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    TwinStar team

Leveling rates - but not really

What these guys fail to see is that it just moves an already existing problem from a shady environment to a governed and save environment.
I do not like it becouse as far as i understand this is possible:

Step A: "WTS level 1 char with T1 BoE belt 15 donation points". Replace item with any other valuable worlddrop that makes sense for you.

Step B "WTS 15 donation points for 10 EUR, pst".
Step A: Make new account with level 1 char. Tell people they will get BoE for money. Receive money. Trade item, or don't trade item. Its up to you.

Step B: Not necessary cause you already have the money.

Whats your point again?
Step A: Make new account with level 1 char. Tell people they will get BoE for money. Receive money. Trade item, or don't trade item. Its up to you.

Step B: Not necessary cause you already have the money.

Whats your point again?

Becouse in your case its punishable and in my it's actually supported by devs. You still do not see the difference?
1. both of those steps would get you banned.
2. you wouldn't find a buyer for step A as there is no way to verify that you will actually keep up your end of the deal. There is no way to check the auctioned character's inventory or even equipment(so far)
3. step B is only realistic if you offer a better exchange rate than twinstar, which means you would have to earn donate points first(by selling your characters), but it doesn't really matter as any message of this kind would get you superbanned. You can't announce it on global channels(high risk) and you also can't whisper it to random people, because all it takes is one of them to screenshot it and report you.
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It is in no way supported...
You can transfer stars (which is the currency) to different accounts, but you are in not allowed to sell them.

@Goris You can see professions and equippted items on the auction. You can't see inventory or bank though.
I don't like the concept of being able to trade or sell characters. Providing a safe way to do this also provides incentive to participate in character trading. Imo, character trading should be something left to the black market of private server shenannies.

Blizzard did something like this with diablo 3. People always bought in game items for money, which was illegal. So they implemented the RMAH or real money auction house. That didn't end so well for the game.

The argument that 'people will do it anyway' is moot. With a system in place to trade characters, suddenly the server is condoning generally unacceptable behavior, especially considering this is a 1x server where having a 60 of a specific class means something.

I can't say im up in arms about the idea, i just dont see the reasoning behind this allowing this to take place so openly.
Oh yes.. its only for TBC upwards. My bad.

Ask yourself if you would be willing to trade your character. Cause I certainly am not.

What would be better for you? If someone quits entirely when he gets bored with his class or give him the chance to trade in his current class for another (legitametly played) one?

Some guys here talk like level 60 characters would magically appear out of nowhere.
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its hard to voice specifically why i dont approve of the idea. from a population / factual PoV the idea seems logical. lharts makes valid points.

However, personal affectation for my own characters probably gets in the way. maybe i feel cheated if others can be a rogue one day then legally trade to get a warlock. Seems lacking in the spirit of wow, the essence of class definition. who 'you' are or what your role is in the world of warcraft. char trading seems to muddy the waters in this respect.

im probably being too dramatic, and selling and trading.chars.wont be as prevalent as im thinking. it just irks me to treat characters as a commodity rather than something that is earned perspnally.
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Edited post - Okay, so what I'm seeing from this is that only characters of level 19 or better can be auctioned off / sold, Donation Points are the currency used involving the sale, and Donation Points can be purchased with RL money, but a reverse of Points into RL money isn't possible.

Honest, it sounds mostly okay. I'm having a hard time picturing a flock of greed motivated black marketeer character sales players wanting to burn their time working under this system.
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1. both of those steps would get you banned.
2. you wouldn't find a buyer for step A as there is no way to verify that you will actually keep up your end of the deal. There is no way to check the auctioned character's inventory or even equipment(so far)
3. step B is only realistic if you offer a better exchange rate than twinstar, which means you would have to earn donate points first(by selling your characters), but it doesn't really matter as any message of this kind would get you superbanned. You can't announce it on global channels(high risk) and you also can't whisper it to random people, because all it takes is one of them to screenshot it and report you.

Thank you for being calm and explaining how system works instead of namecalling unlike some other ppl :)
My main concirn for the system is the possible exploiting ways that may harm the server and it's economics.
I hope there won't be the way to create sort of Black market for items that will be going for out-of-the-game currency through "character AH" system with level 1 chars and not ending up in in-game AH. That's the the main concirn for me.
The minimum level requirement to put characters in the auction is level 19, btw. Doubt someone will level till that just to sell something.

Also gold > donation points. Unless I want to farm them and then buy an alt, while hoping someone will put their character in there. Other than that they have no use really
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i've played on the previous kronos before and if you are not into these things (just like i am, i would never buy another player's character, neither selling my own one) you barely ever get bothered by it. I just looked the rules up in the account manager, characters under level 19 are not eligible for auction. So your level 1 character selling scenario is not possible.
its hard to voice specifically why i dont approve of the idea. from a population / factual PoV the idea seems logical. lharts makes valid points.

However, personal affectation for my own characters probably gets in the way. maybe i feel cheated if others can be a rogue one day then legally trade to get a warlock. Seems lacking in the spirit of wow, the essence of class definition. who 'you' are or what your role is in the world of warcraft. char trading seems to muddy the waters in this respect.

im probably being too dramatic, and selling and trading.chars.wont be as prevalent as im thinking. it just irks me to treat characters as a commodity rather than something that is earned perspnally.

i don't understand when people have real problems with what other people do, even though it doesn't affect them directly. to assume that kind of stance, do you also have a problem with gay marriage or stem cell research? it might seem like a silly comparison, but so is being overly concerned with what other people do with their time and property.
well some people are faggots, some people are bigots:push:

sounds better this way :wink:

actually i have slept on it, and given the fact that i had a great time on warsong despite it being my first true reprise of vanilla, the 12x never bothered me - although that might be because of the aforementioned thing. is it still bigger than ED? i suppose that if it is, it could be worth trying out on this edition of kronos
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I hope kronos team wont change their mind of people like you :) saying it wont be succesful because of 1x rates :) its not about xp rating , its your own problem that you see game only at end content , but leveling is one of the most interesting and important things in wow , to find friends , learn about your class ( im sure many new guys will come from retail or other games ) i leveled alot chars to 60 and i will do this again , because kronos will offer something new in vanilla scene, i hope even perfect scripted leveling zones :) lazy people want bigger xp rates , but when you will get bored of fucked 12x rates in other server you will find yourself leveling here anyways for good economy , players and scripts . Most important that its total blizzlike 1x.
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I used to be very "hardcore" and think that everything must be blizzlike. Now though I believe that perhaps 1.5x would be ideal( burning crusade exp right?).

I would make a noticeable difference for people that are impatient and find non max lvl stuff boring. Don't get me wrong personally I much prefer everything to be 100% true to vanilla but if the playerbase will take a nosedive because of it it's not worth it. 1.5 might be the perfect sweetspot. it's not such a big boost that it will scare away the purists and it could be big enough to draw in the other crowd and make them give the server a chance.
This game was originally balanced with a specific flow between zones, quests and dungeons. As soon as you notably deviate from this, you will also deviate (IMO) at least as much from a blizz-like server than one with only sub-par dungeon scripting. I don't want to suddenly have outleveled Shadowfang Keep because I also wanted to do all my quest lines in Duskwood first. And yes, even 1,5 is going to seriously mess up your leveling in the long run.

I only had 4 60's during Retail Vanilla, so I guess I cannot speak as much of leveling as some others here can. But in my experience there was absolutely no flow. Perhaps that is because I didn't dedicate everything I had to learning the whole system in and out. I recall leveling being as such: Go to a level appropriate zone > Do all the quests > Not high enough level to get the quests from next level > Grind > Quests now available > Do quests > Didn't level this time either > Time to grind > Did all the quests in the zone > Still not high enough level to move on to next zone > At this point you have two choices:

Option A. Travel across half the world while getting mauled by animals, farmed by higher levels, beaten by a orc guard with a stick until you reach another zone that is befitting your current level and repeat the process each time the same issue arises until at level 55-ish doing this won't even level you up to unlock the quests from the following level.


Option B. Put on your gloves and get ready to grind. In a game that wasn't designed for it.

If a game gives you a lot of downtime, slow respawns and high mortality rate while grinding - that is a flawed grind system. Ask the Asians. They seemingly cannot create a MMORPG that isn't centered around *******d grinding, but at least they try to do it right.

I was looking for the best blizz-like vanilla server, I came across Kronos, and they promised to become exactly this.

The guilt trip is nice and all, but I'm wondering how far you'd push this. What if, and I'm not saying this will be the case, but assume it's a distant possibility, one in a million type of thing, this undying dedication to Blizzlike, with no minor alterations what so ever to speak of, ends up turning away more players then it attracts. Assume the decline is bigger then the growth. With all that that implies would you still cling to said statement and the impact it had?

That is why I think they should stick to majority's wishes here and settle for the x1 already. It's not like the debate will ever end anyway.

Seeing as you posted this a month ago, perhaps that was the majority. What the majority wants is subject to change, it's a relative matter up until the decision is made. Take today as an example: 195 for x1. 204 for something higher.

But anyway, going back to the discussed flow. I never experienced it. Perhaps because I wasn't smart enough to see the genius underlying pattern that was the magnificent and intriguing leveling system of this patch. Perhaps because it wasn't genius, nor magnificent. Perhaps, with only 20 people on their payroll, Blizzard couldn't design a good leveling system. Perhaps, much like the Kronos' progression bar right now (78%) they decided to release the game to early because of financial problems, which they said in many interviews, they had.

The way I see it, something was designed poorly. You found a way to make it work. You have the time, dedication, love and motivation to perform said task. Yet I don't see how it's seemingly alright to chain down others to your own standards. Me? I see its downfalls and its downsides, and I see room for improvement. But hey, to each their own.

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Noone says it was a good or superior system, it was just the way it was.
Thats what people are looking for. Nothing else nothing more.
Its a good thing that you can't easily roll an alt. You have to put dedication into your character and actually identify with it.
in 1.12.1 you actually bonded with your character since you used so much time on it, that followed through to 2.4.3 however it started to decrease by then with each expansion since xp earned was increased to make up for the level raise and later on they added multiple xp buffs and even potion's.

what people see in 1.12.1 is the unique social life you had with players online that was forged over time and the time it took to level forged a bond between you and the character so making an alt wasn't like making a 2nd max lvl all the time which retail is but rather to make a low lvl, few had enough time to put dedication into 2 full lvl 60's back then since already 1 took so much time and dedication and this gave birth ti "twinks" from lvl 10-19 and then few lvl 1 bling bling bank twinks.

all this was caused by 1x which isn't perfect but what the game was built around.

i am playing regardless of the rate, unless it becomes an 10-15x or instant lvl 60 server that is since i just want to play on the best 1.12.1 server which i can say Kronos without a doubt is.
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