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    TwinStar team

Petition against multiboxing

By the way, if you ever tried multiboxing, you would know it doesnt goes as fast as you guys think it does.

I'm hesitant to drag this whole discussion out any further, but I have to agree with this. I'm basically in the exact same situation as aftersun. I multiboxed on ED for a time and people seem to be making a lot of wild accusations about multiboxing without ever having had experience with it. Leveling my characters felt very, very slow and I would never try leveling 5 at a time ever again. If I were to do it all over, I would just level my characters up one at a time while following a guide and with a high level alt assisting, which people do all the time anyway.

Instances were also extremely hit or miss. Some were easy, but others, like SFK, were a horrible nightmare. I think I only completed SFK once after about 3 hours, and that was after several aborted attempts. A group of 5 decent players will always beat out a multiboxer with 5 accounts, which also confuses me as to why so many people seem to think they have to "keep up" with multiboxers. Multiboxing isn't some sort of free loot generator, and even after spending a lot more time than a single player would have, my gear was pretty laughable.
no one said multiboxing was godlike or vastly superior to normal groups but that it is vastly superior to single player's in many ways and unless you encounter a group of other players no one will attack you in world pvp which makes you more or less immune to world pvp on a pvp server...

it has it's ups and downs but it is still far better than single player.
no one said multiboxing was godlike or vastly superior to normal groups but that it is vastly superior to single player's in many ways and unless you encounter a group of other players no one will attack you in world pvp

i see you making a lot of statements like this, but you never provide any proof.
blah blah blah blah blah. anyone can think of the arguments for and against this, because it's not that complicated of a topic.

/waiting for a dev's opinion
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i am no judge, never said i was i am just pointing out something that is rather obvious.

my only proof is how clear it is that the game is intended to be played with 1 character along with other online players who do the same, i call this evidence common sense.

and it is a fact that none of us can change the rule's and no-one knows what will happen, they might even make it so all "must" multibox :blink: tho i highly doubt that, i hope it will be banned but who knows...

i would assume that if blizzard assumed or wanted multiboxers that they had allowed players to do so via a single account rather than 5 or signup multiple accounts to a single email address back then instead of all unique or at-least given a tool for controlling all accounts but they never did, they could even have giving a discount on multiple subscriptions or so to increase sales to the wealthy multiboxers but instead they kept waiting watching from the sidelines so there is hardly any proof there except the games design by itself.

in the end we all are waiting for the dev's final decision and the longer it takes the more they will have thought about it which most likely and hopefully leads to the best rules regarding it.
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+1 against multiboxing. If you cant complete something with your own character. You should learn to make parties with other people. Killing people controlling 10 characters is not fair, and the only reason its allowed on Blizzard is because they are making money out of it.
Imagine having the ability to play with 5 champions at once League of Legends, or controlling 10 soldiers at once in Battlefield. Would that be fair? No... Neither is this.
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Playing on a wotlk server this weekend, got treated to a guy multiboxing 5 elemental shamans, 3 resto druids, and a resto shaman together. Sitting in the middle of the battleground not moving 1shotting everything and being unkillable.

That's not good pvp.
kinda what i fear for world pvp, or that the GM's would have to waste time investigating or catch those who do BG's or abusing those multibox accounts... rather than use the time on the server.

but also annoying seeing them around the world even if they arent hostile you cannot attack them since you would be obliterated unless you wait 5-10 min. gathering random group like fighting a strong elite or boss...

they kinda destroy the fun & excitement in world pvp...
1+ against multiboxing.

Sure I do agree it doesn't harm anybody if you're doing the non malicious kind, perhaps it could even stimulate the economy because of the fact you're getting items that people need.

How much will it? Let's say hypothetically we have 10 People who multibox 5 characters at once after the first 6 months, how much stimulation will that bring in reality? Very minimal vs the rest of the population which makes up for 95% of the population at the least.

Therefore, the problem for myself is the 'risk-reward'-- that there isn't enough reward for the server in general in comparison to risk which will then involve time spent on behalf of the staff to clean up the mess of malicious individuals taking advantage of the system; which otherwise instead could then be spent fixing the server and helping other legitimate questions and concerns.
In an effort to try to regain some productive value from this thread, let me take a different approach to this.

If multiboxing was banned entirely, this would be one of the few private servers that would take that stance as it would require an enormous amount of time from the server staff to police it. The only way I could see it being possible is if the making of reports and procurement of evidence was entirely put on the players. So a player would make a report, link to the report either a video or a series of screenshots (not just one) with In-game timestamps to establish what's going on. On top of this, an effort would have to be made to prove that the evidence was taken from the Kronos server, and that it couldn't be a fabrication made on some other private server in an attempt to pass off a fraud.

That's a lot of hoop jumping. Do you feel that it would be right of the server staff to take this approach? Do you feel that the player base would be up to the challenge of meeting those needs with the reports? These are simple questions - I'm trying to not attach my personal feelings on them.

My other set of questions would involve PvP. Assuming for the moment that the server staff did allow multiboxing, as is present on the majority of private servers, what set of rules do you think should be in place that the multiboxing player should be put under? Should they be allowed to engage people in PvP freely? Should a multiboxing player be allowed to defend themselves if attacked with all of their character resources? If rules are set, how would these added restrictions either solve a problem or add to the quality of the server, in opposition of making it worse for the goals it's trying to reach?

I personally would love to see it all banned, but I'm trying to keep an open mind and explore the relevant issues and ask this stuff in an attempt to hear from other open minded players.
If multiboxing was banned entirely, this would be one of the few private servers that would take that stance as it would require an enormous amount of time from the server staff to police it.

I can see your point of view and i will agree as well as disagree with it since most servers by default ban multiboxing from battleground's, aside from that some of them ban it from world pvp as well.

let's consider/assume they ban bg and world pvp for multiboxer's only but allow pve, this is a common stance to it but it would require that the staff invests time in some cases to see if the multiboxer broke the rule or not.

banning it completely then all that would need to be known by staff is he is multiboxing and then no further time would be needed in judging it. Also it would leave all player's with equal power when playing.

let's assume they will allow it then the absolute minimum would be to make rules that precisely describe what they can and cannot do such as in world pvp if they may attack or if they may defend at all as well as rules to BG if you may be online with more than 1 account at a time with only 1 in a bg or if only 1 may be online while in bg to avoid you going afk in a bg etc.

there are many things that would need to be clarified so that no confusion is created later on
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Aight looked it up, true, Psojed didn't provide proof, Schaka did!



i don't know how many times your peanut brain will need this explained to fully process it. but again, your problem with multiboxing is imaginary. what one player chooses to do with his time is a drop in the ocean for the entire server.

it's actually laughable you think you can link a guy multiboxing scholo and say it proves that "multiboxing ruins servers". i mean, can't you hear that barrel being scraped? you have no empirical evidence, just opinions that you wildly fling like a monkey throwing shit. you are embarrasing yourself.
i don't know how many times your peanut brain will need this explained to fully process it. but again, your problem with multiboxing is imaginary. what one player chooses to do with his time is a drop in the ocean for the entire server.

it's actually laughable you think you can link a guy multiboxing scholo and say it proves that "multiboxing ruins servers". i mean, can't you hear that barrel being scraped? you have no empirical evidence, just opinions that you wildly fling like a monkey throwing shit. you are embarrasing yourself.

People tend to get more aggresive when they realise they are loosing an arguement, grow up.
Again, if I multibox I am able to farm, especially instance, completely solo. All the gold from there goes directly to me. Something that I would normally share with 4 other people at least.

Through multiboxing economy take a hit. If its minor or major depends solemnly on the amount of multiboxers.
starting to think its just the toxic personality and not the argument itself.

what a knee slapper, just because i don't hold your hand and cradle your balls. you are obviously a bit on the sensitive side, so i apologize for getting under your skin.
Again, if I multibox I am able to farm, especially instance, completely solo. All the gold from there goes directly to me. Something that I would normally share with 4 other people at least.

Through multiboxing economy take a hit. If its minor or major depends solemnly on the amount of multiboxers.

Economically I'd agree, although some items could be sold for gold that others might need--but the stimulation is still not actually benefiting the server as a whole but only 1 specific individual further exacerbating an unequal monetary gain.

Thinking about a response towards Skosh & Cr0w, I'd have to say that making a report, taking a few screenshots, then linking to the staff would take 10-20 minutes max...and I'm willing to bet that a majority would NOT mind doing this as 10-20 minutes is wholeheartly and entirely worth the countless hours of disadvantage.

Moreover, I'd have to agree with Cr0w on "banning it completely then all that would need to be known by staff is he is mmultiboxing and then no further time would be needed in judging it."
^ This is seemingly the MOST effective and efficient solution for time and energy for the staff.
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i don't know how many times your peanut brain will need this explained to fully process it. but again, your problem with multiboxing is imaginary. what one player chooses to do with his time is a drop in the ocean for the entire server.

it's actually laughable you think you can link a guy multiboxing scholo and say it proves that "multiboxing ruins servers". i mean, can't you hear that barrel being scraped? you have no empirical evidence, just opinions that you wildly fling like a monkey throwing shit. you are embarrasing yourself.

I'm sorry if this comes across as rude, but...

Once again you don't seem to comprehend what my argument is, the proof provided by the video is proof that multiboxing grants a SUBSTANTIAL advantage to players taking advantage of it, my argument is that it is unfair and could only harm the server (ie. no way it would ever benefit the server, for the arguments as to why, check the original post), not that it will magically tear the server apart, only that the server would be a better place without it.
There's no innate problem with PvE multiboxing.

PvP multiboxing is horrendous, however.

I think Feenix's rules are fair in preventing multiboxers from pvping.
So, leveling 5 characters to 60 while others might only level 1 or 2 is not giving you any advantage in PvE? lol
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