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    TwinStar team

[KII]PVP as horde , impossible ?


New Member
May 29, 2016
Hello just did over 20 Arathi Basin and won only 2 ? We keep beeing 15vs5 inside alliance just rush every flags get 1.7K honor & reput , saw bunch of em already exalted , so my question what is going on ? Shall i just stop tagging bg's ?
yes it is nearly impossible.

90% of the time there are 3 games running, 2 of which are Alliance premades with 13-15 people and 1 game with solo queue alliance (pugs)

whats happening is:

1. Horde top pvp'ers are cowards and form medium groups of lets say 10 people and queue dodge the 2 alliance premades and do so until matched with the alliance pug team, which they dominate easily.

2. So whats the outcome? Every horde player that solo queues into a battleground gets matched versus the 2 alliance premades 95% of the time. Why? Because the TOP horde pvp dodgers occupy every game which consists of a pug alliance team. And that alone blocks you from any kind of fair match you can get.

Imo. they should disable group queues on kronos 2 because this is borderline retarded and real BG pvp is DEAD.
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BUT HORDE IS SO GOOD AT PVP OMG ALLIANCE IZ KIDZZZ XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. Seriously people, I'm a horde player but I like to be honest. Alliance is fucking better, period.
If you are really struggling with winning and you have the opportunity to trade your char, go ahead. Trust me, you'll like Ironforge.
PvP scene on K2 is complete trash. Was hoping it would begin improving as more people hit 60, but so far I'm very disappointed.

Definitely won't continue to play here much longer if Horde premades continue to dodge instead of fighting competitive games.

Queue dodging not only destroys the experience for PuG players, but also makes it very boring and unsatisfying to play in a premade :/
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If you're referring to Emerald Dream, then yes. If you're referring to Nostalrius, then you could not be more mistaken.

Of course there were dodgers on Nost, but there were also loads of players like me that respected prem vs prem as being the pinnacle of Vanilla PvP, and looked forward to such games. The population was also big enough that one or two dodgemades didn't have a drastic impact on the scene as a whole. Also, if you were dodging on Nost then you usually got stuck in bracket 2. You had to form a superior group and stomp enemy premades to take bracket 1.

It seems that almost no players that share this tryhard mindset found their way to Kronos 2, sadly. And the player pool in BGs is small enough that it is possible to control the top standings by dodging.

Truly a shame to see.
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If horde is so easy to beat why not solo queue as alliance? Or split prem in half at least so horde prem has a harder time dodging.
its funny thoe been playing in 10-19,20-29,30-39 and new 40-49 and horde win most games, even if alliance organize them self a little :)
You still crying about a problem that you yourself created in the first place?
Noone keeps you from rolling horde and embrace the pinnacle of vanilla PvP.
You still crying about a problem that you yourself created in the first place?
Noone keeps you from rolling horde and embrace the pinnacle of vanilla PvP.

Also it doesn't help that paladin is the best healer by light years.
paladin is the best healer by light years.


You have to stand perfectly still to heal - you can't even begin to compare Holy Lol with renew/PW:S/PoH. If you choose less healing and go repentance you get 6 secs of incapacitate whereas priest has spammable AOE fear. Plus nothing prevents priests from going a bit into shadow to get silence/mind flay while still being decent healers. If the enemies have any clue how to play, paladins should be reduced to only dispel bots because running around throwing cleanses/freedoms is only thing they can reliably do. If paladin is actually allowed to heal, then horde group has no mage/warlock who knows how to play.
All i see is alliances players fucking up any horde group , Alliance PUG wins 3/0 vs Horde Pugs in less than 15mins , then alliance get fully geared from exalted faction and honor system , and alterac valley is going to be worst cause alliance will have more gear and running exalted AV faction very fast aswell , plus its not the fact we face Premade its the fact we get into WSG 10 A vs 3-4 H
You still crying about a problem that you yourself created in the first place?
Noone keeps you from rolling horde and embrace the pinnacle of vanilla PvP.

Also it doesn't help that paladin is the best healer by light years.
Yeah because starting from scratch after the work I've put into my character is a reasonable solution to to the problem of being bored because Horde don't provide competition.


you can't even begin to compare Holy Lol with renew/PW:S/PoH.
whereas priest has spammable? AOE fear.

Renew/PW:S is pretty good but Prayer of healing? in Bg's? rly?
30sec cd is spamable now?
Baito desu?
Also no mention of HoP, which is SO DAMN good on priest as the biggest threat is physical dmg.
Anyways paladin bubble breaks equal skirmishes and defending nodes in AB.
Other healers simply can't do that.
Paladins are very often what tilts game to alliance side when prems are close to equal.
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Yeah because starting from scratch after the work I've put into my character is a reasonable solution to to the problem of being bored because Horde don't provide competition.

But crying about it on the forum is? Okay, convinced me. Sorry.
The only problem is the "dodgers".

I have seen some really good battles vs. premades,
sure most we lost in the end, but everyone got some
good action and nice Honor.

But when a game starts with 10-15 or 5-10 its a loss, the only
thing you can do is try to hold 1 node in AB....WSG its a loss.
True PvP has always been happening on forums. Currently stronger premade bashing the other one on forum... I never saw that happen before!!
Awesome PvP usually from 7am to about 13:00pm CET when there aren't any premades,as soon as 1premade starts its horrible.

Just shows how awesome it can be if they would disable group queue for month or two.
I just got 60 and the BGs are disgusting, it's just premades stomping PUGs under 10min, i spent 3 weeks leveling for nothing

Please disable group queue until there is more people please
I just got 60 and the BGs are disgusting, it's just premades stomping PUGs under 10min, i spent 3 weeks leveling for nothing

Please disable group queue until there is more people please

People who instantly jump in bgs with fresh 60 gear, and expect to not be grinded to the ground are also part of the problem.
Just sayin.
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