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    TwinStar team


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Lol, the time of 7x has passed. Now suck it up bois and level the hard way. You had your chance but didn't take it. Life sucks.
Hey look everyone! It's the infamous better community that Kronos brags about! Same Elitist players that every server has, imagine that...

Get over yourselves, this Vanilla WoW community has been mostly one large community for YEARS spanning many servers. We are all working together to make a great vanilla community, please leave your server debates and hostilities to reddit.
Pretty please with sugar on top dont make that event happen again:no:

At that moment the server would only increase the kind of people who in my opinion...
dont belong.
As someone who joined this server 1.5hours before the xp event ended i fully support KEEPING THIS SERVER 1x! no handouts! want 60!? earn it!
XP Boost


I'm tired of leveling in vanilla, I did it twice to lev 60 in the last 2 years. First time on Emerald Dream (no it's closed), and then on Nost (and they closing it as well). Every time it took me around 3 months to get to level 60, and after when I reached the level the server was closed. So it was even no time for me to enjoy the game as a level 60 and that's the best part of vanilla (pvp ranks and collecting items).

I won't make another level 60 without xp boost as I'm sick of it. Hopefully there will be another event with XP boost on this server so it will help other ppl like me to enjoy the game and not only farming levels (it was fun for the first time and even after a while for the 2nd time, but seriously atm it's too much). I can even pay for it, just to enjoy the game and save my time.

Thank you for your consideration.
Re: XP Boost


I'm tired of leveling in vanilla, I did it twice to lev 60 in the last 2 years. First time on Emerald Dream (no it's closed), and then on Nost (and they closing it as well). Every time it took me around 3 months to get to level 60, and after when I reached the level the server was closed. So it was even no time for me to enjoy the game as a level 60 and that's the best part of vanilla (pvp ranks and collecting items).

I won't make another level 60 without xp boost as I'm sick of it. Hopefully there will be another event with XP boost on this server so it will help other ppl like me to enjoy the game and not only farming levels (it was fun for the first time and even after a while for the 2nd time, but seriously atm it's too much). I can even pay for it, just to enjoy the game and save my time.

Thank you for your consideration.

Go buy a lvl 60 on the auctions
Sorry but no, another exp event right after the server just had one, would be redundant and put a bad image on Kronos. As was stated before, the exp event was solely for the War Effort in preparation for the AQ event (more 60's gathering materials/items for War Effort to speed things along).

Yes Vanilla levelling is brutal, long and a pain to do on a fresh server (if you're just coming here now), but it's your choice to level here, not the GMs or the players that levelled during the exp event. There is always the auction house on the website if you have stars or cash to buy stars to buy pre-levelled characters other players made.
Kronos couldn't know that there will be THE OPPORTUNITY to get out of the "1k no one cares mark" some weeks after the x7 event.
Make another one and get all the Nost player base before they vaporize all across the servers.
Optional XP Rate Increase +

I wanted to suggest having a possible XP rate increase on the server.

Coming from Nostalrius I had spent quite a bit of time leveling my characters. Having the server shut down recently has led many of us to come over to Kronos having to start from scratch all over again. Leveling especially in Vanilla can be extremely time consuming and tedious... And although I understand this was a huge part of the nostalgia in Vanilla, I believe I'm not alone when I say the option for an XP increase would be greatly appreciated.

Having had leveled numerous 60's, the leveling portion of the game is just not as fun as it once was.

I read that recently Kronos offered an optional x7 xp increase during the month of March, and I think something like this would be beneficial to the server. I myself have friends that are not willing to invest the amount of time required to hit 60 all over again just out of fear of what happened to Nost will happen to Kronos. Making this option would give players the chance to use the XP rate as they please.

I understand many people enjoy leveling their characters and progressing through the game, but I believe there is also a large amount of people who would appreciate the opportunity to level towards endgame faster.
You could have got a few bubbles of XP in the time it took you to write this useless post, you missed 7x and the video announcement clearly said "1 time only"

The native Kronos population says no to XP boosts, tbh alot of us were happy when it ended, you had your chance. Snooze you lose pal
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I wanted to suggest having a possible XP rate increase on the server.

Coming from Nostalrius I had spent quite a bit of time leveling my characters. Having the server shut down recently has led many of us to come over to Kronos having to start from scratch all over again. Leveling especially in Vanilla can be extremely time consuming and tedious... And although I understand this was a huge part of the nostalgia in Vanilla, I believe I'm not alone when I say the option for an XP increase would be greatly appreciated.

Having had leveled numerous 60's, the leveling portion of the game is just not as fun as it once was.

I read that recently Kronos offered an optional x7 xp increase during the month of March, and I think something like this would be beneficial to the server. I myself have friends that are not willing to invest the amount of time required to hit 60 all over again just out of fear of what happened to Nost will happen to Kronos. Making this option would give players the chance to use the XP rate as they please.

I understand many people enjoy leveling their characters and progressing through the game, but I believe there is also a large amount of people who would appreciate the opportunity to level towards endgame faster.

As if we want more of you flooding this place?

Besides you all just missed a solid month of x7 exp. Guess you should have taken the chance then.
Re: Optional XP Rate Increase +

As a native to Kronos already with your own 60(s) i'm assuming, I wouldn't expect you to agree. As I don't expect everyone to agree with this suggestion.

But don't speak on behalf of the entire Kronos population because if what you say was true they would have never offered the XP boost in the first place.
Re: Optional XP Rate Increase +

I don't think the staff here is willing to suicide the Server with giving free xp to the overpopulated nost people. It's fine how it is. No need in crashing this Server as well.

Gesendet von meinem Galaxy Nexus mit Tapatalk
Re: Optional XP Rate Increase +

As a native to Kronos already with your own 60(s) i'm assuming, I wouldn't expect you to agree. As I don't expect everyone to agree with this suggestion.

But don't speak on behalf of the entire Kronos population because if what you say was true they would have never offered the XP boost in the first place.

They offered the 7x to lure ppl here and boost pop, that obviously is not needed anymore so yes, I will speak for the majority for Kronos natives that we not want or need 7x, in fact what we do need is 1x lvlers to farm mats for war effort and populate the world as everyone is lvl 60 from 7x

so no, no boost
Re: Optional XP Rate Increase +

I wanted to suggest having a possible XP rate increase on the server.

Coming from Nostalrius I had spent quite a bit of time leveling my characters. Having the server shut down recently has led many of us to come over to Kronos having to start from scratch all over again. Leveling especially in Vanilla can be extremely time consuming and tedious... And although I understand this was a huge part of the nostalgia in Vanilla, I believe I'm not alone when I say the option for an XP increase would be greatly appreciated.

Having had leveled numerous 60's, the leveling portion of the game is just not as fun as it once was.

I read that recently Kronos offered an optional x7 xp increase during the month of March, and I think something like this would be beneficial to the server. I myself have friends that are not willing to invest the amount of time required to hit 60 all over again just out of fear of what happened to Nost will happen to Kronos. Making this option would give players the chance to use the XP rate as they please.

I understand many people enjoy leveling their characters and progressing through the game, but I believe there is also a large amount of people who would appreciate the opportunity to level towards endgame faster.

Wow. You know what? The server team thought that would be a great idea too. So they DID an optional, temporary EXP boost. Should'a been there, groups all the time on the "dead" server.
Re: Optional XP Rate Increase +

Though it would be nice, fact is... the xp event was going on for a month or so already and is only a couple of weeks removed from it. I also doubt many Kronos people would want anymore refugees on their server, screwing their precious raid times.
Re: Optional XP Rate Increase +

Absolutely not. One way to thin out the pop is to make people gut it out.

- - - Updated - - -

As a native to Kronos already with your own 60(s) i'm assuming, I wouldn't expect you to agree. As I don't expect everyone to agree with this suggestion.

But don't speak on behalf of the entire Kronos population because if what you say was true they would have never offered the XP boost in the first place.

We don't need or want a Nos-type pop blowout. More players, by iteslf, is not the answer we seek.
Re: Optional XP Rate Increase +

I too came from Nost, however, it's really frustrating others people coming from there expect to be treated "special". This is a completely different server and I wouldn't expect them to change anything simply because of the Nost shutdown.

This is in no way affiliated with Nost so get your heads out of your asses and level. Your precious 60s are gone for good. :p
Re: Optional XP Rate Increase +

My opinion as someone who came a week before the refugee crysis is really simple and hasnt changed.
Re: Optional XP Rate Increase +

Adjust to your surroundings or leave. I think it's really that simple
Re: Optional XP Rate Increase +

Coming from Nost too, playing since yesterday on that server and have to say that even i'm against the boost, this is just not right, accept our destiny of lvling again, hope for no server crashes and no long queue's
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