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    TwinStar team

YouTube comments

Man, just let them do it. Its a bubble that will most likely burst. That subreddit is cancer anyways.
Guys, remember this vid?
The guy who made it is also joining Kronos. Yaaay! :D (He just commented.)
Nice :) and the video has 200k views :)

- - - Updated - - -

Man, just let them do it. Its a bubble that will most likely burst. That subreddit is cancer anyways.

I just don't bother with reddit anymore. It seems to be a place for lurking trolls and immature kids - not the place, where I want to use my time. Very strong fanboyism there, and you cannot discuss things since arguments aren't enough.
got really bored today and decided advertise Kronos on youtube comments, since forum is really quiet.
So some support for comments will be appreciated :wink:
All newest comments ->>

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-B4SCPVh8Z8 added 2 more ;)
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Check one more time, I deleted old comments and made new ones, there was some issue i guess ;) And for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPXCZGacoH4 its on feenix youtube channel so probably its deleted or forbiden to add Kronos in comments ;)
Yep man, my comment is still here and yours is not :) Upvote it instead. And, I dunno, maybe you're trying to post a link, which is easy for Feenix to prevent..?
Sadly I couldn't like some because of GEMA & stuff.

Check out newest:

This is a good example on how not to do it. And how advertisments like this can look spammy. 2 weeks ago a person commented saying "SPREAD THE WORD EVERYONE!! KRONOS-WOW WILL COME SOON!!!" now one of the newest comments (from one week ago) is from a different person saying exactly the same thing "SPREAD THE WORD EVERYONE!! KRONOS-WOW WILL COME SOON!!!"

I can safely say, if I was new to the scene and were to see this, by two different people a week apart. I would be immediately be turned off from the server. Please refrain from doing what these two posters have done.

Nonetheless this is the first example I have seen of it (its a shame it has to be on the OFFICIAL World of Warcraft Channel/Video), all the others comments I have seen are great. Keep up the good work.
Do you realize complaining on the teaser video with blind people just pushes them up? (didn't you learn from this thread? ^^)
Ignore them, or... delete their shitstorm if they commented your comment.
... Annoying rats, we should spread some rat poison to send them back into their cave.
This is a good example on how not to do it. And how advertisments like this can look spammy. 2 weeks ago a person commented saying "SPREAD THE WORD EVERYONE!! KRONOS-WOW WILL COME SOON!!!" now one of the newest comments (from one week ago) is from a different person saying exactly the same thing "SPREAD THE WORD EVERYONE!! KRONOS-WOW WILL COME SOON!!!"

I can safely say, if I was new to the scene and were to see this, by two different people a week apart. I would be immediately be turned off from the server. Please refrain from doing what these two posters have done.

Nonetheless this is the first example I have seen of it (its a shame it has to be on the OFFICIAL World of Warcraft Channel/Video), all the others comments I have seen are great. Keep up the good work.

The first comment who said spread the word, was me. However I think an occasional comment like "Guys Kronos wow is coming out" compared to one from this thread, will probably not turn off people. I only did mine out of excitement and because I had no idea someone would come up with an idea that would make it look like we were paying people to advertise this server.
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I agree, the way you put it is completely acceptable. What I don't find acceptable is the ALL CAPS EXCLAMATION MARK!!!! posts. That shouts a little of desperation, a simple comment will nab my attention just as much as one in all-capitals and will look better for the server. - Of course this is just my view on it, I don't claim to speak for others, this kind of post might be fine for other people.
But not everyone likes that kind of "friendly" advertising :)
Since we already know ... some players are morons, even some morons are fine to see on a server sometimes and i believe they actually react more on CAPs etc. -comments ;) so for me it wasn't so bad to see this.
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