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    TwinStar team

Will Kronos recover ?

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I would hope that someone posting the kind of crap thats in nearly every thread on the nos forums (freely calling people n*****S & f*******) would earn the person a ban? Do the folks at Kronos have any sort of EULA that is enforceable?
The one thing I really hate about Nostalrius are the toxic players. I don't wish them on Kronos at all.

Dude I remember you from the nost forums. You are definitely one of the "toxic" players you are talking about. You would argue endlessly with people calling them toxic and refusing to substantiate anything you said. But you still kept replying with personal attacks again and again.
Who do you think you are to judge people as "toxic"? That kind of thing in really annoying.

Seriously what is with so many people suddenly using this word? What do they think it means? Basically it just means "I don't like this person". Get off your high horse and stop acting like your opinion is the truth.
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If Kronos has fixed the bugs that plague Nost in regards to class mechanics then Kronos will come out ahead.
Having so many classes have so many basic bugs is not acceptable.
This is where Kronos can shine.
You have less than 2 weeks to do what Nost has failed to do.
Dude I remember you from the nost forums. You are definitely one of the "toxic" players you are talking about. You would argue endlessly with people calling them toxic and refusing to substantiate anything you said. But you still kept replying with personal attacks again and again.
Who do you think you are to judge people as "toxic"? That kind of thing in really annoying.

Seriously what is with so many people suddenly using this word? What do they think it means? Basically it just means "I don't like this person". Get off your high horse and stop acting like your opinion is the truth.

Most of the popezaphod's posts that I've seen are about people calling other people faggots and the N-word, and asking for that type of language to be moderated by the Nos staff. He's hardly a "toxic" member of that community.
If Kronos has fixed the bugs that plague Nost in regards to class mechanics then Kronos will come out ahead.
Having so many classes have so many basic bugs is not acceptable.
This is where Kronos can shine.
You have less than 2 weeks to do what Nost has failed to do.

Actually most of the bugs you are talking about are already fixed on kronos :)
Nostalrius is becoming uplayable with 6K people online, the large majority of them being horde. Leveling is difficult and I can't imagine how reputation/mats grind will be like.

I think Kronos will be fine. It won't ever have 6K online, but 2K should be a safe bet.
6K people online

Most of the popezaphod's posts that I've seen are about people calling other people faggots and the N-word, and asking for that type of language to be moderated by the Nos staff. He's hardly a "toxic" member of that community.

Thanks for the backup. I realize that banning such language is a slippery slope, but it still amazes me that people feel the need to use hate speech either to seem edgy or because they don't think it's hurtful at all.
Just FYI, I started a horde toon just to test the orc starting area... demons in the cave were randomly resetting aggro and regaining full hp in the middle of combat. How is a bug like this still happening 2 weeks before release?
think Kronos will be fine. It won't ever have 6K online, but 2K should be a safe bet.

As long as Kronos proves better than Nos I think we'll have a better population in the long run anyways.

Btw, is anyone else geting "Character deletion failed" when trying to remove a char on the beta?
Just FYI, I started a horde toon just to test the orc starting area... demons in the cave were randomly resetting aggro and regaining full hp in the middle of combat. How is a bug like this still happening 2 weeks before release?
And did you report it?
As long as Kronos proves better than Nos I think we'll have a better population in the long run anyways.

Btw, is anyone else geting "Character deletion failed" when trying to remove a char on the beta?

Cant delete toons lvl 20+...for the beta, use the ".level -" command.
Got it. Thanks!

About the burning blade coven ...Wow, I'm really shocked :s That's not a minor bug. I hope the crew spends the upcoming days well. :)
The thing is when an update rolls some fix break other things. Perhaps it was working before but now it's broken. Tho no worries as devs are aware of that and dev said that they're experimenting with new implementations in the beta how it will work and stuff... That will be most likely be fixed by the end of the beta.
Thanks for the backup. I realize that banning such language is a slippery slope, but it still amazes me that people feel the need to use hate speech either to seem edgy or because they don't think it's hurtful at all.

No worries. I don't necessarily support your cause there because I don't believe in banning speech, regardless of how detestable it is or how much I disagree with it - as is the case on Nos's /world channel - but I do believe in fairness, and it's wholly unfair to categorize you (at least by your forum posts, I don't know what you're like in game) as a "toxic" member of the Nos community.
Just FYI, I started a horde toon just to test the orc starting area... demons in the cave were randomly resetting aggro and regaining full hp in the middle of combat. How is a bug like this still happening 2 weeks before release?

I thought this guy was full of beans so I went to test it for myself. Oh dear, it does seem that you're right for a portion of the area. At first glance it seems to be an elevation issue that might be blocking Line of Sight for the Mobs vs the player. Good catch. I'm uploading a video of my tour of the cavern and will add it to the bug report (#4334) in about 25 minutes.

Honest though, that's what a Beta test and the bug tracker is for.
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I am a little bit worried. Going threw the (Confirmed) Bugs on the bug report is a little disheartening. I hope the team gave them selves enough time to fix what needs to be fixed before launch.
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