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    TwinStar team

Petition against multiboxing

Re: Question on multiboxing

No, im thinking of dual boxing. I dont want to do split screen exactly, i want to cut a hole through one of the wow's so i can see the minimap of the wow beneath it. So mouse tabing and picture in picture.
Re: Question on multiboxing

No, im thinking of dual boxing. I dont want to do split screen exactly, i want to cut a hole through one of the wow's so i can see the minimap of the wow beneath it. So mouse tabing and picture in picture.

Pretty sure this can be done without keycloning software, just by dedicating a mouse-button to alt + tab (if I am understanding what it is you're trying to achieve right)
Re: Question on multiboxing

I dont think i can do that with my mouse. Ive been looking for alternatives and autohotkey will do the job but that also can be used to clone keystrokes. I cant find anything that can manipuilate the windows in the way id like though.
Re: Question on multiboxing

I am confused, or bad at finding information, but the only mentioning of multiboxing in the list of violations says:

"- It is forbidden to use any third-side applications and/or programs which can perform actions such as fishing, levelling up a character, mining, collecting herbs etc. without having to be controlled by a player. Multibox is allowed since it does not fit this definition. "

It does not mention anything about third party programs, only about automated, or straight up cheating ones.

- It is forbidden to use any third-side applications and/or programs (speedhack, flyhack, teleporthack, minimaphack and all the other similar utilities)

Far as I can tell that third party software you linked seems to be allowed as it does require direct human input.

Or did I miss something?
Re: Question on multiboxing

Read FAQ - only alttabing without usin 3rd party software will be allowed, everything else will be forbiden.
Re: Question on multiboxing

It was to my understanding that multi boxing is banned entirely. This would include ALT tabbing, or boosting your own alts through instances.

This alone changed me from rolling hunter as main, as I was going to boost my proc warrior. But as this is not allowed (my understanding) I will simply roll prot warrior from the beginning.
Re: Question on multiboxing

Just on a sidenote: boosting your alt in instances using the exploit that it gets full exp when your main leaves the group before killing the mobs will not work on kronos. You will receive a significant exp penalty when not grouped players heal you or inflict damage to a mob you tagged.
Re: Question on multiboxing

What mouse do you have? If it's just a standard plug n play 2 buttons and a wheel mouse then maybe you can't do what I'm about to say, but on my mouse, it's a bit old 7 button gaming mouse that allows various keys to be bound to the buttons. The software it came with does this, so in your instance I can bind alt+tab to one of the side buttons to tab between.

i however will be levelling a mage and priest together. I originally was going to dual-box them but now it has been banned, I'm going to alt-tab level them. Mostly so my priest has free water and less down time. I'm just going to use 2 screens, one on each screen and then I can see everything and if I need to control the mage for a sheep or looting a q item then I'll just move over. It's a bit slower but will achieve the same. I've been practising on Ares to get the hang of it. A big awkward but I'll get used to it and it's fairly fun.
Re: Question on multiboxing

What mouse do you have? If it's just a standard plug n play 2 buttons and a wheel mouse then maybe you can't do what I'm about to say, but on my mouse, it's a bit old 7 button gaming mouse that allows various keys to be bound to the buttons. The software it came with does this, so in your instance I can bind alt+tab to one of the side buttons to tab between.

i however will be levelling a mage and priest together. I originally was going to dual-box them but now it has been banned, I'm going to alt-tab level them. Mostly so my priest has free water and less down time. I'm just going to use 2 screens, one on each screen and then I can see everything and if I need to control the mage for a sheep or looting a q item then I'll just move over. It's a bit slower but will achieve the same. I've been practising on Ares to get the hang of it. A big awkward but I'll get used to it and it's fairly fun.

I have a razer deathadder, theres no option to configure the buttons in the software.

Im going back and forth on this multiboxing idea, not sure its worth the hassle, it is going to be clucnky and a lot of work, tab-cast -tab-cast, then theres the grief youll get from other players because they think your cheating. Still its a play style i do like, ive had a lot of fun multiboxing, i know what others think of it but i do enjoy it myself - and theres the alt profession advantages. Im thinking of playing with 3 characters, i think thats doable with tabbing, any more would be too much to my mind. Im going to try it out on another server 1st, see how it is.
Re: Question on multiboxing

I have a razer deathadder, theres no option to configure the buttons in the software.

Im going back and forth on this multiboxing idea, not sure its worth the hassle, it is going to be clucnky and a lot of work, tab-cast -tab-cast, then theres the grief youll get from other players because they think your cheating. Still its a play style i do like, ive had a lot of fun multiboxing, i know what others think of it but i do enjoy it myself - and theres the alt profession advantages. Im thinking of playing with 3 characters, i think thats doable with tabbing, any more would be too much to my mind. Im going to try it out on another server 1st, see how it is.

See that's my problem with multiboxing. If you use illegals softwares it might be fun, I get that. But if you want to do it the legal way, meaning alt tabbing all the time, then... really who the f*ck wants to do that? It's not fun alt tabbing all the time. Also worth mentioning that everyone hates you because they consider you to be a cheater, whether you use illegal software or not. So at the end, multiboxing is just not worth it.
Re: Question on multiboxing

See that's my problem with multiboxing. If you use illegals softwares it might be fun, I get that. But if you want to do it the legal way, meaning alt tabbing all the time, then... really who the f*ck wants to do that? It's not fun alt tabbing all the time. Also worth mentioning that everyone hates you because they consider you to be a cheater, whether you use illegal software or not. So at the end, multiboxing is just not worth it.

Yep exactly my thoughts. Why not just get a friend to play with?
Re: Question on multiboxing

Yep exactly my thoughts. Why not just get a friend to play with?

It would be nice to play with others, more fun that way, but people will be on at different times, leveling at different speeds, i think it would become a hassle finding people to play with all the time and you would end up leveling solo.
Re: Question on multiboxing

It would be nice to play with others, more fun that way, but people will be on at different times, leveling at different speeds, i think it would become a hassle finding people to play with all the time and you would end up leveling solo.

Unless you're rushing like mad that's what good friends are for :p The ones that wait for you to level together :wub:
Re: Question on multiboxing

Ill be in the rush crowd, not in the race for 60 but i wont be hanging around, will be leveling as fast as i can.
Re: Question on multiboxing

Just on a sidenote: boosting your alt in instances using the exploit that it gets full exp when your main leaves the group before killing the mobs will not work on kronos. You will receive a significant exp penalty when not grouped players heal you or inflict damage to a mob you tagged.

I meant by alt tabbing to give my alts that are gear dependent good gear for lvling. Not a disband type of cheat or something. So my question is then this, is alt tabbing allowed? As this would be why I lvl a hunter first and use him as my farm character.
multiboxing is a huge turnoff so i hope they will ban it...

the game was designed for 1 player = 1 account, the only reason blizz allows it is due to the cost which reduces the amount who would even consider it.

also considering that twinstar allows sale of characters for points could result in multiboxers leveling to sell making those who leveled normally have to sell at a lower more competitive price.

i cannot see 1 good reason to use multiboxing or to allow it....
multiboxing is a huge turnoff so i hope they will ban it...

the game was designed for 1 player = 1 account, the only reason blizz allows it is due to the cost which reduces the amount who would even consider it.

also considering that twinstar allows sale of characters for points could result in multiboxers leveling to sell making those who leveled normally have to sell at a lower more competitive price.

i cannot see 1 good reason to use multiboxing or to allow it....

I'm pretty sure it already is banned Cr0w :) Unless they've changed their mind since the announcement was made.
Maybe he means to ban AltTabers as well. It's rather difficult to track I think. And very few people are interested in simple AltTabing. That's why I think we should stop talking about this in-fact-solved problem :)
I can already see people creating an alt female human warrior to tank for them and naming it as Lydia, lol.

Too bad I won't play at the Barbie's faction, otherwise I would do it myself :D
the ban on multi boxing obviously applies to controlling 5 characters at the same time. Was the ban clarified to cover dual boxing also?
the ban on multi boxing obviously applies to controlling 5 characters at the same time. Was the ban clarified to cover dual boxing also?
No matter how much characters you're controlling at once, if you use an external program/addon to aid you on this task, you'll get banned.

You'll be allowed to control 2 characters or more by Alt+Tabbing only. Unless you're an asian person, you'll have a hard time controlling 5 characters via alt+tab at once.
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I just read the faq, but it still leaves a few questions. Alt-tabbing applies to running two instances of wow on one computer. Would it be okay to dual box with two different computers and control the characters separately with two keyboards? I would assume so.
i cannot see 1 good reason to use multiboxing or to allow it....

There really isn't a good reason. But there's a pair of mediocre reasons that's a personal benefit for me. I can roll a pair of characters on different accounts and dual log them on and Alt Tab to pick off Elite NPC target quests which will be kinda nice, assuming there's no one else in the lowbie zone with me that is ready to do the same quest at the exact same time.

The other reason is simple. I spy a pair of enemy characters in the distance with one of them auto following the other. I stealth up (using rogue or druid) and turn Fraps on. I confirm with timestamps that it's just one player bulldozing quests with both characters. I engage the characters in PvP and record the one player using both characters to fight me. Whether I win or lose, I then return, stealth, and continue recording the one player using both toons to bulldoze quest targets with auto follow being used.

Bang! I've won the Kronos-WoW mini game and submit a report with the evidence. Either the player gets banned, or my videos go into an archive for a later Youtube release of 'classic wow' PvP vid for the server. It won't come to that though, as I'm certain that temp suspensions will happen if the evidence is good.

Edit - you could argue that a player alt tabbing between characters and fighting a single player is Legit as per what Kronos has posted so far, but I'll be the first to point out that Vanilla WoW purists looking at a video collection of Boxing characters being used to fight single player characters would laugh and deride the server as a fake. I'm betting on Kronos staff members wanting to avoid that.
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Tbh I'm kinda disappointed that they rolled back their decision to completely ban multiboxing... This "alt-tabbing only" brings a lot of complications with it. How will you know from video evidence if the player is actually using some programs to control multiple characters or if he's just good at micro? I see no way that can be clearly investigated. Whereas if multiboxing is banned without exceptions it would be as simple as checking the accounts IP/MAC and if theyre the same just instant ban, nothing more needed.
Hopefully this rule will be reviewed :smile:

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