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    TwinStar team

World Conquest PVP


New Member
Jan 27, 2016
Hello everyone. I had an idea pop back into my head that I had 12 years ago when I came to WoW from binge playing halo 2 multiplayer. For some background info, in Halo 2 there were clans for competitive situations rather than guilds, and two such clans got together and formed two opposing sides to play as rivals against each other each week. These clans called themselves Red team and Blue team, they eventually rallied hundreds of people on each side and much like hardcore raiding guilds now and then, applications were neccessary. However the rivalry they formed wasn't just all in good fun. They set a competitive goal toward their rivalry and would battle each week for "territories". The two clans would schedule multiple battles 8v8 each week on a different scheduled map. The winner of the majority of those battles would then "control" that territory or map. Well back to the original topic and the reason I'm explaining all this; I had an idea back then to somehow make this a thing in WoW with pvp, being there are 10x more territories you could fight over and control in the game. Obviously though, back then there was simply too many people involved in their own guilds and business it would have been hard to rally that many players and explain it all to them through whispers if they even have the energy to pm you after advertising it. Another factor that prohibited me even trying was Horde-Ally relations to set this pvp system up. Rallying enough players on the opposing faction would have been impossible since I had no friends on Horde IRL and obviously I wouldn't have any in game (rambling again). My point is now that I've found Kronos, I believe the community is the perfect size and we are all close enough together as a server of several hundred people that may be interested in this concept, and thanks to the active world chat and forums many would see and maybe take a look at the idea. Also Horde relations would be much easier with perhaps someone leading their side with an alt toon coming from ally or just recruiting people in World chat over there. I'm not committing to anything and don't even know if this is a good viable idea, but wanted everyone's feedback. The system could work in competing in BG's for a territory say Elwynn Forest one week and STV next week. However I was thinking this may not be epic enough to execute the full power of this idea. I was thinking that instead of BG's we rally as many people from each side and setup a time in whatever territory the battle is over that week and world pvp death match in an open field. Anyways that's pretty much it, throw some ideas at me if you're interested or comment what wouldn't work or make sense because like I stated before I'm just spewing an idea out from when I was 11 years old and thought maybe it could finally be doable here on Kronos. Thanks! No hate, only constructive criticism allowed !
So, to sum things up (yes, I did go through that wall) :

Free-for-all PvP fights on a single zone, either planned or players try to keep it for their factions as long as possible.

Keeping it for the longest possible time seems unprobable to me, players will just logout at some point, and that could become very close to harassment (?). Otherwise I feel like a big PvP fight on some zone could be fun. The question would mostly be, how do you create hype, get players interested and to participate in it?
Yeah that's why I want others input cause I'm not entirely sure of this just throwing the idea out so other minds can get in on it. And it would be more organized between the factions than holding it for the longest time possible and ganking at the respawn. In a perfect world there would be rules among the groups that whoever wins controls that area for winning the battle until the next battle in that area, but senselessly ganking after the battle is somehow adjourned and the winner is named would be forbidden. I suppose you could incorporate it into guild rules for both sides when you join. I'm not sure on how to implement rewards for the winner however, since I don't want the losing factions low level players to rage quit since the other faction is flooding the area after victory. Idk maybe just a fun little leaderboard would show who controls what to mark pvp dominance on the world. As for hype we would probably have to consult the world chat but before that consult as many people as possible here on the forums and Reddit. Spread the word tell anyone you know in game to hop on this thread and share their thoughts.
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Ashenvale pvp! Astranaar vs Splintertree Post :biggrin:
Everyone would meet in their local town or just at a rally point if there isn't a town for their faction and then attack according to schedule and meet somewhere in between. It would be raid leader responsibility to keep track of server time and send their troops out to charge on the dot otherwise the other faction might have a head start and pillage the faction village. Really would love if people bought into this idea and would want to organize it sometime in the future.
tl, dr version - OP wants to see a system of rotating Contested zones be Won or Lost to the Horde and Alliance by means of world PvP.

tl, dr version of my reply - I think World PvP will take care of itself once AQ launches, but the BG's problem of raid loggers not doing BG PvP anymore 'cause they got what they wanted is a bigger issue.

My take on it - We already see this with Eastern Plaguelands and Silithus to an extent, but I get the idea you're shooting for. One problem is that we have numerous high level players with access to accounts of both factions so the more hardcore (or lifeless) of our players might attempt to rig something.

Hrm. I'm not seeing an easy answer for this. Selected zones for world PvP might have increased honor rewards for those fighting but that could lead to exploitation. Selected zones instead might have their resource nodes (mining, herbalism) become invisible to the losing faction so that the winning faction in control are the only ones that could see and harvest them. Phasing the nodes is possible in Vanilla WoW, just a headache to code.

The problem here is that PvE players would become irate that PvP is now required for them to enjoy the aspect of the game they like most (resource nodes being used for consumables, etc).

Another possible take might be that selected zones might be made available for a faction to control, and the faction in control of the most zones might gain a global buff for their side. We saw this happen in a different but similar MMORPG, called Dark Age of Camelot when different keeps were held in the Frontier zones.

Scratching my head over this, I think we'll see more world PvP happen naturally once the AQ War Effort launches and the different faction players will be out in full force to different zones to gather resources for the quest rewards back in their home capitals.

The biggest problem I'm seeing with PvP right now on the server is the high level players that just Raid log their mains and don't bother with BG's at all because they've gotten the ranks and reputations they wanted. I think that shit should decay every 2 weeks and FORCE people to fight to maintain what they have. But that's just me.

OP's post with paragraph splits.
Hello everyone. I had an idea pop back into my head that I had 12 years ago when I came to WoW from binge playing halo 2 multiplayer. For some background info, in Halo 2 there were clans for competitive situations rather than guilds, and two such clans got together and formed two opposing sides to play as rivals against each other each week. These clans called themselves Red team and Blue team, they eventually rallied hundreds of people on each side and much like hardcore raiding guilds now and then, applications were neccessary.

However the rivalry they formed wasn't just all in good fun. They set a competitive goal toward their rivalry and would battle each week for "territories". The two clans would schedule multiple battles 8v8 each week on a different scheduled map. The winner of the majority of those battles would then "control" that territory or map. Well back to the original topic and the reason I'm explaining all this; I had an idea back then to somehow make this a thing in WoW with pvp, being there are 10x more territories you could fight over and control in the game.

Obviously though, back then there was simply too many people involved in their own guilds and business it would have been hard to rally that many players and explain it all to them through whispers if they even have the energy to pm you after advertising it. Another factor that prohibited me even trying was Horde-Ally relations to set this pvp system up. Rallying enough players on the opposing faction would have been impossible since I had no friends on Horde IRL and obviously I wouldn't have any in game (rambling again).

My point is now that I've found Kronos, I believe the community is the perfect size and we are all close enough together as a server of several hundred people that may be interested in this concept, and thanks to the active world chat and forums many would see and maybe take a look at the idea. Also Horde relations would be much easier with perhaps someone leading their side with an alt toon coming from ally or just recruiting people in World chat over there.

I'm not committing to anything and don't even know if this is a good viable idea, but wanted everyone's feedback. The system could work in competing in BG's for a territory say Elwynn Forest one week and STV next week. However I was thinking this may not be epic enough to execute the full power of this idea. I was thinking that instead of BG's we rally as many people from each side and setup a time in whatever territory the battle is over that week and world pvp death match in an open field.

Anyways that's pretty much it, throw some ideas at me if you're interested or comment what wouldn't work or make sense because like I stated before I'm just spewing an idea out from when I was 11 years old and thought maybe it could finally be doable here on Kronos. Thanks! No hate, only constructive criticism allowed !
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No no it doesn't even need to be fully officialized by Kronos, I just mean friendly organization among players of both factions looking to have a huge world pvp battle at least every week in a different zone. Leaderboards would be kept by these organized groups as to who controls what just for the love of fighting for a cause if you will. I wouldn't want it to affect anyone else's gameplay experience such as taking nodes away from low levels who are trying to skill up their gathering profs. Just an idea I figured people might want to organize to get some crAzy memorable battles going in places it's never much happened much in (such places like feralas, swamp of sorrows, mulgore, dead wind pass etc.).
The map would cycle through every zone each week to keep it interesting and get people to appreciate the vast variety of environments wow has to offer. Game type could vary slightly each week too. For example: if both factions have a village in the zone the goal is to fight your ways to/ defend the town center and slay every npc (an AV type concept). Where if say only an alliance town is found in that region or vise versa the goal for the opposing side is to conquer the town by slaying all npcs (with this there would need to be a way to call a winner and cease the battle). Another type maybe could be if there is a neutral town in a region the fight would be between the two sides over control of said town. Regions with capital cities would require at least raids of 40 and the goal would be the same as the second game type I mentioned except you must slay the faction leader who rules there. Again I know this sounds like pvp utopia and I don't expect it to just happen but it would be great if people got hyped and wished to push the novelty of this game as far as this.

Just some ideas but this whole idea in general is totally fun-based and not meant to be taken as a suggestion for the server itself to incorporate. Just something the players may find worth it to take upon themselves to organize to have some good old warzone world pvp and reenact the true nature of the war between the factions, which is very very bloody.
But it's not just as simple as that. I don't want to just see classic city raids, I want the defending faction to have an equal army to defend their capital. I also want to see epic battles unfold in unlikely and memorable places. A Giant war all over DW pass would be a sight to see. Random world pvp usually involves a group surprise attacking which is obviously okay and a way of life, but what I'm suggesting is totally organized between both factions and at equal odds like BG's are match made to be except we all do it ourselves on both factions and meet up and battle it out like once a week. We can fight over a different region each week and claim it for either Horde or Alliance
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I don't mean to be rude, but when I see all the text walls on Brucepain's posts, I tend to skip them so I don't understand this thread :laugh:

Please use paragraphs! Hitting the Intro key once in a while won't hurt you :wink:
Sorry Tristan I've done the majority of posting off my phone so I apologize for the walls.

No worries! Just keep in mind for your future posts that phones have the Intro key too :laugh:

Anyways cool that you worry about encouraging world PvP! I will read your posts in detail later :whistling:
Most likely 1 faction will stomp the other making this event quite short. I like the idea aswell and a recent Azuregos try turned into a massive open PvP battle. Its cool and all, but its really hard to pull off.
Go ahead and try to schedule something like this.
I guess I'll give it a shot in the near future... The idea of regional conquest could maybe just give people on the entire server more incentive to world pvp and have something to do instead of nothing in between raiding, and the scheduled part of it each week or a few times a week depending would give those raiders another night to look forward too other than reset day. Thanks for all the replies !
then call a break for 10-15min so ppl can refresh, buff up and reset cooldowns, also we could fight near a GY so ppl dont have to run far to their corpse

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