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    TwinStar team

Character Auction

as long as multiboxing is banned from the server paying for levels is gonna be too high to be worth it similar to how it costs too much in the real wow to multibox to be worth it. Kinda doubt the auction will ever be a problem unless multiboxing where to be allowed.
Thats not even high. Hourly rates of 40-200€ for freelancers are normal in germany.
Who would pay those rates? Companies do, even private persons sometimes, or else they would get no service.
Kids/people in college/people without jobs dont get payed 100€ per hour, if you want your argument to have any kind of validity use a low estimation. Yours was very very high.
Thats not even high. Hourly rates of 40-200€ for freelancers are normal in germany.
Who would pay those rates? Companies do, even private persons sometimes, or else they would get no service.

I thought I failed to read between the lines to get your point, but wait you were serious?!
I'm out of "college" for a long time now. If you don't want to "buy" my characters, fine then.
Even an hourly rate of 4€ would exceed the 600€ (15000 stars) maximum buyout for the auction. And thats for a fresh 60s without any gear or professions.

No Fact, I just tried to be as irrational as anyone else in this thread.
? 100€ an hour isn't that much, that's how much other departments at my company pays as minimum an hour when lending a worker from another department so each department sells and works independently but when you take on an external job that is outside the company etc. the price easily increases by 20-100% depending on your title.

Try and do some freelancing or work as a technician for a company, ofc you don't earn that much every single hour the whole week and when you work for a company they take their cut but looking at the customer price it sure ain't cheap depending on your title and time :wink:

Bet those working on floor 10 and above earn that kind of money even after the company get's its cut.
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fact is as long as players cannot legally use multiboxing & use bots to level the auction will be pretty much empty most of the time and the prices will be too high to consider buying.

end of story :wink:
OMG is this still continuing? :w00t:

Do you understand all the aspects why this is the most surreal ridiculous claim I've ever read on these forums? I... I... I don't want to even bring them up now because this is so entertaining. Keep posting!
ITT Lharts reveals his career as a high-class sex worker.

A high class sex worker for 100 euro an hour? You obviously haven't had the pleasure to accompany a high-end sex worker! They normally cost 10x - 20x that hourly rate. In the center of London anyway.
Fuck the hate, Hagson. You are speaking up for many, many, many, people - for that, I give thanks. Any sort of character auction, whether it is used a little or a lot, is lame as hell.
Any sort of character auction, whether it is used a little or a lot, is lame as hell.

Would you rather have people selling their characters in secret and unregulated? Because that's what would happen and does happen on any private server without a system to combat it.

It's like legalizing drugs. Either you accept that there will be a black market, with all its implications, or you take control of the market and regulate it. I honestly think Twinstar is doing just the right thing. It's not a perfect solution but the best I've seen so far.
Would you rather have people selling their characters in secret and unregulated? Because that's what would happen and does happen on any private server without a system to combat it.

It's like legalizing drugs. Either you accept that there will be a black market, with all its implications, or you take control of the market and regulate it. I honestly think Twinstar is doing just the right thing. It's not a perfect solution but the best I've seen so far.

There's a huge, HUGE difference between making rules against people selling characters and actively pursue and ban people for doing so and actively encouraging.
On the one hand you say "This is a problem, let's try to fix it." and on the other you're saying "We cant fix it to 100% so let's make some easy money.".
Saying something is againt the rules and banning people for breaking said rules deters peope from breaking rules. Aka, forbid character auctions and less character auctions will happen.
How exactly would you go about policing it then?

I sold my original retail account.
Since then I've played and given away accounts on retail.
I recently gave my character and gold to a friend on ED.
I will play Nostalrius and when I'm done there I will give my account away to someone.

I've never been "caught" doing this, none of the characters/accounts were ever banned. It doesn't matter if this character auction feature exists or not, accounts will always be traded or passed between people.
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