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    TwinStar team

LF K1 29 Twinks

WS 20-29 is dead. Queued the last days at many different times and not a single game popped :-(

Gesendet von meinem MI 4 mit Tapatalk
Games aren't as busy at the moment but we do get some when me and bounga organise both sides. We mainly play after 20.00 server time. Horde need more help at the moment as we often can have enough ally queuing for pop but need to get more horde queuing.
Due to server being so low populated our guild is now moving to k2. We are also changing guild name to "almost thirty" on ally side. Horde twink guild are also moving to k2. This has been a long discussed decision but necessary for the survival of the pvp bracket we enjoy. We still welcome anybody that wants to join us and twink in this bracket. I have kept the same name on k2 so anyone interested whisper vaenom.
For those of us not in guilds, is there a preferred side to roll, or is it too early to tell and just roll whatever side we fancy?
I would say role Horde, cause Alliance has right now more twinks, I think. But do it on Kronos 2, cause this is where the active games are going on right now. :)


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