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    TwinStar team

WSG questioons

I'm pretty sure that's allowed, it's an hard jump to do but possible without using any kind of hax. So we can just admire those few skilled players able to do it :yes:
No need someone to be rude ... for me its something Blizzard messed making this map. Its a bug, bug exploits are not welcome. Kitting with the flag is skill too and I accepting this, never mind how mad this can make me sometimes. :)
It's not a bug, and was possible in retail vanilla as well. Blizzard worked the maps around some of the blink/jump spots in the later patches, but in 1.12 they were still around.
Stop dotting everyone before you die especially rank 1 Shadowword pain on rogues, they just go back, you archieve nothing.

Stop dotting everyone before you die especially rank 1 Shadowword pain on rogues, they just go back, you archieve nothing.


The rogue will not be able to go in stealth for 24 seconds. And I am not telling you how to play your game, so you dont tell me how to play my game.
The rogue will not be able to go in stealth for 24 seconds. And I am not telling you how to play your game, so you dont tell me how to play my game.

Thx you already told me one thing, i will annoy for this one thing until you quit.
Let's punish people for pressing space bar and forward at the right angles.
What about horde portal jump though? You need speed increase or consumables to do it, while only classes like shaman/druid/(hunter maybe?) can use their class abilities
Please make WSG into a flat map without any objects or buildings.
Also add selfies and garisson. Thanks.
funny how cowlover fell down on the second movie tho :D
guys pls, adapt to these "jumps", thats the only thing i can tell. If only a certain model could do that, I would understand all the complaints.
There are some jumps, which are really gamebreaking but they are already blocked with invisible walls.
I dont know if some ppl are mentally restricted or not able to push a simple series of combination on the keyboard (run + spacebar) with their fingers and especially the thumb. Maybe u guys using the elbow for this? Nose? Tongue? Lil toe? Not even tried?
This jumps in the videos are doable by every class AND race/model without any use of speed increase and similar shit.
Where is the problem?
this kid has a ton of vids about people AFKbotting in AV or GY jumping WSG hahaha.

Here's my verdict: git gud.
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