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    TwinStar team

Will Kronos recover ?

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All you guys go totally nut's about this right?

If some ppl might like to go for the other, oh so popular [/sarcasm] project go take a look for yourself.
If some ppl might like to be hardcoreleveling over there so they can discover 6/10 end-game quests broke - let em!

I'm looking at this s**t with a huuuge bag of popcorn and can't wait for Kronos being flooded with N***-kiddy's who finally discovered s**t being broke.
I've read so many times that ppl wont go reroll after they hit a certain lvl? What the heck is that?! It's just about the size of a bug that's enough to ban yourself off that project for good.

For my part - I'm abandoning about 4 characters on 3 other project's to wait and hype the kronos train further.

Anyone with a slight eye for detail, classic knowledge or interest in it will sooner or later find out what's the superior project.
Anyone with a slight eye for detail, classic knowledge or interest in it will sooner or later find out what's the superior project.

I agree with most of what you said but that last part is interesting. To me, it seems like the reason N***** has managed to get so many players is that most of their player base doesn't have much vanilla knowledge or have tried any other private servers before. They think the server is great because they simply don't know what is broken or not working as it should. That being said, I don't worry at all about Kronos' population.
well on N**** you can stack resist buff's from npc's so raiding will be incredibly easy since they can get 260+ instead of 80+ fire/arcane resistance from mind control npc, also their coeficients are from 2.0.1 and few are from 2.3.4 while only around 20% of player abilities have correct scaling, so to be honest i doubt they even noticed or tested coefficients fully, i can go on forewer mentioning important details that are easy to overlook and they clearly did overlook them and it will affect pve/pvp a lot.

I doubt kronos will have any troubles later on since the competition from N*** is purely based on quantity/advertisement and many who play on nos are only waiting for kronos to release.
...also their coeficients are from 2.0.1 and few are from 2.3.4 ...
...it will affect pve/pvp a lot ...

It would be nice to have a proof of that ... but if it is true, then I don´t see a point of them revamping gear stats with something so basic as coeficients not being correct. These changes would collide somewhere in the middle and create a huge mess in the class balance.
well on N**** you can stack resist buff's from npc's so raiding will be incredibly easy since they can get 260+ instead of 80+ fire/arcane resistance from mind control npc, also their coeficients are from 2.0.1 and few are from 2.3.4 while only around 20% of player abilities have correct scaling.

Do you have source on theses? I've read these somewhere as well (can't remember), but neither that guy had any source to back his claims up.
I was severely disappointed when I found out that the ab bugs present in the nos video were still present in live with two other additional bugs. Their video even shows footage from retail with the contesting animation.
im almost 50 on nostalrius, the first day was a train wreck, had to grind mobs to level because the respawn rate did not change with lots of people around. the stability is NOT awesome, the server still crashes inexplicably and has a 0.5-2 second delay during primetime + rollbacks where people lose items. there are no diminishing returns, there are no heartbeat resists. nostalrius is still very much in beta, they just decided to call it release to try and get people hooked before kronos comes out. a bit strange dont you think, considering they promise "no cash shop".

ps. they did advertise as though the server had DR and heartbeat resists with videos. now they're nowhere to be seen xDDDD

what's weirder than all those things still, /who sometimes shows 6500 concurrent players on both sides combined. thats more than any vanilla project ever, perhaps more than any private project ever. yet it feels more like when i was leveling on ED - and i don't think its because i'm in the lower percentile of higher levels.
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I saw a guy streaming, and he was leveling a mage (don't remember the race), and he was leveling with several other human/gnome/dwarf guys in Teldrassil.

Think you mean Spiritboar (though he goes as spiritroar on Nos), seen him level a bit aswell, not many other humans and dwarfs tho, seen a few, no gnome (i'll confess didn't watch the whole movie).

The problem is though i don't know if it's possible to go from gnome/dwarf starting zone to the start of the NE starting zone and still be lvl 1, actually i'll check ^^. I'll edit when i've done so.

Made it to Aldrassil at lvl 2 +120 xp
I tried to get as little discovery experience as possible for this i did a few things ordinary players would never being i didn't take any flightpaths that would give me discoveries so didn't go to ironforge, the village in loch modan or auberdine.
I stayed on the road as much as possible but i reckon any low lvl would try as much.
took me 50 minutes ='( and died around 6 times didn't count it but my gear is broken and i spirit rezzed 2ce.

So the only way i think it might be possible for a lvl 1 to reach aldrassil is, and i don't know if this works, to die and run there as a ghost then rezz at the spirit rezzer over there.
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forgot: casts go through gouge + kidney shot (do'nt prevent player cast, warlocks and mages are super op)
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forgot: drop rates are INORDINATELY high, i could almost afford mount at 40 because of the wealth of green and blue drops. BiS shadow ring has already dropped multiple times for people.
How is group loot working here?
It feels like on nost its trying to work but i feel like im being robbed of white items. Also shouldnt it say whos turn it is to loot when hovered over mob?
I am seeing a lot of sour grapes posts in this thread about N. "Their server isn't perfect, ours will be," and "Their coefficients are wrong, ours won't be," and "They don't have DR and heartbeat but ours will," etc. Oh, I forgot, "The noobs will play on N. while the people who are clever and awesome will play on Kronos." That one's really funny.

I understand being afraid that N. has stolen your thunder, and pointing out the problems N. has is a good way to try and make Kronos better by avoiding their problems and mistakes. But some of this is really coming off as, "We're elitist jerks and only loozers will play on N. kek" which does not make this community look good.

(And I will concur with a previous poster that N. has unfortunately attracted much of the toxic F**nix community, which makes World chat a cess pool of hate speech most nights.)
I understand being afraid that N. has stolen your thunder, and pointing out the problems N.

I went onto Nostalrius really, really wanting it to be the server that lived up to the claims made by both their staff and their videos. I wasn't looking for perfection - I was instead looking for an improved server that was better than the current live offerings of Rebirth, Emerald Dream, and Valkyrie servers. Instead what I discovered was a server that was worse than all three, possessing numerous basic raw mangos core bugs that those other three servers solved years ago in some cases.

So yeah, I was salty over that. There was no need for me to compare that server with Kronos because that was never a part of the question for me.
It would be nice to have a proof of that ... but if it is true, then I don´t see a point of them revamping gear stats with something so basic as coeficients not being correct. These changes would collide somewhere in the middle and create a huge mess in the class balance.

I don't have any proof of this, but to my knowledge there have never been a vanilla private server that has been even remotedly close to emulating the core mechanics of retail vanilla, so why would anyone believe that Nostalrius have been able to 'magically' produce this?

My best bets are on Kronos because you can find extensive tests on the core mechanics of the game in the bugtracker, something I've never seen done (as well) before on a private server.

If I am wrong, please direct me to whatever server got these things right, but I don't believe we'll ever see a private server actually managing the exact class/specc balance of vanilla, Kronos does however seem like the closest match to date.

The biggest offender in the core mechanics of private servers are not coeficients though, it's threat calculations, just look around the forums of other private servers and see their class guides, none of those factor in the threat produced by damage dealers in raids, something that in retail, made sure that the highest dps speccs of many classes were not raid-viable.
How is group loot working here?
It feels like on nost its trying to work but i feel like im being robbed of white items. Also shouldnt it say whos turn it is to loot when hovered over mob?

(nostalrius) a lot of the time when people are outside of xp and looting range in the same zone, stuff is unlootable even when it clearly has loot. caster mobs show up on addons as casting 2 spells sometimes. everyone i know on nostalrius fanboys it so hard i can't believe it, and for no good reason. the project fucking blows.

anyway, the point of my recent posts is, kronos doesn't need to recover. nostalrius just needs to keep doing what it has been. hilarious!

i had the egg quest (on nostalrius) in hinterlands jintha'alor area, a mage and warlock were slowly making their way to it by sheeping and fearing every single elite. somehow this made the npc's docile and followed them like pets without hurting them. i never saw that on feenix even. simply pathetic.
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But some of this is really coming off as, "We're elitist jerks and only loozers will play on N. kek" which does not make this community look good.

(And I will concur with a previous poster that N. has unfortunately attracted much of the toxic F**nix community, which makes World chat a cess pool of hate speech most nights.)

Well on the subject of whether a community is good, bad, toxic or toll, there is not much difference. If 1% of people is a douche on the internet, you will have rotten apples. And the bigger the community the more of those you get.

You will have mentally 12-year olds spewing crap all over world chat on any server, it doesn't bother me. It's even amusing at times. If you can't take it only turn world chat on if you are actually looking for a group or need to ask something.

So please stop judging a community by the rotten apples or by their "facepalm button" and so on.
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forgot: drop rates are INORDINATELY high, i could almost afford mount at 40 because of the wealth of green and blue drops. BiS shadow ring has already dropped multiple times for people.

Yeah i saw a guy on stream ud mage 6 days played , 5 hours on lvl 60 and he already have 100% mount. i was like WTF?!
Reached my mid twenties there and I have to say... its pure shit.
No seriously, I am really upset with the quality they provide. Its beyond my standards by far. Someone on their forum said "even Valkyrie has better scripts" and its the sad, but painfull truth.

inb4 Nostalrius fanboys saying I am just salty cause of population.

About that. I was convinced the numbers are real after I played a few levels. Zones were fucking packed. Yeah of course they are. 1000 players spread over 10 zones in the first few days feels amazing indead.

Now to some math I did regarding 6.5k players. There are about 50 zones (cities and such included). Now split the players up on each zone evenly. 6500 / 50 = 130. This mean each zone has 130 players in it, constantly.
Granted some players are in instances so its a bit lower. Or is it? This was taken at a time where most players are still in their early levels or midway through their grind to 60. This mean the higher level zones are way less populated then the lower ones.
Now, even in the lowers ones I stumbled over the same players over and over and over. Names repeating the whole time at each quest hub. I would expect more fluctiation with 130+ players in the same zone.

I know mangos and trinity pretty well and let me tell you, NO FUCKING SERVER HANDLES 6K PLAYERS. Even the best advanced wotlk realms break at 3.5-4k. Some turn off major mechanics to handle more players or increase the update time and still have issues. Nostalrius is (almost) lag free even at 6500? Yeah right.

I got really suspicious when I started to randomely whisper players in the who list. Usually they replied incredibly fast. Like you would expect for someone right infront of their screen. Then there was those players who didn't seem to bother replying at all even though I could clearly see them running infront of me so they were not AFK.
Strangely enought as this might be, they SAME player I just whispered who didn't reply, suddenly, after 5 minutes, cares to send an answer back. What? Who does that? Also various players rubberbanding arround like stuck inbetween waypoints. Call it what you will, I made up my mind about that realm.

I would love to see the vanilla community this big, I really do, but this is strange beyond believe.

So fanboy army, get at me.
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I agree that the quality of the server isn't nearly as high as the hype that backed it up. It was a slight letdown for me, but the developers have proven their dedication to remedy the situation quickly. This is good enough reason for me to stay. Now onto the population controversy.

I am a firm believer that the population is not fabricated in any way. I believe that there really are 6,500 individual accounts logged in simultaneously at peak. As you stated, the "zones were fucking packed". It really is that popular and the vanilla population seems to be higher than anybody imagined.

I don't understand why you can't believe that "NO FUCKING SERVER HANDLES 6K PLAYERS". Is this the reason why people think the population numbers have been fabricated? Since there ARE actually 6K players, the developers must have spent more money on a quality server than these other private servers (which explains the ability to support more players). I am very impressed with how much load the Nostalrius server can handle without breaking down. The stability and latency is getting better every day. Why shouldn't Kronos be able to support the same population? Would it break down?

As for people not responding in chat, there are people who don't speak english, there are people like me who turn off chat sometimes so it doesn't clutter up the screen, there are those who are multitasking and never saw your message, and there are people who turned on auto-walk and went afk for a minute to grab a refreshment. Don't get suspicious over this. Give them the benefit of the doubt and move on.

To me, it sounds like you didn't play with an open mind. There are a lot of rumors and lies floating around about Nostalrius, so I can't blame you for being skeptical and suspicious. I expected a better review than this.
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Nostalrius openly said they were releasing the server when they got enough subscriptions. They didn't care if it was 100% Blizzlike. They got their quota, released it, and call it blizzlike. That's why it still has so many things wrong with it, and the fanboys/private server virgins who don't have anything to compare it to love it.
Nostalrius openly said they were releasing the server when they got enough subscriptions. They didn't care if it was 100% Blizzlike. They got their quota, released it, and call it blizzlike. That's why it still has so many things wrong with it, and the fanboys/private server virgins who don't have anything to compare it to love it.

So true. They think it is great because they haven't tried the endless amounts of similar quality servers that has been before N*****.
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