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    TwinStar team

Leveling rates - but not really

What's your problem with that? You level up character and if you want DP, you can sell it to someone else who don't want to level up. win-win deal.

Not to mention that it's safe way to roll another class if actual don't fit you.
i have to say i agree, it's better to have a safe method of transferring ownership rather than having to sell for real life money and maybe get the account banned, feenix style. this is more user friendly and instead of people just quitting and having a character become irrelevant, someone else can play it.
I remember like 2 years ago half of Rebirth quitting because someone passed on his character to a friend, so I guess there are going to be people who have an issue with it.

But I don't really get why, either it happens on a third party site with scams and all that stuff or it happens here and also benefits the server, really not hard to see which option is superior.
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Also, it's a nice way for people to get those donate companions/mounts without spending money! You just level up a character, put it up for auction and hope that someone buys it. All the donation currency the buyer spent on your character goes directly to you.
this character auction thing seems like such a turn off, what the point of leveling up when i can just buy a lvl 50 for $20, why spend weeks grinding at 1x when there will be tonnes of characters i can buy with 1hr of real life work
this character auction thing seems like such a turn off, what the point of leveling up when i can just buy a lvl 50 for $20, why spend weeks grinding at 1x when there will be tonnes of characters i can buy with 1hr of real life work

Well, you can't just buy a level 50 for $20. First there has to be someone willing to level it up for you and sell it for useless* donate points.
Also, the point of levelling up and the point of grinding at 1x is that you will be actually playing world of warcraft. That's why most of us are here. We're not here to buy stuff, we're here to play.

*useless=The seller doesn't get your $$, as you technically don't buy the char with $$ but with stars(donate points). The seller only gets those donate points. He can then rename his char with them, buy a different character, or buy a bunch of pixels that take up bag space and do pretty much nothing. All for the cost of levelling a character to a level high enough that someone actually buys it. In vanilla. On 1x.
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there will be tonnes of characters

There won't...
1. someone else has to level it -> why bother if 20$ is all you get from it (thats what you said yourself)
2. only people who want to quit will auction their chars. When they plan leave they don't need the points anymore so why bother with an auction?
3. players will trade their chars anyways if they want to. This way you have a safe option to do so
4. if you have an excess character (rather unlikely) you can give it to a friend to play

This is not "off putting" or a "turn off". Its actually a good thing.
I do not like it becouse it's exploitable in concept - for example one can sell non-equipped BoEs with characters, which is pretty much selling gear for out-of-game cash.
I do not like it becouse it's exploitable in concept - for example one can sell non-equipped BoEs with characters, which is pretty much selling gear for out-of-game cash.

Which you could do EITHER WAY. It makes no difference. Whats your point?
this character auction thing seems like such a turn off, what the point of leveling up when i can just buy a lvl 50 for $20, why spend weeks grinding at 1x when there will be tonnes of characters i can buy with 1hr of real life work
You seem to be overestimating the amount of people selling their characters, especially in the beginning.
what about accountablilty? want to reroll? just buy a 60 people will be able to swap there characters all the time using this. this might not be an issue when the server launches but give it a few months

soon you will see the trade chat:
wanting to swap lvl 60 mage for rogue on AH PST!!
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holy mother of god! what a fucking turn off! i was expecting a legit server 100% blizzlike excepta few vanity items and pets here and there..but now i see its gona be pretty much like Feenix where people are trading characters in trade chat and there will be no sense of community as trolls and griefers and ninja looters can just switch out their characters once their reputation gets bad. was really excited for this >.<
this character auction thing seems like such a turn off, what the point of leveling up when i can just buy a lvl 50 for $20, why spend weeks grinding at 1x when there will be tonnes of characters i can buy with 1hr of real life work
Im totally agree.
There is no motivation to leveling by self.
what about accountablilty? want to reroll? just buy a 60 people will be able to swap there characters all the time using this. this might not be an issue when the server launches but give it a few months

soon you will see the trade chat:
wanting to swap lvl 60 mage for rogue on AH PST!!
But it's going to happen anyway, even if twinstar doesn't support it.
are you really all pretending like account trading/selling has been non-existant in other places ? how is that even a concern here?
characters/accounts are changing hands on every server. If i wanted to buy a character on any server, i could easily go and get it. A character auction system doesnt change a damn thing. If they created instant 60 characters for you on sale ... yeah that would be a turn off. But buying characters from people who level'd and played them legitimately is nothing game-breaking, it's not like a new level 60 character appears out of nowhere.

And again, whether they officially allow it or not, account trading will happen anyway! if not over this website, it will happen via other websites.
are you really all pretending like account trading/selling has been non-existant in other places ? how is that even a concern here?
characters/accounts are changing hands on every server. If i wanted to buy a character on any server, i could easily go and get it. A character auction system doesnt change a damn thing. If they created instant 60 characters for you on sale ... yeah that would be a turn off. But buying characters from people who level'd and played them legitimately is nothing game-breaking, it's not like a new level 60 character appears out of nowhere.

And again, whether they officially allow it or not, account trading will happen anyway! if not over this website, it will happen via other websites.

Yeah but its minimal, i remember it being shunned in retail but the server actually supporting people buying instant level 60 for real life money..

Just gona leave this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaBYjVBY_bM&list=UUbLj9QP9FAaHs_647QckGtg
what about accountablilty? want to reroll? just buy a 60 people will be able to swap there characters all the time using this. this might not be an issue when the server launches but give it a few months

soon you will see the trade chat:
wanting to swap lvl 60 mage for rogue on AH PST!!

As if this is ever going to happend. It didn't last time and it won't this time. Stop beeing moronic already. Thanks.

OwnedCore currently has auctions for ANY 1.12.1 server out there. Again my question: What is you point?
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As if this is ever going to happend. It didn't last time and it won't this time. Stop beeing moronic already. Thanks.

Didn't Kronos 1&2 close because of lack of population? you really believe people won't be asking in trade or global chat to switch characters like cards when its supported by the server, instead of something you invest your time in and connect with?
You can do the exact same thing on ANY other 1.12.1 right now.
The only difference is that you trade the whole account and not just a character. Oh yes 1 more difference. Chances are you are getting scammed.

First of all you would have to find someone WILLING to auction his character, which is, like I state already, more then unlikely.
I won't give up mine for sure.
First - I think that it's good to inform people about all features so they will not be surprised when server launches.

Second - The majoir thing that Char AH causes is much higher account security.

Third - It's not pay2win. Feenix staff are giving you items for your money -> decreases items value. Here, you are just provided with safe place where you can trade with other players things, that have already been farmed/leveld on the server -> nothing will change ingame. Only owners change

Fourth - It's forbiden to talk about Char AH on world chat. AH have it's dedicated chat for those who want to trade. Mentioning it in other global chats earn you mute / ban.

Fifth - Most of the players that trade chars are actualy bored with their actual one. They either sell/trade it or quit.

Sixth - Your reaction is understandable, but when server Grows, so the char trading. It leads to acc stealing and other stuff which server staff must resolve. This feature significantly lowers this issue. All in all, players on other Twinstar realms are satisfied with this feature and they like it.
You people seem to forget it's not a premade character you can buy, you buy the character someone has put effort and time in. It doesn't disrupt your gameplay in the slightest. It doesn't corrupt ingame economy either, so what's the drama about? I doubt there would even be all that many chars available..
@Ingrid there won't be. Friends may trade arround their chars regularly. Which they otherwise would do by account sharing...

Nah man, he rather wants to see people quit intead of looking for an alternative character to play.
Which the obviously first have to find.

tl;dr the last few posts. Tormenting went full potatoe.
This is the only negative thing about this big of a hype for Kronos. People can't play so they over-analyze every little detail without really knowing how it affects the gameplay and whine about the smallest differences from their personal preference.
Lock forums, giff kronos!:yes:
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