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    TwinStar team

Leveling rates - but not really

1x rates are tolerable only if the server is populated, 1200+ players and peaking around 1500+.

If it can offer me those kind of numbers (and that it won't die a 3rd time), I'd be more than happy to invest my time here.

where did you get these numbers ? Forbes Magazine ? Or some Blizzards game manual?
where did you get these numbers ? Forbes Magazine ? Or some Blizzards game manual?

I got it from experience from having played every vanilla server in some capacity to 60. Also from having played on "dead" servers in retail that had more than that population.

1200 players spread across 2 factions and a wide range of levels is the bare minimum for it to feel "alive" to new players past its initial release.
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I got it from experience from having played every vanilla server in some capacity to 60. Also from having played on "dead" servers in retail that had more than that population.

1200 players spread across 2 factions and a wide range of levels is the bare minimum for it to feel "alive" to new players past its initial release.

i agree with you, some people think having 500 people on each side is big but really its not when compared to back in the day.
i agree with you, some people think having 500 people on each side is big but really its not when compared to back in the day.

Thats the wrong mentality. If you always put population over quality you will never have a server that is like "back in the day".
We get a server that is close to a retail one. Its our job to populate it, not staffs.
1x rates are tolerable only if the server is populated, 1200+ players and peaking around 1500+.

If it can offer me those kind of numbers (and that it won't die a 3rd time), I'd be more than happy to invest my time here.

This pretty much, but this applies to post-launch audience. Launch audience will all be bunched up anyway, perhaps less than 200 each faction would work.
Thats the wrong mentality. If you always put population over quality you will never have a server that is like "back in the day".
We get a server that is close to a retail one. Its our job to populate it, not staffs.

Population is more important than quality. I couldn't care less if Screecher Spirits works if there's maybe 20 active pvpers at level 60. If you want to play a single player game, World of Warcraft isn't for you.

This pretty much, but this applies to post-launch audience. Launch audience will all be bunched up anyway, perhaps less than 200 each faction would work.

If this server can only muster 400 players at launch, it is dead on arrival. That scenario sounds unlikely though.

My statement was referring to the post-launch audience.
If you want to play a bugged version of this game, then why aren't you back on feenix already?
If you want to play a bugged version of this game, then why aren't you back on feenix already?

Two reasons:

I think Kronos can bring both population AND quality.
ED is dead in the water currently with content release and I don't want to wait another 3 years for Naxxramas.

You can bury your head in the sand all you want, but the fact that population is the main attraction to vanilla servers is unchangeable.

It's why feenix continues to be a fucking p o w e r h o u s e in the vanilla server community, and why Scriptcraft was able to maintain its high levels of population for so long after having a great launch.

It also explains why Valkyrie never draws players from ED/feenix. Players just don't want to play with 300 other people, even if the scripts are miles better. It's why Americans on ED didn't switch over to Rebirth even with having their pings cut in half.

Population is a huge part of the game, and it's what keeps people from becoming raid loggers after the server reaches maturity
Well duh, tell me something I don't already know.
My point is, if everyone thinks like that good servers will never be able to grow large. Thats the whole stupidity about "population is everything".
the population is really just on us players, we make it work and we make it fail !

if hundreds or even a couple thousands of us question if this is the right place, we'll never get what we seek.

people should start realising that this is really a better place, or at least, it looks so much better than the current available places. understand this and settle here ! if we all understand this, we automatically make it work and have the growded place full of quality that we've been all looking for, for years !
Thats pretty weird how people want 1x but they hate it :D I mean Im nostalgic aswell, but that "first time wow" feeling cannot be recreated.. Maybe if I force myself to a concussion, might be epic all over again
Thats pretty weird how people want 1x but they hate it :D I mean Im nostalgic aswell, but that "first time wow" feeling cannot be recreated.. Maybe if I force myself to a concussion, might be epic all over again

yeah read the memory of the brain on a computer and remove all data about WoW lol
The Rebirth was growing all the time, untill they would have downtime again....Have quality, keep this server stable, and the people will come.

I have a character on Valkyrie too, it's far from bugfree, and it's very Russian oriented, that's the problem on that realm, it has nothing to do with the x1. This server apparantly was cz oriented and had higher leveling rates, and failed, didn't it. Your point is invalid.
personally i want this to be 1x. yeah i don't consider leveling in itself (grinding the mobs) to be the best part of the game, and i've gone through it before. but at the same time, my interest is BLIZZLIKE - and so is yours since you are here posting, right?
there's a lot to be said for long time rivalries formed through people you meet while leveling, and the longer this takes, the better, i reckon.

let's say some guy kills you. he just set you back a considerable amount of time - and possibly wounded your pride. the thing i enjoyed the most in retail vanilla was the situations that came out of this kind of confrontation. i was constantly on the look-out for these players (vanas kos here we go), and killing them back was sweeter than apple pie - dying to them was so frustrating it actually was rageful :lol: similarly, you could meet allies doing this and make valuable friends. but the game wasn't just in the game, there was the forum trolling and shit shooting on the forums. i hope the mods won't be strict, drama is half the name of the game.

imo what happens when you increase the rates, is the devaluing of the entire world map until near-max and max level areas. nobody will have any practical reason aside from gathering to be in these "non essential areas".

in a way, warsong is a perfect example for people who want something for nothing - fast 60, poorly scripted loot piñata bosses. i don't know, i can't see the upside to high rates. it damages the idea of blizzlike and is off-putting to people that are committed to playing the game the way it was. if people can't be bothered because of 1x, i don't think they enjoy vanilla as much as they seem to think.

if population doesn't increase to satisfaction though, i can see my opinion changing. after all, high rate wouldn't be the end of the world - it just wouldn't be blizzlike... then again, it can be excused as long as the well scripted content is followed side by side with COMPETENT and FAIR staff unlike that monkey slav athairne and his ilk
in a way, warsong is a perfect example for people who want something for nothing - fast 60, poorly scripted loot piñata bosses. i don't know, i can't see the upside to high rates. it damages the idea of blizzlike and is off-putting to people that are committed to playing the game the way it was. if people can't be bothered because of 1x, i don't think they enjoy vanilla as much as they seem to think.
no one here wants warsong rates which is 12x, most people that say they want higher rates mean 1-3x. theres a big difference, 12x is extreme high and no one here is suggesting that. people seem to misunderstand and think that if someone wants higher rates then it means they want the most insane amount, super fast, instant 60 type server, which is completely false
Its not always the destination, but the journey. I support having events like midsummer festival and so on that increases XP if you take part in the celebration but straight out buff the XP by 2x or higher will put ALOT of people off right away... including me and 3 mates of mine who have big plans for this server. The more blizzlike it is the better, if leveling is so painful for you there are enough fun servers out there for you, but here we can get a steady bug free enjoyable leveling experience to 60.

Its actions like these that killed the current wow and made it less of a MMO and more of an arcade game and the exact reason people are not playing retail and searching for servers such as this one!
Its understandable that alot players suggest higher XP rates.
I understand their concerns, but currently they are unjustified.

Posted this here in another thread already, but it just fits the whole discussion here.
Just shows how the mentality changed and that this change is whats killing WoW. Start seeing 1x rates as an opportunity.
Not to mention, that if you don't want to level up, you can wait till others level up chars and put them in to Twinstar Character auction where you can buy them for donation points.
Not to mention, that if you don't want to level up, you can wait till others level up chars and put them in to Twinstar Character auction where you can buy them for donation points.

Anyone can confirm this will be on Kronos? Becouse if it will it will be major turnoff for me and quite a few ppl i know.
What's your problem with that? You level up character and if you want DP, you can sell it to someone else who don't want to level up. win-win deal.

Not to mention that it's safe way to roll another class if actual don't fit you.
My problem with it gaining in-game things with out-of-game currency (which ever it will be).
Cosmetic things like pets and exclusive mounts that cant' be obtained in normal way is ok in my book.
Characters being on market is not ok.
There allways were and will be character trades. You can try to firbid it and punish or make some rules and control it. That's in my opinion the better way because you will never get rid of that. Furthermore, you gain ingame thing for real money, but it will not affect other players. You only gain an character that was leveled and equiped ingame. It's the same thing as you make deal with someone "i will give you 5 dollars and you will farm 500 thorium ore for me".
Its the same as on ANY other server or even retail where people ebay their chars. Its not like ANYONE who is not going to quit entirely will give up their toons anyways. Chances you get to buy (for a very high amount of points) a character on Kronos are sooooo minimal.
I was actually wondering for how long would the character auction remain unmentioned in these xp discussions. Was hoping nobody notices it at least until the launch:(

Oh well, let's wave goodbye to all those hardcore puritans.
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