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Paladin Prot Leveling?


New Member
May 15, 2015
So, i got my paladin at 46, and i'm interested in Prot leveling. I went full prot, 0/37/0 for all the defensive points, and i got no points into Consecration. I got a 1.8 weapon, and a decent shield. What should i aim for, and should i respec or keep leveling like this?

Any tips, hints? Methos specifically since he levels prot since level 18?

Edit: This is my build right now: http://armory.twinstar.cz/talent-ca...=00000000000000053051335001551000000000000000
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Well, the fastest way to level with Reckoning is to get a big 2-hander and doing sit-downs :biggrin:
I think before 51 when you can get Consecration too it might not be as fast as just put your points into retribution and get as much AP as possible. The 3% hit you can get from Precision is very helpful too.

I would remove the 5 points from Anticipation as +10 defense aren't worth them. When you are solo you don't stack defense anyway as you rely on being critically hit to get blocks and extra attacks to increase your damage. As soon as you have Holy Shield go straight for Consecration. Pick up Spiritual Focus too. It is is very helpful especially when leveling as prot. Getting heals through might be hard when 4 mobs are hacking on you. You lose a chunk of health while casting the spell, making your heals very inefficient.
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Well, the fastest way to level with Reckoning is to get a big 2-hander and doing sit-downs :biggrin:

Yeah, i wanna avoid that. I hate that playstyle.

I think before 51 when you can get Consecration too it might not be as fast as just put your points into retribution and get as much AP as possible. The 3% hit you can get from Precision is very helpful too.

I would remove the 5 points from Anticipation as +10 defense aren't worth them. When you are solo you don't stack defense anyway as you rely on being critically hit to get blocks and extra attacks to increase your damage. As soon as you have Holy Shield go straight for Consecration. Pick up Spiritual Focus too. It is is very helpful especially when leveling as prot. Getting heals through might be hard when 4 mobs are hacking on you. You lose a chunk of health while casting the spell, making your heals very inefficient.

That was extremely helpful. So, i'll avoid anticipation, actually, lemme get a talent spec ready then:


Since i'm level 46, this is the spec i thought right now. Seal of Wisdow for them consecrations? Or i go with SoR?

Prot aoe grinding is really good but you 100% need consecration before you do so.

According to Psojed's guide, aoe grinding in vanilla is weak :c
If you respec to use Consecration, you will definitely want Seal of Wisdom to compensate the mana drain. Also, max out that Reckoning.

The TBC way is to pull three to four mobs and kill them to test how will you last. Then keep adding more mobs until you stop on a number of mobs that lets you finish them off without being completely drained or forcing you to bubble out. Always prefer melee mobs, so that you can block their attacks and return damage with Ret aura.

Differences between TBC and Kronos is no damage reduction from Improved Righteous Fury, theoretically better Reckoning and the requirement of having level 46 for Conse+BoS+Reckoning -> my main reason for not approving of aoe grinding in vanilla.

Basically this is what it should look like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQFzyZZcRiw
And here's what it should NOT look like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAStDAqt7SA (he took too much, had to bubble)

So you see, after two pulls you will be (most likely) out of mana and you'll need to replenish. During the grind, you're pretty vulnerable to ganks.

- With Spiritual Focus taken, you can switch to Concentration Aura at any time to gain pushback immunity. It takes one global cooldown, so 1s ahead you swap auras, heal up, and swap back to Retribution Aura. Beware of monsters with a knockdown/stun, pummel/kick is not very common.
- When you get dismounted (or can't mount), keep turning towards the monsters, don't let them hit your back much. This guy shows it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2htz-4a2guM
- Get Uther's trinket
- Get a Mithril Shield Spike
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I have a shield spike, and i always walk jumping to get hit on my face when i'm fightning.

I'm not going for really much big of pulls, i'll try to keep them short so i level in a more efficient way. 2/3 mobs maybe efficient for me, i'll see how it proceeds.

Thanks for the spec. <3

Edit: I'll keep using BoS, or Wisdow? BoS, right?
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So, i just played a bit with prot spec on Tanaris. Tanked 6 rogues and assassins easy, but...

Too. Damn. Mana. Intensive.

Doesn't matter if i pull 2, or 3, or 10, i'll always have to drink after every pull. I don't know if i'm being truly efficient.

Psojed, let me think outside the box for a moment: A retri spec onehanded paladin, with fast wep SoR and focus on holy dmg? Would that work?
Sure it would work, but I can't tell you how fast it would be.
Crusader -> judge -> SoR and repeat that on every mob. Sanctity aura is +10% Holy so that works with SoR and JoR, Vengeance procs would also boost both, you get improved retribution aura, 5% extra crit chance, movespeed bonus. Since you don't use 2h, it would look like this? Or this with Command taken.

The mana efficiency will surely be better than consecration, but with repeated reseal/judge/reseal you will eventually run out of mana too. Highest rank seals cost 150-200 mana, whereas Command r1 for twohanders costs 55 mana.
Sure it would work, but I can't tell you how fast it would be.
Crusader -> judge -> SoR and repeat that on every mob. Sanctity aura is +10% Holy so that works with SoR and JoR, Vengeance procs would also boost both, you get improved retribution aura, 5% extra crit chance, movespeed bonus. Since you don't use 2h, it would look like this? Or this with Command taken.

The mana efficiency will surely be better than consecration, but with repeated reseal/judge/reseal you will eventually run out of mana too. Highest rank seals cost 150-200 mana, whereas Command r1 for twohanders costs 55 mana.

So, i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. Man, i think i'll settle for ret. I can just buy a twohander on the AH. Issue is having to respect Prot when doing dungeons at 60 but meh. I'll see what i can do.

I was checking a vanillagaming thread that said that the best dps spec for a pally is a fastonehander SoR with ret talents and caster gear. What do you think about that?
I think that vanillagaming probably had some non-vanilla features :smile:

I can tell you what I did few weeks ago. I couldn't find a tank for scholomance runs, so I said fk it. I respecced from PvP spec to 21/0/30 and I tanked scholomance myself in T1 gear, with this spec. It worked just fine (at least until Darkmaster portaled me away). Then it's up to your knowledge of the environment, like where to stand to LoS casters and what to pull and when.

Since then I didn't respec out, I'm hammering in 5-mans and healing in raids with this spec, just switching equipment. Even if 1v1 is a pain in the ass with this spec, it works for now.
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Thanks, that gave me willpower to choose ret now.

Should i get some plate off the AH, or can i live with questrewards?
You'll do fine with questrewards, that's the best thing about paladins :biggrin:
If you have the spare money, buy a good weapon. Kang or Taran or Stoneraven. Then later storm into BRD and you'll get all the equipment you need there.

Found this on the AH for 7 gold, think it's worth it?

I didn't found Kang or Taran, nor stone :c

I think 7 gold is good price for it. It's better though to get a slower weapon if you are using SoC. You could run Uldaman and try to get either Stoneslayer or The Rockpounder. First one has a very slow speed. The other is a little bit faster, but you get more Vengeance procs because of the +2% crit it has.
In Maraudon there are also 2H weapons dropping.
If you grind your way up to 60 I'd really advice you to up your hit chance with the talent Precision. It really makes a difference, especially when using very slow weapons.

A fun weapon to use is The Judge's Gavel. The stun procs very often, I'd say once every fight. You can use JoC for additional damage when it does. Makes fights a little more fun as it gives you another proc to wait for :)
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I think 7 gold is good price for it. It's better though to get a slower weapon if you are using SoC. You could run Uldaman and try to get either Stoneslayer or The Rockpounder. First one has a very slow speed. The other is a little bit faster, but you get more Vengeance procs because of the +2% crit it has.
In Maraudon there are also 2H weapons dropping.
If you grind your way up to 60 I'd really advice you to up your hit chance with the talent Precision. It really makes a difference, especially when using very slow weapons.

A fun weapon to use is The Judge's Gavel. The stun procs very often, I'd say once every fight. You can use JoC for additional damage when it does. Makes fights a little more fun as it gives you another proc to wait for :)

Leveling in tanaris with my bonechewer was painful. i got too invested on the dps of the weapon and didn't notice it's damage. The speed is extremely fast for a twohander, making it's damage...bad. My Verigan's Fist was hitting on the same dmg, and it's a lvl 20 weapon.

Kang is on the AH for 200gold. i can't even dream to make that. And Taran is for 60. Way more achievable but still, a distant thought for me.

The most i play my paladin, the most i get hyped for dungeons on 60, but at the same time, the most i regret not making a warrior =P

I think it's more like the fact that i'm not running any dungeons ever since Stockades, so i'm pretty behind on gear. Gets on my nerves, my guild is kinda dying.

Sigh. I shoulda run Scarlet Monastery and get all the gear there for running prot :c
Then go run some Maraudon with world for this or this.

Having the scepter makes the runs really easy, you just skip most of the dungeon and go straight these two.
Leveling in tanaris with my bonechewer was painful. i got too invested on the dps of the weapon and didn't notice it's damage. The speed is extremely fast for a twohander, making it's damage...bad. My Verigan's Fist was hitting on the same dmg, and it's a lvl 20 weapon.

Kang is on the AH for 200gold. i can't even dream to make that. And Taran is for 60. Way more achievable but still, a distant thought for me.

The most i play my paladin, the most i get hyped for dungeons on 60, but at the same time, the most i regret not making a warrior =P

I think it's more like the fact that i'm not running any dungeons ever since Stockades, so i'm pretty behind on gear. Gets on my nerves, my guild is kinda dying.

Sigh. I shoulda run Scarlet Monastery and get all the gear there for running prot :c

For questing and farming when you are playing alone the damage is fine as Retribution paladin. Just use SoC together with a slow 2H and just warrior gear (strength, agility and stamina). As long as your weapon is fine it does not matter if the rest is all green.

I am questing in Tanaris myself right now. It seems we are about the same level (mine is 49). If you want to level together a bit, send me a message.

If you rolled paladin mostly for tanking then I have to say chances are high that you are much happier with rolling a warrior. If you want to be a supporter in general or healer in both PvE and PvP then stick with your paladin. Don't judge the class by solo play. Group play is where it shines. I main tanked any 5-10 man instance as holy paladin just fine though, but on some encounters its just a little tedious.

I have to admit that being on your own with not so good gear can be tedious (boring gameplay, mediocre damage) but it gets much better when you have access to some nice DPS gear (just warrior stuff mostly before you have access to Soulforge or the PvP sets for instance).
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For questing and farming when you are playing alone the damage is fine as Retribution paladin. Just use SoC together with a slow 2H and just warrior gear (strength, agility and stamina). As long as your weapon is fine it does not matter if the rest is all green.

I am questing in Tanaris myself right now. It seems we are about the same level (mine is 49). If you want to level together a bit, send me a message.

If you rolled paladin mostly for tanking then I have to say chances are high that you are much happier with rolling a warrior. If you want to be a supporter in general or healer in both PvE and PvP then stick with your paladin. Don't judge the class by solo play. Group play is where it shines. I main tanked any 5-10 man instance as holy paladin just fine though, but on some encounters its just a little tedious.

I have to admit that being on your own with not so good gear can be tedious (boring gameplay, mediocre damage) but it gets much better when you have access to some nice DPS gear (just warrior stuff mostly before you have access to Soulforge or the PvP sets for instance).

My idea for my paladin was actually being a helpful instance tanking. I'm not interested in raiding as prot, unless i get to make it easy, which it isn't.

I may try for a mara run later, but i have a question, is Thrash Blade a good weapon? Theloras mentions in his guide that SoComm can be used with 2.7 onehanders.

Can it be used as a prot tanking weapon too? Seems to be good with Reck.

EDIT: Hey, what's is exactly the bug that SoCrus is suffering? I was thinking of using it with my quick spear and see if it works good.
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The bug is your damage gets lowered significantly AFTER Crusader fades. But as long as your Seal of the Crusader is active, you're fine. If you lose it, you have to activate it again OR proc vengeance OR bless yourself with Might to fix the bug.

You can use Seal of Command with any 1h, but the faster the 1h the less it will proc.

For tanking, use Righteousness for consistent threat generation. That benefits from faster onehanders instead.
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If you want to do instances and not just quest your way up to 60, you are right. A more versatile build might be better for that. If you tank you need Consecration. I leveled up as Holy/Prot to 48 because I was running mostly instances as either tank or healer. My observation was that if you are not running level 58+ instances the mana efficiency you gain from Illumination is not necessary if you have enough intellect. Healing Light is a useful talent though. Other than those 14 points in holy you can stick the rest into protection with no problems.

I used a very fast 2H together with Seal of the Crusader and gear with a lot of AP when I was alone and it worked pretty good. It does not take too long for mobs to go down and I bet it's even faster than using Blessing of Sanctuary and a 1H/Shield at your level.
get flurry axe and go for prot/holy or if u want more dmg go prot/retri(for soc) but prot/holy will give chance to tank low lvl istance ez whit good gear
http://armory.twinstar.cz/talent-ca...=05500100000000053201330300510000000000000000 good whit flurry axe
http://armory.twinstar.cz/talent-ca...=00000000000000053201330300500502030110000000 retri
imo holy/prot are best - dps are low but u survuve ez and u can tank rly ez if u have good amount of intelect/mana regen

Uh...no Sanctuary? Kings instead? Why?

Btw, what about the thrash blade? I can use the crusader with my spear, but a 2.7 speed weapon with a +auto proc? Sounds perfect with SoComm.

Flurry axe is a really distant dream. This is my first character, so he's my moneymaker, my farmer, my etc etc, and i did the idiocy of leveling mining and BS on him. so, now i got 245 bs, weaponsmith and i can later make my sageblade, but i'm thinking if i really jumped the gun :c
Uh...no Sanctuary? Kings instead? Why?

Btw, what about the thrash blade? I can use the crusader with my spear, but a 2.7 speed weapon with a +auto proc? Sounds perfect with SoComm.

Flurry axe is a really distant dream. This is my first character, so he's my moneymaker, my farmer, my etc etc, and i did the idiocy of leveling mining and BS on him. so, now i got 245 bs, weaponsmith and i can later make my sageblade, but i'm thinking if i really jumped the gun :c

For DPS Blessing of Might is better than Blessing of Kings. Might gives you more AP than Kings and AP scales with Seal of Command. I'd take Blessing of Sanctuary though if you plan on tanking. I'd still pick BoK up as it's very nice for other classes.

As for Thrash Blade, it depends on how often you get that extra attack with it. But I still think that you are better off using a 2H weapon instead together with either Crusader or Command (if you have it). You need way less mana, therefore spend less time drinking. Single target damage is much higher.

For tanking use a very fast weapon instead. I had Fist of Stone and Gizlock's Hypertech Buckler for a long time. The weapon is pretty fast and it procs often getting you some additional mana throughout the fight. Both drop in Maraudon

If you plan on tanking and healing go 20/31/0. Depending on whether you have 1H spec and Holy Shield use either a 1H or 2H, which depends on whether you max out holy or prot first.

As for making money. Fish up some Oily Blackmouth and Stonescale Eel. Ask an alchemist if he can make some Free Action Potions with the Oily Blackmouth for you. Those sell pretty good. As well as the Stonescale Eel. And fishing up chests in STV and Tanaris also yields a lot of cloth and potions you can sell too. I funded the mount on my warrior at level 36 just by doing this for a whole day.
Later on Herbalism is really worth it for making money. As well as mining I guess for Arcane Crystals.
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