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    TwinStar team

Leveling rates - but not really

it's not 2x = 10x, it's 2x != blizzlike

authenticity is a big part of the 'vanilla experience'

You will never get a blizzlike experience. Stop using that buzzword.
Do you want a blizzlike experience? Like truly, ACTUALLY blizzlike? (No you don't).

The only people that want to go back to how WoW actually was back when it released, DID NOT PLAY BACK THEN, and have zero idea what it was like.

If you wanted a blizzlike experience, you wouldn't be using 1.12 talent trees. You'd have stupid shit like a bloodthirst that acted like remorselessness.
You wouldn't have half of the graveyards/flightpaths that 1.12 had
All your item stats would be vastly different, terrible, and irrelevant
Will of the forsaken would last 20 seconds
Many quests in desolace wouldn't exist, neither would maraudon.
You'd get ONE onyxia blood from general drakkisath per kill, regardless of how many people had the quest
Greater Paladin blessings? No, those were added in the AQ patch. You think being a buffbot was bad on other servers? Enjoy refreshing 40 blessings every 5 minutes with 2 other paladins.
Hell, warriors wouldn't even fucking have PUMMEL until a few months after release.
Death coil also wouldn't be a horrify effect until 1.8.

All of those changes that we are KEEPING make the server not blizzlike. Not the experience rates. Everything else. Because if we ACTUALLY went back to initial post-release WoW, the server would die for a third time. Because it isn't convenient, and it doesn't make sense.

They are changes for convenience that make the server not blizzlike, but they are necessary so that people will actually play on the server. I don't see the harm in making exp rates 1.5-2x rates, because it makes the server convenient, and will ensure the population doesn't dwindle enough to where they pull the plug a 3rd time due to "low playercount"
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keep the rates true to real vanilla, hell even bring in the 50% reduction for playing too much that needed you to sit in a main city for 2 hours to go back to 100%, this is what makes the game for the elite, just remember noobs will always cry no matter how many times you ruin your project to satisfy their complaints hell look at the official wow, they bent over for their clients and turned it into a pile of shit just to make a few little kids happy, while in the long run saying fuck you to all the hardcore and passionate fans. PLEASE REPLACE THE VOID VANILLA FILLED!?!?!?!
You will never get a blizzlike experience. Stop using that buzzword.
Do you want a blizzlike experience? Like truly, ACTUALLY blizzlike? (No you don't).

The only people that want to go back to how WoW actually was back when it released, DID NOT PLAY BACK THEN, and have zero idea what it was like.

If you wanted a blizzlike experience, you wouldn't be using 1.12 talent trees. You'd have stupid shit like a bloodthirst that acted like remorselessness.
You wouldn't have half of the graveyards/flightpaths that 1.12 had
All your item stats would be vastly different, terrible, and irrelevant
Will of the forsaken would last 20 seconds
Many quests in desolace wouldn't exist, neither would maraudon.
You'd get ONE onyxia blood from general drakkisath per kill, regardless of how many people had the quest
Greater Paladin blessings? No, those were added in the AQ patch. You think being a buffbot was bad on other servers? Enjoy refreshing 40 blessings every 5 minutes with 2 other paladins.
Hell, warriors wouldn't even fucking have PUMMEL until a few months after release.
Death coil also wouldn't be a horrify effect until 1.8.

All of those changes that we are KEEPING make the server not blizzlike. Not the experience rates. Everything else. Because if we ACTUALLY went back to initial post-release WoW, the server would die for a third time. Because it isn't convenient, and it doesn't make sense.

They are changes for convenience that make the server not blizzlike, but they are necessary so that people will actually play on the server. I don't see the harm in making exp rates 1.5-2x rates, because it makes the server convenient, and will ensure the population doesn't dwindle enough to where they pull the plug a 3rd time due to "low playercount"

Blizzlike = as it was in 1.12.1

please remain calm. i was responding to someone who suggested that a 2x xp rate would do no practical harm to the server. which i think it would, due to the negative marketing effects.

nobody was suggesting the server be coded to match initial post-release version of warcraft - no idea how you got that into your head or decided to get all angsty about it.
You will never get a blizzlike experience. Stop using that buzzword.
Do you want a blizzlike experience? Like truly, ACTUALLY blizzlike? (No you don't).

<loads of nonsense>

It's about 1.12.1 and the state of the game at that time. It makes sense to choose the best state of the game when you create an old expansion server. Of course they could apply that to content as well, but then the release would take ages. It's not that people would be able to jump into Nax with MC gear if Nax is there...

It's hard to make it "blizzlike" 100%, but that doesn't mean they should change the rates because the leveling takes too long.

Talking about rates what about the opening of the gate? Should that be nerfed too? I suppose so, if there aren't people to level, where do you get people to turn in 3 billion bandages?

Obviously IF the people won't like it, then they should change it, to stay alive. But on ED, for example, with all the shitty bugs and exploits there were tons of people playing with 1x rates, I don't see why that can't happen here, if the server is much better...
You will never get a blizzlike experience. Stop using that buzzword.
Do you want a blizzlike experience? Like truly, ACTUALLY blizzlike? (No you don't).

The only people that want to go back to how WoW actually was back when it released, DID NOT PLAY BACK THEN, and have zero idea what it was like.

If you wanted a blizzlike experience, you wouldn't be using 1.12 talent trees. You'd have stupid shit like a bloodthirst that acted like remorselessness.
You wouldn't have half of the graveyards/flightpaths that 1.12 had
All your item stats would be vastly different, terrible, and irrelevant
Will of the forsaken would last 20 seconds
Many quests in desolace wouldn't exist, neither would maraudon.
You'd get ONE onyxia blood from general drakkisath per kill, regardless of how many people had the quest
Greater Paladin blessings? No, those were added in the AQ patch. You think being a buffbot was bad on other servers? Enjoy refreshing 40 blessings every 5 minutes with 2 other paladins.
Hell, warriors wouldn't even fucking have PUMMEL until a few months after release.
Death coil also wouldn't be a horrify effect until 1.8.

All of those changes that we are KEEPING make the server not blizzlike. Not the experience rates. Everything else. Because if we ACTUALLY went back to initial post-release WoW, the server would die for a third time. Because it isn't convenient, and it doesn't make sense.

They are changes for convenience that make the server not blizzlike, but they are necessary so that people will actually play on the server. I don't see the harm in making exp rates 1.5-2x rates, because it makes the server convenient, and will ensure the population doesn't dwindle enough to where they pull the plug a 3rd time due to "low playercount"

How is a few patches down the road of the initial release any less Blizzlike?
It's Blizzard who released WoW and then patches it up, so how is patch 1.12 NOT Blizzlike...
10g respec costs is the attempt to fix a massive problem that 1.12.1 servers have and that is encouraging the raiding community to PvP.
Its still a gold sink. Players will spend their precious money on it. The only difference is they will do so 5 times as often.

Leveling rates is a whole different story. This will lead to a high level inflation per account.
Guys... I just came across this server when some dude shouted check kronos... I hate private servers they ALL suck. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. They're all plagued with bugs and not working armor and donor items.
Kronos is supposed to be vanilla WoW to the bone therefore everything should be as it was in vanilla including experience points gain.
No the experience increase won't attract newcomes and it will surely make vanilla players go away because it's not authentic. I want to level as it was in vanilla and i'm sure ALL EACH SINGLE ONE of vanilla players want the same. I don't want to get to 60 quick (well quicker then it was possible in vanilla...). If kronos is the server where devs really sweat their ass off to make everything work from spells/effects - professions - pvp - AI - PVE raids and dungeons - quests ... then there should be only normal experience gain just like it was in vanilla. If they make it higher then that well then what's the point on fixing all that shit if no one will even see half of them?
Please for the love of vanilla WoW do what's right and make it AUTHENTIC. Also prepare server for a massive jump in population (10k 50k perhaps 100k even higher) because there are SHIT LOAD of players that want AUTHENTIC vanilla WoW. If it's pretty much authentic the word will be spread and many many players who hear it will try it and start playing it. I'm sure of that. We all are.
I want to level as it was in vanilla and i'm sure ALL EACH SINGLE ONE of vanilla players want the same.
Well, you can be sure about that, but I'm sure that if you were right, this discussion, and the whole 60+ pages of it, wouldn't be here.

If they make it higher then that well then what's the point on fixing all that shit if no one will even see half of them?
The point of fixing all the stuff is that the devs want a great server with no bugs. It doesn't matter whether a quest is done by 5 or by 50 people, all that matters is that the server has few bugs and that it has a lot of people.

Also prepare server for a massive jump in population (10k 50k perhaps 100k even higher) because there are SHIT LOAD of players that want AUTHENTIC vanilla WoW.
:blink:I don't think you know what 'k' stands for.

We all are.
I'm not, quit speaking for me!
Guys... I just came across this server when some dude shouted check kronos... I hate private servers they ALL suck. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. They're all plagued with bugs and not working armor and donor items.
Kronos is supposed to be vanilla WoW to the bone therefore everything should be as it was in vanilla including experience points gain.
No the experience increase won't attract newcomes and it will surely make vanilla players go away because it's not authentic. I want to level as it was in vanilla and i'm sure ALL EACH SINGLE ONE of vanilla players want the same. I don't want to get to 60 quick (well quicker then it was possible in vanilla...). If kronos is the server where devs really sweat their ass off to make everything work from spells/effects - professions - pvp - AI - PVE raids and dungeons - quests ... then there should be only normal experience gain just like it was in vanilla. If they make it higher then that well then what's the point on fixing all that shit if no one will even see half of them?
Please for the love of vanilla WoW do what's right and make it AUTHENTIC. Also prepare server for a massive jump in population (10k 50k perhaps 100k even higher) because there are SHIT LOAD of players that want AUTHENTIC vanilla WoW. If it's pretty much authentic the word will be spread and many many players who hear it will try it and start playing it. I'm sure of that. We all are.

I cant handle so much nonsense in one post
The guy is clearly delusional. He says he hates private servers, but he obviously has no experience whatsoever and doesn't understand HOW small the community that still wants to put up with an unpolished game like vanilla actually is.
Excuse me for reviving an old thread but I would like to suggest to create a new realm with 5x or at least 3x rates. I have read the other threads about this subject and I could see there is a lot of passion in it. I do not want to start a fight, I just want to speak my mind and I my only wish here is for Kronos to go very well and to offer to players like me an enjoyable experience.

It's very good to keep Kronos at 1x rates but I think that an additional realm with 5x XP rate with donation items and allowed multiboxing would be very beneficial. A lot of people want to play on the best scripted Classic WoW server but they simply don't have the time to level a character to 60 in two weeks or a month. If you don't want such players then still you won't have much problems with them because they will be on a separate realm and they can't ruin the economy nor they can insult the Kronos players in chat. A big population will make the server famous. And they will also buy items and bring in some cash that can be used to improve the Kronos realm even more. Those admins who develop the software and fix bugs need to buy water food, pay their rents etc, so why not to support them?
Why not to support the finest and purest Vanilla WoW realm with another realm that brings the resources for doing it?

The people playing on high rate servers come and go? So they do on the 1x rate realms too - there is no real difference. Many people come to Kronos to try the best scripted WoW and they leave at level 20 or 30 because they can't afford the time to level to 60.
If we look at Molten-WoW, the higher rates servers have the biggest population. People come and go, that's natural, but the server has thousands of players connected every single day. And they constantly bring real life cash too.

In my case, I would like to play on a Classic WoW realm with higher rates because I want to have characters of all classes, I want to learn all professions and to explore as much content as possible. But I can't afford the time to do that in years, I need to do it a bit faster. Probably a 5x rate or at least 3x rate would be the best. The players can level faster but in the same time they will take the time to enjoy questing and doing low level dungeon runs at the highest quality.

So I really think it's worth giving it a try.
And I also think that this is the best moment to do it. A lot of the people playing on Nostalrius would come to the 5x realm instantly. So better do it before Nostalrius developers do it. If they do it first, then it would be much harder to attract them with a 5x realm, even if Kronos/Twinstars have better quality - just like it is now at 1x rates.

That's what I think, thanks for reading my post.
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IMHO Top level Vanilla at this point is a bit played out. I am looking forward to paling all the other parts of the game. I actually get surprised by the amount of content I still don't get to do while leveling up, because I out level something, like Deadmines, before I get a chance to do it. 1x all the way.
We've been over this.
I'm like the laziest fuck arround and hate leveling and still made it to 60 in a month.
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