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    TwinStar team

Petition against multiboxing


New Member
Jun 2, 2013
Hello all.

There's been alot of discussion all over the boards for or against multiboxing. (just for clarity what I define as multiboxing and what this petition is about is multiboxing done with key-copying software that allows a player to control several characters without having to alt-tab between different windows of WoW)

I'd like to make a petition to put a complete ban upon this kind of multiboxing, there are several reasons why I think this should be done, so bear with me, this might become a wall of text:

1. A WoW server is a big community of different players or rather two opposed communities (horde and alliance), these communities run through the activity of many different players, to achieve something in WoW you generally have to work with or against other players, any activity performed that engages other players than yourself is strengthening one or both of the communities that are a WoW server.

This is where multiboxing goes contrary to this, while a player multiboxing can be an active part of the community many of the activities performed by a multiboxer does not engage any other players of the server.

2. Most multiboxers can be put into two broad categories:

The harmless multiboxer uses multiboxing software in order to create a challenging and engaging experience for himself, this kind of multiboxer will spend most of his time trying to 'solo' various 5-man content to challenge his abilities as a multiboxer, while this kind of multiboxer does nothing wrong really, he doesn't engage any other players either and thus does neither strengthen nor weaken the communities of the server he is playing on.

The malicious multiboxer is another beast entirely, this kind of multiboxer uses the multiboxing software to gain an edge on other players, this is both the 5 man elemental shaman team that obliterates all opposition in WSG & AB with the click of a single button and the 5 man team of farmers that is able to farm 3-4x as fast as a single character, it is because of the second type of multiboxer, the malicious kind that I'd like to see a full ban to multiboxing.

My conclusion is that while the first kind of multiboxer is harmless to the server, he is also useless, he does nothing to make the server better or worse, whereas the second kind actively disrupts server economy and PvP balance and in worst case he may result in contributing players quitting the server and thus he may actively also disrupt server population.

3. As my conclusion above is that a multiboxer will never be beneficial to the server in any way I propose that multiboxing be shut down completely, while you can make band-aid fix like prohibiting multiboxers access to PvP this is much more difficult to regulate than a complete ban and will do nothing to stop a multiboxer from farming, or even from grieving other players by shutting down important NPC spawns or small farm areas in an attempt to provoke them to attack him, whereupon he can participate in PvP as self defense.

4. With the recent discussion that have been going on about the 'Character Auction' feature of Twinstar (something I'm personally impartial about, I will never use it myself), multiboxers may be even more harmful to the server, while a multiboxer levels slower than a single character it's not 5 times slower and a crafty multiboxer can level 5 characters to level 60 in approximately 10-12 days /played and then auction off 4 of those 5 characters.

So there you have it people, please discuss.

(Edited to make the wall an easier read)
Following a good guide it's fairly easy to level a single character to 60 in under 6 days /played with a focused effort, quest exp makes up a large part of the total exp you gain following a good guide, but it's FAR from all quests that a guide will make you do, so if you focus exclusively on quests you won't be that far behind.

Furthermore 5 characters can kill mobs 5 times as fast as a single character and can even do it with less downtime as each character expends much less health/mana bringing down a mob, so while the exp gained for each character per mob is very low a multiboxer can farm so much faster than a single player can that they can achieve a decent exp/hour just from grinding.
i agree multi boxing should be banned for the simple fact that the game was designed for you to play one character. it doesn't make any sense from an rpg perspective that you can be roll play 5 characters at once, it is an exploit of the game and should be banned.
Lots of multiboxing is a very bad aspect of lots of private servers! It should be banned on Kronos, so that Kronos can be awesome :p
allowing multi-boxing with free accounts results in something similar to Feenix where you see atleast one every 20-30 min. farming something you cannot solo, playing unsocial although the game was at the peak of sociability back in 1.12.1 and multiboxers where as good as extinct back then due to lacking software

/sign Cr0wL0ck
I'm a multiboxer myself so obviously I support multiboxing. But I will say that completely unregulated multiboxing isn't a good idea. Ideally it would only be allowed though donations, and would never be allowed in PvP. That alone would prevent almost all multiboxing in itself, and would help support the server as well.
I'm a multiboxer myself so obviously I support multiboxing. But I will say that completely unregulated multiboxing isn't a good idea. Ideally it would only be allowed though donations, and would never be allowed in PvP. That alone would prevent almost all multiboxing in itself, and would help support the server as well.

While I certainly understand your position my problem with regulated multiboxing is that A) it makes it easier for the 'malicious multiboxers' to slip through the cracks and B) it takes up alot of administrative time and energy only to please a crowd that will not benefit the server in any way.

A donation system to make sure multiboxers benefit the server even though they play solo may be a possibility, but that also takes up admin/GM time and energy that could be better spent elsewhere and makes uncontrolled multiboxing harder to regulate.
banning multibox completely would be for the better since it would leave all with equal advantage's rather than slowly forcing non-multiboxers into it like on Feenix where more and more start just for the gold/craft it grants...

blizzard allowed it merely becourse each account costed a huge monthly fee and since no software existed back then and later they allowed it since they had since the beginning and where earning on those accounts for each expansion, but here you don't pay for the game or the account and limiting it to donations would reduce them yes but it would cost a lot of administration which hardly would be worth it since they could be spending that time on the server instead.

all in all there exists no good reason to allow multiboxing, i understand the point of view from multiboxers that they are used to it and like it but to obtain the best blizzlike feel anyone would agree to bann from private in order to balance all people as equals and to encourage being more social.
I don't care about multiboxing, excepting when it's used for an advantage for PvP. No one should have to engage a hydra group of 3-5 characters using automated attacks to contest a Thorium node. That's pure bullsh*t. And considering that players can level up a character and then auction it off with the auspices of the server staff, multiboxing WILL be abused for that market of trade.

Regardless of the outcome of how this matter will be handled, when people get overpowered in game from a multiboxer, they make videos that call out the server for allowing it and not being classic. Then they label them on Youtube with the server name so it pops up with casual searches. Cheers.

I was gonna make another post. But Skosh covered it.

Bad stuff will occur as a result of multi-boxing, and it will damage the server's reputation.
Whats the point though, what part of it is enjoyable? I am just curious, not mocking or anything, but why pick a single player mode of an MMO?

There are quite a few reasons. Firstly, I really enjoy WoW as a game. I like the world, the design, the music, game mechanics, and a bunch of other stuff about it. It's just a game that really scratches that gaming itch for me, and it always has ever since I played during the original vanilla period on Blizzard servers.

Unfortunately for me, however, playing with others is a rather stressful experience. And by that I mean incredibly stressful. So stressful I'll get migraines from participating in groups, and raiding is basically out of the question. I did many raids in the past and I would get sick almost every time. I just can't handle that sort of thing anymore and I've quit many MMOs because of it. But I still enjoy WoW, which is why I keep coming back.

So basically multiboxing is just my way of being able to play a game I like in a way I'm comfortable with and enjoy. There are a few other reasons I do it, but I won't dwell, especially since it seems everyone is so against it anyway. It's just disheartening to me because despite trying to be as polite as possible and impacting others as little as I can, I'm still viewed as a 'useless' liability for simply doing what I enjoy. I understand their concerns, however, and if the administrators make it against the rules then I will certainly comply.
You can't be serious, right?
Its like saying I like (playing REAL) football, but the running just turns me off completely.

Not complaining, its just weird to play and MMO when you don't like the first 2 letters of it.

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Well download the server software from github, set it up and play comfortably multiboxing at home. You will enjoy your way and so would we. WIN-WIN.
Is having a healer with /follow on for an example your warrior as you quest and grind considered "multiboxing"?

edit: healing him ofc in fights as you tab between
Is having a healer with /follow on for an example your warrior as you quest and grind considered "multiboxing"?

edit: healing him ofc in fights as you tab between

By my definition in OP it's not, the problem in my opinion is key-copying software, not having several accounts running simultaneously.
What about the 2-boxers, 3-boxers and 4-boxers that team up with other players for dungeons?
These players can actively support grouping and might fill in the gaps at less active hours, becoming profitable to the server even while multiboxing. Would you ban this kind of multibox aswell?
I agree with this. It deteriorates the gameplay. Restrict multiple accs logging in from the same IP unless if they receive special permission.
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