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    TwinStar team

View distance and pathing

Re: NPC / Object view distance

I didn't notice a problem with the view distance, i can see mobs/npcs that are pretty far away. Then again, i'm a new player here, so i can't compare to how it was before.
dont ban accounts, just put queue back online and do a maximum of 1 account per ip. easy as that.
Re: NPC / Object view distance

It is not that bad tbh, but let's look at another thing. When was the last time the uptime was more than 12hours? I know staff is trying to improve server but at which cost? Will be there a hard cap ( let's say 5k ) or will we try to improve it so much that it could handle 10k players but the whole experience will shift to hell.

Just look how many forums post are created every day, how many reports been filled, lags crashes gold spams etc.

I know Nos shutdown was a bad thing but, the influence of that many people actually make this server slowly not enjoyable. If the plan is to get more and more players on the server at the same time the worse it would be. Maybe the newcomers will die out during the time since they will burn up in leveling and gearing process.

Another server could solve the big influence but i think TS don't have resources to this option atm.

Time will tell.
Re: NPC / Object view distance

I didn't notice a problem with the view distance, i can see mobs/npcs that are pretty far away. Then again, i'm a new player here, so i can't compare to how it was before.

We used to be able to see Keeper Remulos pick his nose 3 zones away....
The view distance is blizzlike right now, even though it used to be much higher before the recent events.
Kronos 2 - View Distance

I was curious, has a timetable been put out on K2's future settings? And if so has view distance been discussed?

Thanks for your time.
Re: Kronos 2 - View Distance

View distance has already been upped again once since K2 launch. I'm sure that we'll see further improvements once the player numbers even out a little.
I stoped playing my hunter because of this. It made it impossible to do so much stuff, it also causes pet to bug out when its fighting mobs and you try and get to max range.
They should implement a phasing system [IMG2=50]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/509a09_1ecbc155706544f0b0884dd247356753.png/v1/fill/w_473,h_473,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/509a09_1ecbc155706544f0b0884dd247356753.png[/IMG2]
dont ban accounts, just put queue back online and do a maximum of 1 account per ip. easy as that.

So if I have a lan party at my hours we're all blocked right cause there's just 1 account per ip...

If you don't know what you're talking about then don't talk at all.
Sight range

So on Nos, people and mobs loaded in about 10-20 in-game yrds from my face.

I hated it.

On kronos 1, that wasn't a problem, and I fell in love with this server for it.

I made a alt on Kronos 2, and that problem is there.

Why? When is it being fixed? Are you ever going to ban all the chinese players?
Re: Sight range

After release Kronos 2 got very high influx of players so they lovered view object range to 50 yards or so.
Server cap is 2500-3000 and we got still 1k (sometimes even 3k) in queue.
Now seems is less players, there is no queue so I hope they will raise distance to at least 100 yards.

P.S. Both servers are down atm because of mad hackers who doing DDOS... so lets hope they can fix this problem in two weeks as they announced.
Re: Sight range

Think about scaling.

If two things see each other then there is two pieces of information: AB and BA. If three things see each other then there are 6 pieces of information: ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB and CBA. These are called factorials. 4 factorial = 24. 5! = 120.

20! = 2432902008176640000.

50! = more atoms than are in the universe.

So, if you increase the draw distance (sight range) then more things see each other. This quickly overloads the server and you cannot just fix it with better hardware. The real solution is with how the server is programmed. It needs to be done in a way that scales with a large number of players in a small area. Blizzard actually had problems with this in early vanilla and areas with too many players lagged a lot. Eventually Blizzard improved their code. Kronos' solution is to lower the draw distance instead.
is it a temorary decision or will be last forever for now?

The reduction was due to stress on servers that pop caused so when servers grow or pop gets over the hype i believe they will set it back to normal :laugh:
Re: Sight range

Think about scaling.

If two things see each other then there is two pieces of information: AB and BA. If three things see each other then there are 6 pieces of information: ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB and CBA. These are called factorials. 4 factorial = 24. 5! = 120.

What you write sounds ridiculous as no more than 10 people would be able to see each other if that was the case.

You're implying the order matters (factorial). Why would it? If you are wondering how much information should be passed to a player in a region where there are total N players he can see, obviously total information should be in order of n2 since it needs only info about pairs of people who see each other (n * (n-1) / 2).
Re: Sight range

I have to agree with others here, the view/draw distance is really poor and is ruining the experience. Here's hoping it improves ASAP
Re: Sight range

I have to agree with others here, the view/draw distance is really poor and is ruining the experience. Here's hoping it improves ASAP

While I agree on the part of it ruining the experience somewhat, I think for now it works very well for the benefit of all the PvE players who just want to quest to lvl 60 and avoid getting ganked.
Draw distance on Kronos

So after playing a bit on other vanilla servers I've noticed how incredibly short the draw distance is on Kronos 2 (and 1?). I was told this was only a temporary change to prevent lag due to over crowded low leveling zones, is this true or not? And if so, when will we see a change back to normal draw distance like other vanilla servers have?
Re: Draw distance on Kronos

Its because the high latency.

No its not.

Its in place because a higher view distance puts more strain on the server and the clients. When K2 launched it meant super high latency and FPS lag because there were players everywhere, so they lowered it.

Its a server side variable that the kronos team can tweak to their liking at any time.
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Re: Draw distance on Kronos

As I heard they lowered draw object distance to 40-50 yards for get better latency, dunno if that is true.
They did that in the beginning when we got queue of 3k ppl and more 3k logged, what was cap on Kronos' servers before.

Kronos 1 is now low, so less then 1000 ppl and Kronos 2 is medium-high so they if thex want they can make defaul draw distance for best playing.
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