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    TwinStar team

Always 10% DMF

I am leveling a druid alt at the moment and could not help but notice this rambling however i have seen Vanguarders and many others camp low levels. heck long before Kronos released people camped low levels so i don't think you can blame a guild your you walking within a contested zone and 2 alts being on follow to a lvl 60 being killed off by another lvl 60 in that same fight ?...

Hmmm it does not really sound like something specific to a guild but rather something horde vs alliance have done for more than a decade... Blackrock mountain is contested and you will rarely see an alliance & horde acting friendly, if two raids meet in there its a fight as neither can afford being friendly and suddenly ambushed by the other raid. ZG is pretty much the same its an island ppl don't wish to spend much time upon as well... enemy faction players will come across and kill ya if you stay there that is the reason all portal asap same goes for felwood...

I am starting to get the feeling some people do not get what "Contested" or "PvP Server" means ? If your guilds have a grudge against eachother then speak in a civilized manner instead of complaining that you saw someone who was part of that guild kill your alt once upon a time or you where killed in a contested area...

At least come up with some valid reasons and not some basic stuff like faction vs faction which blizzard has encouraged for over a decade...

Give us a pve server and I will gladly play there.
Give us a pve server and I will gladly play there.
You can ask your self proclaimed pro who earlier this thread claimed he could work with the 1.12.1 code to make an adjustment in less than 10 seconds. if he can do that then give him a week or a month and you have your own lil spot of custom content comboed with pve, heck he can even make it so horde & alliance are "friendly" for ya :wink:

note: even on a pve server u experience raid vs raid fights unless something custom is done to prevent raid fights this endless cycle blizzard encouraged a decade ago will never truly end in 1.12.1 where world buffs are as valueable as they are.
It is not about pvp but it is about only pvping a) to annoy others and b) if you outnumber/outlevel others. That is just soooooo dull.
It is not about pvp but it is about only pvping a) to annoy others and b) if you outnumber/outlevel others. That is just soooooo dull.
Trust me i understand that feeling quite well however i found that after almost a decade of having such things bother me i simply began reading a certain novel that i am rather fond of while i simply let the ghost walk towards my destination. True i cannot completely ignore it at certain times if i am Onyxia buffed or such but in the end what is there to do ? i could be obsessed and log my 2x 60's hunting the individual and wasting my time camping him in return for killing my low lvl however why would i waste my own precious time on someone rather than simply pity them and move on ?

Yes i admit i have been frustrated for up to 3-5 min. after being killed while raid buffed however in the end i let it pass as afterall wasting time on it would be even worse... Afterall it is part of the game and i have learned to take joy in returning the favor on unsuspecting and most likely innocent targets. I like to follow a certain code by which if an alliance happens to help or intentionally ignore my pressence and move onwards i will spare the next one i encounter until they attack me however if i am attacked i will slaughter upon sight whoever i see next. if i am camped i will camp a corpse for max 1 extra kill and only if there is water nearby so i can fish and not completely waste my time.

I like to treat others how they treat me and through that i have learned an interresting array of people. we all have flaws and things that trigger us however through time we eventually let it pass and i feel i am quite close to the point where being killed in world pvp even buffed only affects me 1/10th of what it once did and for each month that passes i get more calm from seeing it occur.


note: there is 1 thing that triggers me tho and that is when a person acts ungrateful towards someone who without being asked to does the person a favor so whenever people mention Kronos in a negative way it kinda anger's me as i feel they do so much without enough recognition for their work. :smile:
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It's funny how only complaints are about world PvP and that's what apparently drive people away from here. However, when you look at the 2 biggest Vanilla projects so far (one dead, another active), those servers are/were booming with all kind of world activity, as well as PvP in the first place. Those servers didn't win more people over Kronos because of their MC or BWL, bosses and mechanics inside are the same. They didn't win more people because of superior battlegrounds, those are way more cancerous to play then on Kronos due to AFKers, LoS system and other stuff. They won more people because of very active world outside of the instanced locations.

I know most people on Kronos are PvE-minded, but for average player it's fun to gank and be ganked. For example, when that guild Nope killed every Horde guild and their buffs singlehandedly in one night, sometimes even 2 at the time, how epic was that. Or 500 people fighting for World Dragon for hours, but actually fighting, not sitting offline and waiting for others to engage the boss and then attack. Hell, battlegrounds were like 2nd tier PvP over there, main thing was who can control Un'Goro and kill whoever tried to contest it. Control over Tuber spawns in Felwood, STV/Southshore PvP while leveling/questing, etc.. All those and many others world activities are what attracts masses.

Yeah, I believe that few people left Kronos because they got ganked here and there. I also know probably as many who did the same thing because of dead world activities/pvp. However, those amounts are really absurd when you compare them to those who didn't even give it a try at all, because they knew there's nothing going on in the world and that it's almost like single-player game until you get to 60, get BiS pre-raid and then rinse and repeat, raidlog and queue few battlegrounds now and then.
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kronos-logs shadowbanned us about 16 months ago and stopped tracking our raids so we never really push front-to-black clears as much as we push personal dps.

i dont think 10% dmf would change much. onslaught mostly raidlogs because we have low turnover and a significant amount of the guild has been raiding on kronos for well over 2 years. i genuinely dont mind what the community wants, not that it matters what i think. things like repeatable heart of hakkar and head of onyxia or guaranteed 10% are quality of life but not anywhere close to blizzlike. problem with blizzlike is that kronos is so far from blizzlike at this point that for enough people it isnt even a valid argument anymore.

Couldn't agree more.
The things on this server I know of that are not Blizz-like on purpose:

- Redistributing your talent points comes at a lower price.
- When you leave a battleground queue after you are eligible to enter, you are given the deserter debuff.
- The Dragons of Nightmare cannot be attacked for half an hour after they have spawned.

All other things on this server are, as far as I know, Blizz-like by design. Things which are considered to be not Blizz-like, such as players using world buffs for raids, aren't a result of Kronos' non-Blizz-like mechanics, but rather players who don't think 8/8 Valor battlegear with the arcanite reaper is the best gear in the game. The playerbase being smarter than back in 2006 is non-Blizz-like, but it isn't an issue that can be fixed.
I have work 6 days a week IRL and it hurts the server when im offline, some1 please pay me 4-5 thousand US dollars a month so i can play 8hrs a day, 7 days a week and it wont hurt the server. TY in advance.
Yeah, I agree. I don't play my main or even my alt for the span of 2 raid cycles if I roll above a 8%. I know this is the case for the majority of ONSLAUGHT's characters aswell. Kind of disheartening when raidlogging is a slightly forced action.
I love how every single poster on this thread missed one GLARING mistake. If you are fishing for 10%, you don't need to stay logged out for weeks. If you get the buff, you see it's not 10%, you have 4 hours to kill, you can go pvp, you can run instances, you can farm, aoe farm, grind etc. You can play the game to your heart's content for that 4 hours. You only remain logged out once you get the 10% and then in most cases you log an alt and do those things with it. Most people only manage to hit the 10% a day or 2 before they raid, in which case they keep their char logged out anyway if they had pre-buffed other world buffs.

Basically stop crying, your point of argument is bad. You are requesting something be made easier for you, that is not the vanilla way. This isn't legion where your legendaries drop from a quest that requires you to kick squirls and collect nuts. Your proposed change would have 0 impact. People would just go and get the once off 10% and log off anyway, to avoid being ganked pre-raid. It's what happens with all the other world buffs currently.

It is so glaringly obvious you dont know a thing, usual route would be getting Dire Maul buffs and maybe Ony/Heart before DMF, because if you get DMF you will lose 5-10 minutes trying to get your Dire Maul/Head/Heart buffs.

So to make you understand, usual order is

Dire Maul buffs, Attack power last, right before you're logging out without a group.
Hearthstone to SW/OG for free while logged out. Summon yourself to Elwynn/Mulgore and start attempting to get high %

Head/Heart/Songflower/Silithus buffs depends on your summon availability, whether or not you're able to wake up in the middle of the night for another guild's buff popping.

But the most important point is, you want to get Dire Maul buffs first, because you will be running inside that instance, and any other buff you have will be losing some of its duration.

So, NO, you dont have 4 hours to kill inbetween DMF tries.

ps:you know nothing jon snu
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It is so glaringly obvious you dont know a thing, usual route would be getting Dire Maul buffs and maybe Ony/Heart before DMF, because if you get DMF you will lose 5-10 minutes trying to get your Dire Maul/Head/Heart buffs.

So to make you understand, usual order is

Dire Maul buffs, Attack power last, right before you're logging out without a group.
Hearthstone to SW/OG for free while logged out. Summon yourself to Elwynn/Mulgore and start attempting to get high %

Head/Heart/Songflower/Silithus buffs depends on your summon availability, whether or not you're able to wake up in the middle of the night for another guild's buff popping.

But the most important point is, you want to get Dire Maul buffs first, because you will be running inside that instance, and any other buff you have will be losing some of its duration.

So, NO, you dont have 4 hours to kill inbetween DMF tries.

ps:you know nothing jon snu

You're wrong. If you leave DMF for last, you have the chance of getting ganked/purged while getting DMF. You also have the chance of getting the wrong percentage and then you waste the timers on your other buffs. You get DMF first. Losing 10 minutes on DMF doesn't matter when you clear AQ40/BWL in 50 mins. I am in Synced btw.

You doing something as a choice and requesting that the game be changed to cater for your bad decisions is bullshit. This would have 0 impact on anything, except raidloggers will not play and log in before the raid instead of logging in once every 4 hours to fish for the buff.
I've learked this thread and the ones regarding other world buffs for awhile, here's my take on the whole issue.

First I'm curious as to how long it takes to clear mc/bwl/aq40 fully world buffed vrs unbuffed.

Now I could care less if DMF was alway 10% and to be honest I feel it should be but the reason I feel a lot of people raid log hard is because all guilds require their raiders to be fully buffed if they want a raid spot. Then there's people who feel they are pro because they can a few % more dps than another player when the other player probably had a few % less DMF than the 1st.

Because of all the buffing the tanks are forced to be fully buffed or they'll struggle to hold Argo.

Yes some specs require high AP and Critt to be viable, but have hunters ever gotten the DM AP buffed to ranged? No and do you see us crying a storm about it?

I know I've been down ranked and yelled at because as a hunter I preferred to use agility pots vrs mongoose for raids on farm status, yes I wasn't top hunter dps but I wasn't the bottom. My point was mongoose as a hunter is a huge waste of gold or time farming the mats for.

This is the mortality we've turned vanilla wow into, new players sometimes go quite a few weeks before they can turn in their ony or nef heads or zg,rend. Yes it's a good strategy but common we should be having fun not feeling like a second job to prep for raids on farm status.

you all make this game a hundred times harder than it actually is and as you can see it's a huge turn off for a lot of people.
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I know I've been down ranked and yelled at because as a hunter I preferred to use agility pots vrs mongoose for raids on farm status

This simply just shows what type of player you are.

You can actually afford raid consumables with the gold you get from boss drops, unless you die/wipe alot. And even that, you dont have to farm more than 1-2 hours per week. Is that really that much to ask?
i think the biggest cause of "raid logging" is the lack of things for the players to do. they have enough gold and consumables, need nothing out of 5 man/ubrs/20mans and dont pvp.
There are other things you can spend gold on except raid consumables that may actually make the game more fun.

Aside from that, saving a little bit of money on farm encounters may actually be a pretty good idea unless you plan on roflstomping everything in Naxxramas. But this thread is going pretty far off-topic once again.

My opinion on this thread and other similar threads:
Leave DMF random so the players who consider themselves hardcore actually have something to do to uphold that reputation. If you are too lazy to log in every four hours you are obviously not hardcore enough. The same is true for songflower change, black lotus spawns, etc. Anyone who doesn't feel hardcore enough can go with whatever random DMF number they get and without songflower. Raid bosses will still die, but you may not be on top of the meters anymore unless you go the extra mile.
You are making the game way easier than originally intended by getting every imaginable buff even for farm encounters, complain there is nothing for you to do in game and then ask the developers to make the game even easier. You insist on getting world buffs for Naxxramas which will make the encounters equally mind-numbing as the ones in MC, BWL and AQ40 because they were never intended for that kind of DPS by Blizzard.
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