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Re: Optional XP Rate Increase +

Anyone understands you might not want to level again, though I personally feel having x1 rates even in these circumstances is necessary to only bring the most serious players over here and save us the pain of getting everyone and their mother, bringing a huge population and drawing Blizzard's attention.

That would be more than unwelcome & unnecessary.
Re: Optional XP Rate Increase +

Re: Optional XP Rate Increase +

You had your chance. Wrong choice. Now get over it and adjust.
7x speed

Hello fellow adventurs

Im a player from Nost.. and I do find vanilla an awesome experience, where I spent 1 year of playing at nost.

I just dont have it in my heart to start with 1x 1-60 again..

I hope you can turn on the 7x for a week or two.. I just find it so hard to start over again...

best regards.
Re: 7x speed

I agree! its a pain to have to lvl again, i have a hard time doing it too, i whould be nice if there where x7 again so that i can have my 60 back on this server!

best reagards.
Re: 7x speed

That's like the 5th new topic about another 7x XP event. How about you search the forum first...
Hi there Kronos

I was on the famous Nostalrius.
And I have a suggestion.
for all the players who just arrived on this realm, we all love the Vanilla experience so much actually.
but as I just leveled up two cahrs on Nostalrius a mage n a Rogue
and then they shutdown the server :((
made me sad. I hate the fast leveling on retail
tho I want to suggest this.
In the future if so same thing should happen as to Nostalrius. I want to suggest if the XP rate can be boosted a tiny, I know that it is already x1 but x2, 3, 4 or 5 could make it abit more fun, atleast for me.
I hope others will support this. Forgive me if you dont.

I do want to see alot of players have the option to come here and have fun, and I think it might be tempting for them if they can come fast for level.

I dont mean this change to be permanent but would be great for a week for two maybe a month :)

thx for reading and hope you understand my suggestion. As I have tried vasrious of Vanilla servers before.
Re: Hi there Kronos

Hello there!

Yes we do understand your suggestion perfectly.

Unfortunately th eanswer is one big NO. THis is like 1231th post about this. You had a chance in the past, when the x7 event was active, its over.

Thanks for understanding

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