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    TwinStar team

Faction change option

Faction change great idea. Gives players the chance to play with the entire other half of the server if they want to without having to reroll. Theres any number of reasons why someone would want to try or play the other faction. Just because some of you don't like the idea of your guild members having the option to change their faction, doesn't mean the service shouldn't be offered to people who do want it.

What is this post.
Race and appearance change is okay as it does not have an impact on anything. But I would allow faction change only if there is a great imbalance between horde and alliance only to even things out again.
I do not know how big impact it could be for the Kronos but on other Twinstar's projects (Cata, WotLK) is already Faction change and everything is good.

For example:
Do you think when we will do this feature, everyone will transfer his character on the "better PvP" faction?
I do not think so.

Anyway, faction change is really far future (and maybe it will never be). Race and appearance change will be sooner (as I said, maybe this year).

By the way, bartender is not possible on the Vanilla server because WoW client does not support it.
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This looks a lot like it was on ED, a bunch of people crying that it was not blizzlike with faction changes, it would ruin the game and so on..

2 weeks later when faction change was available nobody cared anymore, because it barely impacts the game other than letting people play with their friends on the other faction and thus creating a better community.
I do not know how big impact it could be for the Kronos but on other Twinstar's projects (Cata, WotLK) is already Faction change and everything is good.

For example:
Do you think when we will do this feature, everyone will transfer his character on the "better PvP" faction?
I do not think so.

Anyway, faction change is really far future (and maybe it will never be). Race and appearance change will be sooner (as I said, maybe this year).

By the way, bartender is not possible on the Vanilla server because WoW client does not support it.

lol those projects combined probably have under 500 players total. Thats a bad example. K2 is about 53% horde 47% alliance. I guarantee you it would snowball to a freaking 80/20 disparity if this gets allowed.

Theres already a lot of alliance saying they are tired of getting pummeled in contested zones, you dont think a good chunk of them will say screw it im going to change to horde now so i can level in peace and be on the winning side AND keep my level 45 character??

This thread obviously doesnt represent everyone but you can see more people than not DO NOT want this. Hold an in game poll and im sure most will agree. They want a near 100% vanilla blizzlike experience. Faction change on retail completely skewed pvp towards one faction. Horde pugs > alliance pugs. Those alliance puggers who will get tired of losing will just faction change and it will completely screw up q times. JUST LIKE ON RETAIL.

Do not make the same mistake blizz did. Keep it as it is now. Theres a reason why 99% of us play private servers (especially blizzlike ones) and thats to get away from all the stupid changes blizzard implemented over the years.
lol those projects combined probably have under 500 players total. Thats a bad example. K2 is about 53% horde 47% alliance. I guarantee you it would snowball to a freaking 80/20 disparity if this gets allowed.

Nope. Alliance is and will always be the dominating pve faction, and most people play for pve. Also, this has not been the case on previous servers who implemented faction changing.

People cry a lot when they get ganked, but as long as it's a pretty significant amount of money required most of them won't do it.

This thread obviously doesnt represent everyone but you can see more people than not DO NOT want this. Hold an in game poll and im sure most will agree. They want a near 100% vanilla blizzlike experience. Faction change on retail completely skewed pvp towards one faction. Horde pugs > alliance pugs. Those alliance puggers who will get tired of losing will just faction change and it will completely screw up q times. JUST LIKE ON RETAIL.

Faction changind did not skew the pvp towards one faction. In TBC it was already skewed because horde racials are very strong in arenas. Later on in wotlk this evened out a bit because humans had double trinket.

Also, there are 2 servers here, on K1 alliance pugs are winning most of the games, so your argument is invalid.

Do not make the same mistake blizz did. Keep it as it is now. Theres a reason why 99% of us play private servers (especially blizzlike ones) and thats to get away from all the stupid changes blizzard implemented over the years.

Just because it's a non-blizzlike change doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad one. Faction change really doesn't impact the server as much as you would think.
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(finally found the most proper(?) thread for this topic)

For all the people against race change - why does it bother you? You won't be affected anyway. Lots of people traded charactes via shop (which also is not blizzlike and you are not complaining) and they are unhappy with the race their toon is, and looks especially. Since they paid for the service, race/looks change will allow them to actually be happy with what they originally paid for, right. They get the racials they actually want, and noone else should complain there.
And again, some players are experiencing vanilla maybe for the first time here, and maybe after some levels they found out that some racial might be more important for their gameplay etc. So why not allow it, perhaps in exhange of some stars (or maybe even 1 free per account, but that is the other thing anyway).

Faction change is completely another thing, since it affects much more - it maybe does not sound bad if you think about 1 player at a time, but for example whole guilds transfering is a bigger deal. K1 is really fine balanced at the moment, and perhaps faction changes should only be implemented in a case of drastic misbalance.
Please do race changes. Lots of people wish for it and it could also help out the server through donations, ect. It affects no one other than the person who wishes for the change so there is no detriments to others.

Faction changes I disagree with though as this can definitely lead to unbalanced sides and leave one or the other crippled.
Agree the race change would be nice.

Faction change would best be saved for a circumstance where there was great in balance between two factions on a specific server. Only then enable the change from the higher top to the lower pop to even things out, but not allow lower pop to flood the already higher pop faction.
When has this ever happened though?

Put the pricetag at like 50-65€ and only a few will afford it.

I've been playing Vanilla servers for over 7 years. An example you may know is Emerald Dream, when multiple horde guilds swapped over to Alliance. I can't recall all their names, but one was <Hive> This quickly unbalanced the factions, and was very noticeable. Even when the price was 50 euro. People want to stay with their guild, and their community, so they'll get the cash if the leadership decides to swap. We all know what really destroyed ED, but when these guilds swapped over it already felt dead. PvP suffered as great geared players were now alliance. I can't remember every detail but certain it was not a good thing to have.

Agree with Cpstabber. If one faction is already unbalanced, then transfers to the faction with less people could be opened, and for an affordable price, sounds okay.
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Faction change great idea. Gives players the chance to play with the entire other half of the server if they want to without having to reroll. Theres any number of reasons why someone would want to try or play the other faction. Just because some of you don't like the idea of your guild members having the option to change their faction, doesn't mean the service shouldn't be offered to people who do want it.

Playing the other factions content requires leveling that faction to experience it. At 60 both sides have the same content so your way of thinking makes no sense.
Race change already please. Lots of people I know personally who would go for it including myself on two chars.
i want this option to replace the cross faction mounts
and a pure appearance change option also sounds solid
for ca$h
to replace cross faction mounts.
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