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    TwinStar team

world chan

/world is misused, that's to be expected (sadly). Trade chat in retail is no different than world chat. You'll always have this level of 80% useless banter / 20% useful and/or game related discussion in any MMO.

Users have choices (as you mentioned). Stay in world and do nothing, stay in world and block/ignore users, or leave world when not desired. I barely ever say/use world, except when I need it. That being said, I think not having it advertised as a "choice" to join during login hurts the server overall (and outweighs the moles that come with these channels).

Sure, coming from a different server you generally know about these channels (apparently). But what about those new to the private server scene (like I was when I first joined Kronos). As mentioned in a previous post, Trade is dead and it makes you really wonder are people even playing the game?

I had no idea about world until I was in my 30's on my first toon. If I was more hesitant about the choice of server I made then I would have likely left a lot sooner since I didn't know anyone here (arrived as a solo player). Seeing trade chat dead is a bad thing.

Having the knowledge that a /world chat exists is great for the user, the information is given to them so that they "know" about it. This gives them the choice they can make on their own as to whether to join or not. By not informing users about the channel (especially those who are new to this) you aren't providing them with all their options. Having the power to make a choice means a lot more than being left in the dark.
its pretty stupid to be against advertising the world chan because of missuse anyway.
its like forbidding e-mails/chats/forums/... because people/networks missuse it for spam, viruses etc.
its the players fault and not the chans. it can also happen in any other channel.

and revenga, the trade chan also is not like the world chan at all, because the trade chan is only for the major cities. so especially new people that rarely are in the capital cities cause they are questing rarely see whats going on there. if anything is going on there.

however, many players already left because they felt lonely already anyway. the longer you wait the lower the impact of such advertisements will be. such things need to be implemented at launch or shortly after
I'm aware Trade chat is only available in major cities. In retail trade chat was most of the time used for putting to gather groups, selling stuff and useless banter. When I came to this server, my perception was that of a old school WoW vet. Trade chat is where things get organized. But overtime I found myself in major cities it was always dead, rarely ever was there anything in trade chat.

Similar would happen for expansion babies as trade chat has always been the "world" chat of retail. Expected to be seen in major cities only. But, you show up on this server and see a dead trade chat. That's not good to help promote/grow the community. Yes, world chat is mostly useless/*****ic banter. But seeing activity in the community is a lot better option vs. not knowing if the community even exists (by seeing a dead trade chat).

I'm speaking as a newbie to private servers, obviously private server vets know more bout how things work. Having a message just saying that there's a global world chat on login helps the new people you're trying to draw into the server. Not knowing its existence (/world) is shooting our server in the foot when it comes to showing the vibrant community Kronos has. This can easily be rectified/prevented.
World should be a default channel. But it should be in a separate tab. New users will notice it start blinking soon after logging into the server they will inevitably click on it and see whats up. They will have the option to keep world chat isolated on a chat tab or they can choose to add world to their general chat tab.

With this plan they become aware of world chat, they choose how pervasive they want it to be, and the impact of having world chat on in another tab is effectively nil on their experience if they desire to be rustic in their kronos experience.
World should be a default channel. But it should be in a separate tab.

That's how I set it up. I find /world distracting when I am leveling, but when I want to run instances or sell something it is necessary. Only a few people are using /trade or /lfg unfortunately.
I think this is a good idea. However, I am not certain if it is possible to create a new tab for a specific channel from the server side. Since the project leads wish to leave the 1.12.1 client as untouched as possible this may be difficult to accomplish. I know I have used addons like WIM in the past and I always found it better for keeping things clean and not missing part of the conversation. Unless I have missed a command that will join a new channel into another tab, which I am not familiar with. I know that this is possible from the client side.

To be honest i would think that most people who join the realm, have already played wow for a long time and have played in private servers too, so they would know that a /world exists. Takes like 1 second to try it via the /join world command.
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