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    TwinStar team

Always 10% DMF

The way I understand this is that you are saying that since many people raid log anyway, we shouldn't care about some who don't but have to do it in order to remain competitive during DMF weeks.
How in god's name did you manage that from what I said? I'm saying, that ALL, or at least so many for the rest to be negligible raid-log in non-DMF weeks and are not forced to raidlog due to DMF. I'm not going to name people or point fingers, but a substantial amount of people that have brought up this discussion and are agreeing with it are SERIOUS raid-loggers. People who do nothing but raid log.

We shouldn't care about someone who forms their opinion on the basis of "I don't want to log in every 4 hours to fish for DMF buff, I only want to raidlog for DMF buff." - Not implying that's you.

If you are a person who cares about your numbers, you are forced to. if you don't do it, you are crippling your numbers and your class leader probably notices it, affecting your performance, loot, status, rank etc. Keep giggling.
Who said I don't fish for my buffs? I managed 8-10% without raidlogging, yes, I might have enjoyed popping 10% right before a raid, but my "enjoyment" isn't a motivation for anything.
You are not forced to though, you choose to. Let's get that straight. If you are "forced" to raidlog 3-4 days before raid, that is clearly a choice, and if you got it 3-4 days before the raid it clearly means that the "chances" aren't as bad as you purport it to be, meaning that you could probably leave it till later and still manage a high percentage. What do you do if you don't get a good %? I bet you log out and relog in 4 hours to retry right? I bet you don't actually go and pvp or do something productive for 4 hours right? Yes. Because you had no intention of doing so in the first place.

Also, you skipped over the important bits there. Which seems to be a trend.

"Insert nonsensical moronic twitch-chat-LUL-spammer quote here."

I used my guild name ONCE as a motivation to indicate that 1) I get buffs in a proper order 2) that I am somewhat competent in what I do. How did I criticize Vanguard? I literally didn't even use their guild name once? Vanguard is one of the best guilds on the server hands-down and no one can dispute that and Erminn is one of the best/most-experienced players on the server, no one can dispute that either. That does not make his motivation for this specific case any less hypocritical or wrong. I've agreed with him on other threads way more than I have disagreed with him.

How have I "coksukked" the admins? I specifically stated that some of these changes are acceptable and enjoyable when they have SUFFICIENT motivation and reasoning behind it. Convenience is not a motivation, it's you being lazy and bad. Not once have I advocated for Blizzlike-ness either.
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I really don't understand how you don't understand the "forced" to raiding part when you openly admit Vanguard is a very competitive guild. How do you think Vanguard does so well? Obviously by pushing vanilla buffing and skill to their fullest. So in order to stay competitive they are in a way forced to raidlog becsuse if they don't get that max 10% buff they are behind the other guilds that choose to take that extra step. You are right in saying yes they aren't physically forced to but to remain competitive they are in a way forced.

Amyway RNG buff is silly there is no skill involved in logging in and out every 4 hours for an entire week hoping you get 10%. It's obvious the people complaining about this literally just want to play the fucking game instead of raid log in taurenland or cuckshire.

Hell I'd rather have the sayge give me a quest that says go do scholomsmce once and I'll give you 10% buff than raidlog every 4 hours fishing for a buff. Atleast that way I still play the game and by your terms I've sufficiently worked for the buff.
Hell I'd rather have the sayge give me a quest that says go do scholomsmce once and I'll give you 10% buff than raidlog every 4 hours fishing for a buff. Atleast that way I still play the game and by your terms I've sufficiently worked for the buff.

I'm fine with this. Forces people to do dungeons. It would mean a lot for the server activity even though it's based on fake interest. Things would be happening.
While I mainly want this to happen for the reason that Gruuz explained, it's really ridiculous how some people (easy to tell who) try to mask this up as their fight against raid-logging, when in fact they don't interact with ANYONE besides 40 people in their guild, DMF week or not. Like, raid-logging has no effect on them whatsoever :lol:. I bet they actually like the raid-logging part because it shrinks competition in the open world in case they farm some shit.

It's so obvious and kinda looks pathetic xd

Ye I want 10% every time as well and since I'll never pick a buff more then once or twice, this change would be really convenient and that's the second, less important, reason why would I like this, next to what Gruuz wrote. Same as I want to be able to get Onyxia buff at any moment instead of every 6 hours, and instant Songflower instead of half an hour respawns. But some of you, just stop bullshitting everyone and admit to yourself, if not publicly, that you are lazy cucks who can't be bothered with that shit, but have to maintain "hardcore appearance" and get it every time, or just want even greater content roflstomp with whole raid having 10% in pursuit of next level records. That's fine too, just stop raid-logging argument when you don't give a fuck about it.
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What's your problem Sarei?

What possible agenda could I have? I'm with my laptop 99% of the time. I can log in and take the DMF buff anytime I want. Nothing hinders me, it takes me no extra time/effort etc. Why would I be "lazy and want it the easy way" when it makes no difference to me personally in the sense of time spent?

How are you people so blinded by your prejudice and writing so much bullshit, making claims against some hidden agendas behind the suggestion instead of discussing the suggestion itself and its merits? Focus on the freaking suggestion at hand, you *****s.
The "having to clear a dungeon to get it" is an ingenious solution. I would love that.
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What's your problem Sarei?

What possible agenda could I have? I'm with my laptop 99% of the time. I can log in and take the DMF buff anytime I want. Nothing hinders me, it takes me no extra time/effort etc. Why would I be "lazy and want it the easy way" when it makes no difference to me personally in the sense of time spent?

How are you people so blinded by your prejudice and writing so much bullshit, making claims against some hidden agendas behind the suggestion instead of discussing the suggestion itself and its merits? Focus on the freaking suggestion at hand, you *****s.

You cannot possibly be as sappy as you sound. Your stated reason for supporting this change is to allow people be more active during the dmf week and not force them to be offline for most of it. But the fact is that you and most of your guildies only log to raid or to prepare for raids anyway, so making the sage give a guaranteed 10 % doesn’t really affect your activity at all. Strictly speaking this change would reduce your activity because you don’t even have to log every four hours to get a new buff. So clearly your stated reason for supporting this change is not the real one and, more than likely, you just don’t want that you and/or your guildies have to deal the pointless trouble of getting the 10 % buff.

Sarei simply asked you to stop pretending you care about server activity when you obviously don’t. Or are you seriously trying to tell me you care deeply that the one or two people in your guild that pvp could pvp more often? Or that people in other guilds could be more active during dmf? I know men are inherently dishonest to each other and themselves, but you could at least put a bit of effort to be dishonest in a believable way.
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What creates more server activity?
1) A system where raidloggers are forced to log in every 4 hours to fish for 10% and ocassionally get stuck and actually do something productive (DMF remains random); OR
2) A system where raidloggers are given the opportunity to actually raidlog and not do ANYTHING on the server ever, and about 5 players on the server who apparently are "forced" to raidlog can do productive things with their mains, which most likely includes 5 entirely independent things and would not succeed in establishing activity as a collective [like pvp] (DMF is fixed at 10%).

I think (1) has more server activity during DMF, which is the system we have.
You guys really don't have to get so aggressive and accusatory about this. It's a pretty simple argument.
Didn't name or think of anyone specific, just some random comments by multiple people, but you quoted me, so I'll bite.

I just spoke in general, but guess you felt called out for a reason. Raid-logging is an actual and serious problem this server has and people trying to take it to their advantage. I'm sure you don't care much, or at all, if there's 10, 5, 3, 1 or 0 battlegrounds going at any given moment or if there's anything at all happening in the open world, but you do care about your raid's performance. A lot I'd say. Maybe you get 10% without much hustle every time DMF is around, but if every member of your raid had 10% every time, that would be quite an upgrade for raid performance and huge step forward towards next level records. I want 10% all the time as well, but at least I say that I want it not only because of slightly more active PvP, but because of an easy 10% for me and my friends when we do ZG idol run or w/e as well. I know the post I wrote can only reduce the chances they implement fixed 10%, even though I want it to happen. However, some of the other posts (by multiple people), including your own "bump for more activity and less raid-logging" or something like that, straight up insulted reader's intelligence and someone had to call bullshit on it because it's quite annoying. That's the sole reason I wrote what I wrote.

Disclaimer: Of course, there's a chance you actually do deeply care about server's activity and PvP state and that's an actual reason why you want this change, if that's the case I apologize. However, since I joined this server an year and a half ago you operate exclusively within a closed system that doesn't affect anyone else but yourself and your guild members and that doesn't help server's activity whatsoever. I saw you online sitting on a cart in IF few times and that's about it and when you had opportunities to make server more active at World Bosses, you decided to play the waiting game and stay offline until Horde get bored and leave and kill the boss with noone around. That being said, I'd say the doubt is at least justified.
all 4 green dragons spawned right after our aq40, we had full 40 online all buffed. no one wanted to go kill them. server is just too old to give a fuck (and their loot is laughably terrible). everyone wanted to wrap up raiding so we could go play PUBG, other servers, or other pvp games.

dmf would be nice i guess but i think the dent it would make would be negligible. it would mostly just reduce natural player attrition in players who want to compete with their previous records by a low modifier.
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