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    TwinStar team

Petition against multiboxing

Petition signed. This is an oldschool MMORPG, even without the queue and lag downsides, its completely ridiculous to claim that multiboxing is positive.
My apologies for the thread necro, but in light of the recent event of Nostalrius closing their doors I find this to be a relevant topic yet again.

If, and this is a big if, the server starts heading to the 3.5 thousand accounts logged in mark, I'd sincerely like to think that it's individual players behind their characters using the hardware resources for their fun. It's going to be a few weeks in seeing what exactly happens with Kronos and population, but I'm calling this one now. I think hardware stress is going to happen.
Why resurrect this old debate on multiboxing to warn people of a population influx....? Please close.
Cool. Close the thread when multiboxing + queues are explained for players simply wanting to play one account. I'd love to see that.

This is a pointless petition. Multi boxing has been allowed on the server for over a year now. A huge source of twin stars revenue comes from the character auction which is primarily used by people who sell and trade characters to multi box. All the people whinning about multi boxing are too cheap to buy characters or too lazy to level more then. I leveled three characters at 1x and many more during 7x so count me completely against this petition.
Yeah no issue allowing it if only 300 people play here, I hope you see the difference now though.
It should not be allowed that someone camps Black Lotuses with 10+ Accounts at the same time, with all spawn locations camped at the same time, also having enemy faction alts to kill/disrupt the competition. All the while preventing 10 players who simply wish to play.

All the people whinning about multi boxing are too cheap to buy characters or too lazy to level more then.

I have 4 60s, 3 of them are in same account, leveled in 1x and all have full dungeon 2 sets all rep farm done with close to bis gear for different specs etc. Have another 60 leveled in 7x specifically to solofarm the bugs in silithus. Going to delete it when deletion is enabled. Have no intention to play on a 2nd account.

Im not lazy, neither am I a casual who has made an account just to bitch about something I can not do. I just think free account creation is being abused beyond belief and with the recent flow of players, its just unfair to play on multiple accounts.

Please dont insult ppl for a stupid fuken gaim.
I'd like the GMs to take a more proactive and harsher stance against multiboxing and boting. I've seen some fishing bots already.
Cool. Close the thread when multiboxing + queues are explained for players simply wanting to play one account. I'd love to see that.

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Wait I'm confused, what's the point you're trying to make? They decided to not allow multiboxing when they launched Kronos originally; this thread was one of the debates on it beforehand. It's still not allowed, and higher population servers have even more of a reason to not allow it. ....are you trying to argue they should be even stricter and not allow alt tabbing to manually play multiple accounts? That'd be something we could debate, but you need to be more clear.

The multiboxing issue has been settled, this thread's goal has been achieved long ago, and recent queue's have made going back on that now just plain silly.

I'm sure this thread has been made before, I didn't dig very far to get at it. I know that apparently (please correct me if I'm wrong) multi-boxers are allowed as long as they don't use any 3rd party programs that automate keystrokes.

I still don't think that's good enough. When we routinely hit 1000+ queues everyday, and a multiboxer is taking up 5+ connection spots when they should be taking 1, that sucks.

Change the rules please, disallow multi-boxing.
Re: Multi-boxers

At first i didnt mind the multiboxing, or I did, but i also did see why it was allowed. Now with the high queues i also think that it should be disallowed. MAKE KRONOS GREAT AGAIN
Multiple accounts/clients is the realm of the dedicated and hardcore. Please do not punish the dedicated and hardcore.
I can live with 2 at a time, I see no issues there as most use/would use 2 accounts simultaneously and even pay for it (i would). More than that though is an issue.
IMO running more than one client at all should be banned except for within major cities or perhaps instances.

When out questing if I come across a member of the other faction competing with me over spawns or nodes or whatever the situation is, I have the option to attack them or to not attack them. If they have a level 60 on follow then suddenly my only option is to not attack them, yet they are still open to attack me if they want, unless I also have a level 60 on follow.

So basically, everyone will have to have a level 60 on follow, until someone has 2 level 60's on follow and it goes on from there.

It tends to force everyone else to box whether they want to or not.

Usually a high level doesn't spend all day in a low level area without basically wasting his or her time, which is fine if that is what they want to do, but when normal questing players in world PVP zones are gonna be dragging level 60's around to clean up the fights they couldn't win really sucks.

Because of this I will not play on Kronos until it has changed.
IMO running more than one client at all should be banned except for within major cities or perhaps instances.

When out questing if I come across a member of the other faction competing with me over spawns or nodes or whatever the situation is, I have the option to attack them or to not attack them. If they have a level 60 on follow then suddenly my only option is to not attack them, yet they are still open to attack me if they want, unless I also have a level 60 on follow.

So basically, everyone will have to have a level 60 on follow, until someone has 2 level 60's on follow and it goes on from there.

It tends to force everyone else to box whether they want to or not.

Usually a high level doesn't spend all day in a low level area without basically wasting his or her time, which is fine if that is what they want to do, but when normal questing players in world PVP zones are gonna be dragging level 60's around to clean up the fights they couldn't win really sucks.

Because of this I will not play on Kronos until it has changed.

Suit yourself, but the rules won't change because YOU want it. I respect your views, and i also have a small bit of anger when someone is protected by a 60, but no one should be made to play in ways they don't see fit, just because i want to be like that. If someone wants to alttab multibox 5 characters in a dungeon, so be it. Their choice.
Straight up ban any multiboxing, fuck I would even ban the delicate little flowers that need their main on follow while leveling their alt. Would be awesome if there was a way to prompt a complete client crash whenever someone tries to open more than one WoW window.
It is wise to read the rules first and add comments later. Multiboxing is forbidden. Read for details here:


It is wise to read the rules before telling other people to read them.

Multiboxing with 3rd party software to send keystrokes to all windows is forbidden.

Multiboxing by just alt-tabbing between windows, is not forbidden.


So basically, everyone will have to have a level 60 on follow, until someone has 2 level 60's on follow and it goes on from there.

In my two weeks of playing, I did not come across a *single* player who had a 60 on follow. Zero. None.

And yet you're here claiming that "everyone" is going to be doing it. :rolleyes2:

Anti-multiboxing people tend to grossly overestimate just how many people multibox. Multiboxing is really not as common as you think it is. Even when I played on servers that allowed multiboxing with multibox software, almost everyone I passed by stopped and watched, seemingly intrigued by the idea of multiboxing.

I'll humor you though. What if everyone did start doing that? Simple fix that I've seen on other servers: Make multiboxing illegal in any kind of PvP. On one server I played, they had a rule like that: While multiboxing, you can only fight other players with 1 character. If you use more than 1 character to attack someone or defend yourself against a gank, it's a bannable offense.

Bam, problem solved.

But keep on talking about how multiboxing should be banned...
Kronos been open for a while now, and this hasn't become a trend except on the leveling event.

Why are newcomers telling us, the people who been playing here since the release one month/week ( don't recall ) after nost, that something will trend if until now, IT HASN'T?
I was "socializing" and e.t.c., hiring healers and stuff
but then admins deleted over 1.5k fragments I was hiring healer to help me farm it

decided to lvl up a paladin, liked it, leveled 2nd one

most classes can easily programmed to 1 button via vanilla macroes, so my paladins were buffing, healing, attacking throught "press X to win"

to play 3 characters I use 3 different PCs, 3 mouses+keyboards
Kronos been open for a while now, and this hasn't become a trend except on the leveling event.

Why are newcomers telling us, the people who been playing here since the release one month/week ( don't recall ) after nost, that something will trend if until now, IT HASN'T?

Yeah, seriously. Multiboxing has been available for a long time, and oh look, almost nobody is doing it. So the arguments about "everyone is going to have to multibox a 60 to follow them around!" just completely fail because almost nobody multiboxes.
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