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    TwinStar team

Petition against multiboxing

Why the hell multiboxing harm to the server? If someona not so lazy as most players, and have enought skill to play few characters at same time, so instead of be rewardet for skill and time, he should be banned? Are u sick? Lets ban all r14 then, because they playing more then other, and have more skill? All ur facts sounds just like "hes balls bigger then mine, i dont like him", simple envy.
More active players - more drop - more items on AH - healthy economic. Harm?
More online - even more online? Harm?
No retarded players in grp - no stress - happy players- happy community. Harm?
Good geared character (geared by multiboxing) in raid - more damage/heal - more progress for guild. Harm?

Gimme same facts vs multiboxing. more then "i dont like it" or " i have no clue how, but it's harms to the server".
Sounds just like u wanna simply equalize all players. Thats lamest argument to ban anything. Even for me, borned in communists country. From all reasons to ban multiboxing, i readet here, mostly i saw "it's gives advantage". From your words we should ban any advantage of any player.
Ok, let's take that, i play wow 2h/day, someone plays 18h/day - he got advantage!!!ban him? Mage can kill elite mob solo, warrior nope - advantage?
Ban someone, just because he skillest, smartest or have more gaming time then other?
If multiboxing so ''advantage'', why u instead of QQ here, don't try it yourself? Because most of people, who agree with this thread, are simple lazy noobs, who don't wanna do anything by themselfs, but raged, when other players do, and get more sucefull. I remember few persons, from Kronos v2, from top (and only) alliance guild <Synced>, who instead of helping hes guildmate to up r13, leveled horde twinks, and prevent him. Just because they was too lazy to rank themselfes (play 13-16h/day, gang and BG whole days), they prevent him to gang on peak pvp times (2-3h/day), and that was enought to break standing on low-pop server. It was guild leader and Co btw. So envy people ruined previous kronos.
And if most of u will try real multiboxing (soloing 5ppls or BG), your head will explode before u simply clear first pack.
So if u don't wanna see any advantage, don't play MMO.
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I like vanilla for the content, but mostly for the way we're forced to cooperate. You have to display a minimum of sociability to get into groups etc. as opposed to modern lobby games. As multiboxers neither participate or contribute in any meaningful way to the social aspect of the game, I want there to be limits. Honestly, multiboxers could do most of what they do offline, on their own private server. No one is impressed by your antisocial "soloing", it's just disruptive and a waste of server resources. I don't buy the "powergaming" argument of the guy above at all. Multiboxing isn't powergaming any more so than using a botnet is hacking. You're just circumventing the normal rules of the game through flooding. Multiboxing is just being an abusing script kiddie, not a clever mind.
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omg that lamantin XD

try and read the first 326 posts.... it is understandable that you dont know what an mmo is and that you dont like playing with others and want to turn an mmo into single player but honestly...

also trying to justify multiboxing with hours played... srsly ? multiboxers can play how long they want as well it has nothing to do with accounts how long you can play but real life.... if you are that obsessed with advantages then you should go to a funserver with higher xp rates since you obviously cannot play blizzlike without complaining... and no multiboxing for free is not blizzlike pal and if the 22 pages in this thread is not enough then there are more posts that clarify why multiboxing should not be allowed even on different servers, heck it was even major topic on blizzards but they justified it with the monthly cash and games people have to pay for it which reduces the amount of who would use it as well as how long they would do so...

note: no-matter how you look at it there is no reason to allow multiboxing on private servers and it would just mess up balance.
Why the hell multiboxing harm to the server? If someona not so lazy as most players, and have enought skill to play few characters at same time, so instead of be rewardet for skill and time, he should be banned? Are u sick? Lets ban all r14 then, because they playing more then other, and have more skill? All ur facts sounds just like "hes balls bigger then mine, i dont like him", simple envy.
More active players - more drop - more items on AH - healthy economic. Harm?
More online - even more online? Harm?
No retarded players in grp - no stress - happy players- happy community. Harm?
Good geared character (geared by multiboxing) in raid - more damage/heal - more progress for guild. Harm?

Gimme same facts vs multiboxing. more then "i dont like it" or " i have no clue how, but it's harms to the server".
Sounds just like u wanna simply equalize all players. Thats lamest argument to ban anything. Even for me, borned in communists country. From all reasons to ban multiboxing, i readet here, mostly i saw "it's gives advantage". From your words we should ban any advantage of any player.
Ok, let's take that, i play wow 2h/day, someone plays 18h/day - he got advantage!!!ban him? Mage can kill elite mob solo, warrior nope - advantage?
Ban someone, just because he skillest, smartest or have more gaming time then other?
If multiboxing so ''advantage'', why u instead of QQ here, don't try it yourself? Because most of people, who agree with this thread, are simple lazy noobs, who don't wanna do anything by themselfs, but raged, when other players do, and get more sucefull. I remember few persons, from Kronos v2, from top (and only) alliance guild <Synced>, who instead of helping hes guildmate to up r13, leveled horde twinks, and prevent him. Just because they was too lazy to rank themselfes (play 13-16h/day, gang and BG whole days), they prevent him to gang on peak pvp times (2-3h/day), and that was enought to break standing on low-pop server. It was guild leader and Co btw. So envy people ruined previous kronos.
And if most of u will try real multiboxing (soloing 5ppls or BG), your head will explode before u simply clear first pack.
So if u don't wanna see any advantage, don't play MMO.

That grammar made my inner grammar nazi cry.
omt, that Cr0wL0ck... I still don't see any facts in your post, all your posts on 23 pages basically containts the same: "is no reason to allow multiboxing" or "it would just mess up balance", without any real proofs (not your own opinion).
Ok, answer me few questions, just 1) 2) 3) without lame and pointless morality things, like i should play with other, because game was designed so, thats weak arguments.
1) why we don't ban nerds, who play, let's say, more then 10h/day?
2) why we don't ban frost mages, who AOE farming 50 mobs together? Thats kind of advantage from warriors or rogues side.
3) Addons? They give huge advantage. Ban em too?
I think because every player can play as much hours, as he wanna. And every player can play mage. Same as every player can run few windows. So all your advantage stories are bull sh#t. Just think a bit, before make ridiculous threads, like this
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Guys, it's pointless to keep arguing about this. After the 23 pages of discussion, the staff made their decision. Please CT this.
An inflated number of max-level character accounts encourages accounts to be treated like currency due to the sanctioned account auction system. An inflated number of max level accounts also encourages Queue dropping in BG's for easy wins when a premade group gets together and uses enemy character accounts to populate a BG group, then drop for the easy win. Valkyrie server is an EXCELLENT example of why this sucks.

Multiboxing opens the door for people take advantage of leveling at a much, much faster pace in collecting a group of max level accounts for either use. I doubt Lamantin is capable of understanding those two simple problems that multiboxing can create as he was too lazy to read the thread and figure it out for himself.

Nostalrius has banned all forms of multiboxing in open world, alt tabbed or no. The server staff admitted that they already knew what multiboxing can do to a server. The key part here is that with all forms banned, there's no hair splitting in making decisions if someone's boxing or not when every player on the server is capable of taking a FRAPS of someone autofollowing and questing to make a report.

That's a big factor in favor of a server in my opinion when it comes time for me to decide which to play on.
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An inflated number of max-level character accounts encourages accounts to be treated like currency due to the sanctioned account auction system. An inflated number of max level accounts also encourages Queue dropping in BG's for easy wins when a premade group gets together and uses enemy character accounts to populate a BG group, then drop for the easy win. Valkyrie server is an EXCELLENT example of why this sucks.

Multiboxing opens the door for people take advantage of leveling at a much, much faster pace in collecting a group of max level accounts for either use. I doubt Lamantin is capable of understanding those two simple problems that multiboxing can create as he was too lazy to read the thread and figure it out for himself.

Nostalrius has banned all forms of multiboxing in open world, alt tabbed or no. The server staff admitted that they already knew what multiboxing can do to a server. The key part here is that with all forms banned, there's no hair splitting in making decisions if someone's boxing or not when every player on the server is capable of taking a FRAPS of someone autofollowing and questing to make a report.

That's a big factor in favor of a server in my opinion when it comes time for me to decide which to play on.

Hmmmmm, you have me thinking too.. I don't understand why you would want to multibox anyway, it seems just plain wrong. :/ Lol but dw i nvr red any threds on it lolz
Hmmmmm, you have me thinking too.. I don't understand why you would want to multibox anyway, it seems just plain wrong. :/ Lol but dw i nvr red any threds on it lolz

People multibox for various reasons:

Leveling: Warriors are harder to level than mages, therefore they level a healer alongside to be able to cheese their way through. They think they shouldnt be at a disadvantage to other classes. They dont accept to suck it up that Vanilla was like this. Warriors were shit to level but once they had gear they left hunters who are easy as anything to level in the dust.

Economy: You can level with 5 shamans instagibbing everything along your way. As soon as you hit 60, you can level 10 different professions and you are independent. Therefore they dont need to interact with other players in order to be able to craft/gather stuff...

Twinstar points/Blackmarket selling: You can powerlevel 5 characters in slightly more time /played. But once you have 5 60s, you can sell 4 and have a nice profit from it.

All in all multiboxing is for the lazy, tryhards who dont want to immerse into a game. All they want is min/max their profit. They basically could play stockbroker game instead.
People who cant be bothered to interact with other people in a MASSIVE MULTIPLYER should stay somewhere else. I think, they didn't grasp they concept of the game.
People multibox for various reasons:

Leveling: Warriors are harder to level than mages, therefore they level a healer alongside to be able to cheese their way through. They think they shouldnt be at a disadvantage to other classes. They dont accept to suck it up that Vanilla was like this. Warriors were shit to level but once they had gear they left hunters who are easy as anything to level in the dust.

Economy: You can level with 5 shamans instagibbing everything along your way. As soon as you hit 60, you can level 10 different professions and you are independent. Therefore they dont need to interact with other players in order to be able to craft/gather stuff...

Twinstar points/Blackmarket selling: You can powerlevel 5 characters in slightly more time /played. But once you have 5 60s, you can sell 4 and have a nice profit from it.

All in all multiboxing is for the lazy, tryhards who dont want to immerse into a game. All they want is min/max their profit. They basically could play stockbroker game instead.
People who cant be bothered to interact with other people in a MASSIVE MULTIPLYER should stay somewhere else. I think, they didn't grasp they concept of the game.

I know why it's wrong, and to be honest I had no doubt and/question I would play on this server until I found out they are allowing this and the purchasing characters thing. I'm looking into Nostalrius ;P I don't understand what in the world they decided to allow multiboxing for though.. It seems like common sense not to. Butasisedidontreadalltehforumthreadsso w/

But in all seriousness, my opinion is that: Why bother making the server if you allow the "Malicious Multiboxers" to just make multiple free accounts. This is an mmorpg, why bother making a private server for one if you allow people to remove the MMO part of it. Just my opinion and not looking for big negativity.
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1: the auction of characters means close to nothing aside from preventing people carelessly sharing their information, it still takes the same time to level a character and back in the day people sold their accounts on ebay so it is actually pretty much vanilla like.

2: would you play on a server that uses a lie out of desperation to gather players ? i am referring to some of their youtube hypes such as the "stress test" which when you use common sense you will realize that generating 5000 npc players is not the same as 5000 unique client players... 1 player easily uses the resources of 100 npcs not to mention they tested 1 area at a time thus limiting the load further since it didnt have to process instances or other areas...

at least Kronos is honest instead of relying to lies such as nostalrius

Kronos is the only server that does not allow multiboxing.
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Kronos is the only server that does not allow multiboxing.

Kronos is allowing multiboxing in the form of running 2 or more clients and alt tabbing between them, as per the announcements section (also quoted in this thread)

Nostalrius is banning it in all forms (alt tabbing included) at all times within the game, excluding one provision. Players are allowed to alt tab characters in cities for the use of handing off tradeskill materials or enchanting.

I'll agree with the lie part though on the 'stress test' of the 5000 simulated characters. That's only a portion of the same stress of 5000 independent logged in characters.
So multiboxing gives an advantage that's unique. It takes more effort, and the reward is pretty big. It should be shut down? Don't think so.

It allows a person to turn the game into a single person RPG? Yet, you still encounter players, and you can still choose to help them with quests and dungeons and raids. Moreover, you can't use multiboxing to win BGs, due to the fact you aren't allowed to use keycloning. The rules already specify what you are and aren't allowed to do insofar as abusing the game mechanics is concerned.

People want alts for things like handling professions. Sounds fine.

It's fine as it is. Players who can't understand how the game was played way back when are just having a hard time adjusting to how it's going to be now. There's no serious cost to owning multiple accounts, so a few players will eventually level up a whole bunch of toons for a series of advantages. Woopie. Because nobody does that on retail. Nobody leveled up a Warlock for a free port to some far off place. Nobody on retail leveled up a bunch of toons solely to generate more profession CDs.

In order to make things "fair" the admins would need to limit the amount of play time available to each person each week. They would need to ban all addons. They would need to limit the amount of characters one could have on a single account, and they would need to ban anyone attempting to make multiple accounts.

They aren't going to do this though. Not even saying it's entirely a bad idea. I'm saying, it's never going to happen. People will always take advantages when they're offered. Period.

I will however say, if anything should be banned, it's having active logins with characters who are on different factions. That has been abused to death, and in the worst possible way since day 1. That should never have been allowed to begin with.
banning it in all forms (alt tabbing included)

that's quite ridicullous actually.
I fully support not allowing software that plays the game for you, but this has way weaker justifications. Not to mention that enforcing it is going to be problematic, unless the /follow command is banned. Which honestly, the more I'm hearing about them, wouldn't even surprise me at this point:D
Guess I'm both late the party AND an outlier. I've been 2 boxing since vanilla, primarily to level up. I also don't use third party programs as I play 2 computers at the same time (2 mice, 2 keyboards, all manual commands) and it's always with a priest and warrior. It's super useful to the community to since instance groups typically always need a tank and/or healer and being able to provide that to DPS is prettyhelpful don't you think? On the other hand I can't pvp worth a damn while 2 boxing, I'm a free kill to any hostile person who runs into me :(

On the other hand the 5 man botting and the pvp multiboxing obviously gives the multibotter an incredible advantage. If they can't put some serious restrictions on multibotting (Which would imo but a waste of their time to enforce), as a multibotter since Vailila, I'd actually agree with banning it all together.
My apologies for the thread necro, but in light of the recent event of Nostalrius closing their doors I find this to be a relevant topic yet again.

If, and this is a big if, the server starts heading to the 3.5 thousand accounts logged in mark, I'd sincerely like to think that it's individual players behind their characters using the hardware resources for their fun. It's going to be a few weeks in seeing what exactly happens with Kronos and population, but I'm calling this one now. I think hardware stress is going to happen.
Ban multiboxing

Having to compete for black lotuses with people using several different accounts logged on at the same time on one computer (either low level to spot the spawns or to gather with a 35+ toon) is not fun nor fair.

I will quote a paragraph written by Chero about the warlock summoning ban that applies here I believe:

While summoning is a core mechanic, and summoning alts positioned in strategic locations was a part of the true Vanilla experience; players having the ability to have 5+ accounts was very very unlikely due to the restriction of monthly fees. Over the period of months, we’ve noticed more and more “alt accounts” with mostly level 20 warlocks and level 1 summoning alts which were being placed around Azeroth (both in strategic locations, and non strategic locations). The problem is that we’ve been finding more and more of these accounts and characters scattered around Azeroth to the point where players were skipping designed game mechanics due to the abuse of having the ability to have limitless accounts.


Thank you for reading
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Re: Ban multiboxing

Yes I was in felwood and there is about 3 1 lvl players here standing near respawn spots .... The same thing in azshera and other hlvl zones. Just write /who felwood and manytimes 1 lvl players are present here.
Re: Ban multiboxing

Multiboxing is way worse now in the KII Leveing areas. I saw up to four players at once doing the same thing on the same mob at the same time.
Re: Ban multiboxing

Multiboxing is way worse now in the KII Leveing areas. I saw up to four players at once doing the same thing on the same mob at the same time.

That is bannable though as the player seems to have used other programs making all his characters acting at the same time.
Re: Ban multiboxing

Having to compete for black lotuses with people using several different accounts logged on at the same time on one computer (either low level to spot the spawns or to gather with a 35+ toon) is not fun nor fair.

I will quote a paragraph written by Chero about the warlock summoning ban that applies here I believe:


Thank you for reading

I got better solution. Make 150 points which will spawn randomly in any of those points. Same spawn timer and same amount but it will make impossible to camp :smile:
Re: Ban multiboxing

Yes I was in felwood and there is about 3 1 lvl players here standing near respawn spots .... The same thing in azshera and other hlvl zones. Just write /who felwood and manytimes 1 lvl players are present here.

Low level characters cannot see high level herbs. Not on their minimap (with find herbs), not objects in game world.
Re: Ban multiboxing

I got better solution. Make 150 points which will spawn randomly in any of those points. Same spawn timer and same amount but it will make impossible to camp :smile:

Yes, this has already been suggested. I hope it gets put in place.
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