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    TwinStar team

Leveling rates - but not really

I can breakdown how I'll level my NE hunter if it was 1x rates because I've done it so much:
1-9 quest in Teldrassil
9-10 grind, do hunter quest, spend 2 hours running to Westfall
10-16 do grinding quests in Westfall, defias chain etc
17-22 Redridge grinding quests, maybe run Stockades
22-29, run back and forth killing X number of Y for Duskwood quests
29-36 northern STV and hunter chain kill X number of Y quests
36-40 grind Swamp Jaguars in Swamp of Sorrows for mount money
40-42 Booty Bay quests to grind naga/bloodsail
43-45 Tanaris quests to grind wastewander bandits/bugs/pirates
46-48 grind random shit in Tanaris because there are no more quests this level for alliance and Uldaman takes forever to get to
49-51 Blasted Lands grinding quests then Ungoro, run around and collect stuff, grind dinos for quests
52-54 Western Plaguelands, grind undead for AD quests, grind some more
55-60 Winterspring/EPL quests, run BRD 10,000 times until 60

Let me start by saying that I'm definitely not advocating for any rates, because i simply don't care.
Kronos experience>petty details. So, no "1x lover"/"7x lover" labels please;)

the levelling route you mentioned is unneccessarily simple and dull. There are many more options (locations,quests,...) you haven't mentioned, which were desigend exactly as a solution to your problem.
  • Levelling a NE hunter too boring? Try a troll priest chick. Or a shaman, they get sort of a "mount" @20!
  • Levelling in westfall for the millionth time too boring? Try Darkshore->Ashenvale! Try Loch modan->Wetlands!
  • Tired of grinding mobs for a quest? Do one of the 12 dungeons you haven't mentioned! Get excited to maybe loot a cool hat or something if you're lucky. Also cool quest xp/rewards for a lot of them. Plus maybe you'll meet guys who you enjoy playing with and can then group up for some elite quests together.
  • Tired of questing? Queue for WSG/AB! Make some friends, crush some skulls, earn some marks towards the pretty cool quartermaster items, etc..
  • Tired of battleground? Try playing the economy game in the auction house, buy low->sell high->get dolla
    [*]Tired of everything? Try turning it off for a while and doing something more entertaining, nobody is paying you(forcing you) to play this game you know.

If your concern/complaint is that you don't want 1x because you've already done it many times before and you are in fact doing it the same way every time around, try doing it different this time.
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I'm so excited of leveling on x1 again. IT IS NOT A GRIND- there is no need to kill boars for levels.

My quick zone guide: Durtoar, Crossroads/Ratchet, do WC with 5-6 quests in there, combine Taurajo Zoram's stand, stonetalon mountains and Splintertree post, RFK with all quests in there (should be around 30 after this.

Thousand needles +shimering flats= 33, STV hunter's camp and gromgol= 36, Swamp 38, Dustwallow marsh 40, Booty bay 43, Tanaris 45, feralas 47, hinterlands 48, seraing gorge 50, Felwood/Ungoro 54, Burning steppes 55, Winterspring 56, Easter/western plaguelands = 60. Congrats. Some zones are skippable if you focus more on dungeons.
They left the options open for you to be able to set your xp rate no matter what the cap is, including 1x, the people who want to play the 1x part of the game will still have that option, while people who don't want to spend 2 months killing boars to actually start playing the game don't have to.

Kronos will not be flawless, that's ridiculous to expect.

PS this isn't the first time Kronos has released and been taken down because of low pop.

@goris I skip those zones because they're even worse, more running and more grinding, and I want to play nelf hunter because its my favorite pvp class. What I do is simply the most efficient path to 60, either way I'm just killing boars in a different environment. Low level dungeons are basically pulling 2 mobs at a time while everyone has 3 spells.

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I'm so excited of leveling on x1 again. IT IS NOT A GRIND- there is no need to kill boars for levels.

My quick zone guide: Durtoar, Crossroads/Ratchet, do WC with 5-6 quests in there, combine Taurajo Zoram's stand, stonetalon mountains and Splintertree post, RFK with all quests in there (should be around 30 after this.

Thousand needles +shimering flats= 33, STV hunter's camp and gromgol= 36, Swamp 38, Dustwallow marsh 40, Booty bay 43, Tanaris 45, feralas 47, hinterlands 48, seraing gorge 50, Felwood/Ungoro 54, Burning steppes 55, Winterspring 56, Easter/western plaguelands = 60. Congrats. Some zones are skippable if you focus more on dungeons.

You say it's not a grind, but what do you do for most of those quests?

Kill X number of Y. Kill X mob and collect items. Run around and click things. Or spend 20 minutes running to talk to someone.
They left the options open for you to be able to set your xp rate no matter what the cap is, including 1x, the people who want to play the 1x part of the game will still have that option, while people who don't want to spend 2 months killing boars to actually start playing the game don't have to.

Kronos will not be flawless, that's ridiculous to expect.

PS this isn't the first time Kronos has released and been taken down because of low pop.

@goris I skip those zones because they're even worse, more running and more grinding, and I want to play nelf hunter because its my favorite pvp class. What I do is simply the most efficient path to 60, either way I'm just killing boars in a different environment. Low level dungeons are basically pulling 2 mobs at a time while everyone has 3 spells.

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You say it's not a grind, but what do you do for most of those quests?

Kill X number of Y. Kill X mob and collect items. Run around and click things. Or spend 20 minutes running to talk to someone.

Well basically endgame content is the same... You run around clicking stuff and pressing buttons. If you dont like that dont play WoW.
Well basically endgame content is the same... You run around clicking stuff and pressing buttons. If you dont like that dont play WoW.

It's not the same thing.

It's not grinding boars, its fights that require coordination and tactics, same with pvp, which is unpredictable and competitive.

If you want to word it that way because it helps your case then go ahead, but raiding and pvp end game is much different from the massive grind that is questing/leveling.
During levelling on official blizzard servers I went Scarlet monastery and both our tank and healer left after Library. I assure you it required a lot of coordination and tactics, trying to do Armory with an enha shaman as healer and hunters' pig as a tank.
Not saying that you should do that, just saying there ARE always options to make the game more interesting.

And as for lower-level PvP... yeah you have less buttons and it's less balanced, but I don't agree that it's less unpredictable or competitive.
As long as the game has working content it will grow and once people experienced the content, they will talk about it and then some people get interested and join aswell. the number of incoming players increases by talking about the experience on kronos.

I hope the discussion about leveling rates ends.

A server cant die, its just dumb to think a server can die.

I guess you are the new guy to private server WoW scene.
Becouse till now exactly opposite has been happening.
Any decently coded servers were strugling becouse they tried to stay as close as possible to blizzlike mantra for real.
And halfassed servers that advertised as blizzlike but never cared about bugs, x1authentity, and provided gear shops, somehow were getting population influx.

I am not asking for gear shop or other random crap. I'm asking to consider providing option to speedup levling for new ppl who will be coming to server, to keep it alive. Hype alone or fixes won't be enough to keep it going.

Look at Valkyrie, shit, even on Rebirth. They are out for ages and they barely have any population to keep servers running despite having the best scripts among currently running private vanilla servers. Or maybe you do not know that Kronos already DIED twice?

There's no need for x5 or x7. Make it optional x2, for several hours only, for voters who will be spreading info about your server. I am not asking for myself, i will be playing x1 coz it's fun for me. But open your eyes and realise there're other ppl around and bringing in some of them will actually benefit the server.
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6. Gearing up for raids. With high rates or even instant 60, it won't take long before it will be hard to find a group for Scholomance etc. Maybe stratholme would still be farmed for AD rep or the mount, but why would people go to D1 dungeons when they're already geared past it? With retail like leveling, these dungeons will have much more meaning, and they would definitely be farmed much more.

I'm sure i missed out a point or two, but these we're some of the factors i can come up with, as to why 1x leveling is so important.

This is about as wrong as it gets. I mean, do you hear yourself? You're saying x1 XP rates will keep dungeons active? But how on earth would that even be possible? XP rates have NOTHING to do with how quickly people gear up. Let me break it down for you, so you understand just HOW wrong you are:
  • Server releases, 1000 players join
  • 1 week later, 300 get burned out and quit
  • 3 weeks later, the first 150 have hit 60
  • 4 weeks later, another 100 joined the server (30% will quit again and it will take the remaining 15% 3 weeks to hit 60)
  • Meanwhile the level 60s are gearing up in pre-raid BiS gear
  • By the time the leftovers hit 60, there is nobody left to run dungeons with (except the geared people), because not enough new players are joining or enough of the first 60s are running alts
  • One of the two things needs to happen to make 5 mans constantly viable

Number 1 factor of x1 rates is that you don't get toxic players, on all high rates private servers players are so toxic because they got many,many alts. In here if you are toxic, no one will invite you to anywhere or do anything with you, and you will have to level on x1 rates again. Wanna be toxic? You'r gonna have a bad time.
This is an even bigger pile of bullshit. This literally ONLY works if the server is really BIG. Because as proven over and over by smaller servers, you actually have to take the toxic players into your raids so that you can fill them. This is Vanilla, you need 40 people for the raids that matter, it's not TBC where you need overall maaaany less players for a few active guilds. It's especially not WotLK where you can do most content with 10 people. I'd ask you to think it through properly, but I understand you don't have that much experience with private servers dying.

As long as the game has working content it will grow and once people experienced the content, they will talk about it and then some people get interested and join aswell. the number of incoming players increases by talking about the experience on kronos.

A server cant die, its just dumb to think a server can die. there are just bugs that prevents some people to join. Others who want an higher xp rate, are those who just leveled at 1x rate like 1 month ago or they just wanna experience the endcontent, but leveling is part of that game. There could be some higher rates for those certain people who just leveled on a different server with 1x rate, but then only temporarly.

No. Valkyrie and Rebirth are dead, all the quality servers for every expansions are pretty much dead. Take Theatre of Dreams and Atlantiss for example. They're both "niché" servers, really well scripted, much better so than anything else, yet they are essentially dead comapred to big servers like mol10, wowcircle etc. Why? Because there are 2 very important factors that attract players:
The MMO aspects of actually ALWAYS having people to play with AND
Being able to enjoy the endgame properly and in short time. That's precisely why Scriptcraft was so famous, because you could join the endgame quickly (I'm not saying the concept was great, but it worked) and Gummy only scripted raids. His 5mans were garbage and many quests didn't even work either.

Servers have died and will die. It happens all the fucking time. It happened to Kronos twice already, it can happen a third time, no matter how great the quality will be. You need a lot of players for the game to function as intended and you need them so that new players are encouraged to join. A high influx of new players makes up for the ones who are getting burned out. And that is just what happens in Vanilla. Ask anybody who has been part of a bigger raiding guild.
Maybe make an account limited 1.5-2x for the first lets say 10 hours played. It could bring masses on the launch, people who dont want 1x would try it out and maybe stay. And dont tell me hitting level 20 faster and only 1x after that, would ruin economy or some other made up shit.
Maybe make an account limited 1.5-2x for the first lets say 10 hours played. It could bring masses on the launch, people who dont want 1x would try it out and maybe stay. And dont tell me hitting level 20 faster and only 1x after that, would ruin economy or some other made up shit.
after level 20 is when leveling starts to get harder and more grindy, it would make more sense to start 2x at lvl 20 and make it so you need to vote every 12 hrs to continue the 2x buff all the way up till 60, this would ensure massive amounts of votes. if this happened i wouldn't be suprised if this server becomes bigger than ED
Me personally, I experience the most "deadly" levels around 10-20, mostly due to lack of spell mechanics and options to defeat elites or whatever. Also 1x at the launch will be a pain due to massive fights over a single mob. Faster rate would spread people a bit faster into 10+ zones

Forcing people to vote might not be viewed positively, but yes voting providing a bonus might be the most usefull option in terms of server advertisement
Let me break it down for you, so you understand just HOW wrong you are:
  • Here, have some made up number
  • This is mee making up more numbers
  • Trust me, this number here is real
  • Why would you question my arbitrary numbers?
  • Can't think of any more number to prove my point. Here, read some text.
  • I know some of you might not be convinced yet. Let me show you the worst case scenario imaginable. Fear strikes deeper then wounds.
  • Only my opinion is right because I got experience.

Both parties are wrong and right. Guess you didn't notice yet.
You will not run low level content no more then 2x (if even) with your character. Putting an emphasis on that is just plain ****tic.
Anyones goals is to reach 60. From there on you will keep playing, thus getting involved in endgame content.

Higher rates will most likely kill those 2 instance runs in low levels.
1x rates may or may not keep low level content active, but it also may or may not hurt endgame.

So many mays.

Endgame enthusiasts are afraid that they can't enjoy their part of the game and leveling enthusiasts feel the same about theirs.
You are not even trying to find a compromise that would work for both parties. All you do is cry to have it your way.

This thread went from retarded to lobotomized in terms of arguments.
Look at Valkyrie, shit, even on Rebirth. They are out for ages and they barely have any population to keep servers running despite having the best scripts among currently running private vanilla servers. Or maybe you do not know that Kronos already DIED twice?

I play on both Valkyrie and Rebirth...

Rebirth...up until 2 months ago was peaking at 700 players on weekdays, whilst holding a steady 500 population at all times, and peaking to 800-900 on weekends..the reason why the server is failing is not because of 1x or population issues, its because of server instability...they have never had the server up an running for 3 months straight without being down for 1 - 4 weeks...Even when using TOR the server population grew over the month from a 150 peak to a 400 peak...not anymore as it is just out of commission for the foreseeable future.

Valkyrie is a different issue...and that issue is the location of the server...Russia...because of this, they have a large russian population, which peaks at around 500-700 on weekends. Their issue is because of the language barrier, with a server of predominantly russian, obviously russian is spoken as the general language...this dissuades population from the rest of EU and NA. (I am from the UK myself and seen quite a few potential NA players leave due to this issue).

Without playing on any particular server, you can't judge what they are going through, you can't even fully trust my word on these servers unless you experience them yourself. Their population issues are not because of rates...will having higher rates help? probably, probably not...but that isn't the reason for their population hits.
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Also keep in mind you have no reasonable atlernative on the vanilla field. Why Kronos would suffer from anything is a questionable notion.
I play on both Valkyrie and Rebirth...

Rebirth...up until 2 months ago was peaking at 700 players on weekdays, whilst holding a steady 500 population at all times, and peaking to 800-900 on weekends..the reason why the server is failing is not because of 1x or population issues, its because of server instability...they have never had the server up an running for 3 months straight without being down for 1 - 4 weeks...Even when using TOR the server population grew over the month from a 150 peak to a 400 peak...not anymore as it is just out of commission for the foreseeable future.

Valkyrie is a different issue...and that issue is the location of the server...Russia...because of this, they have a large russian population, which peaks at around 500-700 on weekends. Their issue is because of the language barrier, with a server of predominantly russian, obviously russian is spoken as the general language...this dissuades population from the rest of EU and NA. (I am from the UK myself and seen quite a few potential NA players leave due to this issue).

Without playing on any particular server, you can't judge what they are going through, you can't even fully trust my word on these servers unless you experience them yourself. Their population issues are not because of rates...will having higher rates help? probably, probably not...but that isn't the reason for their population hits.
I dunno why you are feeling the need to tell me the story of Valkyrie and REbirth, i have played there myself for quite some time.

You just stated that the lack of existing sizeable international community is the reason why Valkyrie can't interest new english-speaking players. You didn't need to, i think everyone knows it's one of the reason. But just one.
Thing is you should ask question "Why then it doesn't have already established existing international community?"
And one of the reasons is the fact that they didn't manage to interest enough players at the start.
You need sizeable community to bring new players instead of those burned out.

The Ribirth didnt' drastically improve so that they ended up growing, if i could call it that. Leaving aside issues with rollbacks and unstable core, the population was constant balancing on the edge of playablity due to small size of community. The peaking wasn't on weekdays, it was on weekends and was around 650 (i will give you that 700), on the best evenings on weekdays it used to be around 400 and on regular basis around 250. For both factions. With only around 80 (for both factions again) out of those 250 being level 60ties.
There were barely any insances runs during leveling and at early 60 due simply small playerbase. UBRS runs were requiring like 4-5 hours of raid formation. To run MC 4-5 guilds had to go together. I won't even mention PvP...
If you get somehow 40 raiding guild going and then it collapses and stops raiding due to 10 ppl burnt out it will take monthes to replace them. And understanding that even more players to give up.

I am sorry this is not what i wishing for Kronos, becouse this happened to Kronos already TWICE.

This server NEEDS sizeable population at start already to have successful community at 60.
Throw those who are scared of constant x1 a bone, you will thank yourself when you will be looking for that Strat live tank later down the road. Noone needs huge multirates. Temporary x2 boosts should be enough.

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Also keep in mind you have no reasonable atlernative on the vanilla field. Why Kronos would suffer from anything is a questionable notion.
Reasonable for who again? For you and me and 200-300 with alike mindset? Yes.
But there're more who'd come here if only ... (and here come multiple issues)
All the story of private vanilla scene shows that there're multiple issues and fixing technical side is not enough.
Kronos needs to succeed for the sake of ppl that play private servers and for that they need to consider all aspects.
And again you try to make a point with made up numbers...

The staff is well aware of the consequences that 1x might bring.



And again you try to make a point with made up numbers...

The staff is well aware of the consequences that 1x might bring.



Becouse it never was an issue before. Oh wait.
Also i do not get why you are so agitated, it's suggestion forum after all.
PS. I like how you try to shout :laugh: Try opening your window nad release your frustration there then come back to civil discussion :tongue:
You need a lot of players for the game to function as intended and you need them so that new players are encouraged to join. A high influx of new players makes up for the ones who are getting burned out. And that is just what happens in Vanilla. Ask anybody who has been part of a bigger raiding guild.

You can have 1 player on the server and the game will work too.
"new players are encouraged to join" You say it in a general way, which is not true. its not general its a part of many other kind of people who think different.
Nobody gets burned out, these people who give up are those who didnt find something they were expecting. And just because some people cannot make/have what they want doesnt mean the admins needs to fix their needs ...
Im sorry but you are very superficial. When you say "You need a lot of players for the game to function as intended" you mean certain contents that needs a lot of players to be successfull. But that quote is missleading, because you can do certain things solo too.
and so on...

Servers have died and will die.

I guess you are the new guy to private server WoW scene. Or maybe you do not know that Kronos already DIED twice?

No im not new, how do you get that idea to think that?
Man, again, how does a Server die? How does it get killed ??

Or you just cant use your brain and just use "die" in the same meaning as "server gets ddosed and its to unstable and admins are trying to solve it but they seem like the cant". so then people say its dead? If thats the case, then its not true, how is it dead ? it will be up when these problems are fixed.

Or this one: How can a server die when you can simply restart the server? And a server cant die just because the admins shuts it down.

Or this one: Just because the admins cannot find a solution to problems doesnt mean its dead. Maybe they are doing something wrong with their lives and they are not supposed to be in that position :)

Or this one: Maybe the admins are so ignorant that they ignore the community to find solutions or they simply are not able to solve problems because they dont want to or are lazy and lie to people that they need more time.
Should throw out that it took Rebirth 3 years to reach 500 peak, which then grew to 700, then they messed it all up.

@Breda this is an MMO, to play an MMO properly you need other players. 40 for a raid, 20 for a warsong gulch, 80 for an AV, etc. Servers shut down because there is no population, since it's simply not worth running anymore and new players don't want to roll there because there are no people.
Should throw out that it took Rebirth 3 years to reach 500 peak, which then grew to 700, then they messed it all up.

@Breda this is an MMO, to play an MMO properly you need other players. 40 for a raid, 20 for a warsong gulch, 80 for an AV, etc. Servers shut down because there is no population, since it's simply not worth running anymore and new players don't want to roll there because there are no people.

Exactly. It took Rebirth 3 years of almost no changes in development and being known by almost everybody to finally get that 700 peak. And pretty much everyone who has actually paid attention knows that his happened because Arthaine on Feenix went rampage and said he would ban around 500 people on ED and turn the server into p2w.

And why did people choose to switch on Rebirth over Valkyrie instead? Because Rebirth had the bigger (English speaking) population. It was where they had people to play with, whereas Valkyrie ONLY had to offer better quality.
Exactly. It took Rebirth 3 years of almost no changes in development and being known by almost everybody to finally get that 700 peak. And pretty much everyone who has actually paid attention knows that his happened because Arthaine on Feenix went rampage and said he would ban around 500 people on ED and turn the server into p2w.

And why did people choose to switch on Rebirth over Valkyrie instead? Because Rebirth had the bigger (English speaking) population. It was where they had people to play with, whereas Valkyrie ONLY had to offer better quality.

Hunters can't even send pets to targets out of LoS on Rebirth, and it took them 3 years to get BWL out as well wheras Valkyrie was working on AQ.
Just lol...
Rebirth didn't grow because of their "hard" work finally paying off. Its just because the feenix players base slowly realises on what kind of a shit realm they are on.
High quality realms didn't stand a chance during the prime time of feenix warsong cause the player base was putting quantity over quality every fucking time.
Its the same with you guys right now, you cry out cause you fear a low population and a "slowly" dieing server.
I don't see anything negative happening to Kronos this time arround for 2 reasons.

1. Community changed alot, 1x is seen as an indicator of quality (when infact its just a minor part...)
2. Kronos is actively advertising. Last time it died out cause NOONE even knew about it.

Just check your join dates..
*cough* and because whole Arcanum guild quited in one week (and this guild was half of the alliance) *cough*
1x rates are tolerable only if the server is populated, 1200+ players and peaking around 1500+.

If it can offer me those kind of numbers (and that it won't die a 3rd time), I'd be more than happy to invest my time here.
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