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    TwinStar team

Other Most effective class with ONLY PVP gear/5-man gear


Nov 5, 2014
South East Asia
Hi guys,

While we wait on the server to start-up I'd like to open a debate on which class is the most effective with ONLY PvP and 5 man gear?

By most effective I mean able to do its job well (heal/tank/CC/DPS/Burst) while not feeling frustrating to play e.g. an undergeared war in AV...

By pvp gear I mean no raid gear at all, only pvp rep and "casual play" attainable pvp rank gear (no idea what it will be on this server) as well as 5 man gear to gear up in preparation of the first dip into 60 bracket AV/AB/WSG.

So far I'm thinking Hunter (the AV crossbow is apparently BiS until Rhok'delar), Mage (built-in survivability in Frost spec and ok damage) and Warlock (SL? not so sure about this one) but really would play anything as I know pretty much all classes. Just had limited level-capped playtime in Vanilla as BC hit too soon.

What says you?
Hunter - all specs
Druid - FC with swiftmend, can also heal
Mage - all specs, mainly frost
Rogue - hemo
Priest - all specs
Paladin - heal
Warlock - all specs
Shaman - all specs
Warrior - Arms

Works with all classes if you make it work. The upgraded blue PvP gear is really strong. If you plan to roll a warrior you be in for some farming though. Either you get exalted with AV or get yourself a Nightfall.
Hey Lharts,

Yay let's debate *rubs hands* !

For Hunter I would have imagined Beastmaster is best at low gear levels for obvious reasons.

Druid I have no cmments on, not particularly interested in playing a FC even though I imagine it's fun trying to stay alive.

Mage looks like a pretty strong option overall to me as when people start to get geared and the 1 shots start to appear, a skill denying all damages like iceblock can really come in handy.

I'm surprised at your spec choice for Rogue... isn't Hemo useful when you get a really hard hitting slow 1 hander?

Priest are wrecked by melees when there is a gear gap no?

Paladin are not my cup of tea. Enjoy healing as much as anybody else but the lack of a true damage spec (+ quite boring to play) makes it a secondary choice.

If Warlock I would probably go for SL early on and play a debuffer/CC role as I heard the spec can only do some good damage at high +sp levels... and is then apparently extremely hard to beat 1vs1.

Shaman elemental looks fun but the mana intensiveness of the spec frightens me... plus you're basically a mage with no blink/iceblock/frost nova

Warrior I've played extensively and I know it can be very satisfying when decently geared but a nightmare before that and completely useless in an entrenched fight with multiple ranged DPS in front. But yeah, I agree Arms is probably where it's at in blue gear.
Hemo has alot control, survivability and burst potetial. A Krol Blade or Dal'Rend will do just fine.

The blue PvP gear gives priests alot of stamina and int which is the most important stat for a PvP healer.

Warlock SL is not gear dependent. Its actually the least gear dependent warlock spec. 300sp 5% crit affi or destro works really well.

The only class that is really gimped with PvP gear is shamans as they set has so mixed up stats. Few pieces for melee, few pieces for cast. Its the increased stamina that make this set work.

Warrior becomes fun with any weapon close to 70dps. As Nightfall has 67 and the PvP gear has really good MS stats it should be no problem at all.
PvP wise, Ele can hold well in lesser gear as long as you know your primary role is support, not dps. Use a NS build, protect fc and drop totems as necessary. Have an addon that allows easy targeting for FC so you can heal her/him up as needed, then worry about damage.
Thanks for the replies so far guys!

To spice it up a bit: I know private server PvP is very different from vanilla retail as everybody is 10x more apt at their class + there is a significant gear issue after a while with multiple WL/GMs and BWL/AQ/Naxx pve heroes.

That being said, if I wanted to mostly do BGs for the fun & gear that comes with it, which class would have the most impact? Not trying to play Jesus here but I know that as long as I'm not rank 6-7 I won't have good gear so it'll be important to find something else than DPS to do e.g. peel with a mage, heal, dispel with a Priest etc.

In your opinion which class can be fun to be played that way?

I.e. i'm not convinced a blue geared warrior is an asset, nor is a hemo rogue needing 20+ sec to kill a clothy in the backlines nor a priest exploding in 2 hits etc, etc.
Thanks for the replies so far guys!

To spice it up a bit: I know private server PvP is very different from vanilla retail as everybody is 10x more apt at their class + there is a significant gear issue after a while with multiple WL/GMs and BWL/AQ/Naxx pve heroes.

That being said, if I wanted to mostly do BGs for the fun & gear that comes with it, which class would have the most impact? Not trying to play Jesus here but I know that as long as I'm not rank 6-7 I won't have good gear so it'll be important to find something else than DPS to do e.g. peel with a mage, heal, dispel with a Priest etc.

In your opinion which class can be fun to be played that way?

I.e. i'm not convinced a blue geared warrior is an asset, nor is a hemo rogue needing 20+ sec to kill a clothy in the backlines nor a priest exploding in 2 hits etc, etc.

Play Pala and just /follow a warrior. A geared warrior can easily tear apart like 10 - more or less :D - people with good support (Pala is best support for warrior).
A Warrior with Blue PvP Gear IS an asset, obviously it also depends on his weapon. Casters can CC, healers can heal. I dunno man, all classes have their strengths and weaknesses. U have to be more precise with your question, like "which class is the most effective at situation X?"
Thanks for the reply :)

What I'm really getting at is trying to find an interesting solo but also team oriented play style that can work with limited gear. Class doesn't really matter.

I.e. A frost Mage in green/blues I think can still kill most of his opponent unlike a war/rogue or a healer which will have issues surviving/not getting on mid-fight imo. I also think it's harder to gear a Druid for example to do his job well (FC) than a Hunter for example...

The above view is "to my knowledge" and I'm looking for views from more experienced players.

As you can see I'm mostly just frying my brain theorycrafting while waiting for release :/
rare quality geared druid with 4/6 PvP setbonus is already an outstanding FC.

Its still the same question as before. Tell us what you really want to do and we can tell you whats best suited with minimal gear.

As a general statement I would say:
hemo rogue
support frostmage
druid fc

have the lowest gear requirement in the game.
As a general statement I would say:
hemo rogue
support frostmage
druid fc

have the lowest gear requirement in the game.

SP too I'd say, then again it depends on the situation: 1v1? Grp play? Short/long fight?

I'd say a warrior would be more "effective" in grp play than a hemo rogue, but then again, grp play = zerg or 2v2 3v3 arena style?
Hunters are pretty legit with viper sting, solo or team play. Longest attack range of any class, and
you can really cripple casters passing through mid. That ice trap is a major pain in the ass, too.

SL warlock is pretty beast, fun to laugh at all the resists you get, plus felhunters dispel is pretty clutch, offensive or defensive. And your pet can harrass everyone while you sit, watch, and summon another after it died, but not after it's eaten all your enemy's buffs and its own debuffs. maybe even some reduced AP yay

Personally I don't like mage solo play, too easy to get blasted. I've played more fire spec than frost though, that may say something.

Warlock glass cannon is more rewarding. I guess I should say that warlocks hit harder for less crowd control, but are still well equipped to do cc.
In a premade group with a healer feeding your lifetaps, you are a massacre machine. Crit is your best friend, right under stacking spellpower and stam.

Mortal strike is pretty ftw, In quite a few situations all you need to do is land it On the efc, fear anyone else and bash on em with everyone else till you drop. Not the best class for solo play though.
I don't know how well an arms warrior can get geared in 5 mans, but you could probably farm the savage gladiator chain chest from BRD arena (the orc drops it).

Rogues are decent at both aspects but really squishy and fairly Cooldown Reliant, even at T2 levels.
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Warri solo play is fine, just need some gear. ;D And I wouldn't say mage gets blasted thaaat fast, full frost mage atleast -very durable and is mobiler than class cannon (u mean destruction?) lock.
Viper Sting is indeed one of the most annoying things for casters :crying: everything else /agreed
I was thinking of fire burst specs, yeah frost is way legit for survivability and group CC. It might be wise to invest in a little extra stam anyway, at the basic gear levels.

It's just that I play a geared dagger rogue on peenix so when I think of mage I think easy meat. Great frost mages exist, though. and if they get the jump on me then yeah, done for.

Another thing I like about Kronos, the opportunity to meet and potentially take on so many different and new faces, from the lowliest casual to the filthiest tryhard ^^
Thanks for the discussion guys, that's exactly what I was hoping for.

To Lharts: I've played quite a few classes and I always manage to enjoy them whatever the role is so it's hard to decide although I'd like to have the option to change between DPS and support roles. I like small scale skirmishes in PvP. It's nice to be able to defend yourself solo but I feel the real fun is when playing 2vs2 or 3vs3+.

I know I sometimes like to focus on damage (i.e. to avoid frustration when I'm in a PuG where no one cares about intelligent play) and sometimes like to do some support and have a real teamplay feeling.

My shortlist so far: Priest (Disc/Silence and Shadow for solo), Warlock (not sure, I guess SL as I'll be starting in low gear, the utility is quite appealing as well as the potential for high damage at higher gear levels), Mage (I know it can work with low gear as the class mechanics make it so but it's quite one-dimensional), Hunter (but my mate will be playing this with me so probably not gonna roll it) and Paladin if we roll Alliance (but most likely Horde).

Priest is currently top on the list as it has an excellent solo spec with Shadow (although sadly quite monotonous to play) that could pair well with a Hunt for leveling. It also has some interesting support-oriented gameplay with tri-spec. I'm just a bit afraid of getting steamrolled in group play to be honest as Priest CC and mobility is pretty lackluster and there is no Pain Suppression or any "oh shit" CD like a mage iceblock or a Pal bubble for example. If only Orcs could be Priests!

I never quite got the hang of Rogues, always felt naked when out of stealth, getting bursted in 10 sec.

I played Druid extensively in BC/WoTLK but always enjoyed Restokin but it's apparently in shambles in vanilla so no.

Shaman have too many hardcasts and (IMO, could be wrong) even less survivability than Priests not to mention quite boring DPS specs.

Played Warrior extensively at 70 and I don't know how I would do without spell reflect or second wind in solo play... even with these tools it was frustrating. I know they rock with a healer behind though but the playstyle is pretty monotonous and is more about battle awareness than APM.
To Lharts: I've played quite a few classes and I always manage to enjoy them whatever the role is so it's hard to decide although I'd like to have the option to change between DPS and support roles. I like small scale skirmishes in PvP. It's nice to be able to defend yourself solo but I feel the real fun is when playing 2vs2 or 3vs3+.

Trispec priest then. If you want to dps you can switch to shadow entirely. Stack sp instead of healing and you are set. R10 with 5 man stuff can put you at arround 300+ sp with almost 4k life unbuffed.
I'm trying to think of a legit tri-spec for priests, and I can't really come up with one.

IMO, if you want a priest spec that still has the ability to deal some dmg and heal decently well, go with a Disc Burst build, something like this:


When you load up on spell power, you'll nuke really hard when you have PI up, and otherwise can still deal enough damage to quickly deal with mobs with a hunter friend. You won't deal as much damage as a shadow priest, but you'll have a little more variation in what you can do. This is Beckon's PvPriest 3 video, with him trying out a Disc burst build, similar to above (he may have had some variations to it, but I'm pretty sure the above was the same build). Now, I feel obligated to note that he is using a Flask of Supreme Power, potions, trinkets, and is in BWL+ level gear (Mish, Mantle of the Blackwing Cabal, Lok'amir, etc.) so these aren't numbers you'll come close to seeing, but it does demonstrate the play style of the build somewhat.
I'm trying to think of a legit tri-spec for priests, and I can't really come up with one.

IMO, if you want a priest spec that still has the ability to deal some dmg and heal decently well, go with a Disc Burst build, something like this:


When you load up on spell power, you'll nuke really hard when you have PI up, and otherwise can still deal enough damage to quickly deal with mobs with a hunter friend. You won't deal as much damage as a shadow priest, but you'll have a little more variation in what you can do. This is Beckon's PvPriest 3 video, with him trying out a Disc burst build, similar to above (he may have had some variations to it, but I'm pretty sure the above was the same build). Now, I feel obligated to note that he is using a Flask of Supreme Power, potions, trinkets, and is in BWL+ level gear (Mish, Mantle of the Blackwing Cabal, Lok'amir, etc.) so these aren't numbers you'll come close to seeing, but it does demonstrate the play style of the build somewhat.
something like this works very well, alternatively you can skip imp mana burn/holy nove and go for silence as well
Uh u could actually stack all Touch of Weakness Ranks? Didn't know that! (@ Beckon Vid) Or is that buggy?
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something like this works very well, alternatively you can skip imp mana burn/holy nove and go for silence as well

You can't go for silence with that build unless you're willing to drop Mental Strength or Spell Warding, since Silence (and VE) are the 21 point talents in Shadow. You'd have to go with a build like this if that's what you wanted to do.

For me, trying to build a tri-spec with a priest isn't worth it, you miss out too many talents deeper in the trees that really make the spec worth it. Given priests can heal well enough even as shadow, since their baseline heals are strong enough and scale well enough, it doesn't make sense to me to ignore every +dmg talent when you're trying to go for a true hybrid build.

Then again, I'm a die hard Shadow Priest, so my opinions may be a little biased.

- - - Updated - - -

Uh u could actually stack all Touch of Weakness Ranks? Didn't know that! (@ Beckon Vid) Or is that buggy?

I believe you could. Human priests (I think) could also stack ranks of feedback as well.
Thanks for all the replies guys. Currently deciding between Priest (tri-spec and shadow) and Warlock (SL and Destro) to play as a debuffer, disrupter, CCer and generally p*ss off the opposition. Maybe I'll make both :)
SL absolutely destroys once you get full r10+ gear, you've got SO much HP and because you split the dmg with your pet they take forever to kill. You don't do massive damage with the spec, but you take forever to kill. I played with a r14 SL lock who was our FC from time to time because he simply would not die. He had something like 6+k hp buffed with fort, it was insane.
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