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    TwinStar team

to all non-premade BG-players.


New Member
May 1, 2016
just dont queue ever again. Only you can fix that lack of 60+ pvp, start with yourself. You're not pvping at the moment, you just serve a freer hk+rep to dodgemades.
Bro, you so edgy I think I cut myself.

At the same time, you've got a point - it's dumb to expect Chero to fix dodgemades, not his business at all. It's up to the players.

Personally, I'm simply taking a break from BGs because they're not fun currently.
just dont queue ever again. Only you can fix that lack of 60+ pvp, start with yourself. You're not pvping at the moment, you just serve a freer hk+rep to dodgemades.

This does not make any sense... if more people would que it would be less likely for you to meet a premate = benefit for all
Forum name says you troll, post says you are mentally retarded. Which is it?
Puggers are destroying PvP. Please disable join without group option so that we can start having PvP battles with at least somewhat proper setups.
Premades are destroying PvP. Please disable join with group option so that we can start having PvP battles with at least somewhat proper fun.
Neither premades nor puggers are destroying PvP. If anything is destroying PvP it's whiny bitches who want free warlord gear.

If people didn't premade in any form, the only impactful factor to obtaining rank would be time-invested. And it would just be account sharing Chinese at rank 14 always.

If you get frustrated running into premades, join or make one yourself.
If anything is destroying PvP it's whiny bitches who want free warlord gear.

Stop with this meme, nobody ever said we wanted warlord gear, all we want is to play PUG vs PUG.

Is that too much to ask ? Remember the purpose of this game is to have fun.
princess Germi here. I see no reason for butthurt.
against prem i run to mid and beat unskill <remdy> puppies. they says: "we play prem cuz tryhard and wanna challenge". i am ur challenge nagas do not avoid 1vs1 fights!
PUGs you guys crying on the forum "prem ruining pvp" but mostly you play worse than in 2005 and everything you do pug vs pug its midfight so pls shutup
I had an Hentai japanese schoolgirl voice in my head while reading your post :laugh:
I like how this post has the majority of the premaders stomping down the idea .. gj guys get the rest of your premading pals to reply the admins will think your opinion is that of the 90%
Ι played Vanilla back in 2005 in server Emeriss PvP EU and Nordrassil PvE EU.

The experience described herein is the authentic Vanilla experience. I PUG'd back then, and we always ran into Horde Premades, one led by a Warlock named Vexx most of the time. It was always the same people in his premade.

AFAICR, I only played once with an Alliance premade by accident, as they queued with 1 DPS less and I got in by mistake. Shadowmelded the entire match which they won too.

So yeah, this is Vanilla PvP. Welcome to the experience.
why premadetards replying here? I wasnt talking to him, im talking to common players. Omg they so dumb:sad:
Because in most cases the people that take PvP serious enough to read and reply on a forum about vanilla WoW PvP, are serious enough to make or join a premade.
why premadetards replying here? I wasnt talking to him, im talking to common players. Omg they so dumb:sad:
xd what is this common players ur talking about mate, I think its rly called shit players that never will get into a premade and for that sake they are crying about it, but that's just me..
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