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    TwinStar team

Petition against multiboxing

What about the 2-boxers, 3-boxers and 4-boxers that team up with other players for dungeons?
These players can actively support grouping and might fill in the gaps at less active hours, becoming profitable to the server even while multiboxing. Would you ban this kind of multibox aswell?

Even if in this kind of situation it doesn't seem to be such a bad idea, I think we have to make a compromise : prohibited in all its forms, or permit it (which would mean multibox in PvP).

That being said, i declare myself against multiboxing.
@Psojed: it is extremely rare that you see a low boxing multiboxer who team's up and even then the group either completely relies on him so he can make demands since if he left the group would have no chance to recover or even if he made no demands he would have multiple chances higher to get the rare/epic BoE in the group...

As Andrei so finely said you cannot allow it in moderation without allowing the worst as well so it would be for the better to ban or permit it and since permitting it would/could result in problems later on i would say the best solution would be to completely ban it.
I did not say low. But well, whatever.

Restrict multiple accs logging in from the same IP unless if they receive special permission.
I don't know about your country, however here we have whole cities that share a single IP adress.
you can still block multiple account logins from the same source.

you can force players to run some software in the background before it accepts a login similar to blizzard, this also ensures that they cannot toy around with the .mpq or other files to cheat undetected with client files...

if i lookup the most common .mpq cheats then over 35-40.000 used that, this number grows as you search and you cannot find all since some make their very own so it is an undeniable truth that eventually private servers would have to counter this with their own minor application that runs and communicates in the background, but only very few have done so.

note: Psojed whole cites dont share a single IP... they share a single IP pool, and the reason for that is becourse IPv4 is limited and has run dry long ago. people are waiting for IPv6 thats been ready for ages but since large scale companies arent yet ready it is always postponed.

- - - Updated - - -

Also when you ban multiboxing on the rules they can easily be reported since they are rather obvious and the log which admins see gives plenty proof of it being multibox or not, this would be the first step to effectively reduce them and causing players to hunt them down for the admins.

later on you can eventually add the software to fix it and completely monitor cheat/multibox from clients and thereby have a completely safe/clean blizzlike 1.12.1 server. :yes:
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sorry my friend but calling a pve multiboxer "useless" isn't an argument against pve multiboxing, it's just presenting the absence of useful in your opinion.

you said it yourself, this form of multiboxing is harmless and banning this form of multiboxing only alienates players while bringing nothing to the table of everyone else. you have to weigh the good against the bad.

there really is no valid argument against pve multiboxing other than people disapproving for personal reasons and feelings, which, again, is no argument at all - but rather, something people never actually motivate with a sound reason, which they can't given the nature of an opinion.

if you want to start banning things based on feelings, you aren't doing servers any favors

i guess people just love having opinions? but face the fact that this is cognitive dissonance at it's finest and has no place outside of a kindergarten

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Whats the point though, what part of it is enjoyable? I am just curious, not mocking or anything, but why pick a single player mode of an MMO?

i'm glad someone asked this.

personally, i'd do it because to me it brings a greater sense of doing something useful as opposed to playing 1 character, as it's technical and has it's own balance that needs to be observed. ideally the goal is to be able to farm 5 man content where finding groups can be difficult, especially finding groups of people willing to farm 5 man content for crucial items.

i have no problem with people wanting to do 5man content the regular way, i do it myself. i'm just not keen on trying to find 4 other players to farm continously, i've never been able to find this and having to organize a group for a single run is a pretty big waste of time in comparison.

it's simply more fun to me than playing just one character. although it can be problematic, seeing as unless you want your main to be either a paladin priest or warlock (in my group setup, at least), you'll have to solo level a character separately to level 60. anyway this game is all about minmaxing, so to me this is just a logical extension by that.

in my mind this is just extra effort that makes you entitled to the possible rewards.

besides, once an experienced multiboxer has gained enough gear and experience, they could even offer a boosting service for people that want that "one" item. i only see this benefiting both parties.

personally i have no intention of doing a boosting service, it's just an example of what someone could do with multiboxing.

hopefully this is useful to anyone trying to make up their mind about it :smile:
sorry my friend but calling a pve multiboxer "useless" isn't an argument against pve multiboxing, it's just presenting the absence of useful in your opinion.

you said it yourself, this form of multiboxing is harmless and banning this form of multiboxing only alienates players while bringing nothing to the table of everyone else. you have to weigh the good against the bad.

there really is no valid argument against pve multiboxing other than people disapproving for personal reasons and feelings, which, again, is no argument at all - but rather, something people never actually motivate with a sound reason, which they can't given the nature of an opinion.

if you want to start banning things based on feelings, you aren't doing servers any favors

i guess people just love having opinions? but face the fact that this is cognitive dissonance at it's finest and has no place outside of a kindergarten


Try to re-read my original post, it pretty clearly states why I think the harmless multiboxers should be disallowed for the greater good, because they don't add anything to the server and because disallowing them makes it so much easier to deal with the harmful multiboxers.

This has nothing to do with Cognitive Dissonance whatsoever, I even refrained from using my personal feelings on multiboxers as an argument and stuck to an analysis of how allowing multiboxing in any form may very well harm the server without having any chance of making the server better.

On the contrary, if you have an argument as to why PvE multiboxers are actually beneficial to the server, I'd love to hear.

What about the 2-boxers, 3-boxers and 4-boxers that team up with other players for dungeons?
These players can actively support grouping and might fill in the gaps at less active hours, becoming profitable to the server even while multiboxing. Would you ban this kind of multibox aswell?

This is an argument for multiboxing, though I have never seen a 2/3 or 4 boxer in all of my time as a WoW player...

And in case boxing is actually needed because of server population my response would probably be... why do we bother releasing the server anyway then?

As for not bothering to find a group and multiboxing 5 man content instead, to me that's kinda like a holy priest or protection warrior arguing that they should be allowed to employ grinding bot software because they can't farm effeciently and don't want to bother respeccing.

Edit: I can however sympathize with the wish to challenge yourself and your abilities through multiboxing, that does not change my stance on it though.
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you are asking me to provide a reason why they should be allowed, when you didn't provide a concrete reason of your own why they shouldn't be.

simply stating "they bring nothing to the server" is assuming something that hasn't been proven and doesn't actually explain anything.

anyway, my reason as i posted, is that pve multiboxing is just another form of playing and just as a single character does, adds to the population of the server, adds to the economy of the server, and inspires other people to to come play as a result.

just because that's 1 less player not doing LFG is irrelevant on the whole. this will always be a very small % of the player base given the effort it takes. allowing it will not ruin anything.

people aren't going to quit or avoid this server just because pve multiboxing is allowed, to claim this is quite frankly brainfarting and doesn't deserve to be taken seriously.


because the entire thread has yet to have a factual argument against pve multiboxing - and it's just not true.

people love to overreact and this is cognitive dissonance indeed. :no:
@Borislav: if you actually read the entire thread you would see many reasons as to why it shouldn't be allowed, and if you look through at every forum for every sever or in multiple threads you will see a pattern where multiboxing is detested. Even on blizzards forums there's an ocean of it and the only justification blizzard has is that it costs monthly + each expansion when making a new account but on private servers that doesn't exist.

pve multiboxing is another form to play the same as using your ass rather than hands to move the mouse... 1.12.1 is known for being the most social version there was so why would you want to allow multiboxing that was as good as extinct back then ?
i'm just not keen on trying to find 4 other players to farm continously, i've never been able to find this and having to organize a group for a single run is a pretty big waste of time in comparison.
this is exactly why you should not be allowed to multibox.. so your going to farm instances continually, by doing this you are getting all the loot in the instance instead of group loot between 5 people. im sure you would make a tonne of gold and would be easy to gear a whole character because you have total control and can just pass loot to yourself. can you not see how this is unfair, just admit it you want to exploit the game and have an unfair advantage thats why you multibox, youve just admitted it.. think about it
@Borislav: if you actually read the entire thread you would see many reasons as to why it shouldn't be allowed, and if you look through at every forum for every sever or in multiple threads you will see a pattern where multiboxing is detested. Even on blizzards forums there's an ocean of it and the only justification blizzard has is that it costs monthly + each expansion when making a new account but on private servers that doesn't exist.

pve multiboxing is another form to play the same as using your ass rather than hands to move the mouse... 1.12.1 is known for being the most social version there was so why would you want to allow multiboxing that was as good as extinct back then ?

"many reasons" and yet there isn't a single one based on facts, truth, logic. an argument is an argument, but a sound argument is a sound argument. there's a huge difference here and i see barely anyone trying to discuss truthfully and based in fact. just an overabundance of opinions with little substance.

you obviously like asking the same question over and over expecting a different response. sorry, but i'm not in the habit of entertaining that. you'll have to read what i've written because that's a waste of time.

why would you want to allow multiboxing that was as good as extinct back then ?

back in the day, not many people had computers good enough to record gameplay. similarly, multiboxing was largely an unknown concept to most players. these are different times in the same game. it's not a difficult concept to grasp, i assure you.
1: please read the thread and you will find fact, truth and simple logic...

2: it was extinct for the reason of no multibox software that allowed the key-copy and the first that came was around 2.0 where there was delay and some problems, it was first in a decent state at the release of arenas.

3: multibox was never an unknown concept to regular players, but it was mainly used in web-browser games since they where free and didnt realy look at who or what played... multibox did exist in wow in the form of a healer + tank with follow where the person had 2 screens or minimized them and controlling 1 by 1 and for that reason barely anyone ever did it due to cost and trouble....

note: i know you like multiboxing... but do you want to play 1.12.1 or fun-server ? please make up your mind and dont be so close minded regarding multi-boxing it sounds like you only want to play 1.12.1 when you can multibox to gain that advantage rather than play 1.12.1 for the sake of social fun.

also keep in mind this is a petition against it so stop trying to turn it into your own personal for petition before even reading it all...
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1: please read the thread and you will find fact, truth and simple logic...

2: it was extinct for the reason of no multibox software that allowed the key-copy and the first that came was around 2.0 where there was delay and some problems, it was first in a decent state at the release of arenas.

3: multibox was never an unknown concept to regular players, but it was mainly used in web-browser games since they where free and didnt realy look at who or what played... multibox did exist in wow in the form of a healer + tank with follow where the person had 2 screens or minimized them and controlling 1 by 1 and for that reason barely anyone ever did it due to cost and trouble....

note: i know you like multiboxing... but do you want to play 1.12.1 or fun-server ? please make up your mind and dont be so close minded regarding multi-boxing it sounds like you only want to play 1.12.1 when you can multibox to gain that advantage rather than play 1.12.1 for the sake of social fun.

1. just because i don't share your opinions doesn't mean i didn't read.

2. irrelevant, it was still possible and i'll wager someone was doing it successfully with their own software before it became popular

3. semantics etc

4. don't get me wrong, i'll still play here even if multiboxing is disallowed in all forums. i just think it's tragic that people aren't trying to discuss reasonably. opinions are not intellectual currency, true arguments are. and i'll thank you not to do something even worse than argue opinions, putting words in my mouth. if you hadn't already proven your total misunderstanding of the subject at hand, you sure did by likening multiboxing to "funserver" activity. xD
you are asking me to provide a reason why they should be allowed, when you didn't provide a concrete reason of your own why they shouldn't be.

simply stating "they bring nothing to the server" is assuming something that hasn't been proven and doesn't actually explain anything.

I'm sorry, but I give up, if you are unable/unwilling to see my arguments against multiboxing as arguments against multiboxing we'll never be able to discuss this in a constructive manner.
people are reasonably discussing but you are rather irrational saying it should be allowed simply since you don't like playing with others or becourse you think it is hard to find others...

people argument-ed with it disrupting the feeling of vanilla since no-one realy ever saw a multiboxer more than once a month or that it changes the value of dungeon farm-able item's that can be farmed quite easy by a multiboxer but hard for a single player so they would appear more often on the auction house thus sinking price and all the gold going to 1 player, or how 1 player can hug all the loot in a dungeon group due to having more characters in group and thus being able to kill it by leaving so he can pressure or simply need roll and win...

allowing multiboxers would also lead to world and bg pvp for multiboxers although bg would result in ban it would occur and world pvp would just be fun for the hydra blasting multiboxer who instantly kills...

multiboxer could also plant characters on many spawn nodes and farm ore/herb without actually walking around but just 1 press login, 2nd press to loot ever x amount of time...

a multiboxer could in worst case solo raid in pve and rare cases raid a capital which both have been prooven to be possible.

multiboxers wouldnt have to vory about being social for crafting or dungeons either so the reason they play the most social version 1.12.1 rather than a slightly altered 1.12.1 called a fun server is rather odd.

and again... read the thread... and read the subject... its a petition to collect people with the same thoughts and not your personal petition for...
people are reasonably discussing but you are rather irrational saying it should be allowed simply since you don't like playing with others or becourse you think it is hard to find others...

totally not trying to misunderstand me.. right?

people argument-ed with it disrupting the feeling of vanilla

not an argument, but an opinion.. a feeling if you will.

since no-one realy ever saw a multiboxer more than once a month or that it changes the value of dungeon farm-able item's that can be farmed quite easy by a multiboxer but hard for a single player so they would appear more often on the auction house thus sinking price and all the gold going to 1 player, or how 1 player can hug all the loot in a dungeon group due to having more characters in group and thus being able to kill it by leaving so he can pressure or simply need roll and win...

this happens anyway with friend/guild runs, you realize? and as far as the "farmability"... smh. this happens on larger servers anyway

allowing multiboxers would also lead to world and bg pvp for multiboxers although bg would result in ban it would occur and world pvp would just be fun for the hydra blasting multiboxer who instantly kills...

ok? people are going to bot even though its not allowed. this is not an argument my friend.

multiboxer could also plant characters on many spawn nodes and farm ore/herb without actually walking around but just 1 press login, 2nd press to loot ever x amount of time...

this is not multiboxing, it's multiclienting and it's also not disallowed. anyone can do this with a single character. hog the spawns and only they know the spawn times.
anyone is allowed to have a character. logging in in exact spots, you would really have that banned? LOL you're a silly little fascist then

a multiboxer could in worst case solo raid in pve and rare cases raid a capital which both have been prooven to be possible.

you live in a fantasty world if this is your idea of arguing against multiboxing. if this happens, the gm's are not doing their job at all.

multiboxers wouldnt have to vory about being social for crafting or dungeons either so the reason they play the most social version 1.12.1 rather than a slightly altered 1.12.1 called a fun server is rather odd.

for what feels like the millionth time, learn to use your brain power instead of shitting out brainfarts and calling them factual points.

and again... read the thread... and read the subject... its a petition to collect people with the same thoughts and not your personal petition for...

only dirty little communists are afraid of the other side of an argument. please i hope you can understand why i can't take you seriously at all.
1: you do not seem to understand what a "petition" is...
2: your mind is closed and you don't accept anything unless it is the same as yours so why are you arguing ?i
1: you do not seem to understand what a "petition" is...
2: your mind is closed and you don't accept anything unless it is the same as yours so why are you arguing ?i

i understand that petitions are generally for people that would rather not motivate themselves factually, hence trying to restrict the discussion to a yes or no, whatever is the intended desired answer. i also understand that this is for children and people with brains that have underdeveloped reasoning and logical skills.

it's ironic that your closing statement is 100% applicable to you, but in fact not applicable at all to me.

thanks for the laugh.
.... In other words you dont know what a "petition" is...

A petition is when a large group of people sign something in order for it to get attention, it is no discussion but something all who agree sign and in the end it will be judged.

you on the other hand are so close minded that you cannot accept playing 1.12.1 normally without multiboxing that you crash a petition with your own selfish desires without as much as reading what the thread actually is about or what has been written you spam it with the same over and over and stamp all who oppose you as wrong...

and yes.... you are a self proclaimed genius...
children and people with brains that have underdeveloped reasoning and logical skills.
looking through the thread and other similar threads there is no doubt that you are completely right and couldn't ever be wrong about something since all who oppose you are children or underdeveloped people... this is sarcasm if you didn't get it...

now please leave this petition thread alone so it can get cleaned up for discussions...
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i understand that you want me to stop posting after you so embarrassingly failed to slay your own straw man instead of just agreeing to disagree.
its not just he... All your posts here should be deleted or moved to new thread named "petition for multiboxing" . Even when i personally dont like Crowlock for his acting, i must agree with him this time.
I will try to be objective Borislav and wil llist what i consider the biggest issues with multiboxing for myself.
I even won't be even mentioning PvP for obvious reason.
Other reasons:
1) It's not how the game was meant to be played, when one player gains way more in-game power then others.
2) It creates possibility to expoit the multiple advantages over normal players (soloing and simplifying the content that is not meant to be soloable, more efficient way of farming resulting in altered economics and supply etc.)
3) Affecting social side (i'd rather play with 4 other players then with one player player multiple characters). Social interaction supposed to be the side of the game.
wth? xD City is something huge, maybe a small town?

Nope. Whole city is correct :) Back on Anglamenn, Wrangler banned a whole guild from one czech city 'cause one member cheated, he didn't intend to ban them all, but they had the same IP. Yeah fun days from wowemu :biggrin:

As for not bothering to find a group and multiboxing 5 man content instead, to me that's kinda like a holy priest or protection warrior arguing that they should be allowed to employ grinding bot software because they can't farm effeciently and don't want to bother respeccing.

To me it's avoiding hours of agony with a wiping group.
After the years I spent playing different games online, I'm really grateful when you can enjoy a fun multiplayer game, for me this was symbolized by playing Diablo 2 online back in the days. If the other player doesn't know how to use his brain, you could work it out with your own ability. And you were never forced to play with others all the time.

Sadly, you cannot do that in vanilla wow, you are forced to do content grouped (unless you want to do one specific boss or spend X hours doing the instance like Hunter vs. World or Zapatos). I don't know how long did your longest Blackrock Depths full run take, but mine was too long for comfort. I am very open to telling others how to do stuff more effectively, but lot of the time the players don't want to listen, and your buddies won't be always online.
Back in D2, we did 100+ consecutive BH runs with about 5 people, while chatting and laughing the whole time. We did not know each other, there were no guilds back then, we just saw our account names frequently and we were not afraid of talking together. And it wasn't easy (instakilled by souls or efesfe frenzylord ftw :p ), but we enjoyed the time. Now that I don't have the time to play as I used to during my schooldays, I value my free time much more, and I definitely don't want to spend it corpserunning an instance that was meant to be simple, because every tactic was described in guides five times over, but someone didn't bother to read it.

So I will value an able multiboxer that can farm to his heart's content and sell the stuff on AH to others who cannot farm X hours a day, or who can run a dungeon under 1 hour with me, or even play PvP with me. And If I meet the multiboxer as an enemy, I will either crush him or avoid him, end of story.
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