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    TwinStar team

[KII]PVP as horde , impossible ?

I managed to tag 2 ally pugs and it was a 1-1, interesting games

The gear is not the subject here, you're off-topic
horde PUG is impossible, its 0-3 every fight. Mostly there are 3-4 leavers. So we just getting farmed at the GY.

I give tis shit up and i m going to farm some randome green and yellow guys doing their quest, to get at least some honor, and increase the horde premade queue time aswell.
When it's pug vs pug its fine, problem are premades, as always. As a "2 bgs per day pugger" playing for fun, it simply isn't even worth logging. With around 3 ally premades running around atm it's always join -> see premade -> leave game. And please don't come with "lol why don't u even try."
When it's pug vs pug its fine, problem are premades, as always. As a "2 bgs per day pugger" playing for fun, it simply isn't even worth logging. With around 3 ally premades running around atm it's always join -> see premade -> leave game. And please don't come with "lol why don't u even try."

Go to silithus
Set hearthstone there
Go find some ally/horde
Kill them
Kronos team should definitely consider disabling group queue until people learn to grow some balls.

I know people will still try to syncronize queues and be cheap but this would make it harder for them and hopefully prevent this sort of toxicity to some extent.
So what would be the negative side effects, if the deserter debuff was applied whenever you did not accept the pop up to join the battleground?

It would certainly eliminate dodging.
Something has to happen before those people get to rank 14 imo because they do not deserve to be rank 14 this way.It's actually sad that they are willing to farm honor in such dirty way.
Go to silithus
Set hearthstone there
Go find some ally/horde
Kill them

Bitch please, it isn't very satisfying to kill lvlers / PvE'ers farming their shit. Also there arent that many in silithus, maybe when aq hits. And killing the same people over and over is pretty damn douchy.

@ Mirari: That's actually a pretty good idea. Would suck for people who miss their queue (not actually dodging) but would most likely help in the dodging regards.
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