 Holy Lights I was completly out of mana in TBC. I was very often first in kills and damage done anyway but here in vanilla looks like it won't pass and I should invest more in mana, spellpower and healing.

However in wotlk I healed and used BoS a lot but mainly in 2v2 on my partner. In BG's I played like killing machine leaping between group of rivals and caring about kills, damage done and objectives to win. So here on vanilla I can only dream about it, that's what you want to say? ;p Thanks for your tips it really change my way of looking at it.

I'm really determined to test many things on vanilla with Paladin it makes me curious how different he is here.

Thanks for that, will be usefull :)
Ok I know what you mean now. I still forget this is vanilla not tbc/wotlk ;d Paladin here is like a support not killer warrior like in wotlk. I wonder if I'll get used to it. Maybe I should have pick warrior instead. The spellpower thing etc. is foreign and strange to me. I always played full dmg or dmg/survivability and had mana only for dealing dmg and healing myself in bubble. After 2 Holy Lights I was completly out of mana in TBC. I was very often first in kills and damage done anyway but here in vanilla looks like it won't pass and I should invest more in mana, spellpower and healing.

However in wotlk I healed and used BoS a lot but mainly in 2v2 on my partner. In BG's I played like killing machine leaping between group of rivals and caring about kills, damage done and objectives to win. So here on vanilla I can only dream about it, that's what you want to say? ;p Thanks for your tips it really change my way of looking at it.

I'm really determined to test many things on vanilla with Paladin it makes me curious how different he is here.

Thanks for that, will be usefull :)

Psojed is wrong , the reason i posted that.

Paladin is indeed also Killer Warrior even here , and it is working exactly same as TBC you will "oom" after 2 Holy Lights.

Uploaded on Oct 6, 2006

Here is Video of Paladin Killer (pay attention to upload date).


And this is me as Retribution Killer (even in PVE spec) .

My Advice = Against Melee always use Judgement of the Crusade and use "MAX RANK" Seal of Command so it's Judgement is crazy Killer (even if it is bugged it will still apply to more dmg that can "Crit" and kill).

Against Casters don't bother with Judgement of the Crusade but make sure you always use Seal of Command Max Rank and Judgements will help you when "caster" run away from you...
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Ok I know what you mean now. I still forget this is vanilla not tbc/wotlk ;d Paladin here is like a support not killer warrior like in wotlk. I wonder if I'll get used to it. Maybe I should have pick warrior instead.
Yup, paladins in vanilla are more prone to be supporting the Warrior killing machines. Luckily, they really excel at that :wink:

The spellpower thing etc. is foreign and strange to me. I always played full dmg or dmg/survivability and had mana only for dealing dmg and healing myself in bubble. After 2 Holy Lights I was completly out of mana in TBC. I was very often first in kills and damage done anyway but here in vanilla looks like it won't pass and I should invest more in mana, spellpower and healing.
Yeah TBC changed a lot, the itemization was much better for specialized builds. In Vanilla, you don't really have the "warrior" gear to take to go for max dmg, instead you're forced into gear which combines spell damage with Str/Stam/Int and only later the Agi comes in the mix, which culminates with 5/8 Tier 2 + 3/5 AQ set OR and R14 PvP set. Luckily, it can be carefully balanced out and then it works quite well.

If you want to see how different the PvP is, you can check Timangi's playlist, which features both videos from Vanilla, TBC and WotLK. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhLBpiShjYSFpz_Q-BLlouEfZeQuUr7HU

However in wotlk I healed and used BoS a lot but mainly in 2v2 on my partner. In BG's I played like killing machine leaping between group of rivals and caring about kills, damage done and objectives to win. So here on vanilla I can only dream about it, that's what you want to say? ;p Thanks for your tips it really change my way of looking at it.

I'm really determined to test many things on vanilla with Paladin it makes me curious how different he is here.

Thanks for that, will be usefull :)
In vanilla, the main letdown is that you're relying solely on your autoattack and praying for a Command proc. You have no control over your damage burst, because you have no abilities. It's random, therefore also your combat results will be random. One time you will proc and crit just right and destroy everything, as most of the vanilla pvp videos show you, but another time you won't even get a command proc and you will be the one destroyed.

If you can live with that unreliability, I can highly recommend paladins, the reckoning bomb is really satisfying spec to try and the class in general has great versatility in combat. But if you prefer the jump-in, destroy them, move on playstyle and to "be in control" more, or you don't care that much about supporting others, Warrior would definitely be a much better choice for you.

If you want to see some of the specs we talked about,
here's a reckoning bomb video from Methos from our server: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IL1LWZb1Zw0
And here's an older video from myself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3R7DPScDYk
Seal of Command is not such "randomly" as he says , go pick Weapon slower than 3.5 Speed and each 2nd Swing will be proc , also as Burst damage there is indeed burst damage and rotation :

Consecration+HolyShock+Trinkets+JoC when target is stunned gg.. (that is via holyshock+command spec) , another burst is via Reckoning where you can /sit and collect 5 stacks then BomB him (burst killer) .

Last at very least Consecration+2x Trinkets+JoC via deep ret in combination with repentance and stun.

There are 2-3 ways how to play Paladin , one is using Warrior Gear and go "Reckbomb" everyone , another is using "paladin sets" and go Holyshock+trinket burst or Deep Ret.

And no Paladin is not "supporting" Warrior Killers , Paladin is the only Killer in Vanilla who have ability to 1 Shot anyone and ability to "heal", go get some good Weapon and enjoy 1 shot everyone anywhere you are at . ...

No one i mean literally nobody can 1 shot everyone like Paladin does.
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Seal of Command is not such "randomly" as he says , go pick Weapon slower than 3.5 Speed and each 2nd Swing will be proc
This is so wrong... I currently have the "Pacifier"(4.0 speed) and the proc rate is insanely low. I often kill mobs with 8 white hits in a row without any proc. I may have to try the macro that keeps tracks of procs to prove that.

And Seal of the Crusader is so broken atm that you deal less damage with SoComm on a judged target...
The procrate translates to about 40% chance and the only way to increase this chance is to get more melee attacks. So, yeah ...
This is so wrong... I currently have the "Pacifier"(4.0 speed) and the proc rate is insanely low. I often kill mobs with 8 white hits in a row without any proc. I may have to try the macro that keeps tracks of procs to prove that.

And Seal of the Crusader is so broken atm that you deal less damage with SoComm on a judged target...

Then Seal of Command must be extremely broken in Kronoss if you have 8 white swings without proc with 4.0 Speed. :

4.0 Speed = 15 Swings per minute
Seal of Command = 7 Swings per minute

15 / 7 = 2.14 swings per proc average.

Also lol'd at Seal of the Cruser part.
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There is a reason SoC is also called Seal of Slotmachine. It's still just a chance and if you are unlucky you just get a few white hits in a sequence. I think every paladin experienced that. So it's unreliable. Sometimes you kill really fast with it and some mobs just take forever.
Having a weapon with 4.0 speed does not necessarily mean that SoC will proc with almost each second hit. If you have a 40 % chance to hit with something you can still miss 4 times in a sequence although chances for that to happen are lower the higher your hit chance is.

Also last time I played (which is like a month ago) Judgement of the Crusader worked fine and increased the holy damage done to the target by the proper amount.
There is a reason SoC is also called Seal of Slotmachine. It's still just a chance and if you are unlucky you just get a few white hits in a sequence. I think every paladin experienced that. So it's unreliable. Sometimes you kill really fast with it and some mobs just take forever.
Having a weapon with 4.0 speed does not necessarily mean that SoC will proc with almost each second hit. If you have a 40 % chance to hit with something you can still miss 4 times in a sequence although chances for that to happen are lower the higher your hit chance is.

Also last time I played (which is like a month ago) Judgement of the Crusader worked fine and increased the holy damage done to the target by the proper amount.

That is not how it work with exception of "miss/dodge/parry" .

Revision as of 18:17, November 15, 2006

Seal of Command procs "per minute" (ppm), rather than per hit - it will proc an average of 7 times per minute. So you get the same amount of procs no matter your weapon speed

SoC is normalized on proccing about 7 times per minute. This means that you get more out of it with a high top end damage weapon (each extra swing will mean more).

Seal of Command is not 40% "Chance" but 44% of the "Swings" if you use 3.8 Weapon Speed

7 / ( 60 / Weapon Speed )
So a 2.0 speed weapon would proc 23.33% of the time [ 7 / (60 / 2) ]. A 3.0 speed weapon would proc 35% of the time [ 7 / (60 / 3) ]. The nice slow 3.8 speeds have a ~44% chance to proc [ 7 / (60 / 3.8) ].

Which leads to 46% of the Swings being proc via 4.0 Weapon Speed. (each 2.14 swing average)

Anyway this doesn't help lot , Seal of Command "Full Resists" is the real broken bug here : http://forum.twinstar.cz/showthread...t-spec-for-PvP?p=802807&viewfull=1#post802807
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Even if SoC should proc with roughly every second swing you still can get more than two white hits in a sequence. That was my point and it was always working like that. If you watch vanilla videos you can see that very well.
This is so wrong... I currently have the "Pacifier"(4.0 speed) and the proc rate is insanely low. I often kill mobs with 8 white hits in a row without any proc. I may have to try the macro that keeps tracks of procs to prove that.

And Seal of the Crusader is so broken atm that you deal less damage with SoComm on a judged target...

It would proc sometime on 3rd swing but never 8 in Row and never often ^

Even if SoC should proc with roughly every second swing you still can get more than two white hits in a sequence. That was my point and it was always working like that. If you watch vanilla videos you can see that very well.

Anyway since they have great talent to dodge i will refresh this here :

For those who are not informed - Seal of Command currently in Kronoss does "Full Resist" (extremely broken)



This is denied by Psojed because of their "believes"

However :

Seal of Command suppose to Dodge,Parry,Block and "Partial Resist" only but never "Full Resist" !

"Partial Resist" are level based and at that level (mob could be maximum 50 level high and maximum 3 levels higher than player on screenshot) , he would "Partial Resist" maximum 25/50 % of the Command Damage and never "Full Resist"

How it suppose to Work in the Video :

Uploaded on Nov 19, 2006

Resists suppose to be Partial

1:32 = 476 dmg (159 resist) = 25% = 635 full amount of damage - Seal of Command

2:02 = 322 dmg (321 resist) = 50% = 643 full amount of damage - Seal of Command
2:07 = 163 dmg (54 resist) = 25% = 217 full amount of damage - Judgement of Command
2:26 = 262 dmg (87 resist) = 25% = 349 full amount of damage - Judgement of Command

But never Full (Seal of Command)

Only Judgement of Command suppose to be "Full Resist" instead Dodge/Parry/Block if you lack melee Hit Rating.
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There is a reason SoC is also called Seal of Slotmachine.
First time I heard that, but I have seen "Seal of the Casino" many times.

Also last time I played (which is like a month ago) Judgement of the Crusader worked fine and increased the holy damage done to the target by the proper amount.
Afaik that debuff still works fine, but there's currently a bug which lowers your weapon damage below your normal amount when you lose the Seal of Crusader buff, and since SoC is calculated from your weapon damage, it also hits lower.
Afaik that debuff still works fine, but there's currently a bug which lowers your weapon damage below your normal amount when you lose the Seal of Crusader buff, and since SoC is calculated from your weapon damage, it also hits lower.

Oh I never noticed that. So SotC is pretty messed up. The damage reduction you should get when using the seal does not work either.
It would proc sometime on 3rd swing but never 8 in Row and never often ^

Anyway since they have great talent to dodge i will refresh this here :

For those who are not informed - Seal of Command currently in Kronoss does "Full Resist" (extremely broken)



This is denied by Psojed because of their "believes"

However :

Seal of Command suppose to Dodge,Parry,Block and "Partial Resist" only but never "Full Resist" !

"Partial Resist" are level based and at that level (mob could be maximum 50 level high and maximum 3 levels higher than player on screenshot) , he would "Partial Resist" maximum 25/50 % of the Command Damage and never "Full Resist"

How it suppose to Work in the Video :

Uploaded on Nov 19, 2006

Resists suppose to be Partial

1:32 = 476 dmg (159 resist) = 25% = 635 full amount of damage - Seal of Command

2:02 = 322 dmg (321 resist) = 50% = 643 full amount of damage - Seal of Command
2:07 = 163 dmg (54 resist) = 25% = 217 full amount of damage - Judgement of Command
2:26 = 262 dmg (87 resist) = 25% = 349 full amount of damage - Judgement of Command

But never Full (Seal of Command)

Only Judgement of Command suppose to be "Full Resist" instead Dodge/Parry/Block if you lack melee Hit Rating.

lol'd on bugtracker they even removed the evidence i presented that Seal of Command "Should never" Full Resist ..


#Blizzlike .
That was me killerduki. You posted the same thing twice into a bug report marked as duplicate, so I removed your spam.
twice was because of your website lagging and constant dc and unable to delete 1 , so instead deleting 1 you deleted all.

Also that report is not "Duplicate" because the "Duplicate" you mention was about Dodge/Parry

Reporter was about "Resist" ....

I know that you are from CZ and i am from MK but he was pointing at "Full Resist" where i pop Evidence that should never ever do "Full Resist" but "Partial Resist" only .

Now to Quote https://vanilla-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?issue=5701

By Psojed
So far, none of your evidence states that Seal of Command cannot be fully resisted. The linked video proves only that SoC can be dodged/parried/missed and also resisted. It also proves that Holy damage spells can be resisted and partially resisted even after the removal of Holy Resistance stat.

The absence of a full resist on a single boss fight does not prove that full resist does not exist for Seal of Command.

Here is your Video where Seal of Command NEVER! "Full Resist" ... it's only "Judgement of Command" that "Full Resist", Seal of Command is only "Partial Resist".

Uploaded on Nov 19, 2006

Resists suppose to be Partial

1:32 = 476 dmg (159 resist) = 25% = 635 full amount of damage - Seal of Command

2:02 = 322 dmg (321 resist) = 50% = 643 full amount of damage - Seal of Command
2:07 = 163 dmg (54 resist) = 25% = 217 full amount of damage - Judgement of Command
2:26 = 262 dmg (87 resist) = 25% = 349 full amount of damage - Judgement of Command

But never Full (Seal of Command)

Posted 14 Apr 2006

Posted 14 Apr 2006
I believe partial resists on Seal of Command come from the combat log misinterpreting glancing blows. Although Seal of Command damage is holy based, it follows all melee rules and thus you would encounter some glancing blows(or partial resist in your combat log). In terms of Judgement of Command, then yes, I believe there are level based resists but no base resist(evident through the auto re-judge sloppy coding).

There is no "Full Resist" nowhere by Seal of Command and you won't find any because it didn't exist.

Only and only Judgement of Command suppose to "Full Resist" instead dodge/parry/block if person is not hit capped.

In B4 #Blizzlike
Last edited:
The absence of a full resist on a single boss fight does not prove that full resist does not exist for Seal of Command.
In B4 at Video you will see that only JOC "Full Resist" but SoC only "Partial Resist" and never "Full Resist".

The absence of a full resist on a single boss fight does not prove that full resist does not exist for Seal of Command.

WoW if Video with "Raid Boss" from 2006 does not prove then no more comments.......

Enjoy in your "Believes"
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