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    TwinStar team

Character Auction

Like I said earlier...yes I can see how this change in balance can be viewed as a bad thing...But there is another side to it. As Szabinger said and as I explained here: http://forum.twinstar.cz/showthread.php/91364-Character-Auction?p=722307&viewfull=1#post722307 if one person with two 60s sells one 60, that leads to two people with one 60...this can inflate the economy. But not necessarily in a bad way, I would rather be competing for nodes with 40 other people rather then 20. This type of inflation enhances the competition of the economy...which any newbie economist can tell you only helps the economy.
I play on Kronos, but get tired of the grind and decide to reroll to Twinstars cataclysm realm. Had there not been auctions my herbalists would have been abandoned.
There is no way to totally forbid that. Even then people would find ways to bypass that and Kronos Team would have to look into EVERY transaction considering virtual currency, to check for possible char trading.

You either totally forbid it, or use char auction ... doing something in between = no char auction, but possibly strict rules without enforcing them is not a good way to go either.

There is no way to check some cases - for example " I transfer my char on Kronos on your acc, you give me something valuable on Cata (vanity items from Shadowmourne Q chain,...) and then I sell that item for virtual currency there ... totally bypasing the system and it is really not worth the time to try and prove it is "char trade" for GMs.

If you are so much against auction, then tough luck. Since majority of people in the team have the same opinion, most of casual players are 50/50 about it, then you alone will hardly change anything. If the whole comunity was in uproar, that would be a different matter, but I hardly see it like that.
Can we just agree to disagree and move on? Both sides have been repeating the same few arguments for days. Devs have surely noticed this discussion and in the end it's up to twinstar. If you want to know the opinion of player base just create a poll or something. Not that it will necessarily change anything :smile:
I would like to see where you get your information about your response to me Hagson. While most people who don't like to break the rules would do what you're saying, I want to see the evidence that it would stop it at a high level as you're claiming. There's no way to prove necessarily that someone bought someone else's account. Saying that you're going to ban people that do it doesn't actually accomplish what you're saying it does. It just makes them a little more careful when they do it.

So unless you can show me a timeline of Feenix where character transfers have been lessened because it's been against the rules, there's no bite to that argument. A simple google search proves that character trading/selling is going nice and strong over there.
I would like to see where you get your information about your response to me Hagson. While most people who don't like to break the rules would do what you're saying, I want to see the evidence that it would stop it at a high level as you're claiming. There's no way to prove necessarily that someone bought someone else's account. Saying that you're going to ban people that do it doesn't actually accomplish what you're saying it does. It just makes them a little more careful when they do it.

So unless you can show me a timeline of Feenix where character transfers have been lessened because it's been against the rules, there's no bite to that argument. A simple google search proves that character trading/selling is going nice and strong over there.

I never claimed it would stop it completely or "on a high level". I just said that if something is forbidden it usually occurs less than if that thing is allowed.
Like Flitty said:
the argument that people will do it anyway is true, but the barrier to entry is higher in that you need to go to external sites, trade in cash/whatever and deal with the risk of getting scammed. this alone is enough to stop a lot of people who simply don't want that risk.
You should probably start selling gold aswell for real money as there will maybe be gold farmers and that people will do it anyway
It's worst but the two ideas aren't so far appart. And that is mainly a response to the "people gonna do it anyway" and "chars don't come from nowhere"(in case you autorize people selling their golds wich can be done with the auction house by the way => you just sell a lvl 20 char with the gold amount wanted) argument.
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If you have more than one 60's, obviously you can play only one of them at a time. If you sell one of them, it will increase the amount of concurent 60's played overnight. If these characters have gathering professions and the buyer intends to use them as well, the (balance) issue is even bigger. That's my thought process and I think it's quiet valid.

At most you'll just have profession churn, someone jumping from one prof to another.

The scenarios used by yourself and others arent going to happen for a few months at least though are they? Firstly the person is going to have to level the char they will be auctioning to 60 and then level profs to 300, in addition to levelling a main - that's a lot of 'work' - regardless if just levelling one to 60 and gearing it etc to make it an attractive option for someone to go after that is still going to be a fair bit of time and again, won't be an issue for s few months at best.

Seems to me you are 'discussing' things for the sake of it, it's been shown time and again in this thread and multiple others that your issues / concerns are negligible.
Oh, and I was already under the impression its about repeating the same arguments all over again. My bad.
Suppose that's true when people blindy ignore their concerns being addressed and are just here to sow unrest

The typical you-know-who player. ROFL

(you have to click the picture)
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Everyone defines P2W differently, and for some people buying a lvl60 character without considering the source of that character is pay to win.

If you think that one person out of, say, two hundred buying a lvl 60, most likely NOT top-geared, from someone else who might have just given it out if it wasn't for the Auction system, and this occuring only once the server will have acquired some age, is P2W, then I regret we don't do auctions selling common sense. You could use one.
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If you think that one person out of, say, two hundred buying a lvl 60, most likely NOT top-geared, from someone else who might have just given it out if it wasn't for the Auction system, and this occuring only once the server will have acquired some age, is P2W, then I regret we don't do auctions selling senses of judgement. You could use one.

I think common sense is more important for an auction in this case than judgement. lol
I think common sense is more important for an auction in this case than judgement. lol

Oh right, common sense would be the better word. Mistranslation from French, my bad.
If you think that one person out of, say, two hundred buying a lvl 60, most likely NOT top-geared, from someone else who might have just given it out if it wasn't for the Auction system, and this occuring only once the server will have acquired some age, is P2W, then I regret we don't do auctions selling common sense. You could use one.

I wasn't talking about myself. But it seems on this forum people like to take arguments to a personal level. Really mature.
Looks like again I'm late to the party like it was with non-60 bgs, I'm actually prefer more read-only but here are my thoughts:
Kronos will attract more of those 'srsbusiness' guys since it's a very promising server, who will practice '20 lvl mule with X amount of gold' method to farm stars, buy\snipe cheap chars and resell them for real money. And what's the cost of 1 star? You can buy stars to resell char for real money, this whole system will just help people to find chars and resell them, it STIMULATES black market. Even if the auction won't be that active, it still can happen. Moreover, look how much can people spend on server with awful administration: http://feenixservers.neocities.org/claudian-notes-backup.html 150-3000 euros, now imagine how much or how often they're ready to spend here.
Every player left == gold of this player won't be taken into any transactions anymore == cutting the whole amount of gold. It's like you're buried your account and characters. Allowing character auction will grant the possibility for gold that should've been 'lost' be. You'll let the gold travel more than it should. Same goes for GDKP and multiboxing. Reason for inflation. Speaking about inflation: think about future. Every server has it's own lifetime, for example, take feenix: Warsong and ED. Warsong(I know about rates, they just kill the server faster) is heavily inflated, everything is farmed besides KT, hard life for newcomers etc etc, dead one. ED - following the way as another project(athiarne said it himself) and will die too ofc. And I want to ask you, how long you want Kronos to be alive? When AQ40-Naxx will be farmed and people start using auction actively to probably try some new tactics, newcomers will get their naxx geared chars and what? Server will die alot more faster. In normal situation old players will just leave, and new players would have to farm everything by their own(or with geared help, ofc). On Kronos it would be possible for them to buy geared char and pwn dem p00r nubs. It IS p2w. I know, that when all content will be cleared, you'll say to me that server's nothing more to give and will start dying. But what if there's a long delay on t1-t2 content with the reason to give most-possible fixed content? Will you cancel character auction? The situation that I posted above will happen, obviously, since some people aren't patient enough. Also, is there any threshold of population upon which you going to close character auction or you plan it to be opened forever? Sorry if it's a little off-topic, but also allowing to respec for 10g will push inflation ahead, since people save 40g EVERY TIME, which is a lot -> server will die faster. IMO you should only leave cosmetics in shop.
P.S Excuse me for grammar mistakes.:laugh:
Everything you described does not even remotely apply to the auction. You are one more case of ignorant players who don't even care to READ the rules before shitposting.

Why would anyone sell a high geared character for an amazingly small amount of online currency. Why ffs why. Since reasonable arguments aren't working let us try something else.

My hourly rate is 100€. 60 takes about 7 days.
24*7*100 = 16800 for a 60 from me. Oh wait, auction is limited to 600€. Well shit.
My hourly rate is 100€. 60 takes about 7 days.
24*7*100 = 16800 for a 60 from me. Oh wait, auction is limited to 600€. Well shit.

I didn't get this. One hour of WoW is rated ~8 hours gross salary? :blink:
Hourly rate is 100€, day rate would be 800€.

100€ is what people have to pay for 1 hour of my work. Who wants some 60s?
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