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    TwinStar team

View distance and pathing


New Member
Apr 8, 2016
Vision Draw Reduced. For how long?

First of all, thanks to Kronos dev team and especially Chero for that amazing and fast actions about lags and overwhelm. Very impressive job, 10/10. But I have a very important question: as we know, vision draw was reduced. It causes a lot of problems in World PvP, so I really want to know, is it a temorary decision or will be last forever for now?
It's very crucial for many players, especially for whole my guild(old and good players, some of them also got high pvp ranks).
Thank you for the answer.

Best regards, Inrimor.
Does the Kronos team have any plans to increase the view distance again and improve pathing?
I would LOVE an increased view distance update. Dont know if its possible though.
The view distance was increased a few month ago. Now with all the new players it has been reduced to get rid of some of the lag.
Re: Vision Draw Reduced. For how long?

/push !!!!
This is almost not playable anymore!
Better reduce player spots on server than view distance.
It is like: no mobs ---> blink ---> in middle of mob group and dead.
worst change ever
Re: Vision Draw Reduced. For how long?

I agree that in current state it is a bit too low. I hope that when optimizations are done and when Staff decides what to do in the long run, this will be fixed.
Max view distance

Hi, currently the view distance is set to 50 yards, it used to be way more (100-150y). Making farming and world pvp for hunters (at least with humanoids tracking) way harder.

Any plan of improving it or are we stuck with this with the current pop to prevent lag issue?
Is it not draw distance we are talking about here? View distance is how far terrain is visible, draw distance is the distance minimum between you and NPCs/objects that will load them in.

I cant see anything past 50yard, so yes call it draw distance, yesterday it was less than 40y (less than hunter range)

How long you wanna keep it that low?
It's really anoying and give the game a big lack of fun to play!

So better reduce player spots on server and get it back up where it belongs. Or - what would be best - get better server who can handle both, drawdistance and the population.
Re: drawdistance

As I tested first day after ppl flood, Farclip (terrain view, mountains, trees atc...) was lowered to 500, now is back to default 777 but OBJECT distance is very very low.

Distance on which object (players, mobs, herbs, mines, quest items...) starts to show up are little more then spell range of some classes so 50-55 yards what is terrible.

Other problem is /who option.
Until now we always got 50 names displayed and numbers of total population of our faction.

First, number of total faction's population was removed but /who window worked correctly and we could use Census+ addon to check situation.

Now nothing works in /who, z- (zone) or c- (class) commands not working anymore and as I tested we can only one time after log on check something like /who someguild and then after new refresh only random ppl are showed.
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Re: drawdistance

well i can live with that /who stuff but the object stuff is really anoying... not just for farming, but also for pvp and to dodge mob groups....
you blink and suddenly are inside mob group -.-
Re: drawdistance

As I tested first day after ppl flood, Farclip (terrain view, mountains, trees atc...) was lowered to 500, now is back to default 777 but OBJECT distance is very very low.
Wat, that's completely client-sided. Server doesn't cotrol it in any way.
Re: drawdistance

I'm a huge critic of this and feel it has a bigger impact on the gameplay than almost any other change they could make. However, you have to take into consideration that there a still huge fluctuations in population and that they are finding a balance between pop and quality. Let the dust settle and then we can talk about long term solutions.
Re: drawdistance

You can discuss many things about quality / population but this is not discussable in my opinion.
The Quality is the main reason to play on a server and it was the only thing that puts kronos on top of servers available.
But with this change it just makes it to an average / bad server.
If few quests not working, ok. If some spells / abilities are not working 100%, ok. If some new patches are not running right on start, ok.
But making many parts of this game alomst unplayable - or at least reduce the fun factor to almost 0 - then there is no reason to increase population for all those costs.
Re: drawdistance

I think that staff still belives, that they can optimize server that it can handle draw distance and population. But it's work in progress.
Re: Vision Draw Reduced. For how long?

always thought its the server lag so we wont see quick enough. [emoji23]
10 players arround, 1 packet from each player to the other. 10x10
100 players arround, 1 packet from each player to the other. 100x100

If you reduce the view distance you massively reduce the number of packets you need to send. Something like that.
Hi guys, to me the draw distance seems a little better now. But would still like a comment from the devs about if this is a permanent thing or if draw will be set back to normal after more server improvements.
Re: drawdistance

there is no reason to increase population for all those costs.
Ok, let's just ban all new players. I mean, really, what can Kronos admins do with all that thousands of people who suddenly joined? They could've closed the account registration for some time, but now it's too late for it anyway.
NPC / Object view distance

So you did move to a "better" server...
When do you change the npc/object view distance back up?
Since you did drop it so hard, its just anoying. Things as world-pvp, mining/herb are almost impossible and blinking into NPC groups who just pop out of nowhere - thanks to very low npc/object view distance - sucks, too!

And like I said before, this is not the "most advanced" server since this change. It's maybe just a regular one, if now even lower....

So just do a reply if you change it back to normal or if you ganna keep it that low.
Just like:
Hey guys, since we have too much population and can't handle it we have to reduce your fun factor to almost 0 because we dont want to limit player spots on server or move to a server that could handle both.

And btw: Gonna repost it if you delete it ^^ Can't handle criticism? Then advance to a level where no criticism is needed!
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