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    TwinStar team

Petition against multiboxing

Sadly, you cannot do that in vanilla wow, you are forced to do content grouped (unless you want to do one specific boss or spend X hours doing the instance like Hunter vs. World or Zapatos).

Indeed you cannot do that in WoW, that's intended and that is why I consider it cheating to use outside software to be able to achieve the impossible.

Just as I consider it cheating to use a bot to farm up the mats you need for raids or using a fly or speedhack to level up faster.

For alot of players the challenge of vanilla WoW and the fact that having specific items is a token of respect is the reason they want to play vanilla WoW, and if a multiboxer can get these things easy mode (ie. not having to suffer from PuG wipes or having to coordinate with friends/guildmates to get what you want) it takes that whole aspect out of the game experience.

Edit: Actually, in light of everything that have been written here my stance on multiboxing have changed somewhat, I nolonger consider PvE multiboxing harmless unless the player multiboxing plays the game 100% solo (ie. never touches the auction house or makes a trade with another player), if multiboxers are allowed to do 5 man content solo and then bring 1 of those 5 characters into a raid it will negatively impact the server, if multiboxers are allowed to solo dungeons, disenchant gear and flood the AH with enchanting materials it will negatively impact the server, the same if they are allowed to farm essences or twilight texts or use their superior firepower to farm formulas for the Crusader enchant.
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Indeed you cannot do that in WoW, that's intended and that is why I consider it cheating to use outside software to be able to achieve the impossible.

Just as I consider it cheating to use a bot to farm up the mats you need for raids or using a fly or speedhack to level up faster.

For alot of players the challenge of vanilla WoW and the fact that having specific items is a token of respect is the reason they want to play vanilla WoW, and if a multiboxer can get these things easy mode (ie. not having to suffer from PuG wipes or having to coordinate with friends/guildmates to get what you want) it takes that whole aspect out of the game experience.

Edit: Actually, in light of everything that have been written here my stance on multiboxing have changed somewhat, I nolonger consider PvE multiboxing harmless unless the player multiboxing plays the game 100% solo (ie. never touches the auction house or makes a trade with another player), if multiboxers are allowed to do 5 man content solo and then bring 1 of those 5 characters into a raid it will negatively impact the server, if multiboxers are allowed to solo dungeons, disenchant gear and flood the AH with enchanting materials it will negatively impact the server, the same if they are allowed to farm essences or twilight texts or use their superior firepower to farm formulas for the Crusader enchant.

Tbh they should just cut out the disease and ban it all together, does a multiboxer bring a single positive thing the server? one minor thing? if people want to play alone on a MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE they can just download a client somewhere and have fun on their own private server.
Tbh they should just cut out the disease and ban it all together, does a multiboxer bring a single positive thing the server? one minor thing? if people want to play alone on a MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE they can just download a client somewhere and have fun on their own private server.

Does multiboxing in any way bring a single negative "thing" to the server? From what I've understood the players multiboxing are allowed to do so in PvE purposes. So take player A, who for whatever reason wishes to multibox. Player A will need to level 5-6 characters to 60, continiously harassed by the opposing faction as he/she is not allowed to utilize all characters in a pvp situation. When every character hits 60 after quite a while, the gearing process is going to take place.

Imagine for example someone multiboxing 6 mages, that player not only has spent a huge amount of time getting all characters to the max level. But in order to make the most out of each character he will amongst others need 6 rings from scholomance, and 6 turbans from UBRS. The amount of time this player is going to put in to each of his characters will by no doubt be substantial, whereas the player in every situation would have to adapt to other players who easily can grief him/her for hours/days/weeks/months.

Of course this griefing will surely be a part of the "multiboxing experience", but if a player wishes to level six characters to the max level and use them stricly in PvE content. With a journey that by no doubt contains a huge time investement where one of the few negative effects being other players whining/raging about a player controlling more characters than his "main". Then why shouldn't he/she be able to do so? I'm sure a lot of the players out there will create banks/alts on secondary accounts to easier manage what they gather, which will be a similar action in regards to the multiboxer who wants to do some PvE.

In regards to the topic owner's points;

"1. ...many of the activities performed by a multiboxer does not engage any other players of the server."
The same can be applied to the average player who as example farms gold, reagents, pvp, etc. I've still not engaged with another player back on ED when it comes to farming anything of the above, 18 months and counting.

"2. ...two broad categories"
I suppose you've never came across the helpful multiboxer who helped you farm a quest which noone bothered to help you with?

Harmless: "he is also useless, he does nothing to make the server better or worse"
An excellent point of view on other individuals, I'm sure average box of joe would spend most of his life during a few months just to in the end run some 5man dungeons and not experience the endgame.

Malicious: "actively disrupts server economy"
...by spending alot of time farming to afford 5-6x epic mounts. Compare the time spent leveling/gearing all the characters in comparison to the farm speed increase. I'd be more concerned of clever teleport hackers going after xyz, or players knowingly abusing bugs in order to gain a significant timeinvest-to-monetary advantage.

"PvP balance"
This is one of the few legit points, if a multiboxer is allowed to engage in pvp then there could be serious concerns. If you however as a player make the decision in the same context to attack six characters that are allowed to defend themselves in world pvp then well, best of luck stupid.

Endnote: I don't multibox characters above level 10. I do however consider playing more than one account at the same time as multiboxing, which I am sure the majority of players will do. Multiboxing is fine, the perception of it is not. Best of luck on the petition though.
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the only people that i see supporting multi boxing are the people that want to take advantage. its clear as day this is unfair i just hope the devs have there heads screwed on and can see how this is bad for everyone, seriously the definition of multi boxing is abuse, the one key program is not even from blizzard but a cheat program used to exploit the game, get your heads out of your asses and tell me how its fair if you can farm with 5 characters while i have to farm with 1? how is it even logical that you can play 5 characters at once its supposed to be an rpg, without your cheat program you couldn't. if you want to play 5 characters play them one at a time and stop trying to justify bullshit. blizzard don't even like multi boxing the only reason they supported it is because they make alot of money off it, if they didn't it would be banned because they know its bad for the game
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dear multiboxer ask yourself this:

Blizzard only allowed it due to the cash. You want to play on a 1.12.1 as close to the blizzlike feeling as possible right ?
Why would blizzard ever consider allowing it if they didn't get any extra payment for it and the extra work it causes ?
So why would you ignore the countless negative influences it has on free-private servers and their blizzlike feel to play a mmo as single player when you can just download and play your own server ?
if you made your own you could reduce difficulty so even you a multiboxer can play with 1 character and skip being social, even exploit all you want for no risk, so why are you even here when you dont want to play a social game ?

note: you should also lookup what a "petition is... since this is turning into a discussion between close minded multibox trolls and the rest...
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This is mostly directed to Borislav, but anyone wanting to offer a considerate and well thought out opinion on my concerns for multiboxers and pvp can jump in.

Pretending that you are a person engaging in multiboxing with say, 2-3 characters using automated keypress commands to direct the characters actions, what sort of PvP would and/or would not be okay to use on the server?

Assuming it's a PvP labeled server with multiboxing allowed, it would be a common sight to find key locations in the game for farming crafting materials (Winterspring yetis for rugged leather, Un'goro crater for Thorium) being farmed by multibox hydra groups run by one player.

Do you feel it would be acceptable for the multibox player to attack enemy players that they encounter while farming? Should enemy players using only a single character avoid attacking an obvious multiboxed group because the multibox player would counter attack with superior resources? Or how about the use of multiboxed characters in battlegrounds, assuming that people will be allowed to Queue in a BG as a group? In situations like these, what rules should be followed that would benefit the health of the server for its players and development? How would these rules help reflect and promote a 'classic pre burning crusade retail-like server'?

Those are the questions that people should be asking themselves and answering. If multiboxing is to be discouraged or promoted by the server staff, it won't be over PvE issues that are of a marginal concern at best. It will be the competitive nature of PvP that will make or break how people view the server involving its multiboxing policy.
the only people that i see supporting multi boxing are the people that want to take advantage.
I will definitely want to take advantage of a multiboxer, who will be running 5mans for the flask recipe or farming herbs and selling them on AH, so that I can actually bring some pots to the raid.
You won't buy his stuff? Your problem.

its clear as day this is unfair
In my opinion, it's not unfair at all.
I used maphack in Diablo 2 for like 5 years, I never ever thought it was unfair. The whole server I played used it. It became unfair for pvp later, 'cause I could see the missiles flying, then I switched to c3po where it didn't show the missiles.

the one key program is not even from blizzard but a cheat program used to exploit the game, get your heads out of your asses and tell me how its fair if you can farm with 5 characters while i have to farm with 1?
This precisely shows you know !@#$ about the issue, you just feed the fire.
1) It's not one key program.
The keycloning utility you are all talking about is a program that sends keys that you press to other windows you specify. This method was used WAY BEFORE WOW EVEN EXISTED by IT workers, programmers and admins (simple example - writing scripts to multiple PuTTy windows).

One key program would be a bot. You press START, and your character is moving, attacking, refilling, etc. all on its own, and you can stick your finger to your ass and watch it. If you want comparsion to other games utilities, one key program is an Aimbot from counter strike. Once you start it, it automatically aims on the head, you don't need to aim anymore.

We indeed do not allow bots.
With Keycloning, the multiboxer is required to control all 5 characters simultaneously, and he is required to either set the spellbars exactly on every character, or create character-specific macros for every character, something you would never ever worry about.

And if you REALLY want to go to the extreme and ban using the keycloning programs, well !@#$ that, because it's been done before WITHOUT the programs:

Or it's been done manually too :smile:

how is it even logical that you can play 5 characters at once its supposed to be an rpg, without your cheat program you couldn't.
You apparently never played other RPG games, for example Dungeon Siege from Microsoft, right?
A great RPG game where you control a party of up to 8 characters simultaneously - your own choice. If you want to play just one, you play just one. For example this guy controls five: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T62zCKtHaYU&index=53&list=PLF13C857512D9A0C5
I suggest you play it, great game.

blizzard don't even like multi boxing the only reason they supported it is because they make alot of money off it, if they didn't it would be banned because they know its bad for the game
Apparently it wasn't that bad for the game.

Skosh said it well in his last post. PvP is the only real concern about multiboxing.
In regards to the topic owner's points;

"1. ...many of the activities performed by a multiboxer does not engage any other players of the server."
The same can be applied to the average player who as example farms gold, reagents, pvp, etc. I've still not engaged with another player back on ED when it comes to farming anything of the above, 18 months and counting.

"2. ...two broad categories"
I suppose you've never came across the helpful multiboxer who helped you farm a quest which noone bothered to help you with?

Harmless: "he is also useless, he does nothing to make the server better or worse"
An excellent point of view on other individuals, I'm sure average box of joe would spend most of his life during a few months just to in the end run some 5man dungeons and not experience the endgame.

Malicious: "actively disrupts server economy"
...by spending alot of time farming to afford 5-6x epic mounts. Compare the time spent leveling/gearing all the characters in comparison to the farm speed increase. I'd be more concerned of clever teleport hackers going after xyz, or players knowingly abusing bugs in order to gain a significant timeinvest-to-monetary advantage.

"PvP balance"
This is one of the few legit points, if a multiboxer is allowed to engage in pvp then there could be serious concerns. If you however as a player make the decision in the same context to attack six characters that are allowed to defend themselves in world pvp then well, best of luck stupid.

Endnote: I don't multibox characters above level 10. I do however consider playing more than one account at the same time as multiboxing, which I am sure the majority of players will do. Multiboxing is fine, the perception of it is not. Best of luck on the petition though.

1. Frankly I find that hard to believe, keep in mind that world PvP/ganking to get access to resources that another player is hugging is part of what I consider 'engaging other players' and while you can say that a multiboxer can engage other players through that, it's pretty clear that in this scenario a multiboxer would have an unfair advantage.

2. Nope I haven't, but I remember back in retail that I completed many difficult quests by tagging mobs from gold farming hunter bots, effectively forcing them to help me kill mobs I would have a hard time killing, did that prevent me from reporting the bots? nope.

Harmless: I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're trying to say here.

Malicious: Like I stated, multiboxers can easily farm specific items that were never meant to be easily farmed, if they do, that will definitely disrupt server economy, making enchanting materials too cheap etc., also afew other posters have made it clear that you can also use multiboxing to support a single main, so while it won't disrupt server economy that a boxer farms 5 epic mounts for himself, it certainly does disrupt the competitive balance if a boxer farms 1 epic mount 5 times as fast as any other player for his main account.

Your other points are valid, of course teleport hacking should also be banned and players abusing bugs should be cracked down on hard, my point is that multiboxing to give yourself an unfair advantage is no different from hacking or bug abusing to give yourself an unfair advantage.

PvP Balance: And thus ends war for resources that is at the heart of world PvP, because certain players have an unfair advantage in world PvP so they can do whatever they want without fear of ganking.

Like I stated in the entry post, playing more than one account, even simultaneously is not multiboxing, multiboxing directly refers to the key-copying software that allows you to direct several characters with one press of a button.
1) It's not one key program.
The keycloning utility you are all talking about is a program that sends keys that you press to other windows you specify. This method was used WAY BEFORE WOW EVEN EXISTED by IT workers, programmers and admins (simple example - writing scripts to multiple PuTTy windows).
i know exactly what it is you don't need to explain, im telling you its cheating when used with wow... it gives unfair advantage over people that don't control 5 characters at once. the game was never intended to play 5 characters at once its as simple as that...

for everything else you wrote im sorry i just cant be bothered to reply to it because quite frankly its nonsense. especially when you tried to justify bullshit saying there is an rpg that you can play 8 characters at once, this has nothing to do with wow you need to put things into context. oh and if you think multi boxers supplying the server with items is a good thing then i facepalm.
if a multiboxer supplies the server with material or items he with his advantage gained then it hurts those who try to gain and sell those as non-multiboxer which would need more time and effort for it...

its a choice either you allow multibox and force everyone to play like that in order to be equal or inferior if they dont follow...

or you ban it, keep the game original to how it was meant to be and actually was back then and save all the trouble having to justify something that cannot be justified.... blizzard could only justify it be-course it costs every expansion + monthly subscription which naturally kills of most and leaves a rare few you see once a month or less due to the rarity and thats on retail... i played since the beta and before tbc arena's came it was as good as non-existant, i saw and knew 1 but he only had healer + tank where he controlled them seperatly and had very few key links which was more bothersome to use than convinient....

so if you care for the well being of the server, you either launch your own if you wanna play wow as single player or you agree to ban it for the greater good...
I just have a question for the people who say multiboxing was only allowed on retail because of the money people would spend. Where's your proof? Seriously? People have been saying this since the dawn of time, but I've never actually seen anybody worth mentioning confirm this. You can't pull this shit, unless you can actually prove that blizzard cared about the couple extra bucks from the few far and between multiboxers.

That being said, PvP multiboxing should never be allowed. Not even to defend yourself. It seems harsh, but as a multiboxer it's only fair that I am not allowed to use more than one character at a time.

Yet, multiboxing in Vanilla is actually piss easy. The API allows you to do EVERYTHING via addons, the only keys you need to is 1 button for follow, one to spam (automated rotations on every character) and one to stop follow. The rest is done by itself. Therefore, if this became like a public thing that a lot of people were capable of doing (it's really not hard), it might not be a good idea to allow it in Vanilla.

Here is a demonstration of how I can easily run 5 different classes and solo every lvl 60 5man. Sorry for the lags, the stream settings were shit and this is the first time I multiboxed in 8 months or so.
not gonna look through thousands of threads and blue posts just to find that sentence since it is simple logic... if you want then try open up the many threads and read "every single one" there's many of them and many who hate it and never a positive except the cash for allowing it...

why would you design a game around 1 account with multiple characters with login limit "1" if the intend was to allow unlimited character's per player ? they even went to the extent of making each email unique and only able to sign for 1 account at a time rather than allowing you to have all linked to the same email.

that is just the account management that already there points toward it not being intended...

now why would they make dungeon and raid's with different sizes if the game was meant to be played alone ?
why would they charge each account for game + expansion + subscription when it could have been a 1 time install and the subscribe ?

why is wow an MMO "massive multiplayer online" rather than MSO "massive singleplayer online" game ?

what is fun about instantly killing everything and ignoring social life playing with 1-4 key cloned copy characters rather than with real people ?

why do you think you see 1-2 multiboxers every 30 min. on Feenix servers at peak hours ?...

would it be fair for a multiboxer to be world pvp immune ? he wont be targetted by less than a group since no one can win 1v5, and even if the multiboxer used 1 at a time the multiboxer would have 5 lives so he would eventually win and be able to camp...

why allow something that isn't intended but has a high chance of hurting the server and wouldn't bring anything positive if allowed.
i know exactly what it is you don't need to explain
Well, apparently your point of view is really weird, at least it seems like that to me.

a cheat program used to exploit the game
I have an addon that can make a character follow me just by whispering "follow" to that character. It would be really simple to copy this concept and create an action response for "assist", "heal", "attack" or whatever I wish. Your logic about "Blizzard only allowed it because of money" does not apply here either, addons are free and made by players for players, no money involved.

Basically im telling you, I don't need ANY Keyclone-like utility to play multiple characters simultaneously. Is it okay with you, If I play 5 characters at once without "cheat program"?

im telling you its cheating when used with wow...
Is it not cheating when used with other games then? :lol:

it gives unfair advantage over people that don't control 5 characters at once.
That's kinda obvious. And the point of playing more than one characters is to gain advantage.

When I levelled a paladin on Rebirth and my level 60 hunter was hooked up on follow with Aspect of the Pack, that gave me a huge advantage against others too. And when someone tried to gank me in STV and got an Aimed Shot to the knee, that was also unfair advantage. Well, too bad for you, don't try to attack me then, dumbass.

But do you want to know, what happened in Alterac Valley? A level 39 Priest, level 37 Shaman and a level 42 Warrior killed both my lvl 38 paladin and my lvl 60 hunter and tried to corpsecamp me. It was real fun pvping each other.

If your real issue is only with "cheat programs" like Keyclone, then problem solved, keyclone is not required.

@ schaka: nice vid :smile:

Cr0wl0ck: nobody forces anyone to play like that. I still don't see your point of view, if there are multiboxers in the game, it does not force ANYONE to become like them. This is more about you: Do you want to multibox too, or not? Your choice, nobody forces anything.

@ Cr0wl0ck & Lemon124: An analogy without multiboxing:
I bet my single level 60 character can farm stuff FASTER than your level 60 characters (out of my sheer experince and knowledge about this game, I'm playing freeservers since 1.3.0). Do you want to improve and learn how to do stuff at the same speed as I do, or are you okay with your own pace?

^ It's the same thing about multiboxing.
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The major point is you level 5 characters while others only level 1, thus you get an unfair advantage. Just no.
While it is true that allowing multiboxing forces noone to multibox, WoW is for many players a competitive game and if multiboxing grants you a competitive advantage, you either have to do it or leave the competition if it is allowed.
I'll just going to quote myself again
1) It's not how the game was meant to be played, when one player gains way more in-game power then others.
2) It creates possibility to expoit the multiple advantages over normal players (soloing and simplifying the content that is not meant to be soloable, more efficient way of farming resulting in altered economics and supply etc.)
3) Affecting social side (i'd rather play with 4 other players then with one player player multiple characters). Social interaction supposed to be the side of the game.
Are people really defending multiboxing? Its not how the game was created to be played. The most multiboxing that should happen is to tab out to an alt to farm while your raid buffs / waits for slow people to get there. as for having 5 characters in the same place? Just wrong.

Cr0wl0ck: nobody forces anyone to play like that. I still don't see your point of view, if there are multiboxers in the game, it does not force ANYONE to become like them. This is more about you: Do you want to multibox too, or not? Your choice, nobody forces anything.

While this was directed to Cr0w, I'm going to jump on it because it's clearly ignoring the relevant point I was trying to make with my last post. What you say right here is completely untrue.

If I am in Un'goro farming thorium and there is an enemy player there doing the same while controlling 3 characters against my one character, then yes, that is the very definition of forcing me to play like that to get what I am after in the zone. That is the very definition that I must play the game in the same way they are playing, or I must find something else to do. You can't paint it differently because you want to believe it is different.

Of course, what I just said could be turned around to the other point of view from the multiboxer's perspective. Why should that player not be allowed to multibox and be forced to play with just a single character? Why should they be be told to play the game in that manner, or not play at all?

And I get that. I understand it works both ways. What everyone in this thread needs to answer is - how does multiboxing contribute to the server in a positive way that encourages people to play here when they are seeking a classic pre burning crusade retail experience?

I'm done with this thread until I see that question answered. It's the elephant in the room that the multibox proponents are conveniently ignoring because the answer isn't one that they like.
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the answer is simple but as said those who want to multibox wont like it.

the game was designed around 1 person controlling 1 character and communicating socially with others online to progress and have fun.

multiboxing has no positive influence, it is just a method for a greedy/selfish person to play alone within an mmo game, others wont attack since who stands a chance against that many even if only 1 at a time is used so they are more or less immune to world pvp, and as said before if an enemy multiboxer farms thorium for example and you want it then your only choice is to multibox since you cannot just call in friends at random times all the time just to fight a multiboxer which by then surely already is done or gone which leaves you with 2 option's give up and go elsewhere without even trying since you stand no chance, or start multiboxing as well....

so yes allowing multibox would be forcing others to multibox as well, it contributes nothing to the server and as you can read on multiple private server forums or blizzards own it is detested by most.
What you say right here is completely untrue.

If I am in Un'goro farming thorium and there is an enemy player there doing the same while controlling 3 characters against my one character, then yes, that is the very definition of forcing me to play like that to get what I am after in the zone. That is the very definition that I must play the game in the same way they are playing, or I must find something else to do. You can't paint it differently because you want to believe it is different.

If I understand your explanation correctly, at any given time you will be the only character of your whole faction in Un'goro farming Thorium, even while Un'goro is one of the better Thorium farming locations (also soils, crystals, elementals and 55+ questing zone).
And you will also be unguilded and you will also have no friends, so you absolutely cannot ask anybody for help, am I correct?
If yes, then I can see your point.

At this point, I wonder what would you do, if random three players from the same guild decide to play together and they decide to go mine some Thorium. Will you be completely helpless because the three players will be controlling 3 characters against your one character?

Cr0wl0ck: Doesn't a healthy classic environment allow you to group up with other players (we are playing an MMO afterall) to counter the Xv1 advantage? I don't see why would they be immune to world pvp. I definitely won't believe that every multiboxer is also a pvp god and that no single character can't ever kill 3 or more people consecutively. You know well it can be done.
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@Psojed: How long do you think it takes to contact someone in the area and convince them to rush to you asap and give up what they are doing just to help you vs a multiboxer ? and even if you are guilded with 20-50 online it is highly unlikely that anyone is within 5-10 min. reach of you.

considering you got good friends and all say yes asap it will still take 5-10 min. at least before the first ones arrive unless they most unlikely stand right besides you which in that case is only 1 and you would need a group of 3 to fight a multiboxer of 5 + considering that theres a chance that person is a friend of the multiboxer and might say no, or just plain afraid of the numbers so wont join before your group is larger...

how long does it take to kill someone or farm something ? most of the time it is less than 1 min.

as you said it is good and easy to group up but that is as long as its for quest, dungeon or raid but when it is for world pvp and only vs 1 real person then far less want to use their time on it.

and yes 3 unique players are stronger than a 5x multiboxer if they know what they do but lets be honest and realistic, you only teamup and walk close to each other for a hard quest such as elite or dungeons while a multiboxer is 24/7 in a group of most commonly 5.

in other words unless you are obsessed to kill and annoy the person to the point of waiting for people to gather then the multiboxer will be world-pvp immune, and even then the players in your group will start leaving after 1-2 kills while the multiboxer stays active since he is just 1 player with 1 goal rather than splitted goals where you are the only one who want to hunt and the rest only want to lend a hand for some time as a friend.

so no-matter what you say or how you twist it there is no way around the fact that a multiboxer has more competitive power overall than a single normal player
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PvP multiboxing BAD BAD BAD.
PvE multiboxing FUN on low populated server. At first. Then it is just BORING.
On a high population server, multiboxing will not help at all imo.
you only teamup and walk close to each other for a hard quest such as elite or dungeons
Apparently you are doing it wrong, because you said yourself that
the game was designed around 1 person controlling 1 character and communicating socially with others online to progress and have fun.
I agree that in an MMO you should not be playing solo.

so no-matter what you say or how you twist it there is no way around the fact that a multiboxer has more competitive power overall than a single normal player
But I don't want to twist anything, I definitely agree that a multiboxer has more power. I wrote it in my second previous post. I'm simply telling you how to deal with it if you cannot handle it yourself. Banning something because it gives you an advantage? Maybe.
Banning playing multiple characters in a massively-multiplayer game? WTF?

As for the reasons:
1) It's not how the game was meant to be played, when one player gains way more in-game power then others.
The game was meant to be played in a group. If a single individual controls the whole group, another group should be on fairly equal terms, I have no problem with that.
2) It creates possibility to expoit the multiple advantages over normal players (soloing and simplifying the content that is not meant to be soloable, more efficient way of farming resulting in altered economics and supply etc.)
Your ability to "solo" some group content is equally balanced by the fact that you need to spend five times the levelling, five times the equipping and extra time preparing for the job.
Also, your reasons against multiboxing are based solely on your own assumption, that "content is not meant to be soloable", even though there were people who proved many times that some content actually is soloable, Hunter vs. World being the example of dungeons and the video of Hunter soloing Azuregos (yup a raidboss) being an example of a raid.
Don't worry, the hunter who solo killed Azuregos had to spend time preparing for that aswell - mainly gathering the +healing gear. His reward was the ability to solo kill a world boss. Having 5 characters ready to fight is your reward for levelling and equipping those 5 characters. The 5v1 advantage while mining thorium is your reward.

The 3) reason for banning multiboxers is just pure nonsense, having a multiboxer online does not limit your social interaction in any way.


My reasons for not banning multiboxing are:
1) You are not forced to engage with the multiboxer in a disadvantageous battle. You can mount up and move along.
As it stands for now, it seems multiboxers will not be allowed to even attack you in PvP (even though we are a PvP server), thus in the given example of mining Thorium, you can simply move to the next Thorium node and take it.
2) You are free to try to break the limits of this game. Some players simply don't want to play a game that is simple or easy or made equally for everyone. We want to play it harder. We enjoy Hardcore (permadeath) modes in games where death is not permanent. We like higher difficulty settings, we want Ironman (no saveloading or no vendor visits) options, we want special challenges (win only using a melee weapon) and so on. Multiboxing is one of those challenges and being able to do a dungeon on your own is one of these achievements.

Why do you want to rob multiboxers who enjoy this kind of game of this experience?
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