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    TwinStar team

Stop the premades


New Member
Apr 7, 2016
yes you might see me as a whiny fuck and facepalm me into oblivion but tbh i dont care :) but here goes

Premades is a pain in the ass.
I say only allow a max of 5 people to queue up at the same time..
Unless you are in a premade your self you get steamrolled and tbh doing battlegrounds are not fun at all.
Premades going on and on for days.. and all you meet is a premade. hurray how fun

now if people actually signed up random and met random groups it would be fun.. but this premading is just too much imo.

let the premade whine begin.
I agree with you slashignore. Pugging bgs All the Time and then getting against a premadr so many Times sucks

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Just allow single queue, or a maximum of 3 ppl queueing (so that e.g. a warrior can join with his healer friends or something like that), hide bg ID, give deserter upon leaving a bg, disbale multi queue.
No more premades then, pvp will be free again. I know premades were a part of vanilla, but there were also bigger player pools and you even had the chance to play agains non pvp ppl.
Yeah i completely agree.

I'm not good enough to get into a premade either, but it'd be really nice if you designed a system that occasionally put me in games with better players who can carry me.
the sad thing is.. i dont think the people behind the server will make battlegrounds more attractive.
I don't know if this is the idea that will fix PvP, but something needs to change on K1 to get the PvP rolling again.
im playing on k2 and all you ever face is a premade.
not very motivating for anyone to queue up to.
also we cant even queue to bgs from anywyere in the world making it even less motivating
1. allow us to queue up from the world (only battlegrounds)
it will make all brackets more active since people will test their new achived gear
it will make more people @level 60 queue up since they do not have to go to the city every time between questing/farming whatever
REturn them to the spot where they entered the BG

2. max of 3-5 people queueing up at the same time ( as group ) not raid

i know people doing premades will hate this but really it is the minority who will get something out
of this.
prevent dodge? that does not help those who does not want to avoid facing a premade all the time..

I agree with you pvp would be so much healthy without premades but, people are complaining about premades for more then 1 year, i don't think that Kronos staff will kill premades.... but if we whine enough we can kill warsong like they did with AV
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I understand playing against pre-mades in bgs is rough, been there done that. But even if we limited players to 3 to queue in a party, that won't solve the problem. Players who want to premade together will. They will all just sign up for queue at the same time, make sure they're all in the same bg number when pops.

The one thing I have learned in my time as a GM is that if players want to do something, they will always find a way to try to do it. Nothing is foolproof. Even if we removed group queue at the same time, the problem remains.
Also to a greater extent, we are not here to dictate how players can play the game. We provide the project to all players, and only enforce minimal rules to ensure cheating, exploitation, and other standard/general universal guidelines are maintained. We want Kronos to be a place of fun. While going against a pre-made is never really fun, telling players how they can/can't play the game is less fun to all.

Having said all that, we're always looking for ways to make the project better and we will continue to do so as best we can.
I wonder why Blizzard set a group-queue limit of 5 players on their current expansion. I have no idea since when they did this.

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@Davros, Then enabling Multiqueue is better than disabling Multiqueue, isnt it ?

Disabling Multiqueue seems to be worse than enabling Multiqueue.

Found when (Patch 5.1):

It is no longer possible to automate queuing for standard or random Battlegrounds in groups larger than 5. We decided to make this change in order to improve the experience for all players who are queueing into random groups normally and expecting to face similarly random groups, only to find themselves crushed by a full team of coordinated opponents.
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Davros we know it might be hard to solve the premade problem but you could at least let us queue up for the bgs from anywhere in the world it will make more people go into those bgs especially in those lower level brackets which are just DEAD now except the weekly 10-19 one =D
but something needs to be done about DODGE it makes pvp even more painful

facepalm this post too you dodger
Ironically, the way to counter this is to get the opposing faction to boycott the premade. Let's say premade A is dodging premade B and they farm pugs only, the pugs will have to communicate and join BGs when the premades are already locked into a game.
Because they are ranking loot whores who don't pvp to pvp. They pvp to get epics and stand around in Org/IF. Retail vanilla pvp was all about going against other premades and talking tons of trash if you won. A lot of times we intentionally queued against the best ally premade because those were the most entertaining games by far even though we lost most of them, because when you won man you could ride that high for weeks and you could just taste the salt on forums.

This kind of thing is almost completely lost on private servers which is sad since people are more concerned with their bracket and standing and less with challenging themselves and their premade skills.
Get into a premade or make your own.

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We as premades CONSTANTLY vs the alliance ones, more than pugs, and talk massive shit on Horde side when we win.
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