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    TwinStar team

Will Kronos recover ?

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My favourite is the one where he has a public therapy session in the /rant-thread about the infamous respawn rate ( http://i.imgur.com/8Syz5gx.png )

As suggestions to a frustrated player who only wants to complete his quests, we have highlights such as:
- Find something other to do besides questing.
- Run off in a random direction and kill stuff.
- Sell junk on the AH.
- "Shoot the shit" with people in general chat.
- Take screenshots of the scenery.

Which are strange recommendations comming from a community insisting that the respawn rate is just fine to say the least.
When Kronos had their first beta test with upwards of 1600 live players on different accounts all doing things at once, which is a stress test that can NOT be simulated in a closed Beta test despite what you think, this is what you had to say on the matter.


In terms of respect, this is what you're offering to the players and posters here.


With that ugly business done, I suggest we move back to the focus of the thread. I also suggest that using the the Account settings to filter Ignored users might be of use for people taking the topic seriously.
Well you nailed him badly, this post should even be for 18+. He got ''respect'' what he deserved.
When Kronos had their first beta test with upwards of 1600 live players on different accounts all doing things at once, which is a stress test that can NOT be simulated in a closed Beta test despite what you think, this is what you had to say on the matter.


In terms of respect, this is what you're offering to the players and posters here.


With that ugly business done, I suggest we move back to the focus of the thread. I also suggest that using the the Account settings to filter Ignored users might be of use for people taking the topic seriously.

Rekt. :lol:
My favourite is the one where he has a public therapy session in the /rant-thread about the infamous respawn rate ( http://i.imgur.com/8Syz5gx.png )

To be fair, that's one of the more recent posts that made me grow some respect for him. It's much better than the other answers in the thread that basically can be summed up by ''you suck if you can't do quests, go play retail noob''.

It still shows some of the downsides of the ''Blizzlike at all costs'' philosophy though.
To be fair, that's one of the more recent posts that made me grow some respect for him. It's much better than the other answers in the thread that basically can be summed up by ''you suck if you can't do quests, go play retail noob''.

It still shows some of the downsides of the ''Blizzlike at all costs'' philosophy though.

you respect rats like putin then i bet.

i don't see how anyone with their ducks in a row can respect someone that posted gay shit like that.

ps. go get in a violent car crash shadowlurk
What concerns me most is that all those dipshits still lurk our forum.

The complaints about ingame mechanics beeing broken is getting bigger everyday. Their luck they don't have a bugtracking system for the world to see what the server really is.
you respect rats like putin then i bet.

i don't see how anyone with their ducks in a row can respect someone that posted gay shit like that.

ps. go get in a violent car crash shadowlurk

See, you remind me someone I know IRL, who's basically so freaking weird/disturbing/stupid in his acts and opinions that whenever he agrees with me on some issue, I'm like ''well shit, that hurts my argument''.
What concerns me most is that all those dipshits still lurk our forum.

The complaints about ingame mechanics beeing broken is getting bigger everyday. Their luck they don't have a bugtracking system for the world to see what the server really is.

i heard there will be a public bug tracker "in the coming weeks", which could mean anything, if it's even a true rumor :biggrin:

See, you remind me someone I know IRL, who's basically so freaking weird/disturbing/stupid in his acts and opinions that whenever he agrees with me on some issue, I'm like ''well shit, that hurts my argument''.

do you have to be stupid and irrelevant?
My favourite is the one where he has a public therapy session in the /rant-thread about the infamous respawn rate ( http://i.imgur.com/8Syz5gx.png )
To be fair, that's one of the more recent posts that made me grow some respect for him. It's much better than the other answers in the thread that basically can be summed up by ''you suck if you can't do quests, go play retail noob''.

It still shows some of the downsides of the ''Blizzlike at all costs'' philosophy though.
Agree with you, I also don't see anything wrong in that post. What he said, I would say too.
Keep calm guys. Toxic reactions against each Nostalrius player that you met is not right way... :dance:
Agree with you, I also don't see anything wrong in that post. What he said, I would say too.
Keep calm guys. Toxic reactions against each Nostalrius player that you met is not right way... :dance:

I double dare you to quote the part where I said he was toxic, offensive or disrespectful to the player. If you bother to actually read, you will see that I refered to it as a Nostarlius therapy session for the faint hearted when it comes to the respawn rate.

You quote my reply and credit me with the scathing comments of other users, which is beyond me. These communities are getting more delusional by the hour....

Oh, and by the way, if my car broke down and a random guy passing by suggested I could "take a picture of the scenery" or "walk off in a random direction instead" because "life isn't about getting from A to B" I would probably punch him.
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At first i didn't want to be part of this thread but it kinda amused me so here i go.

Will Kronos recover? - I don't really see what it needs to recover from but you'll find out on release.

ermahgerd which server is the bzt?! i'm in total panic idk wut to do! - Who the fuck cares which one is the best to others? Pick the one YOU like the most. Personally i got fed up with half assed servers and broken promises (fuck you peenix) so what i'm looking for is quality. I don't really care which server gives the quality as long as one of them gives it.

tl;dr Don't be a sheep, fuck everyone else and think for yourself. Having fun is what matters! It's a game, not a dick. Don't take it so hard.

I'll put this here just in case people get butthurt: I'm sorry if this post offended you in any way, it wasn't meant for that.
bugs on Nost

made it to level 32 on Nost, just way too many game changing bugs for me to continue. Hoping Kronos will live up to everyone's expectations.
Re: bugs on Nost

The way I see it Nos is worse than Emerald Dream in some ways. Can't believe they released it in its current state.
Re: bugs on Nost

made it to level 32 on Nost, just way too many game changing bugs for me to continue. Hoping Kronos will live up to everyone's expectations.

I quit at 20 over there(ally side), what kind of stuff are you seeing?
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