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    TwinStar team

Petition against multiboxing

by now it is quite clear that you want to play 1.12.1 as a multiboxing rather than how it was meant to be so i guess it is pointless trying to convince you since you just seem to be twisting things around into nonsense :sad:.

your reasons against multiboxing are based solely on your own assumption
so you are telling me that i am wrong and assuming something ? open your eyes please... there are countless threads and replies on every private servers forum and even blizzards where people dislike it and there has NEVER been a good reason for allowing multiboxing except money.

Don't worry, the hunter who solo killed Azuregos had to spend time preparing for that aswell - mainly gathering the +healing gear. His reward was the ability to solo kill a world boss. Having 5 characters ready to fight is your reward for levelling and equipping those 5 characters. The 5v1 advantage while mining thorium is your reward.
WTF ?...
you do know that leveling & gearing 5x characters takes slightly (not even a day) more time than leveling 1, so now you are saying that multiboxing is hard and takes long time and should be seen as an accomplishment that deserves reward... :no:

please stop twisting facts... it is well known how easy a multiboxer can get gear once he reaches lvl 60 as well as that it doesn't take that much extra time to level from 1-60 but only setting up the spells keybinds and software...
it doesn't require 5x the leveling, gearing, extra time preparing since all is controlled by one person so there is not much communication or confusion not even waiting for players to come or from afk, the leveling isnt reduced by 80% when in a grp of 5 either and swapping gear takes only a few seconds anyways which can be done by a keypress as well if you use an addon for that too.

1) You are not forced to engage with the multiboxer in a disadvantageous battle. You can mount up and move along.
yes... that literally means you are forced to if you want to compete... so when a multiboxer comes and takes your farm spot your advice is to turn tail and run elsewhere... you do know the server is "PVP" right ? why should a multiboxing player be almost immune to world pvp becourse of extra accounts ?
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As for the reasons:
1) It's not how the game was meant to be played, when one player gains way more in-game power then others.
The game was meant to be played in a group. If a single individual controls the whole group, another group should be on fairly equal terms, I have no problem with that.

And you already twisting it. My post was about this game not meant to be played with one person controlling multiple characters. As for you weird statement about game meant to be played in group let me remind you that this game has content both for groups and solo players. Why should i be ok with someone simplifying solo content and gaining advantage in that way? I'm not ok and you do not need to offer band-aids to make it look like i shouldn't care.

Your ability to "solo" some group content is equally balanced by the fact that you need to spend five times the levelling, five times the equipping and extra time preparing for the job.
It's your choice to do so but if you chosing to it doesn't mean that i should be ok with it.

Also, your reasons against multiboxing are based solely on your own assumption, that "content is not meant to be soloable", even though there were people who proved many times that some content actually is soloable, Hunter vs. World being the example of dungeons and the video of Hunter soloing Azuregos (yup a raidboss) being an example of a raid.
Do not twist ppl's words again. There's content intended for soloing and for group play. I am not speaking about single person going for party/raid content WITH one character and beating it, i'm speaking about one person trivializing content by controlling multiple characters. You probably should be able to see difference?

Don't worry, the hunter who solo killed Azuregos had to spend time preparing for that aswell - mainly gathering the +healing gear. His reward was the ability to solo kill a world boss. Having 5 characters ready to fight is your reward for levelling and equipping those 5 characters. The 5v1 advantage while mining thorium is your reward.
And i do not agree that it should be allowed. Is that hard to grasp? If you want to level multiple chars - do it. Why you decide that if you doing something that was not intended and that it's hard that you automaticly entitled for some reward if it interferes with other players?

My reasons for not banning multiboxing are:
1) You are not forced to engage with the multiboxer in a disadvantageous battle. You can mount up and move along.
As it stands for now, it seems multiboxers will not be allowed to even attack you in PvP (even though we are a PvP server), thus in the given example of mining Thorium, you can simply move to the next Thorium node and take it.
It's not a reason it's an option saying "suck it up and move on". It's not bringing anything positive for community.

2) You are free to try to break the limits of this game. Some players simply don't want to play a game that is simple or easy or made equally for everyone. We want to play it harder. We enjoy Hardcore (permadeath) modes in games where death is not permanent. We like higher difficulty settings, we want Ironman (no saveloading or no vendor visits) options, we want special challenges (win only using a melee weapon) and so on. Multiboxing is one of those challenges and being able to do a dungeon on your own is one of these achievements.Why do you want to rob multiboxers who enjoy this kind of game of this experience?

Too bad it wasn't designed with this in mind. And again i can't see ANYTHING that is positive for community about multiboxing, this whole argument just about your own interest and about screwing everyone else.

In short to sum up your post:
Multiboxers defend multiboxing becouse they like the feeling of power over normal players and do it for that. Normal players suggested to accept it, becouse otherwise "we rob multiboxers of their fun".
Cr0wl0ck: nobody forces anyone to play like that. I still don't see your point of view, if there are multiboxers in the game, it does not force ANYONE to become like them. This is more about you: Do you want to multibox too, or not? Your choice, nobody forces anything.
Followed up with...
If I understand your explanation correctly, at any given time you will be the only character of your whole faction in Un'goro farming Thorium, even while Un'goro is one of the better Thorium farming locations (also soils, crystals, elementals and 55+ questing zone).
And you will also be unguilded and you will also have no friends, so you absolutely cannot ask anybody for help, am I correct?
If yes, then I can see your point.

At this point, I wonder what would you do, if random three players from the same guild decide to play together and they decide to go mine some Thorium. Will you be completely helpless because the three players will be controlling 3 characters against your one character?

So the math everyone seems to agree on is...
1 player w/ 1 character = 1 player w/ 1 character in PvP
1 player w/ 1 character < 1 player w/ 2 characters in PvP
2 players w/ 1 character each >= 1 player w/ 2 characters in PvP

Conclusion - The multiboxer enjoys an advantage over the non multiboxer in PvP. Thus, the non multiboxer MUST adopt a multiboxing playstyle OR avoid the area the enemy multiboxer is in OR gather additional players just to be on even footing with the multiboxer. Meaning, the statement of "Your choice, nobody forces anything" is false.

Class dismissed.

Thank you for your answer, your own words superbly made the point of the issue for me.
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Cr0wL0ck said:
by now it is quite clear that you want to play 1.12.1 as a multiboxing
WhistlerWCT said:
this whole argument just about your own interest and about screwing everyone else.
In short to sum up your post:
Multiboxers defend multiboxing becouse they like the feeling of power over normal players and do it for that. Normal players suggested to accept it, becouse otherwise "we rob multiboxers of their fun".
I am not a multiboxer. I never played more than two characters at once, alttabing is also my friend. Ask my guild about my "no alts policy". :wink:
By your description, I am a "normal player".

Cr0wL0ck said:
you do know that leveling & gearing 5x characters takes slightly (not even a day) more time than leveling 1
I know that you just posted some nonsense.
Maybe it takes a day on Mists of Pandaria With "player summoning", "recruit a friend" aka 3x xp rate and all the skill/talent boosts and mob/xp nerfs. I don't know, never played that !@#$.
On vanilla, you will spend much more time. I don't know how much played it takes you to level one character to 60, for me it's ~5 days played. In a group of 5, this time will be much higher, because all kill xp you get is divided by 5 (and boosted by * 1.4 party coefficient if the wowwiki number is right). So from a 100xp mob you gain only 28xp. Think for a second how much stuff you actually kill in WoW.
Then you have quests that require to collect objects, you have to do five rounds of collecting, one for each of your characters. And shame on you if you have to wait between object respawns.

And you already twisting it. My post was about this game not meant to be played with one person controlling multiple characters. As for you weird statement about game meant to be played in group let me remind you that this game has content both for groups and solo players. Why should i be ok with someone simplifying solo content and gaining advantage in that way? I'm not ok and you do not need to offer band-aids to make it look like i shouldn't care.
Good point.
I guess in this case, I just don't see the issue with playing multiple characters that big that we should outright ban it completely.

It's your choice to do so but if you chosing to it doesn't mean that i should be ok with it.
This. It's your choice to dislike multiboxers, but like I said, I don't see that as a reason to ban them.

Do not twist ppl's words again. There's content intended for soloing and for group play. I am not speaking about single person going for party/raid content WITH one character and beating it, i'm speaking about one person trivializing content by controlling multiple characters. You probably should be able to see difference?
I don't see it. I trivialized content by throwing thorium grenades between autoattacks with my paladin - the Scholomance elites were stunned every minute and they took extra damage. Does that count?

And i do not agree that it should be allowed. Is that hard to grasp? If you want to level multiple chars - do it. Why you decide that if you doing something that was not intended and that it's hard that you automaticly entitled for some reward if it interferes with other players?
Just by levelling 5 characters you gain maybe profession self-sustainability, nothing else. And I already said that since PvP will be most likely banned anyway, you gain no 5v1 advantage. The most interfering thing in that case would be you meeting 5 characters moving simultaneously, and that is no reason to ban playing multiple characters either.

It's not a reason it's an option saying "suck it up and move on". It's not bringing anything positive for community.
Too bad it wasn't designed with this in mind. And again i can't see ANYTHING that is positive for community about multiboxing
Well, nobody is obliged to bring anything positive for the community. For me, the point of playing a game is having fun. Guess we won't agree on this one.
I am not a multiboxer. I never played more than two characters at once
Reading that sentence reminded me of a word "Doh".... you do realize that it is called multiboxing as long as you play more than 1 character/account at a time right...

I am sorry if i might sound rude but after reading such a facepalm sentence from a clear multiboxer i no-longer felt the rest could be of much importance.
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Hes really not a multiboxer...
it would help if you wouldn't miss-use your priviledges as "authorized user" or lie...

multiboxing is when you use more than 1 character/account at a time, you could say he isnt using the software for it but the truth would still be multiboxing as long as he is using them at the same time since the software just makes multiboxing easier.

I am not a multiboxer. I never played more than two characters at once
Do you know what "never" means? Because Psojed NEVER multiboxes afaik.
Don't deem other people opinion irrelevant only because you believe it is biased. Oh wait thats the thing about opinions, they are biased.
.... Lharts....

open your eyes and read... all i said is that what he wrote conflicts itself....

he writes he never did and right afterwards he tells that he didnt play more than 2 characters at once so he played with 2 accounts, not 3 or 4 but 2.... as long as it is above 1 it is called multiboxing...

if he has said he never played more than 1 character then it wouldn't conflict itself but he said "2", not as numbers but in a word so mistyping is out of the question.


note: i dont even see how this concerns you or why you only join threads just to harass or further derail a thread... also it is quite clear that it's the same person behind both lhart & psojed or 2 close friends who never want to admit they are wrong but like trolling around...
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Does Kronos have the same rule as RB regarding multiboxing? Allowed but not the key broadcasting programs, basically you'd have to alt-tab multi-box. I reckon this is a fair rule, as it will immediately discourage those who like to box multiple characters and solo group instances.

I even encountered raid groups with people who multi-box upto 5 characters, this is not something I find immersive.

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not yet or rather it is still unknown until release.

this petition is against multiboxing so if it went through it would atleast be something like that rule but sadly we have trolls who more or less are the same person as well as a few others who dont understand what a Petition is even when it is told to them and it is written in the subject of a thread so i guess unless the thread is cleaned and those trolls learn to control themselves that this thread is dying...
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Crowlock, based on your PM, you just drew some unwanted attention to yourself.
he writes he never did
I did not wrote that I "never did multiboxing", that is just your own assumption. I wrote:
I am not a multiboxer.
I never played more than two characters at once, alttabing is also my friend.
Where does it say I play two characters all the time? Nowhere, because I don't.

It is only your (once again wrong) assumption that I multibox two characters all the time. I only played two characters ONCE, on Rebirth (yep that Rebirth which is now offline for weeks), because I decided to levelup a Paladin and I already had a Hunter, so I created the extra account and hooked the Hunter on follow to speed up the process. I have some random screenshots with interface if you wish...

Ask my guild about my "no alts policy".
I was serious about this too.
I believe I had a philosophical talk on Synced guildchat about making an alt for professions because I was out of flasks and stuff, but I replied to alts that I can't do that because of my alts policy.

But my gaming habits are quite offtopic from the pros and cons of multiboxing, so plz stick to the issue.

Does Kronos have the same rule as RB regarding multiboxing? Allowed but not the key broadcasting programs, basically you'd have to alt-tab multi-box. I reckon this is a fair rule, as it will immediately discourage those who like to box multiple characters and solo group instances.

I even encountered raid groups with people who multi-box upto 5 characters, this is not something I find immersive.

The Kronos team has yet to make the final decision.

Personally, I don't really mind either way of multiboxing, but my words have no value, I'm just weekend tester :innocent:
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1: Lharts was the one who added NEVER
2: i never said you did all the time which can be read in the pm i sent you..
3: now you are mixing more and more new information into it than you ever gave as well as twisting stuff further, i don't know of your rebirth characters or how but just what you said above where i replied with this:
Reading that sentence reminded me of a word "Doh".... you do realize that it is called multiboxing as long as you play more than 1 character/account at a time right...

I am sorry if i might sound rude but after reading such a facepalm sentence from a clear multiboxer i no-longer felt the rest could be of much importance.

And here's the PM i wrote to you just so you aren't twisting it any more...

Cr0wL0ck said:
I am not going to write much since you will just harass me with your accounts for no reason so i will simply quote something and ask 1 question...

Multiboxing is a term used to denote one user playing multiple accounts simultaneously.

Did or did you not play 2 accounts at the same time ? regardless of if you do it normally this points towards that you did or do from time to time, while at the same time you are extremely supportive to the point of ignoring a threads subject just to support it.

and here as written in my pm
that you did or do from time to time
i am even telling you i dont know if you did as in you no-longer doing it or only from time to time but that it is still considered multiboxing when you use multiple accounts at the same time

note: you even went to the extent of opening a PM that i made in order to spare this petition thread rather than replying as well as twisting words and saying i said you had said "never" although that is from Lharts who commented on my quoting of the sentence...
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1: Lharts was the one who added NEVER
Lharts can think and say whatever he wants. You were the guy who replied that "he writes he never did". That's where my response comes from - I did not write that, you're making things up.

2: i never said you did all the time which can be read in the pm i sent you..
Yes, you never said that. I said that to you, but apparently it was of no use.

3: now you are mixing more and more new information into it than you ever gave as well as twisting stuff further, i don't know of your rebirth characters or how but just what you said above where i replied with this:
The information about when I played 2 chars, or on what server was it, all that is really not important. I told you the extra info in the PM so that you would understand and stop making an asshole of yourself in the public. But it did not help...

i am even telling you i dont know if you did as in you no-longer doing it or only from time to time but that it is still considered multiboxing when you use multiple accounts at the same time
So if anyone writes that "once upon a time I played two characters simultaneously" and it doesn't matter if it was for a month or for a minute, you automatically consider them a multiboxer for life? Please answer this question.

And since you did not reply to my second PM, I will post it here:
I am not going to write much since you will just harass me with your accounts for no reason so i will simply quote something and ask 1 question...
I replied:
Could you explain, what did you mean by "harass me with your accounts" ?
This sounded to me like you think that I was using multiple accounts for posting on the forum. Since you did not clarify your PM, I will assume you really think that.
that was a reference to
I never played

and yes i think Lhart and you are one and the same person or 2 close friends helping eachother out considering his timing and that he abuses his facepalm on almost every reply i did until it triggered the cooldown.

you added the extra information as well as twisting some things, i never said how long you did, later i even said you did or do from time to time but during it is called multiboxing.

while openly breaking the forum rules section E, section G by swearing and section M since you aren't behaving according to those rules since you aren't even thinking of them and then the rules for authorized users to follow the rules. (section G can be interpreted differently since you only insulted and used a light word like asshole but the rest do apply)

as user you gotta read the rules but as authorized user there is a 2nd rule before you become it saying you have to read the rules... you would think that in this case you would be an example and not openly break them but it seems the rules are just for show and doesn't matter breaking them repeatedly...

note: now to make it clear, all i did was link "Doh", and i quoted your sentence
I am not a multiboxer. I never played more than two characters at once
and later i said in reference to never played
he writes he never did and right afterwards he tells that he didnt play more than 2 characters at once so he played with 2 accounts, not 3 or 4 but 2.... as long as it is above 1 it is called multiboxing...

although you accuse me of having said
Do you know what "never" means? Because Psojed NEVER multiboxes afaik.
Don't deem other people opinion irrelevant only because you believe it is biased. Oh wait thats the thing about opinions, they are biased.
which was said by Lharts.
I'm ending this discussion, because you clearly don't even know what you posted yourself.
I'm ending this discussion, because you clearly don't even know what you posted yourself.

Read and you will know :laugh:
you don't seem to realize how wrong you are or how often you twist things before writing them but as said its pointless, i just hope you want act in such a manner which causes the "Doh" effect and then run away from admitting to a simple mistake until this. :wink:

note: btw Psojed/Lhart i heard that you have been told before long ago for acting like that to be more social and friendly rather than that... you should at least try to improve when asked by them.
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Facepalming posts, Facebook needs to get in on this. WTB.

On-topic: I don't have anything against multiboxing either, Psojed. However the broadcasting keystrokes ability seems quite overpowered. That's basically allowing your main char, say a warrior, to use cone of cold as well as shield slam with a single button (as well as heal and whatnot), this is just not the spirit of the game.
Xaren said:
However the broadcasting keystrokes ability seems quite overpowered.
Yes, it gives you a clear advantage versus a single person. That's why I understand people want it banned in PvP and I'm not against it.

My opinion: I don't mind their advantage either, because in Battlegrounds there will be a group on your side and I've seen AoE kills so I know it can be handled. And even solo, you can make it happen. Too bad there are almost no videos of this, I'll link at least one from the higher patches:

But even the multiboxers here agreed that it should not be allowed for PvP, then it's simple and we should ban multiboxing in PvP.

Now, the main reason (at least for SgtFreakshow - post link) for banning multibox completely was not really controlling multiple characters or using multiple accounts in itself, but using the utilities that allow you to easily control them all with one keyboard and mouse.
Well i posted a link with this photo, that actually got no response, so I'll repost it again :biggrin:

But from the video Schaka posted here, you can see it's not that beneficial at all. Yes, you can do 5-mans, but after 50 minutes of video, he's still before the dragon whelps. Any way you look at it, it's the same speed of any random group. And it's much slower if you have a good group.
i know you and Lhart will facepalm this post even if it is correct of me to say this:

you know this is a "petition" AGAINST.... right ?

please lookup what "petition" means since i tried teaching you with a link to a Wikipedia and you obviously didn't understand it in english so please find it in your own language. Also either you ban it or allow you cannot say we allow pve but no pvp since its proven time upon time that a multiboxer will try to break the rules whenever he can and you cannot have them monitored 24/7 and waste the staff's time to investigate if or if not they broke or barely broke a rule.

Also how can you wish for a blizzlike experience when you encourage multiboxing when multiboxing was as good as extinct in 1.12.1.

note: saying it again since it cannot be said enough.... "this is a petition AGAINST". i know you want attention but going to the lengths of abusing authorized user options and breaking written rules "section E" since the topic is both "petition" + "against" yet you keep writing for it and hate all that are against even if there are other threads and you could make a petition for it yourself... i am sorry to say but wanting attention that bad is pathetic.
To be fair, at my prime I could clear Scholo in 1:30h. But yeah, it takes time regardless.
Anyway, if you wanna argue for a "blizzlike" experience like that, then why not allow random users to use bots? Since china farmers or hunters using Glider were incredibly common during Vanilla, unlike multiboxing.
can do, i even know how to make it undetectable on blizzard or any server but hey it is and was against the rules so why do it ?

It was commonly known but not commonly done since it lead to ban's although many got through back then without being caught most either feared the ban or respected the rules, and here they do allow china farmers since you can buy/sell characters, allowing multiboxing would affect this in the form of increasing character sales and making it easier for those people...

note: it is still a "petition against"
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@ Schaka: I wonder who would want to run those bots :biggrin:

@ Crowlock: read the first post of this thread. Especially the sentence at the very end.
@Psojed: True the end is very significant and i admit to have overlooked it but i cannot see why it completely contradict's the topic :blink:.

why use the word "petition" for a "discussion" when a "petition" is when you exclude all discussion and only collect the signatures of all who agree with the statement :wacko:.

well i am sorry for pointing so strongly at the topic however i know i am still in the right about what i said, though still again since he clarified at the end to discuss which contradicts the topic i am a bit confused on how i should see it since then this thread would be a clear duplicate of many already existing and easy to find threads that could just have been continued.

well and perhaps i am thinking a bit too deep :wink:
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