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    TwinStar team

Petition against multiboxing

The issue is that if you allow multibox then it causes:

PVE: 1 man dungeon/raid farming hard material and gear
PVP: 1 man killing within 1-3 shots with the push of 1-2 buttons...
Profession: multiple profession cooldowns that can be sold rather often
Leveling: you can level multiple characters faster, and since twinstar allows selling individual characters there will be some who do it just to sell them later on...
World: immune to world pvp as long as there is only 1-2 players although you are alone they/he would need to use some time gathering a group just to get you but the multiboxer can take him out anytime... this allows a multiboxer to take an entire farming territory and before the normal player has gathered a group time flies by and the multiboxer eventually moves on or you get killed/camped...

note: if it is allowed in either pvp or pve only then it will always require proof and eventually investigation time and if the answer is uncertain the multiboxer goes free, this is time that the staff has to use rather than on the server, it should be clear to anyone that multiboxing is a clear advantage and wasn't something blizzard built it for but what the gamers later invented/added to the game.
Listen to Crowlock!! Multi-boxing is almost the same as botting. Giving you a huge advantage over regular players.
So, you fail to understand the problem thus it must be imaginary.
Even though Crowlock is overdoing it (once again) hes got a point.
You may control 1 character yourself, but the rest definetly not. At least not at the same time. Since your computer is doing most of the work you can, infact, call that botting.
yup i tend to overdo thing's i am a quality hunter even when it comes to my own performances i kinda tend to hunt down even my smallest mistakes no-matter the worth of it.

it is both my curse & gift but since i like looking at everything positively i consider it a gift that i am so tenacious :wink:.

but hey i always apologize if i am proven wrong and look at matters from multiple viewpoint's so i ain't all that bad

If multiboxing was done without the software then i could hardly even care about it since that is the stage is was at back then and kinda why it was as good as extinct, but i guess it will be way easier banning it overall than the specific software and script's.
So, you fail to understand the problem thus it must be imaginary.

no, that would be the anti multibox lobby. i bet you anything if the server was open to play half the anti multiboxers wouldn't be posting because they'd be occupied playing and not complaining because... WOAH! they wouldn't notice anything which was the point all along.
ignorance/greed is blind, thanks for proving this...

players wouldn't be posting when the server launches be-course they focus on playing and not be-course they aren't noticing it, you can search blizzards official forums and find hundreds of anti-multibox threads and on every existing private server forum even after they launch there is just a longer duration between the posts and threads since as said they are playing rather than posting.

the advantages are obvious and on ED you encounter or meet a multiboxer once an hour at-least, and you will always see them when you go to famous farming zones or dungeons which is rather obvious since it is superior rather than farming with 1 character.

the whole issue lies in the multibox software but filter/banning only that would be much harder than filter/banning multibox itself.

if boris theory was correct there would be no reason for so many threads to exist on the official forums or private servers or even to still be made regarding it but fact is they do and this one is among the shorter threads
boris please be serious rather than editing a "reply with quote" to make it seem like a person said it....

i never said the sentence but the fact that you don't want to calmly discuss it proves that you only desired to troll and had nothing to back multiboxing up with...

you can make a fake quote of anyone but doing so is just a lame excuse to run away from a productive discussion. Like this example...
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I'm against multiboxing, its not at all suitable for an enjoyable gaming environment.
Its almost like being a GM and casting .targetdead or whatever. Very unsportsman-like, so NO TO MULTIBOXING.
Learn to play, lol.
No multiboxing please. It will ruin the game, because multiboxers have a huge advantage over other players.
As long as mobtagging is fixed, I can live with multiboxing. But as I said before, I find it hard to understand how people can be so strict when it comes to 1x rates because of blizzlike and what not, and at the same time support multiboxing.
it improves the multiboxers economy yes... and on dead servers it allows them to provide the auction house with materials but lets face it this isn't gonna be a dead or low-pop server so the only economy it benefits as said is the multiboxers own...
Multiboxers can, just by showing up in a zone

1)Terrorize levelers from other faction from playing in the same zone as them, effectively dominating the area with superior firepower and numbers advantage.
2)Farm safer, faster
3)Stop any form of World PvP happening against them

and stop saying "you can gather other people to fight them", what gives you the privilege to walk around like a raid boss? play the way this game is meant to be played. multiboxing makes it unfair towards the rest.
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Didn't watch the video but I fail to see how multiboxing would improve the economy.

it does neither or. as far as crying about someone making more money than you (whoever said that is a moron btw):


latent communists everywhere
Didn't watch the video but I fail to see how multiboxing would improve the economy.

Okay, so you agree that multiboxing would have no effect on the economy.

- - - Updated - - -

Multiboxers can, just by showing up in a zone

1)Terrorize levelers from other faction from playing in the same zone as them, effectively dominating the area with superior firepower and numbers advantage.
2)Farm safer, faster
3)Stop any form of World PvP happening against them

and stop saying "you can gather other people to fight them", what gives you the privilege to walk around like a raid boss? play the way this game is meant to be played. multiboxing makes it unfair towards the rest.

Assuming that the admins on our Reddit are legit, all of your points are false since muliboxers will be banned from pvp. Quote from Reddit:

WoWProjectKronos said:
there is 2 possible scenarios, either we allow multiboxing without permission for pvp intentions.

or we will ban multiboxing altogether.

we haven't made the final decision yet.
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I usually have no problem with multiboxing if it's PvE only. But there are problems with multiboxing, when there's no cost associated to it and everyone can do it. It might become a must have if you want to be able to play the game.

If I'm being killed by multiboxers while doing my boar killing stuff, then I'm out. Also, if lots of people are multiboxing, I'm out. That's not blizzlike. I've seen maybe 10 multiboxers in retail in like 7 years, I don't want to see 50 multiboxers per day here.

Also, multiboxing makes people play alone, so it will be harder to make a group...

I can't say "NO multiboxing or else" right now. As long as it doesn't impact the experience I don't care. But it will, if people start using it as the norm...
@ banezilla

I stated that I fail to see that multiboxers will improve the economy, that's it.

How can you ban multiboxers from PvP? Especially World PvP....
Assuming that the admins on our Reddit are legit, all of your points are false since muliboxers will be banned from pvp. Quote from Reddit:

that would be great news. i dont mind people multiboxing in PvE. did UBRS runs in ED several times with a person playing 4 toons. He was playing with 2 mages, warlock and a warrior and he was doing quite a good job.

but they should make clear rules regarding world pvp and such.
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I'm sorry if this comes across as rude, but...

Once again you don't seem to comprehend what my argument is, the proof provided by the video is proof that multiboxing grants a SUBSTANTIAL advantage to players taking advantage of it, my argument is that it is unfair and could only harm the server (ie. no way it would ever benefit the server, for the arguments as to why, check the original post), not that it will magically tear the server apart, only that the server would be a better place without it.

Hi. Seeing as you are using my proof to make a completely different argument from the one I originally did, I would like to formally invite you to go where you came from.
I am in favor of PvE multiboxing, because it's incredibly fun to challenge yourself. The only thing the video serves to prove is that it is a lot easier than in later expansions, because you can script your rotations easily enough (as I did, using Rexas' framework OneButton).

To do this successfully, you need far superior gear than the average group running that dungeon. I am almost in full pre-raid BiS gear on all 5 chars in that video and you still see me getting my shit handed to me, despite even having CC set up properly. Not to mention the huge time investment and inevitable wipes due to shit pulls by miscontrolling your alts, or losing one for a while, having to go back, knockbacks etc.
It doesn't harm the server at all, if lucky enriches the economy in terms of cloth and enchanting mats. You need to gear 5 chars, pay for repcosts x5 (and usually higher ones than with an actual regular party) and it takes longer to achieve the same amount of gold than if you did everything regularly.

The ONLY real advantage is that you don't have to fight over who gets gear if it drops and don't have to spend time finding a suitable group. But good luck raiding on all 5 chars and good luck leveling them up, making your way to a dungeon without getting ganked multiple times because you're not allowed to fight back.
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