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    TwinStar team

Let's talk about Kronos (1) PvP [from a Horde perspective - SERIOUS]

Our horde premade doesn't dodge every Alliance premade, in fact we enjoy playing most of them. We just prefer to dodge to Cowlover premade because with this latency that guy is impossible to catch. And instead of playing 47 minute games, like I think we did once yesterday, we just as well play a lesser alliance premades (because for every horde premade there are about 4 alliance once it seems) and 3-0 them in 10 minutes.
It's the exact reason we dodge you. Hardtokill got upgraded to Impossibletokill with the new server. We will lose for other reasons as well, but having absolutely zero chance of ever returning the flag means we will dodge you every single time.

edit: Us usually rolling with 2-4 warriors really doesn't help our case :D.
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@Op initial post: I see your point that this premading and dodging is not fun at all. But it has to be this way because the rankers need their standing. If they fail at achieving their standing in one week, they have to pvp 24/7 two more weeks (one week to compensate the enormous 20% rank points decay and one week to rank up). That makes three weeks for your rank progress instead of one. Let this happen twice and you have one fucking month of your life extra wasted time. So now you see why it's better to rather get 3 marks and win honor in 10 minutes instead of only 3 marks (=roughly 400 honor) in 30 minutes.

Pvping isn't pure fun in vanilla if you want to rank or play with/vs people who want to rank, it is hard work and an ordeal.
Well, as the person often leading this (only?) somewhat serious premade I can say the group was initially created to prevent having to play with PuG-horde. I usually start the day by pugging and inviting the decent players that are online / in these games. The recently arrived green geared / AFK-ing guys make pugging torture.

Many of the core of my group do play for honor, to reach a certain goal. And I do agree many of them are PvE minded and are looking purely at the endgoal, a certain rank and the gear/status. For me it's working towards a goal and having fun along the way, playing with others. And I want good pvp moments along the way.

I don't understand why there are no other horde groups up, a serious lack of druids is part of it I assume. It also seems like a horde cultural thing at this point to just solo or wait it out. We are also used to pugging since until recently horde won pretty much all pug games in 10 minutes. This was my experience until about a month ago. I
If this keeps up I hope others will start forming groups, too many whispers now from people seeking spots. Having said that the group usually still lacks healers and dispells and without crucifier and lehti this problem got a lot worse. <3 playing with you guys

Basically my thought come down to this. I agree with Remembrance that this behavior is a threat to a good pvp experience. I have been on both sides of this problem and just taking the flag and turning it in three times while the rest is dancing around in mid or EGY is not very rewarding. I hope to make or join groups that focus purely on winning not just honor.
However, the truth is I worry about several PuG players that push honor to insane amounts if they get the chance. We got too many green geared rank 2-6 guys going 12-18 hours a day and in order for me to reach my goal I take the measures needed. I have been told by one of them he enjoys messing with standings and likes to troll rankers. Playing 1 hour games hurts us and actually helps these guys by taking a strong allience premade out of the rotation and damages our hourly rate. Allience does not seem to have this problem, not with these kind of players nor with the honor/hour they much reach (since fixed standings).

I have to play efficiently. Today I did not and we had some good games, but pretty bad honor. I can only hope it does not negatively impact me. Play better is the obvious answer but we all have to accept the system we play in.

And to Remembrance I say, I understand that as a true pvp-er avoiding the other faction's premades is not what you are looking for. When you make your group give me a /w and I'll play with you, your rules (still welcome in mine of course :p). After I am done ranking I hope to play in such groups anyway because like I have been told many times I can improve quite a bit ("get engineering noob").
I hope we get more people actually interested in being the best premade and perfecting our WSG plays.
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You can play battlegrounds for two reasons: for ranking or for fun. After some years of vanilla PvP I've realized that the first option is way easier to accomplish than the second one. For ranking you just need to learn how to get into a premade and play ALOT.

Having fun is something personal, everyone has fun in a different way, but we might all agree that a balanced game is more enjoyable than an easy win or fast loss. Struggling till the last second of the game, while playing together with skilled PvPers against skilled PvPers is the most fun thing I ever experienced in WoW. But games like this happens like once per day on average, and you need to be very lucky to join it. Of course if you play all day you have way better chance to join games like this.

If you expect to queue and instantly get a balanced game then you're dreaming, it might happen sometimes, but it's not a common thing; pug vs pug, pug vs prem or prem vs prem doesn't matter, you will rarely play a balanced game. That's how WoW PvP works, and that's how it will always be.
From a solo queue point of view, I enjoy the games much more now than a couple of months ago. Thank you all new PvPers for making solo queue fun and the games somewhat even again. :yes:
i like to play pugs more ,but alliance who give up when we fightvs premade make me to hate em cuz its not hard to make a good game vs premade like today
ofc every1 hate to lose but at least this game is for enjoy . right ? pref good games than afk horde/alliance ****** big player rankers who wait for 10 min mark zzz
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