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    TwinStar team

Leveling rates - but not really

lol, I am not concerned that Kronos will have a problem with population, not at all.
Twinstars Cata realm had a peak of 3.5k players without lag.
Kronos will be able to host just as many.
If possible I just want to have any type of player enjoying this realm with me. Even those who are not as interested in lvl1-59 content.
I love the idea of increasing the exp rate in dungeons, I always found it nonsensical that you gain so little exp from dungeons compared to solo grinding...

It'd be nice if you could supplement your questing with instance runs without delaying your levelling.
The added experience thing to Dungeons is a really decent idea. Thinking it over, when I level on a server with x1 rates I'll make a point of skipping all dungeon instances until about level 40-42, and then do Scarlet Monestary and instances from there up. The reason? Running dungeons like Ragefire Chasm, Wailing Caverns, Shadowfang Keep, etc.... are all a HUGE waste of time when compared against open world chain questing.

The gear from lower level dungeons gets outgrown too quickly, the headaches from dealing with terrible group mates that are under skilled, under geared, under level, or just plain quit in the middle of an instance due to a Real Life issue that wrecks the time spent for everyone else... Honestly, to hell with that. It's not worth it. Open world questing and ignoring the instances was the better move.

But if dungeons were at x2 exp rate, I'd reconsider that opinion I've fostered. Which would be a good thing.

Sorry, i can´t agree. Running 5 man dungeons is a very important part on the way from 1-60. And i do not believe that too many players think it´s wasted time. For me, it´s fun to do that. I did them several times. I dont have to get every run a new drop, much of xp. I just like it to do. And i think many other else.

I think 1 x rates are the right way. For everything.

(Dont´t rate my english :smile:)
Just read the whole thread. Huge props to Schaka for giving ideas and thinking about Server.
Unfortunately, later whole discussion ended up going like "I want it my way and want everyone bend to my way", with maybe exception of Lharts trying to start discussion for compromise but his voice drawning fast.

People, please understand, that concept of "I think X rate is the right way to do vanilla" is one thing. And what's needed for Kronos to become server with wide and developed community is catering in some way who might have a different opinion, without stating which exact rates we speak about.

Before you read further, i will be leveling x1 here.
On a poll i voted x1-x2 and x1-x3.

This server can succeed and i hope with my whole heart it will.
But having good scripts is NOT ENOUGH and even NOT REQUIRED, as you can see from example of Feenix/Molten/etc.
What matters is having enough population to maintain community and server going.

Look at Valkyrie, they have own problems ofc, but probably among currently running servers they have the best quality. Too bad they barely got any international community.
You can't expect population steadily growing over time due to your server "just being well scripted". Even having 200 players online per faction won't make it developed server. You will have some influx of fresh blood but natural decay will be happening as well.

25man farming MC will be tiresome after year and half and making any moves about that even in year will be TOO LATE. Advertising it after releasing BWL will be TOO LATE. You need to have enough ppl from start and then having some numbers AND providing solid expirience will provide enough exposure to maintain community and provide influx of new players at proper rate to cover decline.

As far as i understand Kronos making re-launch just to fix exactly this - being dead server with dead community. Consider making things right way from the start - provide AN OPTION to sweet vanilla leveling for the part that looks at fixed x1 as scareoff. Becouse having iron fixed "x1" will serve as scare off for many players.

Please understand, that even poll about rates is NOT representative at all. People voting on this very site are fans of vanilla leveling and this project in particular (i am included). But numbers of players who voted ARE NOT ENOUGH to make this project succeed and make it alive, it be enough to maintain half-dead at very best.
Imagine same poll done on Feenix forums and i bet you will see multi-rates as result.
To succeed Kronos NEEDS to reach out for those who didn't see good scripting but saw the social side of WoW.
And that's exactly Feenix/Molten/etc population.

I am not suggesting multi-rates. I am suggesting looking for some solution.
I personally find the solution suggested by Schaka very elegant and serving as additional way to promote server by voting.
I personally would love to see 1.6x or 2x, anything higher than that is too fast. ive leveled 3 different 60's on other 1x vanilla private servers. alot of people that will come to this server will be others that have already leveled over and over, just having the xp at 1.6x or 2x would motivate them to level again this would also decrease some off the boring mob grinds you HAVE TO DO, there is just not enough quests (even on joanas guide there is parts where you grind!), having the xp rate a bit higher would just take away SOME of the tedious mob grinds you have to do when there is no more quests (which is when most people give up getting to 60).

i can only see 1x harming the server population, alot of people won't have enough motivation to kill mobs for hrs and hrs. not to mention some people DON'T enjoy leveling they just wanna get 60 and experience the game when it truly begins, some people have jobs and won't be bothered spending 6 months to get 60 just so they can finally play the endgame. lets face it wow is more fun with more people, invite them in by having the xp rate increased just slightly!
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hmm i would be fine with quest/dungeon's granting 2x xp and everything else 1x :wink:

i am however most comfortable with 1x but i know from experiencing retail 1.12.1 and the countless private vanilla servers that quest/dungeon from time to time gets less desireable mainly since it slows down leveling.
This "population is everything" mentality is the reason why private server are in such a bad condition.

At the moment the vanilla community is into authenticity. You want to lose this just for the sake of having some undedicated players more?
This "population is everything" mentality is the reason why private server are in such a bad condition.

I'd say the lack of "population is everything" mentality is the reason why Feenix has the most populated servers, it has been proved time and time again that quality does not ensure population, so I think the Kronos staff should at the very least consider every possible way of boosting population.

As for people running dungeons without any mechanical enticement for doing so, while I'm sure a fair amount of people will be doing this, I am also sure that a fair amount of people (myself included) won't, however with slightly boosted exp rates in dungeons I'm pretty sure almost everyone (myself included) will be doing alot more dungeons on their way to level 60.
Incorrect. The poll results have shown that 1x is what is most wanted, by a huge margin. Numbers don't lie.

Also incorrect, the poll results have shown that 1x is what is most wanted amongst the 267 registered accounts that have thrown in a vote, by a huge margin.

While numbers may not lie, you can't count on them for the truth either.
This server is destined to be 1x! To create the orginal feeling it's needed.

Besides it will balance economy a lot better, along with lots of other stuff that will only be beneficial to my point of view.
would be even better if it was:
1x xp
1x account

for all users, in other words keeping 1.12.1 pure and how it was, since multiboxers barely even existed back then and those who did mostly only used 2 account's 1 tank and 1 healer since they had to manually control them, copying key's into different applications is something that came later on.

note: below this comment you will see 2 future multiboxers or perhaps the same person who cant accept negative opinions towards multiboxer's or when someone has a slightly different opinion than himself.
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I still don`t see any reason why to not allow multiboxing. Why ou don`t count multiboxers as multiple players? Why you still argue that they will ruin the world PvP? Will you run into the 5v1? Ofc no, it`s suicide. Then why you want to go pvp with multiboxers?

And by the way, if exp rate will be 1x, it will take a lot of effort to lvl up and gear up multiple chars.
And, there are also many players, that already have multiple accounts.
Schaka, u need to understand that, economy will be so fked up @ 5x+~ rates, cuz noone here gonna increase drop rate. There will be huge struggle for all of us, cuz of a lack of skills etc. 1x gonna make some stability of your economy, other than that, whole vanilla feeling, good scripting, will be a total waste, cuz all u gonna do, will be - MASSIVE GOLD farming...

Exactly why I dislike high rate servers. The game is meant to be played on 1x. And people that have multiple accounts should just make up their minds and play with one.
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Guys we all agree that x1 is the best, no one here is talking about x5 rates and that utter crap rates, we're talking about maybe through some vote point system people would be able to play on x1,5 or x2 for some period of time,( example if you vote every 12 hours you'll be able to do x2 rates for let's say 10 hours per week) . This will bring population since not a lot of people have time to level on x1 rates and this will make their leveling time shorter by weeks. It will not effect economy or gameplay in any matter, and it will mean much to "casualy" oriented players.For casual players leveling on x1 will take 3-4 month, and with this system it will take them 1,5-2 month and we'll all be happy with population + server get's vote points and marketing and it barely affects other players.
I've played on several vanilla private servers and reached max level, both 1x and high rates (ED, Rebirth, Vanillagaming, Valkyrie, SC2). I won't be playing on Kronos if it is not high rates or instant 49 or something because of what I have seen on low rate servers.

While some people may be attracted by the 1x "blizzlike" idea, what people will spend the majority of their time playing is the end game, and without a healthy and active end game community, there's not much reason for people to stick around a few weeks after they've hit 60. No or few battlegrounds alienates the PvPers, raiding guilds are harder to start with a smaller player pool, and have trouble finding new members when it takes people 2 months to go from 1-60 and actually start playing the game. People generally get burnt out if there's no active endgame, and on 1x servers that's very hard to build, or as happened to Emerald Dream's endgame community after several guilds were purged without much reason, to rebuild.

Herb nodes as well only provide enough for a few raiding guilds to exist per server, but that's another discussion.

I don't see why, if you're allowed to choose your leveling (say between 1x and 7x), if 1x players truly outnumber those who want high rates, they can't play at that pace and allow those of us who play for the endgame to get there. If there are enough 1x people they should have no difficulty forming Deadmines groups or playing their boar killing simulator, without having to drag down people who don't want to spend 2 months killing X number of Y and running between zones for 1/20th of a level.

I can breakdown how I'll level my NE hunter if it was 1x rates because I've done it so much:

1-9 quest in Teldrassil
9-10 grind, do hunter quest, spend 2 hours running to Westfall
10-16 do grinding quests in Westfall, defias chain etc
17-22 Redridge grinding quests, maybe run Stockades
22-29, run back and forth killing X number of Y for Duskwood quests
29-36 northern STV and hunter chain kill X number of Y quests
36-40 grind Swamp Jaguars in Swamp of Sorrows for mount money
40-42 Booty Bay quests to grind naga/bloodsail
43-45 Tanaris quests to grind wastewander bandits/bugs/pirates
46-48 grind random shit in Tanaris because there are no more quests this level for alliance and Uldaman takes forever to get to
49-51 Blasted Lands grinding quests then Ungoro, run around and collect stuff, grind dinos for quests
52-54 Western Plaguelands, grind undead for AD quests, grind some more
55-60 Winterspring/EPL quests, run BRD 10,000 times until 60

I just don't want to play another boar killing simulator. I won't be rolling on Kronos if I'm forced to level 1x again.
I have point this out as well, but they want 1x for everyone. They so love, so enjoy 1x rates and blizzlike scripting so that when rates will be optional (lets say 1-7x), they will go for 7x or quit the server... Pretty logickal, isn't it? :blink:
I've played on several vanilla private servers and reached max level, both 1x and high rates (ED, Rebirth, Vanillagaming, Valkyrie, SC2). I won't be playing on Kronos if it is not high rates or instant 49 or something because of what I have seen on low rate servers.

While some people may be attracted by the 1x "blizzlike" idea, what people will spend the majority of their time playing is the end game, and without a healthy and active end game community, there's not much reason for people to stick around a few weeks after they've hit 60. No or few battlegrounds alienates the PvPers, raiding guilds are harder to start with a smaller player pool, and have trouble finding new members when it takes people 2 months to go from 1-60 and actually start playing the game. People generally get burnt out if there's no active endgame, and on 1x servers that's very hard to build, or as happened to Emerald Dream's endgame community after several guilds were purged without much reason, to rebuild.

Herb nodes as well only provide enough for a few raiding guilds to exist per server, but that's another discussion.

I don't see why, if you're allowed to choose your leveling (say between 1x and 7x), if 1x players truly outnumber those who want high rates, they can't play at that pace and allow those of us who play for the endgame to get there. If there are enough 1x people they should have no difficulty forming Deadmines groups or playing their boar killing simulator, without having to drag down people who don't want to spend 2 months killing X number of Y and running between zones for 1/20th of a level.

I can breakdown how I'll level my NE hunter if it was 1x rates because I've done it so much:

1-9 quest in Teldrassil
9-10 grind, do hunter quest, spend 2 hours running to Westfall
10-16 do grinding quests in Westfall, defias chain etc
17-22 Redridge grinding quests, maybe run Stockades
22-29, run back and forth killing X number of Y for Duskwood quests
29-36 northern STV and hunter chain kill X number of Y quests
36-40 grind Swamp Jaguars in Swamp of Sorrows for mount money
40-42 Booty Bay quests to grind naga/bloodsail
43-45 Tanaris quests to grind wastewander bandits/bugs/pirates
46-48 grind random shit in Tanaris because there are no more quests this level for alliance and Uldaman takes forever to get to
49-51 Blasted Lands grinding quests then Ungoro, run around and collect stuff, grind dinos for quests
52-54 Western Plaguelands, grind undead for AD quests, grind some more
55-60 Winterspring/EPL quests, run BRD 10,000 times until 60

I just don't want to play another boar killing simulator. I won't be rolling on Kronos if I'm forced to level 1x again.

I won't be here if it's anything but 1x. Oh look our opinions cancel out.
Funny how that works. Inb4 butthurt kids.
I won't be here if it's anything but 1x. Oh look our opinions cancel out.
Funny how that works. Inb4 butthurt kids.

Then I hope they set the experience to 1.01 just so you will either piss off or be exposed as a massive hypocrite. I'd enjoy either very much.
Well to my oppinion what you guys seem to miss out is that this project is different from any other private server the world of private servers has seen.

1. Have you noticed the MASSIVE activity on the forum (compared to the server not even being released) Just check out the views on the showcases, if each of these players start playing @ release, your population issue will not be a problem, as a solid start is sure to happen which will draw even more players here.

2. Twinstar is succesful host, who already have succesful servers, and as they put extra much effort into Kronos, i don't see this project fail.

3. The scripting will be so flawless, that increasing xp rate would simply be such a huge waste of so much work. Besides alot of players never experienced vanilla leveling which was something in itself. WoW has a lot to offer at the end game, but there is indeed alot of good experiences and discoveries to be found while leveling.

4. Pretty much every other Vanilla server right now is either falling apart, or just totally dead already.

5. Economy, proffesions etc. will all be normalized and retail like, which are essential to a true blizzlike server.

6. Gearing up for raids. With high rates or even instant 60, it won't take long before it will be hard to find a group for Scholomance etc. Maybe stratholme would still be farmed for AD rep or the mount, but why would people go to D1 dungeons when they're already geared past it? With retail like leveling, these dungeons will have much more meaning, and they would definitely be farmed much more.

I'm sure i missed out a point or two, but these we're some of the factors i can come up with, as to why 1x leveling is so important.

Besides i leveled on ED which is 1x, it took my litterally 1 week to hit lvl 40, where i choose to quit. I didn't play hardcore, but just 1-4 hours a day. (If you want endgame raids will atleast take this long anyway) So leveling isn't as hard as you claim (2 months??)
Then I hope they set the experience to 1.01 just so you will either piss off or be exposed as a massive hypocrite. I'd enjoy either very much.

Saying you won't play if there is anything then 1x is on the same level as saying you won't play if its 1x.

What I want is a bug free environment. No matter what rates actually. I just favor 1x rates for the authenticity, but I would play anything else too.
Number 1 factor of x1 rates is that you don't get toxic players, on all high rates private servers players are so toxic because they got many,many alts. In here if you are toxic, no one will invite you to anywhere or do anything with you, and you will have to level on x1 rates again. Wanna be toxic? You'r gonna have a bad time.
Why do people want higher xp rate?
Is it because of those who leveled so many characters?
But leveling with 1x rate 6 months ago and then leveling again is the choice of that guy. Does Kronos want those people for 100% no matter what? then implement higher rates for them. But why focus on those players? They will come and play on Kronos anyway, its a matter of time when they finally decide, "Oh, well i hear so many good things about Kronos, i will play now, idc what xp rate"

So is the greed on population? It will grow, even if Kronos is buggy or whatever they have. I dont understand how a server can die oO. Just because the population doesnt grow fast enough cannot mean its dying! And also if the Server Admins cannot find the reason why the population is not growing fast enough, then they should ask the community. But aiming for big population is wrong.

Why would you open a vanilla server anyway? To get some donations? I dont think thats the reason, rather people just like this game. But will people from the admin-team play too? If no, why are they coding then? To get donation, or do they have the will to make the real vanilla possible, because they love their brothers and sisters?

Maybe the reason why people worry so much about low population is because they want to have a thing to talk about on other server and their forums. There shouldnt be a competition between servers, but rather learn from other failures instead.

As long as the game has working content it will grow and once people experienced the content, they will talk about it and then some people get interested and join aswell. the number of incoming players increases by talking about the experience on kronos.

I hope the discussion about leveling rates ends.

A server cant die, its just dumb to think a server can die. there are just bugs that prevents some people to join. Others who want an higher xp rate, are those who just leveled at 1x rate like 1 month ago or they just wanna experience the endcontent, but leveling is part of that game. There could be some higher rates for those certain people who just leveled on a different server with 1x rate, but then only temporarly.

I imagine that certain bugs that are like Doors which are closed. If you open that door, there will be a certain kind of people that will pass through that door. For example a bug is fixed and the door is open, people finally know it and pass through and the population grows faster. Im excited to see the amount of people who will play here, seriously.
I love how the testers are communicating in forums and how we can see the bugtracker with all the comments and interaction with coders. <3 That shows that there is nothing like "im the boss and everyone listen"

sorry if i hurt someones feeling >.<
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