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    TwinStar team

Will Kronos recover ?

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Re: bugs on Nost

bunch of class bugs for every class (some of them class breaking), and potentially game breaking bugs such as high drop rate on green, blue and epic items. I've played on servers like this in the past, why would I want to do the exact same thing again on another buggy server? If Kronos is the same, I guess I will settle on the server that fixes bugs the quickest.
Re: bugs on Nost

bunch of class bugs for every class (some of them class breaking), and potentially game breaking bugs such as high drop rate on green, blue and epic items. I've played on servers like this in the past, why would I want to do the exact same thing again on another buggy server? If Kronos is the same, I guess I will settle on the server that fixes bugs the quickest.

I read somewhere that a bunch of players have their lvl 60 fast mounts already on Nos? That's ridiculous and has to be due to exploiting or bugged drop rates. It took forever to grind that $$$, especially on a new server with no economy.
I double dare you to quote the part where I said he was toxic, offensive or disrespectful to the player. If you bother to actually read, you will see that I refered to it as a Nostarlius therapy session for the faint hearted when it comes to the respawn rate.

You quote my reply and credit me with the scathing comments of other users, which is beyond me. These communities are getting more delusional by the hour....

Oh, and by the way, if my car broke down and a random guy passing by suggested I could "take a picture of the scenery" or "walk off in a random direction instead" because "life isn't about getting from A to B" I would probably punch him.
Nope, I think you misunderstood me. I just quoted Lexenadar, who quoted you. I agreed with him, that I don't see anything wrong in that particular Shadowlurk's post on Nostalrius. Yeah, in other cases, he is evidently bashing Kronos all the time. That's clear. I've added your quote just because of link to his post. When I talked about toxic reactions, I had in mind mainly another posts here, not yours.

Btw, I like this one Shadowlurk's post because it's not... so serious. Is evident, that Nostalrius staff will not bother with finding some solution for low respawn rate in near future. So their players have basically 4 options what they can do:
1) Spend youth with waiting for respawns.
2) Say "...Fix it! ...Fix it!" again and again.
3) Say "Nostalrius is shit, go to Kronos." or something like it.
4) Write something like Shadowlurk wrote.

I like 4) because it's orginal. I don't know if Shadowlurk wrote it seriously, or whether it is just a hyperbole. I find it funny, that's all.
Sorry for my terrible English.
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Oh, and by the way, if my car broke down and a random guy passing by suggested I could "take a picture of the scenery" or "walk off in a random direction instead" because "life isn't about getting from A to B" I would probably punch him.

hahahaha good comparison
bunch of class bugs for every class (some of them class breaking), and potentially game breaking bugs such as high drop rate on green, blue and epic items. I've played on servers like this in the past, why would I want to do the exact same thing again on another buggy server? If Kronos is the same, I guess I will settle on the server that fixes bugs the quickest.

Can agree on drop rates. 'Ah' is flooded with green/rares/epics.
Here are few ppl quotes too on drop rates:
by Momoh » Fri Mar 13, 2015 6:01 am
Drop rates are not blizzlike unfortunately, hate me or whatever but its the truth, its crazy atm.
by Ivo » Fri Mar 13, 2015 5:59 am
Gz, and not to be all that negative but the droprate is ridiculos atm. Everyone have so many greens and the chat is filled with BoE Blues.

I have played vanilla a lot and there are so many blues that i see for the very first time, since they were rare before, but not anymore.
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Could it be that just alot more is looted because there are 6k players at peak times so much more mobs are slain?
Could it be that just alot more is looted because there are 6k players at peak times so much more mobs are slain?

This can be the reason, however, they may be using default mangos drop rates which are 3-4 times higher than should be.
Could it be that just alot more is looted because there are 6k players at peak times so much more mobs are slain?

nostalshitrus never had more than 3k, they fake (present tense) online players like molten

played there myself, green drops all the time, blue drops often, great epics drop way too often. i got a level 30 item from a level 9 mob. BiS epics are already easy to get through auctions and this is on the 2nd week of the realm.
You mean the one that frapsed a nighteld running arround allegedly botting?
Log in an try to add this character to your friendslist. Cause I can't.
Again a silly question, but can you provide definitive proof? And not the silly youtube videos where a lvl1 guy does god knows what.

nothing you wouldn't call anecdotal since i've seen you fanboy nostal, so i won't waste my time =) heres a counter question; can you provide definite proof nostal ever had over 3k players?

i bet quivers still increase wand speed
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nothing you wouldn't call anecdotal since i've seen you fanboy nostal, so i won't waste my time =) heres a counter question; can you provide definite proof nostal ever had over 3k players?

i bet quivers still increase wand speed

I never fanboyed anything. And I'm still disappointed with Nost, so I rephrase the question: What can you back up your statement with? Also, why would I need to prove, that they have >3k? All I can say is that I can't level anywhere, because there are people farming everywhere, which is kinda annoying.
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