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    TwinStar team

Undo some custom, un-blizzlike changes to AV


Jul 17, 2016
Being in AV again on an alt, I find myself extremely irritated by the change introduced to not give a single mark to the losing faction if the bg doesn't exceed a certain time limit. From memory, the introduction was justified (by a crowd with an agenda to make everyone instead go WSG) to prevent people from entering, and just coasting (for 1 mark? seriously?). The reality is that many bgs are full of people who play like cretins - don't guard, instead run to the opposing faction's hq, or fight in midfield; and many games so are quick wins for one side not for lack of trying, but for lack of ability. The current system - which, again, is NOT blizz-like - further penalizes the less competent side - in this case, alliance which I play.

Outside of the AV weekends, there are NO AV bgs at all after the sum of changes you felt necessary to introduce. Even on the weekends, there aren't many simultaneous bgs anymore. Is that what you want?

I would strongly urge you to kindly disregard the loud voices of some who pushed for this for an agenda indicated above. Kindly do something for the masses of your players who, I can assure you, would appreciate to at least get 1 silly mark (aka, about 33 rep for the usual loss I'm facing), also considering that actually blizz-like competitors are (or soon will be) around. Thanks for considering.
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