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    TwinStar team

Let's talk about Kronos (1) PvP [from a Horde perspective - SERIOUS]


New Member
Apr 7, 2015
To everyone who is interested, and those who decide to read:


Let me start off by saying that I enjoy playing vanilla wow, I appreciate the work that the GMs and community put into this server. I played at release, but back then there was the issue of sand and battlegrounds weren't really even a "thing", so I decided to take a break and I'm now back to find that the server is a lot more active. I'm really happy that this server has gotten the attention that it deserves. However, in my opinion, there are pretty large problems that cause the PvP experience to be extremely frustrating and at times very boring, I will try to talk about a little bit later.

So my first question is, do YOU, the players of Kronos 1 believe that issues even exist where PvP is concerned on this server?

Let me explain my answer based on the 2-3 weeks that I've been back from a Horde perspective:


Let's start with the excruciatingly painful experience that is the Horde PUG. Who are they? Like in the DE-dust 2 animation for Counterstrike, there are types of players that make up the Horde PUG. These are:

The PvPer - You get about 2, maybe 3 of these in a game if you're lucky. These are the guys that try hard no matter what. They're geared enough to play the game to a reasonable level, maybe they bring consumables, maybe not. Point is, they're playing and to a decent level.

thA dArGun SlaYa - Alliance know this guy well too I think. He joins the BG in full epics, his Ashkandi out, running around like a headless chicken completely ignoring objectives smashing the opposing d1/green geared enemies for tha phat honors.

The AFKer - Sadly, these players exist in EVERY SINGLE game. There are at least two, some times up to 6 in a game depending on the enemy players. This son-of-a-gun sits in the battleground and waits for the 10 minute mark until he gets his mark, then leaves and does it over. It is reportable, but just because of the number of players doing this regularly, I think it should probably be monitored for a while to 'encourage' players to actually play the game.

The Complainer - Usually only 1 person every few teams, but not to be forgotten - this guy LOVES to complain and rage. He types in full caps lock in order to make sure that every player on the team realises that they're being verbally abused by an angry, angry man.

The Leveller - these can be in any combination with the options above, only they are geared in level 30 greens with the wrong stats, refuse to leave battleground to get any other gear and sometimes don't even speak English. In addition, many of these decide that they are going to battleground everyday for 18 hours a day just to mess with the rankers.

These are the types of players that make up a PUG, but how does it play out? Against Alliance premades, games last 10 minutes if the Alliance are being generous enough to give these ass-hats a mark. Against Alliance PUGs, the games last usually around 20 minutes, sometimes a little more, but the win-loss is probably 90-10 in favour of Alliance.

So far so good? If not, please feel free to correct me in the comments below.

"Premade 'PvP'"

As someone who has had the privilege to pick up some gear and play a healer, I'm picked up occasionally for grouped PVP, I guess we can call these premades. There are a few serious problems, at least on Horde side with these groups. I apologise in advance to my Horde buddies for what comes next, but it's unfortunately the truth:

Horde premades will always dodge games against Alliance premades unless they think they have some kind of an edge on the enemy premade, or, after we lose one game, we decide that there is either no way we can defeat these groups or, and here is the saddest part, it simply isn't worth the time to face a premade because in the time we have a game with them, we could've finished 3 games against PUGs.

For some part, I can understand why Horde groups dodge Alliance at the beginning of the week when you have several players competing for high standing and you want to rank. Then comes the weekend, sometimes Monday & Tuesday and you still have dodging even when the rankers are 100K+ Honor ahead of everyone else - and at this point, it's frustrating for anyone who doesn't want these mind-numbing 10 minute games against green geared Alliance players.

All this said, I've had a couple of very enjoyable games and I'm glad to be back. I just hope we can at least talk about what I think are some issues with PvP on this server. It has only been a short period of time, but this is what I have seen, hopefully it is not too far from the truth and nobody is upset with me. :biggrin:

So again, if there's anything wrong with what I've said, please correct me below.

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though i play alliance, i agree on all points in your post, especially regarding the whole dodge thing.
horde dodging is similarly annoying for us alliance as we hope to get into those (semi-)premades vs (semi-) premades to have some fun but we end up in ghost games so many times. And i dont undetstand it really. Horde are usually with better setup and undeniably are better geared, yet they dodge so often. When we finally meet we win some games, horde win some but regardless i think we all have fun.
hopefully things will improve.
get your shit together. horde does have good pvp players which came with x7 and other famous date as well, you just ignore them simply because they are not BWL/r13 geared yet. calling premades bad for dodging is another mistake on your part. people from standing lists are interested only in themselves and nothing more. they want pvp gear for pve or to stand in middle of orgri flexing at level 5 players. you're just not grouping up with normal pvp players, and i've seen some horde premades in dungeon gear who can wreck the shit out of human female r14 warriors.
speaking of pugs - nothing will be compared to random retri paladin joining your game who's constantly searching for crusader strike in his talents.
Can you show me where I called them bad?

I'm saying that they do intentionally dodge when they don't think they have an edge/an actual shot at winning. Nothing about any of them being bad. They are great players, but they are after Honor even when it is not reasonable for them to be playing only for honor (when they are 100k above everyone else in the pool)

As for these Horde players in dungeon gear, I might've met a couple of them? I don't see them very often.
On my phone atm and quite new in the kronos community, therefore just this:
I'm always up for premading. Am a r8 mage with r11 experience from retail and r12 from feenix. Just drop me an invite when you'll see me online and need to fill the raid. Thx!

Gesendet von meinem Galaxy Nexus mit Tapatalk
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Go back in time 3-4 months and you will see the situation reversed, with Alliance PUGs and premades alike getting farmed. Even Horde "PUGs" consisted of really strong players popping FAPs, engineering, trinkets. I lost 80% of the time for months, and you didn't see any forum posts from me. So I think it's time for you to get some friends together and collectively decide to step up your game.

Also, what's happening right now is hardly a representation of real PvP. You rode around in circles on your mount while I mashed buttons and the server lied to me about your position. Nice game.
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Just look for decent players while losing and start your own semi-premade. That's what we did and it turned out great. We got shit gear but it's enough to farm the horde pugs consistently. When we finally get our r8 or even more epic gear, things are gonna become very interesting.
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How to get a good premade running:

1) Find good players looking to rank
2) Play together
3) ????
4) Profit

It's not that complicated.

The problem I saw on Horde was a lack of good casters, relying overly much on Warriors'n'healz and filling premades up with geared, rather than skilled individuals.
get your shit together. horde does have good pvp players which came with x7 and other famous date as well, you just ignore them simply because they are not BWL/r13 geared yet. calling premades bad for dodging is another mistake on your part. people from standing lists are interested only in themselves and nothing more. they want pvp gear for pve or to stand in middle of orgri flexing at level 5 players. you're just not grouping up with normal pvp players, and i've seen some horde premades in dungeon gear who can wreck the shit out of human female r14 warriors.
speaking of pugs - nothing will be compared to random retri paladin joining your game who's constantly searching for crusader strike in his talents.

agreed, never met more arrogant high ranked players on any realm i played on.

whatsoever thanks for your posting Remembrance, well written.
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Agree with most of what you say, but let's get something clear.

Our horde premade doesn't dodge every Alliance premade, in fact we enjoy playing most of them. We just prefer to dodge to Cowlover premade because with this latency that guy is impossible to catch. And instead of playing 47 minute games, like I think we did once yesterday, we just as well play a lesser alliance premades (because for every horde premade there are about 4 alliance once it seems) and 3-0 them in 10 minutes.

Us dodging cowlover because of latency and frustrating games where both FC sit in their base for 30 minutes waiting for the first cap just isn't efficient, for anyone.

Now the 3 biggest problems, in my opinion, are:

1. Alliance pugs, and especially Horde pugs, give up straight after looking at the scoreboard (before the game even starts). Just because you see a rank 10-12 guy in the enemy team doesn't mean they are premade or will win. Plenty of times I see alliance all afk waiting at the GY waiting for us to give them the mark, while in reality, we aren't more than 3-4 people premade and if you try just a little bit you will get some caps in, and possibly even win.

2. Alliance premades are dicks, and seem to never wait for 10minutes. Nothing more to add here honestly. Show some respect for your enemy, winning in 8 minutes instead of 10 isn't a huge deal for you premaders - but it will greatly demotivate and starve the other side. Have some respect really.

3. There are so many shitty "puggy" premades on alliance side that roll over Horde pugs, that you would think more people on Horde would get the idea "hey, maybe I should just gather some people albeit through world-chat and atleast create a little advantage there", but no - doesn't seem to happen. Horde just pugs and if there aren't a handful of overgeared rank 10+ players in their team they just accept defeat. Getting a 5+ man premade off the ground isn't rocket-science.
Our horde premade doesn't dodge every Alliance premade, in fact we enjoy playing most of them. We just prefer to dodge to Cowlover premade because with this latency that guy is impossible to catch. And instead of playing 47 minute games, like I think we did once yesterday, we just as well play a lesser alliance premades (because for every horde premade there are about 4 alliance once it seems) and 3-0 them in 10 minutes.
"we don't dodge, except for the one premade that's not terrible"
"we don't dodge, except for the one premade that's not terrible"
If we don't have a strong set-up to deal with their silly 5 mages & druid/blessing of freedom combo, also miss our main flagcarrier, and have a set up that relies on our warriors actually being able to apply hamstring but have them play with 800MS. Yes, we are going to dodge a game.

Yesterday I've played for like 7 hours, over 2 sessions, and in that time we dodged *one* Cowlover game because our flagcarry was eating and we were only 8 in the premade. Pe-lease don't sue us.

Also if you think horde dodging is a problem, you should see the number of level-1 horde accounts that whisper or scout us to not end up in our game. For every game we dodge, about 3 premades have dodged us 2 times, each.

Us dodging the cowlover premade when we don't run a proper set-up, is far from a problem and massively blown out of proportion.
men, thought this baseball team would be too busy with baseball. america.
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